Using Breakpoint in Eclipse with counterclockwise debugger - eclipse

While everything is configured properly, clojure working fine with Eclipse, I am unable to add breakpoint to code. On right clicking in Text Editor's window there is no option as "toggle breakpoint" for debugging.
I posted an issue to CCW bugtracker.
It seems, latest version of the CCW plugin somehow forget about debugging.

This is usually indicative that Eclipse do not think that your source file corresponds to a class file that it knows of.
In other words, it has no idea that your code is actually code.


Can the console in Eclipse pop up the way it does in Visual Studio

In Eclipse the console is embedded within the interface, but in Visual Studio it pops up whenever the code is compiled. Is there anyway to make this happen in Eclipse as well?
Short Answer No!
Long answer, you can try to change the behavior a bit. As those two are totally different Tools behavior is also different.
Change the settings of console at:
And open/close console or other views from Window->Show View

cant see the errors in my project - Exclamation mark

When I'm trying to run my project it said that i have an errors in my project, but i can't see any. I have an Exclamation mark on my project. If I'm trying to run other project, it is run perfectly.
Before that happened, I played a little bit with the project library and tried to copy some jars to the library. I tried to copy the jars manual to.
did you try the "Problems" View? This should show additional information.
The easiest Way to get there:
Ctrl + 3, then type "Problems".
Besides the "Problems" view, there is also the Console that could give you some hints.
For the Console View, there is the problem that it can show different subviews; for example it can show the console for Android or the console for DDMS. In the toolbar at the upper right of the Console view, you will find the control to choose the right console to display. Be sure to choose the "Android Console".
Another possibility is to use the "Fix Project Properties" that you will find by right clicking on the projet => Android Tools -> Fix Project Properties. This will fixes some but not all the potential problems that you might have introduced in your project.
For the rest, check in detail all properties of the project.

How do I set breakpoints using the Photran IDE in Eclipse?

I know it sounds like a simple question, but trying to create a simple "Hello World!" application and debug with GDB doesn't seem to give me the option of creating breakpoints. Is anybody else seeing this? Is there something I'm missing?
There is a bug recently filed in bugzilla. But I want to make sure that the problem isn't just that I'm missing some necessary setting or plug-in.
Update: This bug has been fixed for Juno SR2.
I am experiencing the same but was able to use single Break point. In the Debug window select -->Instruction Stepping Mode, now at this moment you will see the options Toggle Break point and Toggle Line Break point active for selection. Select 'Toggle Line Break point' and you will see the break point assigned at the 'arrow pointer line' there after you can try to manually place by giving the line number in 'Run Configuration'.
It turns out this problem is specific to the Juno version of Eclipse (and the corresponding PTP package).
For now using Indigo and related packages does the trick until they fix this bug.
Update: This bug has been fixed for Juno SR2.

Eclipse PyDev Breakpoints Show an Different Icon and Don't Work

Breakpoints have been working for me for many weeks, but yesterday they stopped working. When I create a breakpoint icon shown is not the usual magnifying glass, but instead is the magnifying glass with a line through it.
I tried the suggestions in pydev breakpoints not working
import sys
print 'current trace function', sys.gettrace()
which reports "current trace function main.PyDB object at 0x101416090>>
I tried accessing breakpoints in another Python project and the breakpoints there have the same problem. Restarting Eclipse, the Mac and reinstalling PyDev had no effect.
I tried installing PyDev in another Eclipse installation on my Mac and breakpoints in Python work find there.
Any ideas, anyone?
screenshot should be like this:
That is because you have enable "skip all breakpoints" in Eclipse, show it here:
Also useful info:
skip all breakpoints in eclipse
different breakpoints annotations meanings in eclipse
another alias question:eclipse-pydev-breakpoint-does-not-stop-and-show-a-different-icon
If it shows a line through it, you probably clicked the 'skip all breakpoints' in the breakpoints view... in which case it'd be a matter of clicking that option again?
If that's not it, please post a screenshot and take a look at your error log for something related...

