PayPal: Where to start for online payment? - paypal

I have a single wordpress plugin in my site, that in general is free. But I have create a backlink at the end of my plugin for my site.
What I like to do, is to allow the plugin users to remove the backlink but with a litle payment like ie. $5,00.
The backlink removal will be done with a serial number I will generate for each customer automaticly after the payment.
My general problem is not how to create the serial, or how to validate the serial number and thinks like that.
What I want is to show me any good resource (ie: Tutorials) to read for PayPal payments. if any :)
Kind Regards

That's pretty easy. First, you need a paypal account. Then, your first choice is the developer site of paypal. Paypal has great documentation for the multitude of APIs they offer. Most of the documentation can be found here. Especially the Paypal-NVP-API is very easy to implement, and for testing purposes you can use their sandbox.


PayPal - Dynamic payment receiver?

I plan to create a page on my website that lets others upload games and apps they've built, then sell them via PayPal. Please forgive me if this is a simple question, I've never used PayPal for anything other than purchasing things. I need the button to dynamically change who it's sending the money to. I understand that in order to split who the money is going to, I would need to set up a business account, but if I wanted the creator to keep all of the money they charge for their virtual goods, would it be as simple as changing one of the tags within the PayPal form?
I'm experienced in PHP, SQL and Javascript, so dynamically changing any of the forms elements wouldn't be an issue, but would the payment actually finalize?
Yes, if you're working with Payments Standard it would just be a matter of updating the business parameter with the email address or PayPal merchant ID of the person you want the money to go to.
This isn't the best way to do it, though, because people can see the HTML, copy it, adjust it, and submit payments that are for less than what you set the price at.
In order to protect that sort of stuff you could generate your button code using the Button Manager API, or better yet, go with Express Checkout and the Permissions API (or manually granting permissions) so you can make API calls on behalf of 3rd party users.
My PHP class library for PayPal would make this pretty simple for you.

Paypal Integration with website

I am working on a event-based website that requires PayPal payment. I checked the documentation as well as the questions and answers on Stackoverflow. However, I am still don't know what is the best way to accomplish this. The following are the steps that I have to do:
An audience registers for an event. He provides all the personal information and choose the sessions that he will attend.
The system saves his information into a database and redirects him to the PayPal website so that he can pay by using credit card or PayPal account.
After the payment is verified by Paypal, call back to the website so that I can save the payment status in the database and process further steps.
If you have done something similar, please share it with me. Thank you in advance
PS: I am using PHP Laravel Framework.
You can use Omnipay to do via Paypal:
Your steps 2 and 3 are covered, for PayPal and many other payment gatways.
But if you are on US or UK, you should think about using Stripe as payment gateway. It's what Laracasts (by Jeffrey Way) and Userscape (Taylor's company) is using. It's very easy.
Stripe documentation is awsome and there are some stuff written about this, screencasts, like this one: (for Laravel 3, but you'll get the idea) and Composer packages, like those:
Good luck!

PayPal MassPay API - How does it work exactly?

I have gone through the Paypal website, looked at their dozens of FAQS and documents, and still don't have a great idea as to how to integrate the Paypal Masspay API. I was hoping I'd have better luck on here :).
I have an app that gives users prizes, with an oracle SQL database that populates whenever a user redeems a prize.
Would I need to download the SDK onto my app, include the PayPal IPN, and call the MassPay API each time a user redeems a prize?
I have attempted to contact Paypal multiple times to no avail.
Not sure which aspect of your question is most problematic for you. I assume that you've looked at the concept diagram at
where the Excel worksheet is roughly analogous to a table's (or query's) worth of payees.
You would normally provide scripting code on your server/website that would submit that payee/amount list through the MassPay API calls against the PayPal website. If you only have one or two payees at a time, this is not the usual way to make a payment to your users (one-offs are generally Adaptive Payments API). It's not a downloadable app, though.
So is your app something the users download and interact with your site? If so, the correct place to put the code that faces PayPal (and actually transfers money around) is on your site's server. Not on the handset.
I finally reached a capable support member of the PayPal Team. The answer I got:
No SDK needed. All I need to do is set up an API call from my server to their server each time I want to reference a payment.

Need Hosted Payment Solution (Almost Seamless)

I'm looking for a hosted payment solution that can be made to work almost the same as a seamless payment solution, but I want hosted so I don't need to deal with the PCI compliance requirements.
I am currently using PayPal Website Payments Pro with the iFrame integration, its ok, but the problem is PayPal keeps pushing payments via 'PayPal' and you are unable to remove their stupid 'Pay with PayPal' button from the iFrame. Also there is no ability to customise the look of the content in the iFrame.
I came across CRE Secure's solution which was very clever:, however, they don't support AUD currency.
I would still prefer to use PayPal as my merchant gateway since it saves a lot of money from having a gateway + merchant bank account. For example the CRE Secure solution still hooks up the PayPal Website Payments Pro.
What solutions are there that allows me to have more ability to customise the content in the iFrame and doesn't have any branding of the payment provider, e.g. PayPal etc.
I know that Authorize.Net is one of the more popular services that offers these services.
Disclaimer: I work for Recurly.
Take a look at our product. We offer a fully hosted solution that you can embed on your site (although not recommended). We also offer a feature called Recurly.js ( that you can fully embed on your site and own the experience, while still maintaining minimal PCI requirements. You can continue using PayPal as your gateway with our solution.
To keep this answer from being total spam (!), I'll also advise you to take a look at Samurai by Fee Fighters and Chargify. Let me know if you have questions, I'm happy to help :)
This is more a comment than an answer but I don't have the rep to comment.
Just found this is the docs
"This template also offers the following options:
Remove the Pay with PayPal button. Although the form offers the option to pay using
PayPal account by default, you can contact your account manager or customer support to
turn this option off."
So it seems you can remove the paypal button. Can anyone comment as to whether existing paypal customers will be able to use this gateway?

Paypal Website Payments Standard

I'm really having trouble finding out how to set this up. Their documentation is horrendous at best. I called Paypal and told them what I need:
have my own custom shopping cart
client doesn't want to pay monthly fee
I was told that I could use Website Payments Standard to send my cart contents and the user can choose to sign in/pay or simply pay by CC without an account. Every link on their documentation sends me to the silly HTML button creator. I don't need hand-holding through the coding, I just need to know where I can find the proper documentation. I don't want Paypal buttons that send customers to a paypal cart page every time they add something.
This is what I was looking for. It only took 3+ hours to find, so congrats to you Paypal. You've stolen my money in the past, now you've stolen my time. Hopefully this helps someone else who was looking for the same thing.
Thanks! I'm looking for a way to implement paypal in my java (spring) server so my clients (or I) can easily setup their webshops. I totally agree that implementing PayPal in a web application should be simple and in reality is a total mess.
So thanks a lot for posting this here, I guess you also saved me some additional time!
Best wishes,