Import existing BlackBerry project in Eclipse - eclipse

How can I import existing Blackberry projects into eclipse?
I found this development guide for BlackBerry Eclipse users, but I didn't find any .jdw file:
Import a BlackBerry application project from an existing workspace
When I make new project and copy all the folder src and res I obtain an error that there is a file missing and there is no specification of type of the name of this file
Error: Cannot run program "jar": CreateProcess error=2.
Can any one help me to run this project?

Click File-->New-->Blackberry Project-->Create project form existing resource --> then browse to your project folder and click finish.

Use this BlackBerry Java Plug-in for Eclipse guide: Add a .jar file dependency


Import JGraphT distribution to Eclipse

How can I install the JGraphT distribution offered in this link:
I do not understand the tree structure of files and its relation with the structure of a project in Eclipse. I would like to run the java code listed in:
but I am not able to import the proyect to Eclipse. For example, that .java file is under
Follow these steps:
1) download the .zip file on that page
2) create a new java project in eclipse
3) unzip .zip file
4) right click on the 'src' folder and select 'import...' from file system
5) select 'src->org' under the unzip files
6) you will need 'jgraph' to run any of the examples
You can import the jars as internal/external jars into your project.
For example, right click on the project -> Build Path -> Configure Build Path
Then go to libraries and 'Add Jars' or 'Add External Jars' (if your jars are located outside the project space), you should now be able to import classes associated with JGraphT.
This works for me: Install JGraphT in Eclipse. I just downloaded and I use Eclipse Oxygen (4.7.1). The link above describes the steps in detail. Basically, do the following:
Download and extract it.
In Eclipse, create a new Java project.
Add the jars of the extracted jgrapht libraries to your Eclipse user libraries.
Add the just-added user libraries to your project's Build Path as libraries.
Now your project can make use of jgrapht.

Could not configure konakart shopping - cart

How to import and configure konakart shopping-cart source code in Eclipse?
Not only GWT project for any java project the process is the same .
Here you can find a Documentation by Eclipse to import an existing project in to your workspace
For attaching source in Eclipse :Is there an easy way to attach source in Eclipse?
To do the task first you have to download the * * of the corresponding project.
In KonaKart there is an ANT task that you can run to create the Eclipse project:
Go to the custom directory under your installation, then:
C:\Program Files\KonaKart\custom>bin\kkant -p
Buildfile: build.xml
Main targets:
make_eclipse_project Create an Eclipse Project for Developing the Struts-2 Storefront
So you would enter:
C:\Program Files\KonaKart\custom>bin\kkant make_eclipse_project

How to import JavaFX 2 project created from netbeans 7.2 in Eclipse?

I want to use Eclipse to develop JavaFX. I am trying to import a JavaFX 2 application created in Netbeans 7.2 into Eclipse. But Javafx 2 uses its own Ant build syntax. So when I try to import this Ant project into Eclipse I get the following error:
Specified build file does not contain a javac task
How do I solve this error? I know there are JavaFX plugins for Eclipse, but I haven't been able to find any that solves my problem. Or do I need to try something else?
Open, scroll down to "In Eclipse 4.2 for the adventurous".
After you have configured properly by setting the path for JavaFX SDK from Window->Preferences, create a new JavaFX project (File->New->Other->JavaFX->JavaFX Project)
Right click on your projet->Import->File System->Select the top level of your NetBeans created project folder-> Select src folder,build.xml, and any other FXML files you wish to import.
For a distributable standalone executable JAR, refer to If you face any problem in Step 11- Click on the "ant build.xml and run" Link in the Build section of the editor, then goto Window->Preferences->Ant->Runtime->Global Entries->Add External JAR->(Browse to your JDK lib folder) Add tools.jar.
If your Build still fails and shows this error ->
BUILD FAILED C:\Workspace\eclipseFx\AppOne\build\build.xml:82:
Problem: failed to create task or type
It means ${java.home} is pointing to the JRE and can access jfxrt.jar but fails to access ant-javafx.jar. Find the absolute path for ant-javafx.jar in your JDK and edit that line in build.xml and it should build fine. This error has been fixed in the Nightly Build.
P.S. - You can also create JavaFX RCP applications now. Eclipse 4 Applications can use JavaFX as the rendering technology instead of SWT.

Eclipse - Adding a Jar File to a existing Project

I am running Eclipse 3.7. I am currently working on a Plug-In Project for a Application called Team Center. I was recently made aware of a jar file of SWT Widgets named Opal. So I am trying to figure out how to add the Jar File to my existing project. I have tried many different ways to do this. Nothing has worked so far.
Here are some of the things I have tried.
Made a lib directory in my current project copied the jar file
Build Path Configure -> Libraries -> Added the Jar
Runtime tab -> Add -> selected the lib/jar file -> update build path
My project still compiles, but at runtime it fails and I get can't load proxied handler errors
I have tried to create a plugin project just for the Jar File, then add the opal plugin to required Plug-ins. If the Opal project is closed, that reflects with the Opal plugin in my project.
Here is the way my current project works. It is a plug-in project and when I finish or change code.
Build Project
Deployable plug-ins and fragments
Select my project plug-in
Then I copy the project.jar to the TeamCenter Application plug-ins directory
I am assuming that somehow I have to include the opal.jar in the project.jar. But right now I am at a total lost on how to do it.
In Eclipse Plugin Project click on your MANIFEST.MF file and go to the runtime tab. There should be a section "Classpath". Try to add your lib there.
I've tried it and it has worked for me. I've executed following steps:
create new Plug-In project
create new lib folder in it
copy opal lib to the folder
open the MANIFEST.MF, go to the Runtime tab and add the lib to the Classpath section
check whether the lib folder is recognized of the build process (Build tab and lib folder should be checked)
Create new Run Configuration (Run -> Run Configuration... -> double click on OSGi Framework)
on Bundles tab check the new made project (Workspace section) and uncheck Target Platform for now
mark the new project and click on the button Add Required Bundles on the right side
now some needed bundles to run your project should be checked in the Target Platform section
click Apply, then Run and your OSGi env will be started
check in your plugin. check lib folder should be included there.
open plugin.xml or MANIFEST.MF in editor, you see build Tab. In the binary build, make sure your lib folder is checked.

Add dynamic project into eclipse

I want to add my existing dynamic web project into Eclipse workspace. I tried over google and found some usefuls but still its not done. I know one way is to create a new dynamic project and copy existing src folder and lib folder into new src and lib but the problem is where to keep jsp and vm. Can anyone please tell me how can i import existing dynamic web project into eclipse as i want to enhance it.
Thanx a lot
Open Eclipse, select File > New > Project
Select "Java Project from Existing Ant Build File"
Show your build file and write a project name