iphone how to manage memory when frequently loading images - iphone

I'm currently coding my app that loads images frequently (but not the same images). As far as I test it out, there's no memory leak problem, but the memory usage of the app increases as I load up different images. It means the app will eventually gets killed by OS when it hits memory cap. I inspected through instrument and I found that a lot of memory was being held by NSConcreteData.
//from different thread, and pass data to main thread
NSData *data = [[[NSData alloc] initWithContentsOfURL:url] autorelease];
//at main, data to uiimage
imgView.image = [[[UIImage alloc] initWithData:data] autorelease];
When the view is dismissed and all allocated memories get return to heap, it seems like the memory
I allocate for NSData keep presents in the memory and therefore the memory usage of the app increases compared to what it was before it loaded images. I'm not sure if this is normal behavior.
Or is it bad practice to pass allocated memory between different threads?

This may or may not help in your exact case, but this is often reduced by paying closer attention to your autorelease stack growth. You should be able to reduce the problem by wrapping those heavy creators (data from url, image with data) in autorelease pool blocks.
#autoreleasepool { work with large NSObjects here }
or, depending on the system you must deploy for:
NSAutoreleasePool * pool = [NSAutoreleasePool new];
work with large NSObjects here
[pool release];
If you can use #autoreleasepool, do so. it's slightly better because it interfaces with the underlying autorelease stacks directly. If you need backwards compatibility, then use NSAutoreleasePool. At a higher level, they really serve the same purpose, in the sense that you should be able to interchange their implementations in your program without introducing new issues. Therefore, it really comes down to the minimum OS you are targeting and the build settings you have specified for your project when deciding which to use.
You should wrap your handling and creation of large (or many) allocations in autorelease blocks because autoreleased objects are sent release messages "at some point in the future". By creating and destroying that autorelease pool explicitly (and by using autorelease less often), you allow many of these objects to be destroyed much sooner.
As to why this can be good in addition to simply not using autorelease in your program: clients and system libraries may end up adding your big/numerous images/NSDatas to the autorelease pools. Autorelease pools are like (thread local) stacks -- when you destroy your local pool, all those autorelease messages made while your pool was on top will be fulfilled, and the autoreleased objects will receive their release messages.
Or is it bad practice to pass allocated memory between different threads?
Remember that you should message your UIKit and AppKit objects from the main thread. In Cocoa, many libraries may specify their threading models. NSData follows the Foundation threading model. The objects are not explicitly thread safe, but they are safe to use if you read and/or write from no more than one thread at any given time (that is, use a lock whenever you need to use it in a MT context, or pass copies). Passing and sharing data/objects is not a bad practice, it's necessary (or the logical solution) at times. There is a slight catch saying it's 'not bad': many people do not understand multithreading and shared resources well (it is not a trivial skill to learn for many).

Try something like this. Autorelease is less precise than explicitly releasing.
//on background thread data's retain count will now be 1
NSData *data = [[NSData alloc] initWithContentsOfURL:url];
//on main thread (I'm assuming .image is a retained property)
UIImage *newImage = [[UIImage alloc] initWithData:data];
imgView.image = newImage;
[data release];
[newImage release];

try open Allocation to calculate memory,
and when every time you want to release something,
Make it to be nil first, make sure no one is using this variable.
Otherwise, it crash.
Make Variable equal to nil, before release.


iPhone: using retain vs autorelease

Which one of these is better practice?
A) retain and release the object myself later
NSMutableArray* array = [[self getArray] retain];
[array release];
B) autorelease from the function returning the object
getArray {
NSMutableArray* returnedArray = [[[NSMutableArray alloc] init] autorelease];
return returnedArray;
The simplest rule of thumb when it comes to memory management in Objective-C is that you should release anything that you've explicitly allocated (alloc), copied (copy), newed up (new), or retained (retain).
The release should be done within the scope of the aforementioned actions. If you allocate space for an object that is returned by a method, you should autorelease it before returning it. So, given the two options you've provided, B is the recommended practice.
You could read and follow Apples guidelines on memory management and performance.
Personally I think the reasons for choosing one way over the other:
Using Autorelease pros:
You can't stuff it up, memory will be freed at some point. That I like to think of as "falling into the pit of success".
Using autorelease a lot may cause you memory problems as lots of objects build up awaiting be released by the autorelease pools.
Using retain/release pros:
More control when your memory is used/freed.
On ios apple recommends that you use release instead of autorelease whenever possible to keep the size of the pool small.
Like C/C++ malloc/free new/delete you have to be careful to keep them matched up and it is easy to stuff that up, causing memory leaks.
For member variables you have no choice, retain/release is it.
I think, whichever style you choose comes down to the situation your code is in and choosing the best style based on there pro's and con's. I don't think there is any one answer to this.
If you want to return an object you have to use the second approach. In all cases where possible you should use the retain-release approach because this uses less memory.
If you new, alloc init, retain, or copy (NARC) an object, you have to release it.
When the name of a method starts with any of those words, it means it's being created for the caller, who has the responsibility to release the object when he is done with it.
Otherwise the method returned is not owned by the caller, and he has to indicate he wants to keep it calling retain on the object.
If you can choose, don't abuse autorelease when memory is a concern.
Some comments:
The first rule logically results in the second. Example: if the outcome of a function (the returned object) survives the execution of the function, all the function can do is autorelease the object.
Unless there is a memory/performance concern, the overhead of automatic memory management is better than the memory leak chances plus the increased developing time.
Try to retain/release symmetrically. Example: if you retained on init, then release on dealloc. Same for viewDidLoad/viewDidUnload.
If you use #property(retain) you have to release in dealloc.
// created with autoreleased, just call retain if you intend to keep it
NSString *orange = [NSString stringWithString:#"orange"];
// created for the caller, you'll have to release it when you are done
NSObject *apple = [NSString initWithString:#"apple"];

