How can I see in SMS app my messages sent from within my app in iphone? - iphone

Suppose i got my friend's location in sms..What link should i send in the sms so that on clicking that link, it would open that lat/long in my MapApp.. how can i open that location in my MapApp?? Please help me as soon as possible...Thanks in advance...

Sure. If you include a URL that points to a Google Maps request, and your friend taps that URL, it will open up in Google Maps. You can see the format for the URL documented in Map Links.

There is currently an geosms (available in android, not sure if they have it in ios) which does what you describe in your question. Read GeoSMS and Geo URI to get an idea where to start.

First follow the "Launching Your Own Application via a Custom URL Scheme" from the link After that the application will be opened from the SMS link.


How to get/view/read the current URL is in Safari?

Did lots of searching, just came up with the "how to open a URL in Safari..."
Looking to find how to get/view/read what the current URL is when Safari is opened.
My app opens a URL with Safari as follows:
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:[NSURL URLWithString:myURL]];
Supposidly, after some validation from website, the ending URL has some attached info.
So I'm trying to get that final URL from Safari.
This is not possible, you do not have access to any outside app. However how most of these authentication / validation techniques work is (like facebook / dropbox login etc.) is that they use some kind of callback back to the app.
You can register an specific url scheme to your app which can have parameters, this way you can get the info in the url the you need. The website will need to support callbacks though or you would need to be able to access the website to provide it yourself.
On how to work with URL schemes you can check out this tutorial:
You cannot view this information, as the other posters have said. What you need to do is to use your own website to match the user of the app to the user on the website.
For example, you can send a random number to your website when the user is sent there buy.php?id=123445. Then request (periodically and/or with a button press) via the iPhone the result from your website ex. check.php?id=123445.
This also could be done with cookies and php sessions.

twitter hyperlink expand

I am working on Twitter Application, in it I get user tweets and if user share URL in it then it open in WebView.
But problem is that Twitter returns hyperlink like,
I want to convert it in its original form as I have posted like
Twitter Developer See other similar threads also in the same forum.
Use expanded_url instead of url from returned entities.
I know there are some applications online that let you retrive the original url, you could maybe parse the response from them.
I think you could also do it, by doing a http request to the short url and see what adress you are redirected to.

Does facebook Send dialog have a mobile version?

If I replace www with m in the following URL or append &display=touch then facebook returns error:
An error occurred with Cool Social App. Please try again later.
Is there any reason send dialog is not supported on mobile devices?
As the Documentation specifies and also this ticket shows, the Send Dialog is not yet supported on Mobile devices!

How can I get the facebook user-agent string when click a link in Facebook app?

I have created a facebook application that is used for posting a message to the wall. The application works fine. In the message I post there is a link. When I use the iphone facebook app and click this link instead of having Safari open immediately, the url opens in an internal frame of the facebook app and by click the small arrow it has the on the right bottom I can choose 'Open in safari'. This happenes only in iphone.
Is there a way to make my links open directly yo Safari?
Or is there a way yo get at least the facebook user-agent string so as to have a special treatment for this case?
Thanks in advance

How to create an appointment from other application in iPhone?

I'm trying to call Calendar from my simple application in iPhone. all sample out there give me a clue to use UIApplication#openURL function. How about if i want to open a calendar with/without a new event?
'[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:[NSURL URLWithString:#"tel://8004664411"]];'
Apple has a document that lists all of the URL Schemes the current iPhone OS supports. Unfortunately, there isn't one for the calendar, just
Mail Links
Phone Links
Text Links
Map Links
YouTube Links
iTunes Links
so it looks like you can't do it, at least not by launching a URL.
There is currently no API or URL scheme for accessing the calendar information on the phone. If you need one you should file a bug describing why you need it.