Dynamic number of fields in table - tsql

I have a problem with TSQL. I have a number of tables, each table contain different number of fielsds with different names.
I need dynamically take all this tables, read all records and manage each record into string list, where each value separated by commas. And do smth. with this string.
I think that I need to use CURSORS, but I can't FETCH em without knowing A concrete amount of fields with names and types. Maybe I can create a table variable with dynamic number of fields?
Thanks a lot!
Makarov Artem.

I would repurpose one of the many T-SQL scripts written to generate INSERT statements. They do exactly what you require. Namely
Reverse engineer a given table to determine columns names and types
Generate a delimited string of values
The most complete example I've found is here
But just a simple Google search for "INSERT STATEMENT GENERATOR" will yield several examples that you can repurpose to fit your needs.
Best of luck!

from http://weblogs.sqlteam.com/joew/archive/2008/04/27/60574.aspx

Perhaps you can do something with this.
select T2.X.query('for $i in *
return concat(data($i), ",")'
).value('.', 'nvarchar(max)') as C
from (
select *
from YourTable
for xml path('Row'),elements xsinil, type
) as T1(X)
cross apply T1.X.nodes('/Row') T2(X)
It will give you one row for each row in YourTable with each value in YourTable separated by a comma in the column C.
This builds an XML for the entire table and then parses that XML. Might get you into trouble if you have tables with a lot of rows.
BTW: I saw from a comment that you can "use only pure SQL". I really don't think this qualifies as "pure SQL" :).


Smart way to filter out unnecessary rows from Query

So I have a query that shows a huge amount of mutations in postgres. The quality of data is bad and i have "cleaned" it as much as possible.
To make my report so user-friendly as possible I want to filter out some rows that I know the customer don't need.
I have following columns id, change_type, atr, module, value_old and value_new
For change_type = update i always want to show every row.
For the rest of the rows i want to build some kind of logic with a combination of atr and module.
For example if the change_type <> 'update' and concat atr and module is 'weightperson' than i don't want to show that row.
In this case id 3 and 11 are worthless and should not be shown.
Is this the best way to solve this or does anyone have another idea?
select * from t1
where concat(atr,module) not in ('weightperson','floorrentalcontract')
In the end my "not in" part will be filled with over 100 combinations and the query will not look good. Maybe a solution with a cte would make it look prettier and im also concerned about the perfomance..
CREATE TABLE t1(id integer, change_type text, atr text, module text, value_old text, value_new text) ;
(1,'create','id','person',null ,'9'),
(2,'create','username','person',null ,'abc'),
(3,'create','weight','person',null ,'60'),
(4,'update','id','order','4231' ,'4232'),
(5,'update','filename','document','first.jpg' ,'second.jpg'),
(6,'delete','id','rent','12' ,null),
(7,'delete','cost','rent','600' ,null),
(8,'create','id','rentalcontract',null ,'110'),
(9,'create','tenant','rentalcontract',null ,'Jack'),
(10,'create','rent','rentalcontract',null ,'420'),
(11,'create','floor','rentalcontract',null ,'1')
You could put the list of combinations in a separate table and join with that table, or have them listed directly in a with-clause like this:
with combinations_to_remove as (
select *
from (values
('weight', 'person'),
('floor' ,'rentalcontract')
) as t (atr, module)
select t1.*
from t1
left join combinations_to_remove using(atr, module)
where combinations_to_remove.atr is null
I guess it would be cleaner and easier to maintain if you put them in a separate table!
Read more on with-queries if that sounds strange to you.

