Is it possible use Programmers Notepad as an Eclipse plugin? - eclipse

Is it possible that to embed Programmers Notepad into Eclipse so it opens in the same window, on right click - history, local .... ?
I would like have in Eclipse the text editor capabilities of Programmers Notepad - such as syntax coloring, etc.
Is this possible?

There is a plugin called EclipseColorer. It has syntax-highlighting for many languages...


There is a plugin or way to jump/go to definition/declaration in Sublime Text 3 like in Eclipse by Command+L-Click?

In Eclipse you can jump to definition/declaration by clicking on hyperlinks with pressing command key (control for Windows). I would like to use the same functionality for Sublime Text 3. Mostly I work with Robot Framework with a lot of files and would like to jump to the source of Keyword through whole project.
In sublime this kind of feature is provided by plugins.
Look at or, but be aware you can't use both, they conflict.
This plugin allows you to jump from .txt (.robot) files to the keyword's definition in .py and in .txt (.robot) in case they are resource files. Please read more here:
You can add below two plugins in pycharm, it will then allow you to navigate.

Eclipse : Run an external software in editor view

I am using Eclipse to edit almost any file that I code. But for some, I prefer to use gEdit (for instance CoffeeScript files).
I wondered if there was a way to somehow embed the UI of gEdit (or any other software) in the Editor view of Eclipse. I could use my favorite editor in an unified environment and this could also bring the richness of the Eclipse environment to those files (even if I'm well aware that most of it won't work).
But is it ever possible ? Better, is there already a plugin for that ?
Thanks for your help !
I wondered if there was a way to somehow embed the UI of gEdit (or any other software) in the Editor view of Eclipse.
No, there isn't.
However, you can execute an external editor from Eclipse.
From the main Eclipse menu, left click on Window -> Preferences.
On the Preferences dialog, left click General -> Editors -> File Associations.
For any file type, you can associate one or more editors. These editors can be external to Eclipse.
Once you've done this, you can bring up your external editor by double clicking on the module name in the Package Explorer.
After you're finished editing with an external editor, refresh the module so Eclipse knows you've made changes.
SWT allows to integrate apps using OLE. Unluckily this is obviously available only when running on Windows.
For more info, see this article by Lars Vogel.

Macro functionality with keyboard shortcuts in Eclipse?

Having used Netbeans for ages and being new to Eclipse I couldn't see any built-in Macro functionality in Eclipse. I found the Practically Macro plug-in but this does not seem to have the capability to add keyboard shorcuts. One needs to go through two menus and therefore two mouse clicks to run a macro using the aforementioned plugin.
This does not serve well for my need of frequent macro applications. Is there anyway to have very simple Macros using keyboard shortcuts in Eclipse? Or should I start writing my own Eclipse plugin for this? Or perhaps use another light weight tool for this purpose? Do you have any suggestions?
There doesn't seem to be anything else than Practically Macro for Eclipse. Once you use a Macro, you can press Ctrl-Alt-P to replay that. This helps a bit, but when you want to switch between a couple of macros back and forth doesn't help much.
Not sure about this Macro plug-in you're using, but you can modify keyboard shortcuts (Helios) in Preferences->General->Keys.
Testing PracticallyMacro I found that it did not record right clicks but I was able to find a perfect utility 'TinyTask' and 'TyperTask'. The former can export record and save as small 'exe' files which can then be added as external Eclipse builders the latter can automate tasks based on typed characters - epic.

Keyboard shortcut synchronization with Eclipse and IDEA?

My time spent programming is split between what I do at work, and the programming I do at home in my spare time. At work, we use Vista machines and IntelliJ IDEA 8, whilst at home I use Mac OS X and Eclipse.
As you can imagine, my ability to easily switch between the two is getting more difficult as I find the keyboard shortcuts are different.
Is there a good way to quickly standardize the shortcuts for both Eclipse and IDEA? I see myself mostly using Eclipse in the future, so I would preferably like to switch in that direction.
If not, I'll do it manually (ughh).
To get Eclipse Shortcuts, go to "Settings" and type "keymap".
Then select Eclipse on the list.
Odd, someone had the exact same wish back in 2005!
Intellij is supposed to have an Eclipse Keymap
The IntelliJ FAQ for eclipse user mentions:
IntelliJ IDEA includes a bundled Eclipse keymap, so you can select it in Settings dialog, Keymap if you prefer using shortcuts you're accustomed to.
IntelliJ is supposed to have that Eclipse keymaps since the Demetra 6.0.5 version.
See their Release Notes from that (old) version.
Shortcut to use Eclipse shortcuts in IntelliJ Idea:
Press ctrl+`(also have tilde~ on it, button at the left side of digit 1). Then press 3 (Keymap) and select 2 (Eclipse). Done!
From the Settings dialog box --> select Keymap --> select "eclipse" from keymap dropdown list. Have a look at below link for details:
This doesn't directly address your question, but IntelliJ's license allows you to run the application from home. See their faq.
That way you can use IntelliJ both at work, and at home.

vim commands in Eclipse

I have been doing some java development lately and have started using Eclipse. For the most part, I think it is great, but being a C/C++ guy used to doing all of his editing in vim, I find myself needlessly hitting the Esc key over and over.
It would be really nice if I got all the nice features of Eclipse, but still could do basic editing the same way I can in vim. Anyone know of any Eclipse pluggins that would help with this?
an Eclipse plugin which acts as a wrapper for Eclipse text editors to provide a Vim-like input scheme for moving around and editing text.
Unlike other plugins which embed Vim in Eclipse, Vrapper imitates the behaviour of Vim while still using whatever editor you have opened in the workbench. The goal is to have the comfort and ease which comes with the different modes, complex commands and count/operator/motion combinations which are the key features behind editing with Vim, while preserving the powerful features of the different Eclipse text editors, like code generation and refactoring...
There is this plugin that costs $20+
I use it and it works great, you've got basic vi movement commands and a set of others.
Here is an open source, free plugin but i've never been able to get it working (i'm on a mac).
You can also go the other way and get eclipse code completion inside vim.
You basically run an instance of Eclipse and you will be working inside vim. They just released a version compatible with Eclipse 3.4.
New plugin I've started using
Viable has pretty much what you are looking for along with some extra features which none of the other plugins for eclipse seem to have, like some support for visual block mode, command line history, window splitting, and piping external commands.
It is pay ($15.00 CAD) but free to tree with all the features. I personally like it better than the other solutions.