using precomputed kernels with libsvm - matlab

I'm currently working on classifying images with different image-descriptors. Since they have their own metrics, I am using precomputed kernels. So given these NxN kernel-matrices (for a total of N images) i want to train and test a SVM. I'm not very experienced using SVMs though.
What confuses me though is how to enter the input for training. Using a subset of the kernel MxM (M being the number of training images), trains the SVM with M features. However, if I understood it correctly this limits me to use test-data with similar amounts of features. Trying to use sub-kernel of size MxN, causes infinite loops during training, consequently, using more features when testing gives poor results.
This results in using equal sized training and test-sets giving reasonable results. But if i only would want to classify, say one image, or train with a given amount of images for each class and test with the rest, this doesn't work at all.
How can i remove the dependency between number of training images and features, so i can test with any number of images?
I'm using libsvm for MATLAB, the kernels are distance-matrices ranging between [0,1].

You seem to already have figured out the problem... According to the README file included in the MATLAB package:
To use precomputed kernel, you must include sample serial number as
the first column of the training and testing data.
Let me illustrate with an example:
%# read dataset
[dataClass, data] = libsvmread('./heart_scale');
%# split into train/test datasets
trainData = data(1:150,:);
testData = data(151:270,:);
trainClass = dataClass(1:150,:);
testClass = dataClass(151:270,:);
numTrain = size(trainData,1);
numTest = size(testData,1);
%# radial basis function: exp(-gamma*|u-v|^2)
sigma = 2e-3;
rbfKernel = #(X,Y) exp(-sigma .* pdist2(X,Y,'euclidean').^2);
%# compute kernel matrices between every pairs of (train,train) and
%# (test,train) instances and include sample serial number as first column
K = [ (1:numTrain)' , rbfKernel(trainData,trainData) ];
KK = [ (1:numTest)' , rbfKernel(testData,trainData) ];
%# train and test
model = svmtrain(trainClass, K, '-t 4');
[predClass, acc, decVals] = svmpredict(testClass, KK, model);
%# confusion matrix
C = confusionmat(testClass,predClass)
The output:
optimization finished, #iter = 70
nu = 0.933333
obj = -117.027620, rho = 0.183062
nSV = 140, nBSV = 140
Total nSV = 140
Accuracy = 85.8333% (103/120) (classification)
C =
65 5
12 38


libsvm: optimization finished, #iter = 1 nu = nan

I use libsvm to train a svm model in matlab, but when I call
model = svmtrain(labels,Feature,'-t 0');
It gives me this result:
optimization finished, #iter = 1
nu = nan
obj = nan, rho = nan
nSV = 0, nBSV = 0
Total nSV = 0
My positive and negative samples are of almost equal number: 935 vs 904 so this problem is not caused by unbalanced training dataset. Also I tried other kernels and none of them work.
You do not want to use svmtrain any more. The new version is templatesvm paired with fitcecoc. The datapages on both functions are quite extensive.
You'll eventually want to use your model to predict other data, use predict for that.
I recently encoutered similar problems when trying to classify terrain in a point cloud with more than two classes. templatesvm and fitcecoc solved my problems.
The code I used is as follows, where trainingdata is my 5 dimensional training data and groups contains the label for each class, which correspond to the cell array classes.
SVMtemp = templateSVM('KernelFunction','polynomial','IterationLimit',1e4,...
'Standardize',true); % Create SVM template
Model = fitcecoc(trainingdata(:,4:8),groups,'learners',SVMtemp,'ClassNames',...
classes); % Create the SVM model

How to classification Hyperspectral data set with LibSVM and training SVM with .mat file?

I am trying to do classification Hyperspectral dataset using LibSVM.
I have two set of data:
one .mat file containing 145*145 pixel in 200 bands.
one .mat file containing 145*145 pixel for 16 classes label(value
from 1 to 16).(background value is 0)
more information in this link: Indain_pines_dataset
My question is: How to sampling specific number or percent pixel of classes for training and testing LibSVM (training_label_vector and testing label vector) for 16 class.
My goal is multiclass classification of This data.
Please help..
I'll give you the general idea :
First select your samples on the ground truth ( 16 classes image) :
Idx = cell (16,1) ;
Sample = zeros(no_samples) ;
for k = 1 : 16
[~,Idx{k}] = find(HSI == k-1) ;
[~,Sample(k)] = datasample(Idx{k},no_samples) ;
Idx is a cell with all the indices of the pixels of each class. The Kth column of Sample contains the members of Idx that were randomly sampled for training purposes.
Now you want to recover the spectral signatures for the training algorithm.
Hr = reshape(HSI,145*145,200) ; to get a 2D array out of the HSI.
class = cell(16,1) ; will contain the training samples for each class.
for k = 1 : 16
class{k} = Hr(Idx{k}(Sample(:),1),:) ;
Now class{1} contains no_samples spectral signatures. I guess that on indian pines 10 samples is plenty. Keep in mind that some clusters are very small (in no of pixels) on this dataset. Good Luck !