Use SQL to Evaluate XML string broken into several rows

I have an application that stores a single XML record broken up into 3 separate rows, I'm assuming due to length limits. The first two rows each max out the storage at 4000 characters and unfortunately doesn't break at the same place for each record.
I'm trying to find a way to combine the three rows into a complete XML record that I can then extract data from.
I've tried concatenating the rows but can't find a data type or anything else that will let me pull the three rows into a single readable XML record.
I have several limitations I'm up against as we have select only access to the DB and I'm stuck using just SQL as I don't have enough access to implement any kind of external program to pull the data that is there an manipulate it using something else.
Any ideas would be very appreciated.
Without sample data, and desired results, we can only offer a possible approach.
Since you are on 2017, you have access to string_agg()
Here I am using ID as the proper sequence.
I should add that try_convert() will return a NULL if the conversion to XML fails.
Declare #YourTable table (ID int,SomeCol varchar(4000))
Insert Into #YourTable values
(1,'<root><name>XYZ Co')
Select try_convert(xml,string_agg(SomeCol,'') within group (order by ID) )
From #YourTable
<name>XYZ Company</name>
EDIT 2014 Option
Select try_convert(xml,(Select '' + SomeCol
From #YourTable
Order By ID
For XML Path(''), TYPE).value('.', 'varchar(max)')
Or Even
Declare #S varchar(max) = ''
Select #S=#S+SomeCol
From #YourTable
Order By ID
Select try_convert(xml,#S)

Why UNION SELECT gives you the number of columns in SQLI

I am trying to figure out why one can figure out the number of columns from using 'union SELECT'
For example, if you have a webpage http://www.vulnerable-site.com/index.php?firstArg=1
I learned that you can put
http://www.vulnerable-site.com/index.php?firstArg=1 union SELECT 1,2,3,4 --
to find out the number of columns in the table. Basically, you keep adding numbers to till you stop getting errors. Why is that?
Can anyone please help me with this basic question.
I came to know that the number of columns on both sides of the UNION statement must match. So, this command can be used to find out the number of columns in a table.
UNION keyword can be used to retrieve data from other tables within the database. This results in an SQL injection UNION attack. so Determining the number of columns required in an SQL injection UNION attack. there are two effective methods to determine how many columns are being returned from the original query. "ORDER BY" and "UNION SELECT"

PostgreSQL Full Text search

I need to use Full Text Search with Postgresql but I don't find the way to look for a list of words from a table (using ts_query) against an indexed text field (ts_vector data type). Is ts_query just able to process a few words or can process also multiple values that come from a table?
Thanks in advance for your help.
Let me try to formulate an answer according to the comments given on the question (if I understand your request correctly).
You are trying to do a full text search on the table tableA, column indexed_text_field (a tsvector type) based on words that are stored as text in another table tableB in a column called words.
First, if you wish to feed PostgreSQL multiple tokens (individual words) during a full text search you have two functions at your disposal:
In the first function you need to split each given token with an ampersand (&). The second function can be fed any string of text and it will chop it into tokens for you. More info here.
Your challenge is that you wish to select matches based on words present in another table. This can be done in different ways, for example via a simple (INNER) JOIN:
SELECT a.* FROM tableA a, tableB b WHERE a.indexed_text_field ## to_tsquery(b.words);
Or if you have multiple words in the words column you should most likely be using the plainto_tsquery() function to keep things simple:
SELECT a.* FROM tableA a, tableB b WHERE a.indexed_text_field ## plainto_tsquery(b.words);
Yet, if you must use the more low-level to_tsquery() version:
SELECT a.* FROM tableA a, tableB b WHERE a.indexed_text_field ## to_tsquery(replace(b.words, ' ', '&'));
In the latter you replace all spaces between the words with and ampersand, thus making them separate tokens. Mind the index usage on the last one though, as you might need to create an expression index on the usage of the replace() function.

T-SQL: Find column match within a string (LIKE but different)

