Lisp List Printing - lisp

I am having some troubles regarding the lisp format function. I have the following list:
((X X X)(X X X X X X)(X X X X X X X X X))
and I need to print it in the following format:
Any thoughts on how to achieve this? The format function is kinda confusing and the HyperSpec documentation doesn't seem to do anything for me. Thanks.

Like every tool format has its limitations and it's not suited for such problems very well. Probably the best you can get with plain format without resorting to black magic tricks with ~? or ~/, that you or anyone else probably won't understand in the future, is this code:
CL-USER> (format t "~{~{~A ~}~%~}"
'((X X X) (X X X X X X) (X X X X X X X X X)))
If you want to get your sophisticated output structure, try to do some pre-processing.
Like, if the format of the list is hard-coded, you can use this:
(format t "~{~{~6A~} ~%~}"
(mapcar (lambda (l)
(loop :for i :from 0 :to (1- (length l)) :by (/ (length l) 3)
:collect (format nil "~{~A ~}"
(subseq l i (+ i (/ (length l) 3))))))
'((X X X) (X X X X X X) (X X X X X X X X X))))
Here we first collect the items of a list into same number of groups for each list, print them and this way get 3 lists with the same number of elements, which can then be processed by format.
You can find out more about format in the appropriate chapter of Peter Seibel's excelent Lisp book:
If you have a variable number of lists, with each one being twice bigger than the previous one, you'll also need to prepare the format string beforehand:
CL-USER> (defun format-custom-list (list)
(format t (format nil "~~{~~{~~~DA~~} ~~%~~}" (* 2 (length list)))
(mapcar (lambda (l)
(let* ((len (length l))
(len/3 (/ len 3)))
(loop :for i :from 0 :to (1- len) :by len/3
:collect (format nil "~{~A ~}"
(subseq l i (+ i len/3))))))
CL-USER> (format-custom-list '((X X X) (X X X X X X) (X X X X X X X X X)
(X X X X X X X X X X X X)))
(The trailing nil is the output of format, which isn't printed to the output stream t. If you want to get a string out of this function use nil as format's output stream.)

I'm assuming you want to print each list, inserting spaces to make elements fit max list length.
Though I believe it is possible to print this with nearly single format call, it is better to split printing into several functions:
(defun format-list (stream lst space-count)
(let ((spaces (make-string 5 :initial-element #\Space))) ;; create string of spaces to insert
(let ((fmt (concatenate 'string "~{~a" spaces "~}~%")) ;; create formatting string
(format stream fmt lst)))))
(defvar full-list '((X X X)(X X X X X X)(X X X X X X X X X)))
(defvar max-list-length (max (mapcar length full-list))) ;; find length
#'(lambda (lst) (format-list t lst (/ (- max-list-length (length lst)) (length lst))))
For X + Space * (NumRows - CurrentRowNumber) condition you can next function instead of 2 last lines in my original code (in functional style, you can also use loop instead of reduce to make it less functional and more CL-like):
(format-list-of-lists (lst)
(let ((num-rows (length lst)))
(reduce #(lambda (cur-row sub-list) (format-list t sub-list (- num-rows cur-row)) (1+ cur-row))