How can I keep memory usage low with a lot of NSStrings, or how do I release NSStrings?

I am working on an app that imports a (very) large csv file into Core Data for catching purposes. The process goes something like this:
Parse the file line-by-line into an NSMutableArray full of NSStrings
After X number of lines, import the array into Core Data (this involves manipulating and in some cases creating new NSStrings)
[NSMutableArray removeAllObjects];
Rinse and repeat
At first glance it looks like the memory should be freed up at the conclusion of each cycle. With large files, however, I am finding that the app crashes after signaling a couple low memory warnings. Running the leaks tool tells me that most of the memory is being used up by CFString objects, which I understand are related to NSString objects (although I don't know how)
I understand that NSString are reused whenever possible, and that they don't act quite the same as other objects where memory is concerned, although I don't understand any of the details. How can I reclaim the memory that my NSString objects are using?
Running the leaks tool tells me that most of the memory is being used up by CFString objects, which I understand are related to NSString objects (although I don't know how)
NSString is actually a class cluster. Although you think you are working with NSStrings, you are almost certainly really working with one of its subclasses. The Cocoa framework chooses which subclass to use depending on circumstances.
CFString is actually not really an NSString at all, it is the pure C string object used by Core Foundation. However, you'll find it is "toll free bridged" to NSString. This means that, to Cocoa, it looks like an NSString. The reason you are seeing lots of CFString usage is because whatever Cocoa API you are using to obtain these strings ultimately performs its work in Core Foundation.
Anyway, all that is irrelevant to your problem except for the fact, that lots of CFStrings more or less means the same as lots of NSStrings. What you need to reduce your memory footprint is nested autorelease pools as Girish has already said. As a first step, modify your algorithm like this:
Create a new autorelease pool.
Parse the file line-by-line into an NSMutableArray full of NSStrings
After X number of lines, import the array into Core Data (this involves manipulating and in some cases creating new NSStrings)
[NSMutableArray removeAllObjects];
drain the autorelease pool
Rinse and repeat (start at 0)
If this doesn't help, or only helps a bit, consider bracketing just the parsing with an autorelease pool.
I am assuming that you don't have memory leak.
If you are using too much autoreleased object this can happen
You try following
Create nested auto release pools --- some time happen that you have some long running loops where auto release object get accumulated. -- so add custom auto release pool to release the auto release object when you required.
Don't use autorelease object in the parsing cycle --- do manual object allocation and release once your work is done.
You can't sure that the memory is consumed by NSStrings only. I suggest you check it thoroughly. Try to go for "Build and Analyze" it will help you to find out leaks.
While using NSString object, instead of going for autoreleased objects like
[NSString stringWithFormat#""];
create your own object and release it as soon as you done with it.
NSString * string = [[NSString alloc]initWithFormat:#""];
//use string object
[string release];
this way you can be sure, that you releasing the string there itself.
or create an Autorelease pool
NSAutoReleasePool * pool = [[NSAutoReleasePool alloc]init];
// do you coding, creation of objects, releasing them, whatever...
[pool drain]; or [pool release];
Also have a look at these memory management tips

With obj-c on the iPhone, is there any harm in autoreleasing everything instead of releasing?