Server: SQL Server 2008 R2
I apologize in advance, as I'm not sure of the best way to verbalize the question. I'm receiving a string of email addresses and I need to see if, within that string, any of the addresses exist as a user already. The query that obviously doesn't work is shown below, but hopefully it helps to clarify what I'm looking for:
SELECT f_emailaddress
FROM tb_users
WHERE f_emailaddress LIKE '%user1#domain.com,user2#domain.com%'
I was hoping SQL had an "InString" operator, that would check for matches "within the string", but I my Google abilities must be weak today.
Any assistance is greatly appreciated. If there simply isn't a way, I'll have to dig in and do some work in the codebehind to split each item in the string and search on each one.
Thanks in advance,
Split the input string and use IN clause
to split the CSV to rows use this.
SELECT Ltrim(Rtrim(( Split.a.value('.', 'VARCHAR(100)') )))
FROM (SELECT Cast ('<M>'
+ Replace('user1#domain.com,user2#domain.com', ',', '</M><M>')
+ '</M>' AS XML) AS Data) AS A
CROSS APPLY Data.nodes ('/M') AS Split(a)
Now use the above query in where clause.
SELECT f_emailaddress
FROM tb_users
WHERE f_emailaddress IN(SELECT Ltrim(Rtrim(( Split.a.value('.', 'VARCHAR(100)') )))
FROM (SELECT Cast ('<M>'
+ Replace('user1#domain.com,user2#domain.com', ',', '</M><M>')
+ '</M>' AS XML) AS Data) AS A
CROSS APPLY Data.nodes ('/M') AS Split(a))
Or use can use Inner Join
SELECT f_emailaddress
FROM tb_users A
JOIN (SELECT Ltrim(Rtrim(( Split.a.value('.', 'VARCHAR(100)') )))
FROM (SELECT Cast ('<M>'
+ Replace('user1#domain.com,user2#domain.com', ',', '</M><M>')
+ '</M>' AS XML) AS Data) AS A
CROSS APPLY Data.nodes ('/M') AS Split(a)) B
ON a.f_emailaddress = b.f_emailaddress
You first need to split the CSV list into a temp table and then use that to INNER JOIN with your existing table, as that will act as a filter.
You cannot use CONTAINS unless you have created a Full Text index on that table and column, which I doubt is the case here.
For example:
CREATE TABLE #EmailAddresses (Email NVARCHAR(500) NOT NULL);
INSERT INTO #EmailAddress (Email)
SELECT split.Val
FROM dbo.Splitter(#IncomingListOfEmailAddresses);
SELECT usr.f_emailaddress
FROM tb_users usr
INNER JOIN #EmailAddresses tmp
ON tmp.Email = usr.f_emailaddress;
Please note that the reference to "dbo.Splitter" is a placeholder for whatever string splitter you already have or might get. Please do not use any splitter that makes use of a WHILE loop. The best options are either the SQLCLR- or XML- based ones. The XML-based ones are generally fast but do have some issues with encoding if the string to be split has special XML characters such as &, <, or ". If you want a quick and easy SQLCLR-based splitter, you can download the Free version of the SQL# library (which I am the creator of, but this feature is in the free version) which contains String_Split and String_Split4k (for when the input is always <= 4000 characters).
SQL has a CONTAINS and an IN function. You can use either of those to accomplish your task. Click on either for more information via MSDNs website! Hope this helps.
CONTAINS will look to see if any values in your data contain the entire string you provided. Kind of similar in presentations to LIKE '%myValue%';
SELECT f_emailaddress
FROM tb_users
WHERE CONTAINS (f_emailaddress, 'user1#domain.com');
IN will return matches for any values in the provided comma delimited list. They need to be exact matches however. You can't provide partial terms.
SELECT f_emailaddress
FROM tb_users
WHERE f_emailaddress IN ('user1#domain.com','user2#domain.com')
As far as splitting each of the values out into separate strings, have a look at the StackOverflow question found HERE. This might point you in the proper direction.
You can try like this(not tested).
Before using this, make sure that you have created a Full Text index on that table and column.
Replace your comma with AND then
SELECT id,email
where CONTAINS(email, 'user1#domain.com and user2#domain.com');
--prepare temp table for testing
(f_emailaddress VARCHAR(100))
INSERT INTO #tb_users
( f_emailaddress)
VALUES ( 'user1#domain.com' ),
( 'user2#domain.com' ),
( 'user3#domain.com' ),
( 'user4#domain.com' )
--Your query
SELECT f_emailaddress
FROM #tb_users
WHERE 'user1#domain.com,user2#domain.com' LIKE '%' + f_emailaddress + '%'