(Chez) Scheme macro for hiding lambdas

I would like to write a macro to create shorthand syntax for hiding more verbose lambda expressions, but I'm struggling to understand how to write macros (which I realize is an argument against using them).
Given this example:
(define alist-example
'((x 1 2 3) (y 4 5 6) (z 7 8 9)))
(define ($ alist name)
(cdr (assoc name alist)))
((lambda (a) (map (lambda (x y z) (+ x y z)) ($ a 'x) ($ a 'y) ($ a 'z))) alist-example)
((lambda (a) (map (lambda (y) (/ y (apply max ($ a 'y)))) ($ a 'y))) alist-example)
I would like to write a macro, with-alist, that would allow me to write the last two expressions similar to this:
(with-alist alist-example (+ x y z))
(with-alist alist-example (/ y (apply max y)))
Any advice or suggestions?
Here is a syntax-rules solution based on the feedback that I received in the other answer and comments:
(define ($ alist name)
(cdr (assoc name alist)))
(define-syntax with-alist
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ alist names expr)
(let ([alist-local alist])
(apply map (lambda names expr)
(map (lambda (name) ($ alist-local name)) (quote names))))]))
Here is some example usage:
> (define alist-example
'((x 1 2 3) (y 4 5 6) (z 7 8 9)))
> (with-alist alist-example (x) (+ x 2))
(3 4 5)
> (with-alist alist-example (x y) (+ x y))
(5 7 9)
> (with-alist alist-example (x y z) (+ x y z))
(12 15 18)
This answer stops short of solving the more complicated example, (with-alist alist-example (/ y (apply max y))), in my question, but I think this is a reasonable approach for my purposes:
> (with-alist alist-example (y) (/ y (apply max ($ alist-example 'y))))
(2/3 5/6 1)
EDIT: After some additional tinkering, I arrived at a slightly different solution that I think will provide more flexibility.
My new macro, npl, expands shorthand expressions into a list of names and procedures.
(define-syntax npl
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ (names expr) ...)
(list (quote names) ...)
(list (lambda names expr) ...))]))
The output of this macro is passed to a regular procedure, with-list-map, that contains most the core functionality in the with-alist macro above.
(define (with-alist-map alist names-proc-list)
(let ([names-list (car names-proc-list)]
[proc-list (cadr names-proc-list)])
(map (lambda (names proc)
(apply map proc
(map (lambda (name) ($ alist name)) names)))
names-list proc-list)))
The 3 examples of with-alist usage above can be captured in a single call to with-alist-map.
> (with-alist-map alist-example
(npl ((x) (+ x 2))
((x y) (+ x y))
((x y z) (+ x y z))))
((3 4 5) (5 7 9) (12 15 18))
The immediate problem I see is that there is no way to tell which bindings to pick. Eg. is apply one of the elements in the alist or is it a global variable? That depends. I suggest you do:
(with-alist ((x y z) '((x 1 2 3) (y 4 5 6) (z 7 8 9)))
(+ x y z))
(let ((z 10))
(with-alist ((x y) alist-example)
(+ x y z)))
And that it should translate to:
(let ((tmp '((x 1 2 3) (y 4 5 6) (z 7 8 9))))
(apply map (lambda (x y z) (+ x y z))
(map (lambda (name) ($ tmp name)) '(x y z))))
(let ((z 10))
(let ((tmp alist-example))
(apply map (lambda (x y) (+ x y z))
(map (lambda (name) ($ tmp name)) '(x y)))))
This is then straight forward to do with syntax-rules. Eg. make a pattern and write the replacement. Good luck.

Common Lisp - Gentle introduction to symbolic computation: Excercise 4.4

I am learning Common Lisp using clisp and have entered following code:
(defun ordered (x y)
(if (< x y)
(list x y)
(list y x)))
(setq l (ordered 28 49))
(print l)
(setq l (ordered 49 28))
(print l)
Expected these answers:
(28 49)
(49 28)
Got these answers:
(28 49)
(28 49)
In the solutions of this book I have found the same function definition.
What could be wrong?
Your code
defines a function,
named "ordered",
(x y)
that expects two arguments which will be known as "x" and "y" in its body, whereupon on receiving the arguments (i.e. having been called with two values, e.g. (ordered 49 28))
(if (< x y)
it will compare them, and in case the first was smaller than the second, it will produce
(list x y)
the same two values repackaged in a list (i.e. '(49 28)); or otherwise, if the first value was not smaller than the second,
(list y x)))
it will produce the list containing the second value first, and then the first argument value (i.e. '(28 49)).
So, which was the case here, of comparing the 49 and 28?
Reading this code generally, we can say that if it receives the smaller number as its first argument, it will produce the smaller number first and the bigger number second, in the result list;
and in case it receives the smaller number as its second argument, it will produce the smaller number first and the bigger number second, in the result list.
Reading this back, we can see that this description can be simplified further into one simple statement: it will always produce ______ number first, and ______ second, in the resulting list.
Another way to attack this, is to write down the function created by that definition,
( lambda (x y) (if (< x y) (list x y) (list y x) ) )
Then follow its application symbolically:
( ( lambda (x y) (if (< x y) (list x y) (list y x) ) )
28 )
(let ( (x 49)
(y 28)
(if (< x y) (list x y) (list y x) ) )
(let ( (x 49)
(y 28)
(if (< 49 28) (list x y) (list y x) ) )
(let ( (x 49)
(y 28)
(if FALSE (list x y) (list y x) ) )
(let ( (x 49)
(y 28)
(list y x) )
(let ( (x 49)
(y 28)
(list 28 49) )
(list 28 49)

