Embeded Video No Longer Works - facebook

So we have a series of movie trailers that we have been embedding in Facebook, and they worked up until the recent changes. This means, when you embedded them, they displayed an image and you could play the video.
Now they suddenly stopped working. I have gone over the Open Graph tags, and they seem correct, but obviously something is missing.
Do you see anything with this link that is in error http://www.totaleclips.com/test-Player/Facebook.aspx?eclipid=e95147&bitrateid=267&vendorid=1011&FB=1
Any advice is appreciated

This may not be the only/core issue but your og:url tag is pointing to http://www.Image-Entertainment.com which means Facebook will go to THAT url and take the tags from there - the og:url tag should point to the canonical URL for a piece of content
In this case, if it's just a test it should probably point to http://www.totaleclips.com/test-Player/Facebook.aspx?eclipid=e95147&bitrateid=267&vendorid=1011&FB=1 - in production it should probably point to whichever URL is the permanent URL for the video, that URL must have the correct meta tags (also).
You should run your URL through the Facebook debugger - it may not always be entirely clear what the issue is (especially where there's HTTP or og:url redirects taking place) but it shows what Facebook is detecting on your page


Facebook Sharer has suddenly stopped working for me

I have a LAMP website which allows users to share a graph on Facebook. It was woking fine until May 1st but now whenever I try to share, I just get a grey box.
My site was using sharer.php to do the sharing and giving as the url a document which would generate a single graph, and in it's og:image and og:image:url tags I put a url which points to some code which generates an 800 x 400 png of the same graph. If I copy either url into a browser, they render exactly what I would expect, but if I post the same url to the Sharing Debugger tool, it gives me a blank image.
I have noticed that although clicking the Scrape Again button usually calls the url which renders the image as a png, every now and then it does not, but there is no indication as to why and the Scraped URL page shows exactly the page I would expect with the correct og:image tags.
I have tried changing from using sharer.php to the FB.ui 'share' method, but this has not fixed the issue.
I have also tried asking in the Facebook Developer Community but have had no response. I even tried to raise a bug with Facebook, but it won't let me.
This is driving me nuts. I just don't understand why it has suddenly stopped working. Have I missed something or has Facebook changed anything in the Sharer functionality? Is there any other way to debug this ?
Update: After a lot of tinkering I have found out that this only affects my account, and it affects anything I share on Facebook, not just things from my own site. Furthermore, it's only the preview of the shared page which is not working. What actually gets posted to Facebook is the correct image. I have tried multiple PC's and multiple browsers and it always fails even if I switch off all anti-virus/anti-malware/firewalls etc. Bizarrely, if I share from my phone, it works!

Facebook Sharer Can't See OG:IMAGE Tag At First Check

I am trying to share this url via facebook(change RANDOM_STRING with any random string because of facebook cache):
at first try facebook will decide picture which is there is a men. Refresh facebook page and try again share with same url at this time picture will be changed and you will see keyboard image which is correct image.
og:image tag is always correct why this is happening ?
How can I prevent ?
Run your URL through the Facebook Object Debugger to make sure that your OG image tag is correctly being picked up by Facebook. This will also force a re-cache of the image.
I ran it through quickly and there were a couple errors that came up. Primarily missing URL and title OG tags. You'll want to have these to avoid circular redirects. See here: Debugged
I would personally remove that cache bust all together. It's confusing Facebook because it looks like a directory. If anything, use a query string.

Facebook displays the wrong og:image tag when sharing

Upon sharing a link on Facebook with og:image and og:video tags it will, under the right conditions, consistently display the wrong thumbnail image. Our clients are having this problem but unfortunately I cannot consistently replicate the conditions under which this issue occurs.
Go to the QVC UK Facebook page and look for video shares (example post). You'll see that the thumbnail for the video is the QVC logo when it should be the image given in the og:image tag. When putting the link through Facebook's debug tool the correct image is displayed with no content warnings or errors. This only seems to be happening when the URL is shared for the first time as subsequent shares will display the correct image. The image is present on our CDN before the URL is shared on Facebook. When I did manage to luckily replicate this issue; running the debugger before sharing on Facebook did not seem to solve the problem.
Am I missing something obvious, is there something wrong with my meta tags or could this be a potential facebook bug?
I've seen that multiple people are recording the same sort of problem on Facebook however only this bug has been left open (as of June 21st). In a related bug report Facebook mention that their crawlers don't only look at the image in the og tag but also look for other relevant images within the page.
Is it possible that it is seeing the QVC logo used so many times on the page that it decides to randomly overwrite the one specified?
This only seems to be a problem when sharing to Facebook pages as opposed to a user's timeline. Changing the image URL seems to have temporarily fixed the problem. This looks like a Facebook bug

