iphone speech to text and vice versa with siri - iphone

Now that we know that the iPhone has speech to text and text to speech capabilities, as demonstrated by Siri. Is this going to be an API available to developers? Has apple said anything about this?

Apple have not said anything about an API for Siri yet. Speech to text is implemented in iOS 5 in the form of a new button on the keyboard, so you can dictate chunks of text.

iPhone has had text-to-speech since at least the 3GS. And no, they haven't said anything about exposing an API.

If it's text-to-speech you're after, you might be tempted to license Nuance's voice "Samantha", which is the same as the US Siri voice. You can get it via Nuance's API or just using OS X's say -o command if you only need TTS at compile-time.
However, doing either will result in your app being rejected by Apple for infringing their trademarks. They will reject the app even if you make no reference to Siri in the app, even if the app bears no resemblance to Siri, and even if the app is not any kind of personal assistant.


Is it possible to let Siri push button in swift app?

Is it possible to ask Siri to push buttons in the app with the text to speech?
I mean, I have a calculator and pushing the button of "dictation" Siri should be able to understand to push + button instead of just write inside the lable the text.
Thank you!
Siri cannot be used inside apps. Moreover, you can only use Siri for handling intents that are part of the SiriKit framework, which is quite limited at the moment.
VoiceOver is perfectly capable of what you need to do. It was designed for navigating through an app with voice commands as part of the Accessibility framework.
The Speech framework as suggested by others is not available in watchOS and wasn't really designed for voice navigation.
You will need to use Speech framework for that. It would not be possible with Siri. You can go through Apple documentation for that.

How to record a Phone Call in iphone in locally?

Hi i am new to iOS development, i want to develop a one app for recording call conversations,for that i searched it. The result is "This is not accepted by the apple store." But my app for enterprises app. So please tell me,if there is any other alternative way for this.
Thanks in Advance.
You will not be able to access the audio nor the microphone from the calls. The reason is because of the architecture of iOS. The microphone and speaker is owned by the app which is using it at that time, so no apps made by developers can accomplish what you are suggesting. (certainly Apple can override this sandbox feature).
Try Android.

Access Siri through iphone app

I am making an app in which I want to implement the concept of Siri/Voice recognition. I have tried this but did not get the output exactly it is not recognizing the word properly. Anyone has an idea that how to convert speech into text? How to access Siri functionality. If anyone know about this implementation then please let me know.
Thanks to all.
You can't access Siri interface directly but there is nice trick to deal with Siri commands. You can implement UITextField and capture text which will be written there by Siri, that way you can make your app executing spoken commands.
You can find more explanation for that subject here:
Siri trick
You can't access Siri features, Apple didn't provide public API for Siri :-S .
The best APIs I've seen is the openears and Dragon Mobile SDK.

Hacks to access iOS APIs through Flex?

I am building a Flex iPhone application that in an ideal world would need to open up the iPhone SMS interface to send texts, make calls, access phone information (such as phone number) and access contact lists... I realise there isn't much in the way of accessing phone specific API's through flex at the moment, does anyone know if or when this is coming?
My main question: I seen this interesting article on extending AIR to access android APIs and was wondering if there was anything similar for accessing iOS APIs? What are people doing at the moment if you need to access iOS APIs? Is everyone waiting for an update to Flex/AIR?
I'd prefer to not splash out on a Mac!
You can use a URL Syntax from a Flex App to open the 'native' controls for sending / receiving text messages. You can do somthing like this:
navigateToURL(new URLRequest("sms:6175551212"))
It's not perfect, and still does not give you access to the address book, though. To add message text, you can use the body attribute as a URL variable:
navigateToURL(new URLRequest("sms:6175551212?body=hello%20there"))
(Source for body url variable)
I realise there isn't much in the way of accessing phone specific
API's through flex at the moment, does anyone know if or when this is
AIR 2.5 for TV has something called ActionScript extensions, which allows you to write native code that can then be used from Adobe AIR.
This Blog Post mentions "the Sony Tablet S2 you will use the upcoming Native Extension feature in AIR 3".
So, I perceive that Air 3 will support the same ActionScript Extensions on a wider range of devices.
I believe most people who have immediate / important access to AIR APIs are building Native Apps and not using Adobe AIR.
My update 1/18/2011; AIR 3 has been released and it does indeed support Native Extensions on iOS, Android, OSX, and Windows PCs.

Missed Call Alert

I wish to implement sending pre-defined sms templates to missed call numbers automatically on iPhone. How can I do this?
There is no support for this in the official SDK.
Any apps that do this will not be accepted into the App Store.
Your only option would be to jailbreak the phone and do it there.