With obj-c on the iPhone, is there any harm in autoreleasing everything instead of releasing?
Eg, this code:
NSString *recipe = [[NSString alloc] initWithUTF8String:sqlite3_column_text(dbps,0)];
[arr addObject:recipe];
[recipe release];
Can be shortened to two lines by autoreleasing the recipe nsstring when i create it:
NSString *recipe = [[[NSString alloc] initWithUTF8String:sqlite3_column_text(dbps,0)] autorelease];
[arr addObject:recipe];
Are there any drawbacks to this? I find it suits my coding style better. Thanks all.
The drawback is that the objects get released later. In most cases this won't be a problem but if you allocate and autorelease thousands of objects in a tight loop this overhead can add up to a point where it impacts performance or even causes your app to run out of memory.
In any case, you might want to use:
[NSString stringWithUTF8String:sqlite3_column_text(dbps,0)];
instead of
[[[NSString alloc] initWithUTF8String:sqlite3_column_text(dbps,0)] autorelease];
If the object does not have a scope outside the function it is used, you should always release it in order to minimize the amount of memory consumed by your application.
If you let the object stick around until the autorelease pool kicks in, a lot of unneeded memory may need to be allocated. This is especially important with iOS 4 and fast app switching, where memory is also allocated to apps in the background.
The lower your own memory footprint is, the bigger a chance there is that your application will not be terminated when in the background in case memory gets tight.
Here is my understanding on the subject, I'm sure I'll get downvoted to death if I say anything wrong ;)
Generally speaking, in tight loops, init + release will be faster than autorelease. Most of the time performance is not an issue
You may not actually want to autorelease at all times. If you want an object to stick around, you'll need to manually release or stick your autoreleased obj in a property with a retain so that you can get at it later otherwise your obj will be released as soon as it goes out of scope
With manual init + release you have more fine grained control over what is happening, this may be useful for advanced multi-threaded scenarios (especially now that GCD is pervasive)
autorelease is probably fine most of the time so long as you understand how reference counting works, but do not treat it like a silver bullet. You can still leak plenty of memory using autorelease incorrectly.
I'll turn the question around: The main disadvantage with release is that it's very easy to forget. Assignment to a local or to an instance variable look pretty much identical (they're entirely identical if you don't assign in an initializer):
Foo * a = [[Foo alloc] init];
myFoo = [[Foo alloc] init];
This, and similar issues, leads to a bunch of potential problems:
When you copy-and-paste code, will you forget a release?
When you change between local and instance variables, will you remember to add/remove the release?
If an exception is thrown, does the code leak? (This is almost always true, but it is traditional to not care about exceptions in Obj-C.)
Personally, the overhead of a memory leak when you refactor code is worse than the overhead of a few autoreleased objects. I occasionally refactor code so it looks like this:
FooView * v = [[[FooView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectZero] autorelease];
// set up v...
myFoo = [v retain];
Local variables are marginally more efficient.
If you decide that you don't need the instance variable anymore, you just need to comment out one line.
Views are pretty heavyweight, so the autorelease overhead isn't going to matter much
For completeness, if you're doing a bunch of things in a loop (e.g. test code), you can autorelease at the end of every iteration with something like this:
for (size_t n = 100000; n--; ) {
NSAutoreleasePool * pool = [NSAutoreleasePool new];
// ... allocate and autorelease some stuff ...
[pool release]; pool = nil;
If you're worried about efficiency, you can gain significant speedups using (e.g.) CFString functions — the Objective-C overhead is pretty significant for small strings.
Problem is when you do autorelease you're not actually releasing the object but adding it to the current autorelease pool. Object will be effectively released when you release that pool which is done every time through the main loop .
NSAutoreleasePool * pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
int retVal = UIApplicationMain(argc, argv, nil, nil);
[pool release];
You can create you're own autorelease pool but I'm not sure it would be better than simply use release.

Autorelease: Use always when you've NARC'ed?