Eclipse doesn't stop at breakpoints

Eclipse 3.5.2 is not stopping in breakpoints. It's as if the debugger is using an older version of the source file.
Tried the usual refresh, clean all projects, build all, with no change.
Already in debug mode and the break point is checked.
*ok ended up deleting the whole project and checking it out again. but still curious what the issue was.
Perhaps you have pushed the Skip all Breakpoints button in the Breakpoints view.
Thanks guys, this really saved my day too.
I antecedently pressed on skip break points, if you did the same this will result on break point appearing with a backslash icon on them.
To bring it back to normal:
Switch to Debug perspective.
press on the breakpoints view tap -->> upper right hand corner of the screen, you also can go there by Window->show view-> breakpoints.
5th icon from the left you will see break point with backslash. press on that one.
To confirm, try putting break point on any line, and it should appear normally.
Press Ctrl + Alt + B
OR go through below steps
Clearing all Breakpoints fixed the issue
(within debugger perspective: Window -> Remove All Breakpoints).
Rebuilding the project did not work for me.
Sometimes you do start the debug mode but the debugger doesn't actually get attached/gets detached. I've also had this issue a few times when my laptop was reacting really slowly.
A reboot always solved it for me.
Also try doing a clean all (works miracles in Eclipse).
Please un check this from the Eclipse Menu.
Run->Skip all breakpoints.
I think this will be enabled permanently once You select the Remove all Break points option in the Debug/Breakpoints window.
Performing a "Clean All" worked for me.
Click on "Project" tab --> "Clean" menu-item.
In the "Clean" dialogue-box select "Clean all projects" radio-button. Leave the remaining values as default. Click "OK" button.
BINGO!!!The remote-debugging started working for me as beautiful as before.
It has also happened to me, in my case it was due to the GDB launcher, which I needed to turn to "Legacy Create Process Launcher". To do so,
either change the default launchers to the "Legacy Create Process Launcher", in Windows>Preferences>Run/Debug>Launching>Default Launchers.
or choose this launcher in the debug configuration of your application (Run>Debug configurations>choose your debug configuration). Under the "main" tab at the bottom, click on "Select other...", check the box "Use configuration specific settings" and choose "Legacy Create Process Launcher".
I had a conditional break point wrongly put on the method entry point. Removed that breakpoint and it worked.
Note: Tried Skip all Breakpoints, Clean all projects, Refresh, close Eclipse with no luck before nailing it.
In my case, somehow the breakpoints got automatically disabled because of this switch turned on, skip breakpoints.
Breakpoints have seemed to work and not-work on the versions of Eclipse I've used the last couple years. Currently I'm using Juno and just experienced breakpoints-not-working again. The solutions above, although good ones, didn't work in my case.
Here's what worked in my case:
deleted the project
check it back out from svn
import it into Eclipse again
run "mvn eclipse:eclipse"
Since the project is also a Groovy/Http-bulder/junit-test project, I had to:
convert the project from Java to Groovy
add /src/test/groovy to the Java Build Path (Source folders on build path)
include "**/*.groovy" on the Java Build Path for /src/test/groovy
I had all breakpoints enabled and configured as I should. But whenever I clicked "debug" it would only step through the program (press f5/f6) Turns out there was a rogue setting
Right Click project > debug configurations > "Debugger" tab > uncheck "Stop on startup at:" box
One reason for this situation can be, that you have pressed 'skip all breakpoints', when play- and another pictures are smaller than those normally are (because of higher resolution screen). Another thing can be, that break points are stopped only under VM threads, not under normal threads!
Go to (eclipse-workspace)\.metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.wst.server.core and delete all tmp folders.
Clean and Restart server.
In my case I had to enable then disable an option in the Preferences.
I don't prefer the debug view to keep jumping when a breakpoint is hit so I disabled this option, but caused the issue in question.
The solution was to enable it again, start a debug session, the breakpoint is hit and shown in the UI, then disable again the option.
Looks like a bug in Eclipse 4.17
There is also another simpler way that will make Eclipse show the debugging highlight at the breakpoint or rather refresh the debugging UI to work as it should. After the breakpoint is reached, Eclipse will ask you to switch to debugging mode if you are not already in, click switch button, then activate the debug tab/view, you will notice that the stepping buttons are activated and the breakpoint line is highlighted.