Facebook like button - Circular redirect path deteted

Hopefully, someone here can give me some light. I have been researching this issue for a couple of days now, and cannot find a suitable solution.
First of all, I have used the facebook debugger and I understand what the error is, except that I am not sure how to fix it. You can see it here:
I guess, facebook wants me to use either www.viewrecalls.com/show or www.viewrecalls.com in my og:url tag, as both of them passes the validation; however, if I do that, then the information displayed in Facebook will not be the information from the original link, and the user will be redirected to an URL that is not the original one or intended one. I am not sure how to resolve this issue.
My website queries an API and lists the query results. Once you click on a result from the listing page, it goes to a "show" page, where the details of the item clicked is shown. I have "long" QueryString going and one of the parameters is an URL. The QueryString is however encoded, and everything works perfectly, except that the facebook debugger gives me that validation error, and the button is not showing a count, it only shows 0 even though it posts to my facebook wall.
Any help will be greatly appreciated!
Point your og:url tag (on the URL you're pointing a Like button at) to the URL you actually want the user to like, which has the metadata for that URL - image, title, etc
A circular redirect path almost always means an og:url tag on a page points to another page, which redirects (either by og:url, a canonical ref tag or a HTTP redirect) back to the first page or another page in the redirect chain.
Facebook's Debug Tool should show you the steps followed and where the redirect is
In your case, i'm not 100% sure, but it looks like part of your URL has a & encoded in it, which may be the problem.
I manually curl
and get an og:url tag of
which, when i curl THAT, has an og:url of
it looks like another & is being added into the URL each time and recursing - should the ampersand not be encoded in a URL as %26?

Canonical OG URL fails in URL linter because of redirect

I recently changed domain name for my site and migrated my content. Most URLs from the old site use a 301 redirect to the new site, as you would guess.
In an effort to retain FB like and comment data, I kept the og:url property set to the old URL, since it is the original and canonical identifier in Open Graph. I implemented in August, and it was working properly, with previous like data retained. Now it is not working and showing previous like data, and fails in the URL Debugger.
Here is an example from the new site:
In URL Debuggger, it now returns this error:
There was an error in fetching the object at URL 'http://seattle.findwell.com/million-things-to-do-seattle/washington-brewers-festival-2011/', or one of the the URLs specified via a redirect or the 'og:url' property including one of http://www.hometalkin.com/seattle/million-things-to-do-seattle/washington-brewers-festival-2011/.
Nothing has changed in my OG tags. Has something changed with canonical URL in open graph that causes it to fail when a redirect is in place?
This page:
has this og:url:
<meta content="http://www.hometalkin.com/seattle/million-things-to-do-seattle/washington-brewers-festival-2011/"
property="og:url" />
but when you actually go to (in fact - when Facebook crawler tries to go to) this URL from og:url the site redirects you back to:
This is a circular reference.
In order to fix it you need to change your og:url to:
I actually had a very difficult time with this when I was first starting out as a developer.
I made a tool for this exact purpose -- as I thought it might be helpful to others:
Facebook/Open Graph Like Button Generator
It generates (and stores) the open graph tag(s) so you don't need to put them in your page and the 'Redirect URL' tells it where to send all the traffic.
It detects the Facebook bot/scraper too so it won't interfere with anything :)
Good luck
I had exactly the same problem.
I have changed my website url and I have over 40.000 radios with fb likes and comments.
I spend days and days reading and checking the forum and I did not find the answer...
Here is what to do:
1. In the og canonical, you need to put your old website url
2. In the Iframe url, you can put both. The result of the likes, will be the addition of the likes of the ogcanonical + the likes of the Iframe
An this will not work (and this is why I spent so much time USELESS) untill you validate those setup with FB
Best regards.