Error code 100 (Can only call this method on valid test users for your app) - facebook

getting the error {"error":{"message":"(#100) Can only call this method on valid test users for your app","type":"OAuthException"}} whenever trying to write to any facebook end point. Reading (GET) works fine, writing (POST) fails. Does anybody know how to resolve this?
I have also opened a ticket on FB dev site:
The problem does not occur is I would shoot the POST request from my browser as if I am the user.
The problem does occurs only when sending from our servers on behalf of the user from one of our dev machines which have other subdomain names instead of www (such as &, while the app is registered to
So the question is, does facebook attempt to do a reverse DNS lookup on all write requests to verify the source?

I believe your requirement is to get the user details of the owner of Facebook access token (normally the currently logged in user)
For that you have to issue a GET request and not a POST request.
The reason why it works when fired from the browser is that when you submit a query through the address bar it is send as a GET request, and when sent from your server it is send as POST and fails producing the error message mentioned in your post.
Facebook doesn't do a reverse DNS lookup on your write request and not need to configure anything in your server related to it.
Hope the answer is clear enough for you.


Https website calling REST APIs - How to secure?

Background checks:
I read through several blogs but unable to find anything specific around this question.
Below is the architecture:
HTTPS website (no login needed) have common LIKE button.
Upon clicking, user enters email address and solves CAPTCHA and click SAVE button.
Rest call is made with data and DB stores the values.
Now if someone try to call Rest from say POSTMAN, there is no way to authenticate whether call is coming from Https website or somewhere else.
Is there any way to ensure that Rest will understand whether call is coming from https site only in order to process request further?

Laravel 5.2 user management through RESTful API (looking for an alternative to Route::auth())

I would think this question has been asked 1,000 times, but I actually haven't been able to find it anywhere (at least not for Laravel 5.2). I'm trying to implement user admin functionality through a RESTful API (I'm not talking about OAuth2, I already got that up and running). Basically, I need all the stuff Route::auth() does through a web interface, but I want to do it without the web interface and without the redirects that Route::auth() returns.
It seems like I can send POST requests to the underlying routes of Route::auth() (register, login, logout, password...) and it properly validates the POST and acts, but there's no useful data returned and it always redirects to / as the response. For example, if I register a new user, it creates the account correctly and redirects to /, but there's no "success" message. If I try to register a new user with an email address that's already in the user table, it catches that the user already exists and does not create a duplicate, but the response doesn't indicate that. It still just redirects to / with no other response. I don't get any sort of error code or message to tell my app that the user already exists.
Before anyone links to jwt-auth, I've looked at it already and I don't think it does what I'm talking about here.
Is there something I'm missing or do I need to re-write all of these routes and auth methods for proper API functionality?

What is Callback URL in Facebook webhook page subscription?

I'm trying to stream the real time public feeds using Facebook Web-hook API. Here I'm trying to set up a page subscription in Web-hook console. There is a field called Callback URL. What is this URL about?
I have also tried going through the documentation for Setting up callback URL. but I Couldn't figure out.
Cant the callback URL be SSL localhost? Whenever I try to give a localhost URL i get a error message "Unable to verify provided URL".
You can forward the request to localhost with the following:
Download and install ngrok from
./ngrok http 8445
Subscribe your page to the Webhooks using verify_token and https://<your_ngrok_io>/webhook as callback URL.
Talk to your bot on Messenger!
Facebook will make a request to that URL from their servers to deliver the updates – so of course it has to be publicly reachable over the internet, which a localhost address obviously isn’t.
Facebook will send a request to that URL if any data for the object and fields that you subscribed for changes. And what the data structure looks like, is described in the docs. For page fields it returns the new content directly; for user fields it will only tell you which fields have changed, so that you can then make a request for that data.
You can only get real-time updates for pages that you have admin access to. And the Public Feed API is not deprecated; but access to it is limited to a small set of Facebook partners. You can not apply to become one – if you absolutely need this kind of data, then you’ll have to contact one of those partners and have them develop a solution for you.
I think it means that you need a server which has a fixed IP address. If you want to use the real time update from the Facebook, you need to build a server which receive the post request from Facebook and meanwhile keep a long connection to you endpoint so that the endpoint can receive message pushed by the server.
You have to write a webhook to get the fb request from fb server as well as the webhook should be running in a public ip address, this public url is the one to be filled it out on the callback url box. So that the fb server could update you through the url which is nothing but the url of running webhook. To get the public url address for fb recognising your webhook, you can use ngrok or can host your webook in heroku.

Error response client_not_active when trying to obtain access token using curl

I'm going step-by-step Nest REST Quick Guide and now blocked with error response during attempts to obtain an access token.
Response is:
{"error":"client_not_active","error_description":"client is not active","instance_id":"here_is_something_looks_like_guid"}
I've checked Error Messages Guide, and it helps me a lot to understand that "Client not active". Useful, huh?
So which client and how to activate it?
I have a home simulator working, also I've registered a so-called 'product', which I want to develop (so I have Product ID, Product Secret, Authorization URL and Access Token URL).
For all operations I've used curl.
However with Firefox addon which sends POST data I'm able to obtain the access_token. So I keep the question, but so far will stick to browser.
This means the your product/client has been deactivated, most likely due to a violation of the Terms of Service. Is the problem consistently occurring?

I'm unable to de-authorize callback

I want to delete record of those peoples who have remove app from their application's list, to do this I have entered that URL where I make a code to delete record of active user from my database in de-authorize callback. But still I'm unable to de-authorize users from by db.
Edit: See Facebook Deauthorize Callback over HTTPS for what my original problem really was. Summary: Improper web server configuration on my part.
Original answer was:
One potential problem has to do with https based deauthorize callbacks. At least some SSL certificates are not compatible with the Facebook back end servers that send the ping to the deauthorize callback. I was only able to process the data once I implemented a callback on an http based handler.
Some things to check...
That the URL of your server is visible from facebook's servers (ie not 192.168 or 10.0 unless you've got proper firewall and dns config).
Try using an anonymous surfing service and browsing to the URL you gave facebook - do you see a PHP Error?
Increase the loglevel for PHP and Apache/IIS to maximum and see if you get any more information
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