Conditional variable binding in Common Lisp

I want to execute a function with 2 local variables, but the values of these of these variables should depend on some condition. For example, let's say I have 2 variables x and y, and I want to swap them inside let if y > x. The swap should be temporary, I don't want to mutate state with rotatef. My code would look something like:
(setq x 2)
(setq y 1)
(let (if (> x y) ((x y) (y x)) ((x x) (y y)))
(cons x y)) ; should return (1 . 2)
But the expression inside let is not valid Lisp. How do I conditionally assign values to local variables? The work around is to put the body in flet and call it with different arguments, but it look clumsy:
(flet ((body (x y) (cons x y)))
(if (< x y)
(body x y)
(body y x)))
Multiple-value-bind and values
There are lots of alternatives, some of which have already been pointed out in other answers. I think that the question in the title ("Conditional variable binding in Common Lisp") is a nice case for multiple-value-bind and values. I've used different variable names in the following just to make it clear where x and y are, and where the original values are coming from. The names can be the same, though; this just shadows them inside.
(let ((a 3)
(b 2))
(multiple-value-bind (x y)
(if (< a b)
(values a b)
(values b a))
(cons x y)))
;=> (2 . 3)
Then, using a bit of macrology, we can make this a bit cleaner, much like coredump did:
(defmacro if-let (test bindings &body body)
"* Syntax:
let ({var | (var [then-form [else-form]])}*) declaration* form* => result*
* Description:
Similar to LET, but each binding instead of an init-form can have a
then-form and and else-form. Both are optional, and default to NIL.
The test is evaluated, then variables are bound to the results of the
then-forms or the else-forms, as by LET."
(let ((bindings (mapcar #'(lambda (binding)
(destructuring-bind (variable &optional then else)
(if (listp binding) binding (list binding))
(list variable then else)))
`(multiple-value-bind ,(mapcar 'first bindings)
(if ,test
(values ,#(mapcar 'second bindings))
(values ,#(mapcar 'third bindings)))
(pprint (macroexpand-1 '(if-let (< x y) ((x x y)
(y y x))
(cons x y))))
; (IF (< X Y)
; (CONS X Y))
(let ((a 3) (b 2))
(if-let (< a b)
((x a b)
(y b a))
(cons x y)))
;=> (2 . 3)
Comparison with progv
In terms of use, this has some similarities with sindikat's answer, but multiple-value-bind establishes bindings just like let does: lexical by default, but a global or local special declaration will make the bindings dynamic. On the other hand, progv establishes dynamic bindings. This means that if the bindings are entirely introduced by progv, you won't see much difference (except in trying to return closures), but that you can't shadow bindings. We can see this without having to do any conditional work at all. Here are two sample snippets. In the first, we see that the inner reference to x actually refers to the lexical binding, not the dynamic one established by progv. To refer to the one established by progv, you actually need to declare the inner reference to be special. progv doesn't accept declarations, but we can use locally.
(let ((x 1))
(progv '(x) '(2)
;=> 1
(let ((x 1))
(progv '(x) '(2)
(locally (declare (special x))
;=> 2
multiple-value-bind actually does the binding the way we'd expect:
(let ((x 1))
(multiple-value-bind (x) (values 2)
;=> 2
It's probably better to use a binding construct like multiple-value-bind that establishes lexical bindings by default, just like let does.
If you don't want to use progv, as mentioned by sindikat, you always can wtite something like that:
(defmacro let-if (if-condition then-bindings else-bindings &body body)
`(if ,if-condition
(let ,then-bindings
(let ,else-bindings
So expression like
(let-if (> x y) ((x y) (y x)) ((x x) (y y))
(cons x y))
Will expand into:
(IF (> X Y)
(LET ((X Y) (Y X))
(LET ((X X) (Y Y))
(CONS X Y)))
How about:
CL-USER> (defvar x 2)
CL-USER> (defvar y 1)
CL-USER> (let ((x x) ; these variables shadow previously defined
(y y)) ; X and Y in body of LET
(when (> x y)
(rotatef x y))
(cons x y))
(1 . 2)
CL-USER> x ; here the original variables are intact
2 ; ^
CL-USER> y ; ^
1 ; ^
However, I think that in every such practical case there are lispier ways to solve problem without macros. Answer by msandiford is probably the best from functional point of view.
Although rotatef is really efficient method (it probably would be compiled to about three machine instructions swapping pointers in memory), it is not general.
Rainer Joswing posted just a great solution as a comment shortly after posting of the question. To my shame, I checked macro psetf only few minutes ago, and this should be very efficient and general solution.
Macro psetf first evaluates its even arguments, then assigns evaluated values to variables at odd positions just like setf does.
So we can write:
(let ((x x)
(y y))
(when (> x y)
(psetf x y y x))
And that's it, one can conditionally rebind anything to anything. I think it's way better than using macros. Because:
I don't think it's such a common situation;
Some macros in the posted answers repeat their body code, which may be really big: thus you get bigger compiled file (it's fair price for using macro, but not in this case);
Every custom macro does make code harder to understand for other people.
One solution is to use progv instead of let, its first argument is a list of symbols to bind values to, second argument is a list of values, rest is body.
(progv '(x y) (if (< x y) (list x y) (list y x))
(cons x y)) ; outputs (1 . 2)
Another alternative might be:
(let ((x (min x y))
(y (max x y)))
(cons x y))
My suggestion would be one of destructuring-bind or multiple-value-bind.
If you anticipate needing to do this a lot, I would suggest using a macro to generate the bindings. I've provided a possible macro (untested).
(defmacro cond-let (test-expr var-bindings &body body)
"Execute BODY with the VAR-BINDINGS in place, with the bound values depending on
the trueness of TEST-EXPR.
VAR-BINDINGS is a list of (<var> <true-value> <false-value>) with missing values
being replaced by NIL."
(let ((var-list (mapcar #'car var-bindings))
(then-values (mapcar #'(lambda (l)
(when (cdr l)
(nth 1 l)))
(else-values (mapcar #'(lambda (l)
(when (cddr l))
(nth 2 l)))
`(destructuring-bind ,var-list
(if ,test-expr
(list ,#then-values)
(list ,#else-values)))))

