How might I build a full UI for a piece of Matlab numerical code? [closed] - matlab

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Closed 11 years ago.
I am researching building a full UI for a piece of Matlab numerical code. I can of course port the code to another platform and build the UI in the usual suspects (Qt, Java, etc), but it would be much preferable to communicate with the scientists on the project to retain the code in Matlab.
What is the recommended approach here? I found some old (ca 2007) tutorial on building UI for Matlab, but nothing really good. There is also "MATLAB Advanced GUI Development" (Scott T. Smith), which is very on-topic but dates back all the way to 2006.
So what's the modern approach to building a UI for Matlab? What are the recommended references?
The UI aims to provide data visualization as 2D plots, not in strict realtime but under a second, and some minor interactive capabilities (e.g selecting options or click-selecting coordinates).

GUIDE is very limited and a pain when used in 'larger' projects. Therefore I suggest to use MATLAB's seamless integration of Java. Undocumented Matlab is an excellent source for Java/MATLAB integration.
Making use of the 'undocumented' areas of MATLAB, a 'dockable' window can be integrated into MATLAB's IDE. Just execute the following code as m-file.
import javax.swing.*;
panel = JPanel();
dt.addClient(panel, 'MyPanel');

The topic is very broad, it depends also on your time constrains and general knowledge of GUI frameworks like Java Swing. I think there is no one best answer but these links could still help:
Software engineering and patterns in Matlab GUI application?
How can I program a GUI in MATLAB?
how to implement the idea of mvc design in matlab gui's
Software engineering and patterns in Matlab GUI application?
Is the MATLAB gui creator GUIDE as awful as I think? Is there an alternative?
Breaking from for loop in MATLAB GUI
MATLAB programming best practices


Which is good for Video Processing applications opencv or matlab? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
I am working on Multiple Object Tracking algorithms. Which tool is most suited to develop my own algorithm OpenCV or Matlab ?
Matlab is a faster way to develop algorithms and testing existing systems. However, when it comes down to producing a commercial and portable application you need open source libraries like openCV. Especially some heavy weight algorithms like object tracking can be quite slow in Matlab while openCV has optimized builtin methods and algorithms about your subject already
I have been working with OpenCV for quite some time and I have to say it is a great tool. The new documentation is much, much better than the old one and the ease of opening multiple camera streams is awesome. I have no experience with Matlab so by bias is pretty high.
OpenCV can be used with many different languages (Again, I don't know about Matlab) including C, C++ and Python. I have found that the Python interface is really nice as they use Numpy arrays for manipulating data.
Here is a simple example of some Python code some students wrote to track both white Frisbees and rectangular targets.

Overview of implementing Kinect and Unity 3D Integration [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I am looking to make a simple game project in the Unity 3D environment, that utilises the Kinect to have a game character mimic what occurs in real life. I am trying to achieve this in the shortest time possible. I am a relatively new programmer fluent in Python and with some knowledge of Java.
So I've been reading all over the internet about guides on Unity 3D, libraries like Zigfu, the Kinect, etc... But it's all scattered and presumes quite a lot of knowledge, so I was hoping someone could offer clarification.
What packages are needed to achieve this (I hear terms like XNA, Zigfu, Microsoft SDK being thrown around), and what would you recommend based on the circumstances?
What resources are good, and where should I start. I want to try reduce redundancies (a lot of Unity tutorials cover stuff like rockets, life bars, etc that I'm not interested in). I'm a bit overwhelmed with the multitude of tutorials, and a lot of them seem very involved time-wise, and I'm just interested in getting something up as fast as possible.
Will I need to learn another programming language / which would be the best to use to achieve these goals?
I just tried Motion Toolkit package from Unity asset store. It is based on Omek Beckon middleware and actually offer a sample that does exactly what you want, an avatar that is animated by movements of a person in real life.
It is implemented in C# though, but integrated very good into Unity, So I guess you'll be able to use Boo (which is Unity scripting language based on Python)

The best tool for visualizing ontologies? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I am looking to visualize ontologies for understanding and making others understand. I would prefer to have top-down hierarchy of classes. I have used OntoGraph which comes with Protégé, but I am not happy with the figure :(. I have also used Microsoft Visio and stencils available for Ontology, but that too has not impressed me.
Through this question I would like to know which is the best tool for visualizing an ontology for general purpose, and/or for specific purpose (like writing an academic paper).
I do not have complete answer for your specific problem, but you may try to review the Mike Bergman's list of tools (for ontology visualization).
Note, RDF is a graph, so you may be able to use any graph-visualization software. "Only" need to map RDF to tool-specific model.
While not an ontology specific tool, thejit is a very nice javascript visualization toolkit. I've used it in the past for custom semweb-related visualizations. You won't get much out of the box support but if you don't mind putting in some coding time, you can get some nice looking graphs.
I can highly recommend you to utilize the graphical editor of TopBraid Composer Maestro Edition. The graphics are not the most beautiful ones. However, it's interactive ;-)

Code generation with Machine learning [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
I am very interested in machine learning. i have an idea to develop a program which can generate a source code according to a given standards. for example if i have trained the system to how to write something to console and the standard way of using variables then it should be able to generate a source code for anything which i ask to print something to the console, likewise. Is there any resources source codes or existing open source projects?
You might be interested in Genetic Programming. It's a genetic algorithm that operates directly on programs.
The demo I saw used Lisp (Common Lisp, I think), which is a natural fit, but any language with eval should be decently easy to use.
The Wikipedia page lists a whole pile of implementations, many of them open source, so you should be able to start there.
This sounds like this is would be a Constraint Satisfaction [CSPs] or Search Problem, these approaches would probably be your best bet:
Genetic Algorithm
Some sort of goal seaking heuristic [with negative/positive reenforcements]
The algorithms that are under the CSP category.

What are good criteria for grading programming assignments? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I'm going to be teaching a scripting and tool development class to a group of 3D animators. In amongst teaching them coding fundamentals, I plan to have them pick a repetitive task they must perform frequently and have them iteratively develop a tool to automate or simplify this task as an assignment.
What I'd like to know are some criteria that can be used for grading programming assignments such as these? Some of the criteria I came up with were:
Does It Work - Does the tool perform it's task, does it break on certain cases, etc.
Code Cleanliness - Has the code been properly indented, is their coding style consistent, etc.
Documentation - Are functions well documented, are any "clever" bits of code commented, is it under-commented or over-commented, etc.
Efficiency - Has the script been optimized to run quickly, has a lot of unnecessary optimization been done on a task that isn't run very often, etc. (This one I'm not going to put to much emphasis on since these aren't professionally developed tools usually the tool working is more important than speed)
Are there any others?
Clarity. It's important that their code be comprehensible to anyone competent who should chance to open the file.
Does the way the student went about the exercise indicate that they have paid attention to what was taught in class?
You are right to look beyond "does it work"; look for general approach and "craftsmanship".
Do you teach the importance of testing? Look for test cases.
If they had freedom to choose their tools, did they choose wisely?
(no plagarism, obviously)
Are the invariants documented? Are there any unit tests?
Is the entire script broken up into modules or other units of about the right size?
(The inability to break up codes of over 100 lines is a bugbear of beginning programmers.)
Tell Them how it is going to work in terms of file locations etc. Provide one set of data for Them to test ón and another for testing their solutions.