I know this question looks like a dupe: I checked and it's not
In talking about NARC, the author of this blog says, "Personally, I like to immediately autorelease anything I NARC-ed, on the same line." This goes completely counter to all the examples I've seen on the Apple site and in books, where autorelease is only used when the object must be returned and cannot be released immediately. In general, the idea is that autorelease is memory intensive and can gum up your program (though it makes code cleaner). From Appress Beginning iPhone 3 Development:
these objects can have a detrimental
effect on your application’s memory
footprint. It is OK to use
autorelease, but try to use it only
when you really need to, not just to
save typing a line or two of code.
I am not asking if autorelease is worse than explicitly calling release (it is), but rather:
In most 'normal' situations on iPhone, just how bad is it to replace a later release with an earlier autorelease (in the same method)? Also, in what situations would it be absolutely prohibitive to do this?
My guess is that, compared to using a garbage collector (as MonoTouch apps do sucessfully), autorelease will hardly make a dent in your memory footprint, and that Vincent's advice it right on, and can make for cleaner code and less accidental memory-leaks.
There's nothing wrong with using autorelease, but when you allocate objects in a loop, you should always call release explicitly.
Using autorelease:
for (int i=0;i<1000;i++) {
NSString *s = [[[NSString alloc] init] autorelease];
// at this point, there are 1,000 unreleased string objects in memory
Using release:
for (int i=0;i<1000;i++) {
NSString *s = [[NSString alloc] init];
[s release];
// at this point, no string objects are "alive"
As you can see, you have to be really careful when using autorelease in loops.
You should be aware how autorelease works. Each thread in your application normally has a single autorelease pool. Objects can be registered in the pool. At the time they are registered, the pool determines the stackframe they belong to and will automatically pop the from the pool whenever that stackframe is left.
While this may seem costly (and it certainly is compared to direct retain/release), I don't think it even close to the cost a generation mark and sweep garbage collector can have.
Where autorelease really shines is in all situations where exceptions may be raised and there's no try/catch around. Autorelease is definitely preferable to a direct release in such cases.
There are, however, situations where you should avoid autorelease (the same goes for garabge collected environments where you should try to avoid these situations too). Creating temporary, autoreleased objects in a loop which runs a huge number of times is such a scenario, which puts significant stress on a garbage collector or the autorelease pool.
Replacing release with autorelease should be avoided in worker threads that are very simple and can live without the overhead of an autorelease pool. So the guideline is: Whenever you can avoid it, you should, whenever you're unsure autorelease.

Running out of memory with UIImage creation on an offscreen Bitmap Context by NSOperation

I have an app with multiple UIView subclasses that acts as pages for a UIScrollView. UIViews are moved back and forth to provide a seamless experience to the user. Since the content of the views is rather slow to draw, it's rendered on a single shared CGBitmapContext guarded by locks by NSOperation subclasses - executed one at once in an NSOperationQueue - wrapped up in an UIImage and then used by the main thread to update the content of the views.
-(void)main {
NSAutoreleasePool * pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc]init];
if([self isCancelled]) {
if(nil == data) {
// Buffer is the shared instance of a CG Bitmap Context wrapper class
// data is a dictionary
CGImageRef img = [buffer imageCreateWithData:data];
UIImage * image = [[UIImage alloc]initWithCGImage:img];
if([self isCancelled]) {
[image release];
NSDictionary * result = [[NSDictionary alloc]initWithObjectsAndKeys:image,#"image",id,#"id",nil];
// target is the instance of the UIView subclass that will use
// the image
[target performSelectorOnMainThread:#selector(updateContentWithData:) withObject:result waitUntilDone:NO];
[result release];
[image release];
[pool release];
The updateContentWithData: of the UIView subclass performed on the main thread is just as simple
-(void)updateContentWithData:(NSDictionary *)someData {
NSDictionary * data = [someData retain];
if([[data valueForKey:#"id"]isEqualToString:[self pendingRequestId]]) {
UIImage * image = [data valueForKey:#"image"];
[self setCurrentImage:image];
[self setNeedsDisplay];
// If the image has not been retained, it should be released together
// with the dictionary retaining it
[data release];
The drawLayer:inContext: method of the subclass will just get the CGImage from the UIImage and use it to update the backing layer or part of it. No retain or release is involved in the process.
The problem is that after a while I run out of memory. The number of the UIViews is static. CGImageRef and UIImage are created, retained and released correctly (or so it seems to me). Instruments does not show any leaks, just the free memory available dip constantly, rise a few times, and then dip even lower until the application is terminated. The app cycles through about 2-300 of the aforementioned pages before that, but I would expect to have the memory usage reach a more or less stable level of used memory after a bunch of pages have been already skimmed at fast speed or, since the images are up to 3MB in size, deplete way earlier.
Any suggestion will be greatly appreciated.
I realize this is an old posting, but in case it helps anybody else .... This looks like a case of memory fragmentation. We have an app that behaves the same way. The amount of memory actually allocated by the app never reaches dangerous levels, but if you look at the amount of resident memory for the app (using VM Tracker snapshots in the Allocations Instrument, or the Activity Monitor Instrument), it climbs inexorably over time until a not-very-large transient spike kills the app.
The app in question is a multi-threaded app that makes tons of transient allocations in a large range of sizes, the timing of which can't be predicted or controlled. Such an app has to be paranoid about releasing unneeded memory allocations, not because they take up too much memory per se, but because they can create holes that prevent larger images from fitting into the allocated blocks. Even smaller allocations that tend to be overlooked are important in fragmentation (granted that the low-level allocator does group allocations by size, which is helpful to an extent). Memory zones are theoretically helpful for addressing fragmentation but pretty hard to make effective, at least in my experience. Also, use custom auto-release pools, or better yet, alloc/init as much as you can, and release as early as possible. The fact that the underlying frameworks are always making their own allocations for caching purposes probably doesn't help.