How to add a PSCmdlet or PSSnapin to hosted Powershell runtime without installing the snapin - powershell

My scenario is as follows.
I am uploading my dll through web UI.
I am hosting a PowerShell runspace in an ASP.NET application.
I The DLL contains the PSCmdlet and would like to make use of it.
The PSCmdlet only needs to be accessible within the hosted runspace and does not need to be
used in any external scenario.
The application does not have access to the windows registry as it runs with limited privileges, so I cannot install the PsSnapin.
Is it possible for me to use the commandlet without going through the installation process?

If your use case is straightforward then it is possible. Please see these question: Hosted PowerShell cannot see Cmdlets in the same Assembly. Several answers there provide different ways, choose one that works better or you like more.

If you use PowerShell V2 you can use an unregistered snapin as a binary module.
Import-Module ‹path-to-dll›
add a -passthru to get the PSModuleInfo reference which describes the module.


Powershell Core and Powershell Modules

I have a need to create a Module that can Run in Powershell 7 and use commandlets from Powershell 5.
I want to save this module as an artifact and publish in AzureDevOps Artifacts.
The Module is for auditing cross platform system information. The problem is that some of the cmdlets are Windows platform specific such as Get-WindowsFeature. I also want to use PowerShell Core functions such as Azure Cosmos communication cmdlets.
How do I load functions only on certain platforms?
Do you need to write something in C# to achieve this, or nest a module for a specific platform in my main module?
The comments mention correctly you can wrap up a command with a version check.
That's a great option for a small use command.
I'd recommend as a better module design to just have two modules, one for each platform.
This would allow you to better seperate your work, and not rely on many embedded logic steps that conditionally run actions on different platforms. To me this is just cleaner.
As you get started on modules, I'd highly recommend you use a template to bootstrap your project. I've found that it saves a lot of time, and sets me up for best practices.
My personal favorite is PSModuleDevelopment which you can use like this:
Install-Module PSModuleDevelopment -Scope CurrentUser
Get-Help 'Invoke-PSMDTemplate'
This is very similar to the loading structure some very mature projects like dbatools and PSFramework use. If you use this, you benefit primarily from:
Being able to seperate all your functions into their own files and load them easily
Some nice enhancements to preload configurations in your module
Pester test template included
I stopped trying to write my own module structure and just leveraged a development module like this, and it's been very helpful for me.
Good luck!

PowerShell Core and AppX package management

I am using PowerShell 6.2 preview at the moment. In my script I am trying to do stuff with Windows 10 apps. To be able to use commands like Get-AppxPackage, I need to import Windows modules from previous PowerShell like so:
Import-Module C:\Windows\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Modules\Appx\Appx.psd1 -SkipEditionCheck
Import-Module C:\Windows\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Modules\dism\dism.psd1 -SkipEditionCheck
Does PowerShell core has its own modules to work with this? I found Get-Package for example, but that does not give me anything.
Since this is one of the top search results for PowerShell Core Get-AppxPackage, I'm going to take the information from the link provided in the comments and provide an answer, with example.
As LangsGalgEnRad pointed out in the comments, it's easiest just to do this from Windows PowerShell, but ultimately that's just-shy-of-deprecated at this point, with Microsoft stating that there are to be no more fixes or changes other than critical security issues. That said, it's still (afaik) universally available in Windows installations.
But for those of us who want to follow Microsoft's advice to use PowerShell Core, LangsGalgEnRad also points out in the comments the WindowsCompatibility module from Microsoft. Reading the blog post, this seems a bit safer than importing a Windows module (e.g. AppX) from PowerShell Core, since among other things ...
WindowsCompatibility is very careful to not overwrite native PowerShell core commands.
To install from PowerShell Gallery:
Install-Module WindowsCompatibility
Example usage for AppX:
Import-Module WindowsCompatibility
Import-WinModule AppX

How to use Powershell DSC for application installation?

Currently we are having application which will be in DVD. there will be setup.exe and user will click on that and fill the inputs it asks for . Inputs such as path where the application to be installed, SQL server instance where db will be created and port numbers which required to be bind.
I am hearing that Powershell DSC can be used for application deployment. But it is not like running some setup.exe and get some inputs for installation.
Whether Powershell DSC can really be used for application deployment? or is it only for environment preparation?
If it is being used for application deployment , how it is being achieved? Whether the end user told to fill the data in some configurationdata psd1 file manually and then run the script?
You can use the built-in Package resource. However you may want to explore looking at cChoco instead as Chocolatey is much more geared towards software management (application deployment) with handling installs, upgrades and uninstallation.
Powershell DSC its for Application Deployment, but... you can use it as an exe, what you can do is create a simple console or windows forms EXE program that embeds the script as a resource and the EXE, upon loading retrieves the script and throws it at a PowerShell runspace to execute.
This is a link about it Make PSexe

How do I import a new PowerShell cmdlet?

I've written a PowerShell cmdlet in C#.
Where do I copy the library at this point?
And how do I import it into PowerShell so that I can use it?
There are two ways to load your new cmdlet.
Import Cmdlets Using Modules. Here you either put your cmdlet DLL into a system-recognized path that will allow you to load a module with a simple name (e.g. Import-Module MyModule), or you can put it in an arbitrary directory for which you need to specify a complete path (e.g. Import-Module C:\code\MyModule.dll). If you have only a single DLL and no dependencies, you can actually give the DLL as shown. Typically, though, you will also want to create a manifest using New-ModuleManifest (creating, e.g., a MyModule.psd1 file) then pass that psd1 file rather than the dll to Import-Module.
Create a Windows PowerShell Snap-in. This requires writing one additional C# class, quite small, that provides the glue necessary to treat your cmdlet as a snap-in. Then you have to register the snap-in with the installutil program and finally load the snapin with Add-SnapIn. (See also How to Register Snap-ins...)
Curiously, almost all articles that talk about writing cmdlets suggest the snap-in approach, but this is simply because that technique has been available since PowerShell version 1, while modules did not come along until version 2. Everything I have read, though, suggests essentially that the snap-in approach is deprecated to the simpler--and more flexible--module approach.

Creating application installers with PowerShell

Hi I'm wondering if it's possible to create application installers for MSI's. What I want it to do is when I run an MSI I want to be able to run it in it's own process so I can reference it via it's process ID so I can send various keys to it so it installs the way I want it too.
I can code in both C and Java but for the Sys Admins would be good if I could code it in Powershell for them. Also I've seen other installers that can detect when the next instance of the install screen appears so it immediately send the new command keys, well appears that way.
Any advice is welcomed.
MSI's traditionally allow for admins to provide an answer file or arguments using msiexec.
See this q/a on SuperUser or this SO Q/A for more info.
You can then use PowerShell to call the exe's by using the 3rd party Windows Installer PowerShell Module
[The Windows Installer PowerShell Module] Exposes Windows Installer functionality to PowerShell, providing means to query installed product and patch information and to query views on packages.
for example:
install-msiproduct .\example.msi -destination (join-path $env:ProgramFiles Example)
See this page for additional examples.
If you need to send keystrokes to the msi gui; you could look in to the Windows Automation Snapin for PowerShell. I have never used this personally.