Makumba - hidden set input field - makumba

I was wondering what is the naming convention for a hidden set mak:input field on the resulting HTML page.
I've tried hunting one down with in the source, but with no success so far.

In general, the naming convention for makumba input fields is the same whether the field is hidden or not.
The difference is mainly in whether you have an external set ( field = set some.mdd ) or internal set (set complex; field = set; field -> subField = ...), and thus whetherr you have only one input field, or a form (mak:addForm) for the set.
In the former case, the input field name is just repeated as parameter in the subsequent form action page as many times as one of the options from the list/checkboxes is selected; in the second case, each field in the subform gets a suffix of the style _1, _2, ... _n


Vue Element UI - Default el-input-number to empty field instead of a number

Creating a form with no values and would like the input field to default to empty for two reasons:
Want users to be able to see the placeholder text.
Having a default number means the users can ignore the field by default. (I know I can validate the field, but that is just a bad user experience.)
The problem:
el-input-number fields default to a number (0 or whatever the :min value is set to).
This covers up the placeholder text.
The users can click save with the default number still in place. (I will validate, but don't want users to have to submit a bad value to know what to do.)
Does anyone know how to make the input field have the default value be just empty?
just give it a default value of undefined

Selecting a field whose label is repeated in subsections

I have a form that has some labels repeated, but in different subsections. Here's an example of part of my form:
I want to be able to choose, for example, the Days from Section A and also the Days from Section B independently. To that end, I've tried using the getByLabelText method:
it('should display correct value for days field', async () => {
const {getByLabelText} = render(<MyForm/>);
const daysElement = await waitForElement(() =>
getByLabelText(/Days/i) as HTMLInputElement
I'm using htmlFor on the label for Days and a matching Id on the associated input element. Each section has a context provided to disambiguate the otherwise matching Ids (e.g. for days). For example:
<Field label={i18n.days} htmlFor={`${name}_days`} value = {<NumberControl name='days' id={`${name}_days`} value={this.state.days}}/>
In this code, ${name} would resolve to something that is different for section A vs section B. (Field and NumberControl would ultimately create label and input elements, setting htmlFor and id values appropriately).
When I use getByLabelText as illustrated above, it obtains the value for Section A. But I also need to obtain the value for Section B. How would I do this?
You have different options depending on your DOM structure.
If you have a way to query your section—for example with a data-testid—you could use within:
within gives you all the query helpers that are returned by render but they are limited to the children of the node you pass to them.
If you can't add a data-testid to your section but you're always sure about the order in which the fields appear on the page you can use getAllByLabelText:
const [firstInput, secondInput] = getAllByLabelText('Days')
Lastly, if none of the above works, you could use the id attributes since they are unique. renderd returns a container element which is just a DOM Node. You can use the regular DOM methods on it:
const { container } = render(<YourForm />)
How you query within your container depends on your DOM structure.
I personally would go with within but it very much depends on your use-case.

TCA configuration: Value of field should be copied to translated record

I am adding a field to the pages table (is a relation to a file) and would like the value of the field in the pages record to be copied to the translated record by default.
Currently, the copied field is empty (default value), which is probably a good idea in most cases.
I am thinking of something that behaves like l10n_mode = prefixLangTitle without the prefix.
Depending on the TYPO3 version this should be possible with one of the following behaviours for the inline field:
Sine the localizeChildrenWithParentLocalization feature is broken with pages and pages_language_overlay though, I guess the only working versions would be CMS 8 or 9 with properly configured language synchronization.
['behaviour']['allowLanguageSynchronization'] => true
if the translated record will use the value from the default field by
default (will effectively be copied), but it should be possible to change
this later.
See as example.
When "Custom value" is selected, the value can be overridden.
Alternativively, use
l10n_mode = exclude
if the field should always have the value of the default language and you
should not be able to change it in the translated record.

Dynamically generated form in PyQt

Let's say I've the following class:
class Person(object):
def __init__(self, attributes):
# Attributes is just a dictionary (string -> value)
self.attributes = attributes
def set_attribute(self, attribute, value):
self.attributes[attribute] = value
# Some other code which may cause the value of other attributes to change,
# or other attributes to be added or deleted too
Now I'd like to create a PyQt dialog with a simple form, but which is dynamically generated (to account for the variable number of attributes). I did this by creating a QFormLayout in a QDialog and adding a row for every attribute the Person object has:
self.formLayout = QtWidgets.QFormLayout()
for attribute in self.person.attributes.keys():
label = QtWidgets.QLabel(self)
lineEdit = QtWidgets.QLineEdit(self)
# or use a checkbox instead of a line edit if the attribute is a boolean,
# combo box if it's an enum or similar, etc.
self.formLayout.addRow(label, lineEdit)
Where onAttributeChanged() calls self.person.set_attribute with the appropriate attribute and the new value inputted by the user.
Now that takes care of updating the model with the user's input values, but the problem I'm facing is how to update the view when set_attribute modifies the person's other attributes (since set_attribute may add or delete other attributes, or change the other attributes' names or values). So far, I've considered to following:
Rebuild the entire form whenever information changes. There's probably something better than this.
Use the Qt signal/slot model, like I did by connecting lineEdit to onAttributeChanged. From what I understand, this means using pyqtSignal to create signals in my Person class representing the attribute names, plus emitting the appropriate signals whenever the names are modified. However, I'd like to keep my Person class intact, and free from any Qt .emit() calls. (Not to say this still doesn't handle the case of attributes being added/removed.)
Ditch the form altogether and use a table view with a QStandardItemModel instead. Not ideal since I really wanted a form and not a table (for the sake of better usability).
Is there some elegant way of handling this kind of dynamic form in PyQt?

Kentico 9 macro for form field visibility

I have a custom page type, and the editor will have the option to enter the following
Image (from media library)
Video (from media library)
YouTube video ID
The field names are as follows
So, if an editor ads a SlideImage, SlideVideo and YouTubeVideoID should not be usable. Same for SlideVideo and YouTubeVideoID.
Within the Visibility Condition fields, i'm going to assume a macro is needed for this. My logic is:
This field visible if Field A or B have data.
A possible approach can be to add an additional field, which determines the field that should be used.
Create a text field (let's say, SlideType) and use a radio button form control with your options:
Tick the "Has depending fields" checkbox for this field, and tick the "Depends on another field" checkbox for the SlideImage, SlideVideo and YouTubeVideoID fields.
Your visibility conditions would then be simplified, instead of checking the values of multiple fields.
For example, the visibility condition for the SlideVideo field would be:
SlideType == "video"
This has a few benefits:
Easy to add new fields and configure the visibility conditions
Easy to check what needs to be rendered in the front-end - in your repeaters and other webparts, you can simply have conditional statements on the SlideType field to determine which field to use
Intuitive for the end user - the interface makes it clear which field is being used
Add this to Visibility condition in Page type field edit:
Fields.SlideImage.Value == String.Empty
Do not forget to set proper Has depending fields and Depends on another field properties depending on your needs. You can learn more about these properties here.
Let's say the column name on which this value of your depending field is "FirstName", so you can write in the dependent field -> Visibility Condition as
FirstName.value != ""
You can twist the conditions for as many conditions as possible and can club more than one condition too.
I am also sharing links with you having a lot of examples from Kentico support
Dependency fields in Kentico
Using dependency fields in forms