Bag of words not correctly labeling responses

I am trying to implement Bag of Words in opencv and has come with the implementation below. I am using Caltech 101 database. However, since its my first time and not being familiar, I have planned to used two image sets from the database, the chair image set and the soccer ball image set. I have coded for the svm using this.
Everything went allright, except when I call classifier.predict(descriptor) , I do not get the label vale as intended. I always get a0 instead of '1', irrespective of my test image. The number of images in the chair dataset is 10 and in the soccer ball dataset is 10. I labelled chair as 0 and soccer ball as 1 . The links represent the samples of each categories, the top 10 is of chairs, the bottom 10 is of soccer balls
function hello
clear all; close all; clc;
detector = cv.FeatureDetector('SURF');
extractor = cv.DescriptorExtractor('SURF');
links = {
N = numel(links);
trainer = cv.BOWKMeansTrainer(100);
train = struct('val',repmat({' '},N,1),'img',cell(N,1), 'pts',cell(N,1), 'feat',cell(N,1));
for i=1:N
train(i).val = links{i};
train(i).img = imread(links{i});
if ndims(train(i).img > 2)
train(i).img = rgb2gray(train(i).img);
train(i).pts = detector.detect(train(i).img);
train(i).feat = extractor.compute(train(i).img,train(i).pts);
for i=1:N
dictionary = trainer.cluster();
extractor = cv.BOWImgDescriptorExtractor('SURF','BruteForce');
for i=1:N
desc(i,:) = extractor.compute(train(i).img,train(i).pts);
a = zeros(1,10)';
b = ones(1,10)';
labels = [a;b];
classifier = cv.SVM;
test_im =rgb2gray(imread('D:\ball1.jpg'));
test_pts = detector.detect(test_im);
test_feat = extractor.compute(test_im,test_pts);
val = classifier.predict(test_feat);
disp('Value is: ')
These are my test samples:
Soccer Ball
Searching through this site I think that my algorithm is okay, even though I am not quite confident about it. If anybody can help me in finding the bug, it will be appreciable.
Following Amro's code , this was my result:
Distribution of classes:
Value Count Percent
1 62 49.21%
2 64 50.79%
Number of training instances = 61
Number of testing instances = 65
Number of keypoints detected = 38845
Codebook size = 100
SVM model parameters:
svm_type: 'C_SVC'
kernel_type: 'RBF'
degree: 0
gamma: 0.5063
coef0: 0
C: 62.5000
nu: 0
p: 0
class_weights: 0
term_crit: [1x1 struct]
Confusion matrix:
ans =
29 1
1 34
Accuracy = 96.92 %
Your logic looks fine to me.
Now I guess you'll have to tweak the various parameters if you want to improve the classification accuracy. This includes the clustering algorithm parameters (such as the vocabulary size, clusters initialization, termination criteria, etc..), the SVM parameters (kernel type, the C coefficient, ..), the local features algorithm used (SIFT, SURF, ..).
Ideally, whenever you want to perform parameter selection, you ought to use cross-validation. Some methods already have such mechanism embedded (CvSVM::train_auto for instance), but for the most part you'll have to do this manually...
Finally you should follow general machine learning guidelines; see the whole bias-variance tradeoff dilemma. The online Coursera ML class discusses this topic in detail in week 6, and explains how to perform error analysis and use learning curves to decide what to try next (do we need to add more instances, increase model complexity, and so on..).
With that said, I wrote my own version of the code. You might wanna compare it with your code:
% dataset of images
% I previously saved them as: chair1.jpg, ..., ball1.jpg, ball2.jpg, ...
d = [
dir(fullfile('images','chair*.jpg')) ;
% local-features algorithm used
detector = cv.FeatureDetector('SURF');