First remove all 'toggle breakpoints' from the class file.
Then Eclipse requires a restart.
Then make sure 'Skip All breakpoints' is NOT enabled. If it is, make it disabled.
Then, add toggle breakpoint to the lines in your file and run on Debug mode.
A pop-up window must appear to confirm if you really want to Switch to debug mode. Say Yes and proceed.
I suddenly experienced the skipping of breakpoints as well in Eclipse Juno CDT. For me the issue was that I had set optimization levels up. Once I set it back to none it was working fine. To set optimization levels go to Project Properties -> C/C++ Build -> Settings -> Tool Settings pan depending on which compiler you are using go to -> Optimization and set Optimization Level to: None (-O0).
Hope this helps! Best
I had the same problem, and I found the real cause.
I had written some concurrent / multi-threads code, while I added some breakpoints inside the code running in a new thread. So, when JUnit tests ran over, and stopped soon, the code will not reach and stop at the breakpoints.
For this situation, we have to click and select "Keep JUnit running after a test run when debugging" check box at "Debug Configurations..."
switching workspace worked for me.
Go to File > Switch Workspace and choose different folder (workspace)
That's it and BINGO! Debugging started working for me as beautiful as before.
go breatpoint and click on 5th to eclipse->window>->show view->other->debug->breakpoint and click on 5th option (Skip All Breakpoints)
Make sure, that you are using the correct JRE version to debug your project. Especially if it's a third party project.
Also make sure, that there is no trigger point set for any breakpoint.
I had the same problem when I was using Eclipse Juno.. I installed Eclipse Indigo and it works fine. Try to reinstall eclipse.
A different solution worked for me. I also faced the same problem - debug points were not being updated, though they are shown correctly in the IDE editor and in Break Points tab.
My problem and solution are: While creating the project, the 'Default Output Folder' points to different location. At a later stage, I have mavenized the project, selecting "Project Right Click - Configure - Convert to Maven Project". So there are two sets of output folders exist in my project file system. Cleaning the project multiple times did not solve my problem. In the background it was pointing to different binary files. Finally, when I removed the Maven Feature and cleaned the project, this time everything worked fine. Env: Eclipse Juno and JRE is J2SDK 1.5.
I get all breakpoints skipped and marked as warnings when using -O2 in the compiler flags. Switched to -O0 -g in my makefile and breakpoints now work. Hope this helps.
If it doesn't stop even after unchecking SKIP ALL BREAKPOINTS, you can add this android.os.debug.waitfordebugger just before your breakpoint.
If you do this,your app will definitely wait for debugger at that point everytime,even if you are just running your app,which it will only find when your device is connected to eclipse.
After debugging you must remove this line for app to run properly or else android will just keep waiting for the debugger.
Try to restart eclipse, that works sometimes. I guess there is some kind of cache there.
In my case the debugged code in JBoss was older than the code in the Eclipse project. Rebuilding the .war solved the problem.
Facing same problem with Eclipse Luna.
Project clean didn't work.
Rebuild didn't work.
What makes it work is uninstall the app on the device before each debugging.
I use the Eclipse FileSync plugin for live remote debugging. Make sure you tick Allow different target folders & edit the Target folder file setting in the tree view.
Setting the Default target folder by the Browse... button without Allow different target folders will set all folders to the same target (I had both libs & classes set to the default for libs so my breakpoints did not update).
Since Eclipse 4.7/Oxygen released in June 2017, there is a new concept of "Triggers for breakpoints", which is displayed as a small "T" next to the breakpoint "blue bullet" icon.
All the other breakpoints that are initially suppressed by triggers
will be hit only after any of the trigger points has been hit. All the
triggers are disabled after a trigger point is hit and will be
re-enabled after the run.
In order to reset all the "trigger" flags, you need to do the following steps :
Switch to Debug perspective.
Right-click in the "Breakpoints" view
Select "Remove All Triggers".
Note : this step does not delete all your breakpoints, which occurs when selecting "Remove All" in the same contextual menu.
Note : the keyboard shortcut to enable the triggers is "Alt-R", which takes precedence on the shortcut to open the "Run" menu with its mnemonics, when the "Breakpoints" view is selected.