GWT widget on bottom without knowing height/size - gwt

I want to have a two widgets to stack up
I want Y to take up as much height as it needs (its static in size, roughly 50px depending on browser font, etc) and remain affixed to the bottom of the screen, and X to take the rest of the vertical space.
X happens to be a scrollpanel with VerticalPanel and more inside, Y is a Grid and I've tried putting them in various containers, but they all seem to want a size for Y (ie. DockLayoutPanel & LayoutPanel). If I specify a size for Y it ends up with white space at the bottom on one browser or another. Any advice?

It's just not possible in HTML/CSS. If you absolutely cannot know the height of Y in advance, the way around it would be to:
Attach this widget somewhere off-screen
Measure it's height using yWidget.getOffsetHeight()
Remove it
Add it to your LayoutPanel and setting the 'bottom' coordinate to 0 and 'height' to the measured height.


What does an overflow mean?

While I debug my flutter app, at certain points I see warnings like this:
Bottom overflow by 1234 pixel
BoxConstraints have a negative value
I suppose, my concept of Flutter viewport / layout isn't correct:
Currently, I image an infinite drawing area, where I declaratively
define widgets.
Widgets, which are too large, get drawn outside the
viewport [or clipped].
Could you please refine my probably wrong concept?
This happens when the size [height, width] exceeds the the total size of the screen.
For example : the aspect ratio height of mobile screen is 500 and the size.height of button is 600, then the Bottom overflow by 100 pixel.
Generally overflow means, that the widget you want to paint on the screen crosses the border of the screen and therefore isn't visible anymore... This can also happen if you implement non scrollable columns in containers of a certain height... Usually, you can wrap your widget in a SingleChildScrollView widget and as a child choose a column/row (depending on the direction you want it to be aligned...) or make a list view and set the scrolldirection property to Axis.vertical or Axis.horizontal...

Unity3d. UI elements snapping/anchoring

I have canvas with vertical layout and 2 elements within (in fact it's element with only recttransform on it, let's call it container). So these 2 containers take a half of the screen by height and stretched by width, ok. How can I place an text element in above container and snap it to the bottom of this container? I tried press bottom button in recttransform widget (also with shift and alt) and it seems it doesn't affect my transform at all
P.s. May be I can use some free plugin instead of default unity components of UI layout?
There are different ways of placing your UI elements
Simply drag and drop it to the bottom where you want it
Use the anchor widget to set the anchoring to bottom with horizontal stretch and hold shift to also set pivot. Then set Pos Y to 0. Set Left and Right to 0.
Assuming you also want other elements in your containers, place a Vertical Layout Group on each container and make sure that your text element is the last child of the container in the hierarchy.
I would also advise you to seek out tutorials on Unity UI anchoring, positioning, scaling, and layout. You need a deeper understanding of how these things interact than you are likely to get from Stack Overflow. Otherwise you will suddenly find that your UI behaves in unexpected ways when rearranged or displayed on a different aspect ratio.
It's fairly easy with Unity UI system. You just need to get used to it. Here are simple steps to accomplish what you want:
Create Text element as a child of that container.
Select your newly created element and edit its RectTransform component values:
2.1. Set both Y axis anchors (min and max) to 0.
2.2. Set pivot value to 0 as well.
2.3. Set Pos Y value to 0 as well.
Now your Text element is anchored at the bottom of the container and its position (and height) is measured from the bottom of the Text element itself.

Unity list item is leaving extra space in high resolution

I have a vertical Scroll List. I have developed this app for resolution 768*1024. In this resolution my List is working fine. But when I run my app in higher resolution(1440*2960) it leave some space around all 4 direction.
I have also tried with changing Layout element min height dynamically, but Spacing issue is still exist.
Vertical and horizontal layout set element position in (screen width/height divided by a number of elements) * element number, in other words, they space out all elements evenly across canvas space. To achieve what you want you either have to enable child control size -> height option or write a script that aligns your elements in the center of the screen and one after another taking in consideration their height.

How do I create a wide ag-grid without clipping or scrolling?

How do I make an ag-grid instance of arbitrary width, as determined by columns, without horizontal scrolling (on the element) and without clipping?
So, if I have 20 columns averaging 100 pixels wide, then the grid is 2000 pixels wide (and will make the BROWSER horizontal scroll appear). The grid will not have its own horizontal scroll and will not be clipped to whatever the browser width is.

Matlab - change height of the text field on the whole figure

Is there a way to change the height of a text field on the whole figure without changing the x and y position?
To change we must use the position, which requires to change the coordinates. I would like to change only the height, without changing x and y.
Just store the current x and y, and use those in your set call like so:
old_pos = get(text_field_handle,'Position');
Well, you can change the FontSize property, this won't change the coordinates, but will increase width as well as height. See Text Properties in the doc for more details.
I am assuming you are working with uicontrol('style','text').
From the uicontrol properties you have:
position rectangle
*Size and location of uicontrol*. The rectangle defined by this property
specifies the size and location of the control within the parent figure
window, uipanel, or uibuttongroup. Specify Position as:
[left bottom width height]
where left and bottom define the distance from the lower-left corner of the
container to the lower-left corner of the rectangle. width and height are the
dimensions of the uicontrol rectangle.
You can then just change the width and height keeping the original left and bottom.
One can set the Margin property of a text object to increase the height of the object without changing the fontsize, but this influences both the height and the width of the text object. I am not sure what it means to make the height smaller than what Matlab thinks is the text height, so I will assume you are interested in increasing the size.
Increasing the height of the text object is relatively easy if you are willing to use the LaTeX interpreter. You just need to add an "empty" box of whatever height you want:
text(0.5, 0.25, 'Hello World\parbox{\textwidth}{\vspace{1in}}', 'Interpreter', 'LaTeX', 'BackgroundColor',[1, 0, 0]);
This won't increase the height by exactly 1 inch, instead it will be more like 1 inch minus a baseline skip. Determining the actual height increase in displayed units adds even more problems. You might be able to change the height with unicode characters, and hence skip the LaTeX interpreter, but I have no idea how.