extractor = cv.DescriptorExtractor('SURF');
% extract local features from images
t = struct();
for i=1:numel(d)
% load image as grayscale
img = imread(fullfile('images', d(i).name));
if ~ismatrix(img), img = rgb2gray(img); end
% extract local features
pts = detector.detect(img);
feat = extractor.compute(img, pts);
% store along with class label
t(i).img = img;
t(i).class = find(strncmp(d(i).name,{'chair','ball'},4));
t(i).pts = pts;
t(i).feat = feat;
% split into training/testing sets
% (a better way would be to use cvpartition from Statistics toolbox)
disp('Distribution of classes:')
tTrain = t([1:7 11:17]);
tTest = t([8:10 18:20]);
fprintf('Number of training instances = %d\n', numel(tTrain));
fprintf('Number of testing instances = %d\n', numel(tTest));
% build visual vocabulary (by clustering training descriptors)
K = 100;
bowTrainer = cv.BOWKMeansTrainer(K, 'Attempts',5, 'Initialization','PP');
clust = bowTrainer.cluster(vertcat(tTrain.feat));
fprintf('Number of keypoints detected = %d\n', numel([tTrain.pts]));
fprintf('Codebook size = %d\n', K);
% compute histograms of visual words for each training image
bowExtractor = cv.BOWImgDescriptorExtractor('SURF', 'BruteForce');
M = zeros(numel(tTrain), K);
for i=1:numel(tTrain)
M(i,:) = bowExtractor.compute(tTrain(i).img, tTrain(i).pts);
labels = vertcat(tTrain.class);
% train an SVM model (perform paramter selection using cross-validation)
svm = cv.SVM();
svm.train_auto(M, labels, 'SvmType','C_SVC', 'KernelType','RBF');
disp('SVM model parameters:'); disp(svm.Params)
% evaluate classifier using testing images
actual = vertcat(tTest.class);
pred = zeros(size(actual));
for i=1:numel(tTest)
descs = bowExtractor.compute(tTest(i).img, tTest(i).pts);
pred(i) = svm.predict(descs);
% report performance
disp('Confusion matrix:')
confusionmat(actual, pred)
fprintf('Accuracy = %.2f %%\n', 100*nnz(pred==actual)./numel(pred));
Here are the output:
Distribution of classes:
Value Count Percent
1 10 50.00%
2 10 50.00%
Number of training instances = 14
Number of testing instances = 6
Number of keypoints detected = 6300
Codebook size = 100
SVM model parameters:
svm_type: 'C_SVC'
kernel_type: 'RBF'
degree: 0
gamma: 0.5063
coef0: 0
C: 312.5000
nu: 0
p: 0
class_weights: []
term_crit: [1x1 struct]
Confusion matrix:
ans =
3 0
1 2
Accuracy = 83.33 %
So the classifier correctly labels 5 out of 6 images from the test set, which is not bad for a start :) Obviously you'll get different results each time you run the code due to the inherent randomness of the clustering step.
What is the number of images you are using to build your dictionary i.e. what is N? From your code, it seems that you are only using a 10 images (those listed in links). I hope this list is truncated down for this post else that would be too few. Typically you need in the order of 1000 or much more images to build the dictionary and the images need not be restricted to only these 2 classes that you are classifying. Otherwise, with only 10 images and 100 clusters your dictionary is likely to be messed up.
Also, you might want to use SIFT as a first choice as it tends to perform better than the other descriptors.
Lastly, you can also debug by checking the detected keypoints. You can get OpenCV to draw the keypoints. Sometimes your keypoint detector parameters are not set properly, resulting in too few keypoints getting detected, which in turn gives poor feature vectors.
To understand more about the BOW algorithm, you can take a look at these posts here and here. The second post has a link to a free pdf for an O'Reilley book on computer vision using python. The BOW model (and other useful stuff) is described in more details inside that book.
Hope this helps.

