Json Object to Sqlite Database in ios - iphone

I want to push the fetched data of json file to database. Can anyone suggests some solution?

1) First of all you might guess what really you do want to do with that data, because:
you could use things like FMDB https://github.com/ccgus/fmdb.git and store that JSON as string and get it reparsed every time you need it;
also you can use Mogenerator tool https://github.com/rentzsch/mogenerator.git and smth like MagicalRecord library [https://github.com/magicalpanda/MagicalRecord.git] to easily fetch data in n out;
and finally, there's CoreData if you like Apple's choise.


insert msg object to mongodb (node-red)?

We're experimenting with storing data to a MongoDB by using node-red. As it is now, we can store data on the database, but it seems like only the 'msg.payload' is stored (as document) - and not the whole msg object. Which confuses us a little...
The flow is very simple and nothing much has really been done.
We actually dont need ALL data, but we wish to store payload but also metadata as a document to our collection on our database. We've tried searching for an answer to this, but couldn't find anything relevant on how to do this. Hopefully we can get some help on this forum.
Thanks in advance! (btw. we're using mongodb3 on node-red to store data)
The node you are using is working as intended.
The normal pattern for Node-RED is that the focus of any given node is the msg.payload entry, any other msg properties are considered to be meta data.
The simplest thing here would be to use the built in core change node to move the other fields you are interested in to be properties of the msg.payload object.

Trouble working with nested JSON objects on Objective-C

On my iPhone app, I'm getting this response from the server:
I need to save this data to disk, so it can be accessed while offline, and am doing it with NSKeyedArchiver.
I need to save each id_preguntawith its correspondent values, including the array respuestas, which has some objects, too.
How can I break this server response into more manageable data, so I can save it? My current approach is using NSMutableDictionary, but I just can't understand the logic behind this (I'm way too tired).
Thanks in advance.
If you were to serialize this into NSMutableDictionary you could just write the contents of the dictionary to a file. If you need to parse the data into objects (for whatever reason) or you want the general scalability and performance of a database you may want to look at this link to -> Core Data.
However; you did not specify in what form you want the data.
See these in NSDictionary class reference...
- (BOOL)writeToFile:(NSString *)path atomically:(BOOL)flag
+ (id)dictionaryWithContentsOfFile:(NSString *)path`

iPhone Data Structure and accessor code advice

I need a code based solution for storing the following data without using CoreData. Preferably I would be able to access each row based on it's index, and each data field using a key/pair perhaps?
The PHP equivalent of what I'm looking for would be something like;
echo $arr[0]['Image'];
The simplest way is to use an NSMutableArray of NSMutableDictionary objects.
NSMutableArray has a -writeToURL: method you can use to save it to disk.
You can use either plist, sqlite or Any other data storage take look at this link. and if you are using like Sqlite than select query will get the Apple.png.

how to match server database in our local database table in iphone

hi friend
can any one tell me that i have web server there i have create the database for store some value for registration form the value was save in webserver this is working good
but now that data coming in json format and now i have fetch json value and save in to the local database which is same as the webserverdata base both the side ssame table and same colume name is there how can i do this
and how to writ the query for this sitution help me
Various JSON parsers exist for objective c. You'll have to pass the data to a library or to javascript in a webview to extract it. Here is a google library:
If you need help with saving the data, I say with no snideness whatsoever that you should read the manual:

Fetching data from webservice and caching on iphone

I want to access a webservice to fetch alot of data (e.g. product lists/details/search results) and display this.
Are there any best practices for this type of operations?
Performance-wise, is there any better way than retrieving, parsing and displaying text data on each request and maybe load images in the background? Are there any wise caching policies which may be applied?
If I were doing something like this from the ground-up, here's what I'd do:
Have the web site post all the data in XML. Except for maybe the pictures - just have an XML field specify a URL for each picture. So, for example, say I was doing a product list.
Use NSXMLParser to both fetch and parse the XML data.
Use a separate NSData dataWithContentsOfURL: call to fetch the contents of each image, with the URL from the XML data
Write the XML data, (and the NSData image) to a database table with CoreData. Add a indexed timestamp field to the table.
You can now use the timestamp field to keep the newest "x" records in the database - and can purge the older ones if/when you need to.
Use the contents of the database table to populate a UITableView - or however else you want to present.
Make some sort of "next", "prev" or "update" fields in the UITableView to get more data from the web, if you need to display more data than is what is cached - or you want to update the data in the cache.