Lisp function call syntax

I am trying to write a recursive code to do x^y but the problem no mater how I update the code it gives me an error.
The Code:
(defun power(x y) (if(> y 0) (* x (power(x (- y 1)))) (1)))
CL-USER 11 : 5 >Power 2 3
Error: Undefined operator X in form (X (- Y 1)).
CL-USER 11 : 5 >power(2 3)
Illegal argument in functor position: 2 in (2 3).
You're calling the function in the wrong way. In lisps function calls have the form:
(f a b c)
f(a b c)
You had (power (x (- y 1))) in your recursive definition, which in turn had (x (- y 1)) hence the error: x is not a function.
Use (power x (- y 1)) so your definition becomes:
(defun power (x y)
(if (> y 0)
(* x
(power x (- y 1)))
and call it as (power 2 3)
To expand slightly on the previous (correct) answer, this version uses some idiomatic functions:
(defun power (x y)
(if (plusp y)
(* x (power x (1- y)))
You cannot use parenthesis for grouping since CL thinks you want to call function x and function 1. Remove the excess like this:
(defun power(x y)
(if (> y 0)
(* x (power x (- y 1)))
Parenthesis goes on the outside, just as in your function:
(power 2 3) ;==> 8
When you write (X ...) in a Lisp expression, you are asserting that X is a function to be called on the arguments ....
Your problem is you have too many parentheses in your expression. When you write (power (x ..
you've made this assertion. Write (power x ... instead.
You're calling, among others, this code:
(power (x (- y 1)))
So power is called with (x (- y 1)) as a parameter. Are you sure you want to call x as a function?

Error in beginning exercise in SICP (Exercise 1.3)

The prompt is to define a procedure that returns the sum of the squares of the two largest of three numbers.
I know this isn't exactly an elegant solution, but this is what I hacked together:
(define (largest-of-two-sum-of-squares x y z)
(cond ((and (< x y) (< x z)) (sum-of-squares y z))
((and (< y z) (< y x)) (sum-of-squares x z))
((and (< z x) (< z y)) (sum-of-squares x y)))))
What I'm wondering is why I'm getting an error.
;The object 85 is not applicable
The number that follows the word object is always the correct answer, btw. I am a scheme beginner, it must be something in my syntax?
Here's another possible solution, this one works even in the cases where all three numbers are equal or if two are equal and lower than the other:
(define (sum-max a b c)
(define (sum x y)
(+ (* x x) (* y y)))
(if (>= a b)
(if (>= b c)
(sum a b)
(sum a c))
(if (>= a c)
(sum b a)
(sum b c))))
As sindikat pointed out, an excess closing bracket. Sorry about that.
What about
(define (largest-of-two-sum-of-squares x y z)
(+ (square x) (square y) (square z)
(- (square (min x y z)))))