Naive Bayse Classifier for Multiclass: Getting Same Error Rate

I have implemented the Naive Bayse Classifier for multiclass but problem is my error rate is same while I increase the training data set. I was debugging this over an over but wasn't able to figure why its happening. So I thought I ll post it here to find if I am doing anything wrong.
%Naive Bayse Classifier
%This function split data to 80:20 as data and test, then from 80
%We use incremental 5,10,15,20,30 as the test data to understand the error
%Goal is to compare the plots in stanford paper
function[tPercent] = naivebayes(file, iter, percent)
dm = load(file);
for i=1:iter
%Getting the index common to test and train data
idx = randperm(size(,1))
%Using same idx for data and labels
shuffledMatrix_data =,:);
shuffledMatrix_label = dm.labels(idx,:);
percent_data_80 = round((0.8) * length(shuffledMatrix_data));
%Doing 80-20 split
train = shuffledMatrix_data(1:percent_data_80,:);
test = shuffledMatrix_data(percent_data_80+1:length(shuffledMatrix_data),:);
%Getting the label data from the 80:20 split
train_labels = shuffledMatrix_label(1:percent_data_80,:);
test_labels = shuffledMatrix_label(percent_data_80+1:length(shuffledMatrix_data),:);
%Getting the array of percents [5 10 15..]
percent_tracker = zeros(length(percent), 2);
for pRows = 1:length(percent)
percentOfRows = round((percent(pRows)/100) * length(train));
new_train = train(1:percentOfRows,:);
new_train_label = train_labels(1:percentOfRows);
%get unique labels in training
numClasses = size(unique(new_train_label),1);
classMean = zeros(numClasses,size(new_train,2));
classStd = zeros(numClasses, size(new_train,2));
priorClass = zeros(numClasses, size(2,1));
% Doing the K class mean and std with prior
for kclass=1:numClasses
classMean(kclass,:) = mean(new_train(new_train_label == kclass,:));
classStd(kclass, :) = std(new_train(new_train_label == kclass,:));
priorClass(kclass, :) = length(new_train(new_train_label == kclass))/length(new_train);
error = 0;
p = zeros(numClasses,1);
% Calculating the posterior for each test row for each k class
for testRow=1:length(test)
c=0; k=0;
for class=1:numClasses
temp_p = normpdf(test(testRow,:),classMean(class,:), classStd(class,:));
p(class, 1) = sum(log(temp_p)) + (log(priorClass(class)));
%Take the max of posterior
[c,k] = max(p(1,:));
if test_labels(testRow) ~= k
error = error + 1;
avgError = error/length(test);
percent_tracker(pRows,:) = [avgError percent(pRows)];
tPercent = percent_tracker;
Here is the dimentionality of my data
x =
data: [768x8 double]
labels: [768x1 double]
I am using Pima data set from UCI
What are the results of your implementation of the training data itself? Does it fit it at all?
It's hard to be sure but there are couple things that I noticed:
It is important for every class to have training data. You can't really train a classifier to recognize a class if there was no training data.
If possible number of training examples shouldn't be skewed towards some of classes. For example if in 2-class classification number of training and cross validation examples for class 1 constitutes only 5% of the data then function that always returns class 2 will have error of 5%. Did you try checking precision and recall separately?
You're trying to fit normal distribution to each feature in a class and then use it for posterior probabilities. I'm not sure how it plays out in terms of smoothing. Could you try to re-implement it with simple counting and see if it gives any different results?
It also could be that features are highly redundant and bayes method overcounts probabilities.

MATLAB: Naive Bayes with Univariate Gaussian

I am trying to implement Naive Bayes Classifier using a dataset published by UCI machine learning team. I am new to machine learning and trying to understand techniques to use for my work related problems, so I thought it's better to get the theory understood first.
I am using pima dataset (Link to Data - UCI-ML), and my goal is to build Naive Bayes Univariate Gaussian Classifier for K class problem (Data is only there for K=2). I have done splitting data, and calculate the mean for each class, standard deviation, priors for each class, but after this I am kind of stuck because I am not sure what and how I should be doing after this. I have a feeling that I should be calculating posterior probability,
Here is my code, I am using percent as a vector, because I want to see the behavior as I increase the training data size from 80:20 split. Basically if you pass [10 20 30 40] it will take that percentage from 80:20 split, and use 10% of 80% as training.
function[classMean] = naivebayes(file, iter, percent)
dm = load(file);
for i=1:iter
idx = randperm(size(,1))
%Using same idx for data and labels
shuffledMatrix_data =,:);
shuffledMatrix_label = dm.labels(idx,:);
percent_data_80 = round((0.8) * length(shuffledMatrix_data));
%Doing 80-20 split
train = shuffledMatrix_data(1:percent_data_80,:);
test = shuffledMatrix_data(percent_data_80+1:length(shuffledMatrix_data),:);
train_labels = shuffledMatrix_label(1:percent_data_80,:)
test_labels = shuffledMatrix_data(percent_data_80+1:length(shuffledMatrix_data),:);
%Getting the array of percents
for pRows = 1:length(percent)
percentOfRows = round((percent(pRows)/100) * length(train));
new_train = train(1:percentOfRows,:)
new_trin_label = shuffledMatrix_label(1:percentOfRows)
%get unique labels in training
numClasses = size(unique(new_trin_label),1)
classMean = zeros(numClasses,size(new_train,2));
for kclass=1:numClasses
classMean(kclass,:) = mean(new_train(new_trin_label == kclass,:))
std(new_train(new_trin_label == kclass,:))
priorClassforK = length(new_train(new_trin_label == kclass))/length(new_train)
priorClassforK_1 = 1 - priorClassforK
First, compute the probability of evey class label based on frequency counts. For a given sample of data and a given class in your data set, you compute the probability of evey feature. After that, multiply the conditional probability for all features in the sample by each other and by the probability of the considered class label. Finally, compare values of all class labels and you choose the label of the class with the maximum probability (Bayes classification rule).
For computing conditonal probability, you can simply use the Normal distribution function.