Eclipse console turned into black background after installing aptana plugin - eclipse

I have installed in my eclipse (3.7.1) that i use for Java(JDT) development, aptana plugin because i'm working on some web project sometimes, now my console view have black background also when i'm in Java perspective ...
Why ?
How can i restore the default withe background of the console when i'm in Java perspective ? How can i do ?
As you can see from the screenshot above the name of the console now is : "Aptana Scripting Console" , Why ?
The strange thing is that when i run the application in debug mode the console turn automatically with the default white background, and when i remove the debug instance the console turn black background again ...
Can i change the background color of a view for a specific perspective ?
Switching to Eclipse theme from Preferences > Aptana Studio > Themes i had my Console view white again, but remain the fact that the console is named "Aptana Scripting Console",
seems that aptana override the default eclipse console .
If i try to open the standard JDT Console, i can't because i don't have it in the list, the console appear only when i start debug my application :
Maybe could be a bug of the plugin, or an incompatibility of eclipse with the plugin ...

You could change the theme from Preferences > Aptana Studio > Themes. The default is Aptana Studio, which has the black background, and you could switch to Eclipse.
You could also disable Enable Invasive Themes from the same preferences page to just turn off Aptana theming on Eclipse views.

On the right side there shall be a monitor-like icon with a down-arrow. Check if you have the standard console in that drop-down list.

I don't know about Aptana, but CDT had a similar issue a while back caused by a race condition when accessing the preference store. Maybe Aptana has fallen in the same trap?
The workaround for CDT was to manually reset the console background color, but since I don't have Aptana, I can't help you any further.


Remove part of toolbar eclipse [duplicate]

I have installed Eclipse Mars and have also installed the Jboss Tools from the eclipse marketplace.
My issue is that after installing the JBoss tools, I seem to have a set of controls for the server in my menu bar, that have been created in the Early Learning Centre style. I've tried the Window > Perspective > Customize Perspective menu option, but still I am left with this awful menu. Does anyone know how to stop it from showing on my toolbar?
Ok, After some more specific searching, I found the answer at this link:
"To disable the new Launch Bar, select Window > Preferences >
Run/Debug > Launching > Launch Bar > uncheck [ ] Enable the Launch
and it works a charm!

How can I remove Eclipse Mars Jboss Tools Toolbar item

I have installed Eclipse Mars and have also installed the Jboss Tools from the eclipse marketplace.
My issue is that after installing the JBoss tools, I seem to have a set of controls for the server in my menu bar, that have been created in the Early Learning Centre style. I've tried the Window > Perspective > Customize Perspective menu option, but still I am left with this awful menu. Does anyone know how to stop it from showing on my toolbar?
Ok, After some more specific searching, I found the answer at this link:
"To disable the new Launch Bar, select Window > Preferences >
Run/Debug > Launching > Launch Bar > uncheck [ ] Enable the Launch
and it works a charm!

How to hide/disable CDT launchbar?

I've updated my Eclipse IDE recently and a new launchbar appeared after the CDT update.
I really don't like it, which is why I'm trying to get rid of it. I haven't yet found a way to hide or disable it...
Do you know how I could do this ?
Here's a snapshot of the launchbar :
The LaunchBar ( comes as a dependency of "C/C++ Qt Support" (, so you need to either un-install the Qt Support CDT component, or disable the LaunchBar in Eclipse preferences:
The launchbar used to come as a plugin for the CDT, which is probably how you got it, but it was later (in the Mars release) was moved to be a standalone feature - which is probably what #Doug Schaefer refers to.
If you have the new version of the Launch Bar that is installed as a feature, you can go to Help -> About Eclipse and click the "Installation Details" button. In the "Installation Details" under "Installed Software" you should see the "Launch Bar" and be able to uninstall it. Note that if you had the Launch Bar installed previously as a plugin, it will still remain on your system after you have removed the Launch Bar feature.
Regardless if you have the feature version or the plugin version (or both), you can also just hide it using the Eclipse preferences: Run/Debug -> Launching -> Launch Bar, and there would be 2 or 3 check boxes - just uncheck all of them (or just the first actually) and you should be good to go.
I'm not sure how you got it. The LaunchBar isn't part of the CDT. Only the new Arduino CDT uses it.
To remove it, find the org.eclipse.launchbar feature and uninstall it.

how to do interactive debug on nodeclipse

I am running Eclipse Kepler 2 on Windows 7 with latest nodeclipse installed and nodejs
When I debug, I don't understand why i cannot enter into the console box to see the values of variable (like in pydev). This document tells me to use "Expression View". But is there a way to enter into interactive console of eclipse to get output with nodeclipse plugin?
Here is what is installed in my eclipse.
Also, I see that there is a separate interactive console (see image), but i can't seem to enter anything over there. Am i missing some plugins? I tried installing eclipse plugin - chromedevtools and nothing.
Nodeclipse is already shipped with chromedevtools (0.3.9 versus Google chromedevtools that were 0.3.8)
is there a way to enter into interactive console of eclipse to get output with nodeclipse plugin?
It should be tested and/or developed at
BTW: Hint Right-click on Perspective tabs panel and select Hide text. The toolbar panel will be more compact.

SpringSource Tool Suite Change Themes

When I became aware of Sublime, I noticed the benefits of dark themes to your workspace. But since Sublime doesn't have support for Grails at the moment, I search for ways to theme STS or SpringSource Tool Suite and I reached to this article. I tried the plugin and it worked well. Unfortunately, only the Editor area was change by the plugin.
The question is how I change the Color and Fonts of the whole STS or Eclipse?
Go to Windows->Preferences->General->Appearance->Select the theme you want.
download the plugin here :
If you are on Eclipse 3.6 (Helios), the easiest way to install the plugin is from the Eclipse Marketplace. Go to Help→Eclipse Marketplace..., then search for Eclipse Color Theme and install it.
If you are on Eclipse 3.5 (Galileo), go to Help→Install New Software..., press Add Site and enter Eclipse Color Theme as the name and as the URL. Then select the new entry from the select box labeled Work with, mark Eclipse Color Theme for installation and proceed.
Please note: If you are using a version of the plugin lower than 0.6, please uninstall and reinstall it following the instructions above. Update site and plugin ID have changed.
After the installation, go to Window→Preferences→General→Appereance→Color Theme to change the color theme.
If you use the current STS milestone (STS 3.0.0), then it is possible, because the underlying Eclipse 4 is now completely themeable. There are already some themes available, however you should consider them beta.
Here is a place to pick a color theme for your editing window:
1. Changing theme of Spring Tool Suite without downloading any plugin.
(For using Darkest Dark Theme see option 2)
First, go to
Window > Preferences
Then in Preferences dialog go to
General > Appearance
after that select *Dark in the dropdown for Theme, after that click on Apply, then on Apply and Close
Then restart STS once so your STS will look like this
2. Changing theme of Spring Tool Suite by downloading Darkest Dark plugin.
First go to
Help > Eclipse Marketplace...
Then in Eclipse Marketplace dialog search for Darkest Dark and then click on Go.
After that from the search results install the plugin named Darkest Dark Theme with DevStyle
After that with default options selected click on Confirm
Then accept the license and click on Finish
Then let the software install
After installation completes click on Restart in the pop up
Then in the welcome screen click on Next
After that select Darkest Dark Theme and click on Next
Then let the STS launch with Darkest Dark Theme
Then click on Continue in the Tweak the Workbench dialog
Then your STS will look like this
You can go to Marketplace Eclipse and search for Darkest Dark Theme. As the name says a pretty cool dark theme.