Eclipse Plugin, How can I know when IResourceDeltaVisitor ends processing tree nodes? - eclipse

I wrote an Eclipse Plugin that basically allow a programmer to select a Java source from the Project Explorer and by selecting the corresponding DropDown menu option it will creates an interface .java file based on the one selected.
Everything works fine, but now I need to program the update part of the job.
The update requierement is simple, I need to listen for changes and identify that the sources that have the interface generated have been modified and recreate the interface file.
To do this I wrote a class that implements IResourceChangeListener interface.
That class looks like:
public class DTOChangeListener implements IResourceChangeListener {
private List<UpdatedUnit> updatedUnits;
public DTOChangeListener() {
this.updatedUnits=new ArrayList<UpdatedUnit>();
public void resourceChanged(IResourceChangeEvent event) {
if(event.getType() == IResourceChangeEvent.POST_CHANGE){
}catch(CoreException ex){
protected IResourceDeltaVisitor buildVisitor(){
IResourceDeltaVisitor result=new IResourceDeltaVisitor() {
public boolean visit(IResourceDelta resDelta) throws CoreException {
String resName=resDelta.getResource().getName();
if(resName==null || resName.equals("")){
return true;
String[] splits=resName.split("\\.");
String name = splits[0];
return false;
String interfaceName=name + "PropertyAccess";
String interfaceFile=interfaceName + ".java";
IResource res=resDelta.getResource();
if((res instanceof IFolder) || (res instanceof IProject)){
// Avoid Folder & Project Nodes
return true;
IProject project=res.getProject();
IJavaElement element=JavaCore.create(res);
if(element instanceof ICompilationUnit){
ICompilationUnit unit=(ICompilationUnit)element;
IPath path=res.getProjectRelativePath().removeLastSegments(1);
IResource propertyAccess=project.findMember(path.append(interfaceFile));
UpdatedUnit updatedUnit=new UpdatedUnit(project, path, unit);
return false;
return true;
return result;
public List<UpdatedUnit> getUpdatedUnits() {
return updatedUnits;
I add the Listener to the Workspace, now the question I have is:
How can I know when the updatedUnits List is completed in order to proccess the list with my own code?
One posible answer to this question would be, don't worry, the:
will block until proccessing of the visitor finish.
but at least is not documented like it would.
Any ideas would be appreciated.
Thanks in Advance.

Unless it's documented to not block, it blocks.


Eclipse JDT ListRewrite inserts new node at wrong places

I'm trying to add an annotation to some selected fields using Eclipse JDT infrastructure. However, this is not run as a plugin. I added all the required dependencies to a separate project so this can be run in batch mode. However I found out that, the ListRewrite is not inserting my annotation at the right place. I have given the code below. I initially get all the field declarations in a map using a visitor and then add them one by one using the code below.
FieldDeclaration fld = lVrblDet.listStringVarMap.get(propName);
final MarkerAnnotation autoWiredAnnotate = ast.newMarkerAnnotation(); autoWiredAnnotate.setTypeName(ast.newName("MyAnnot"));
lrw = rewriter.getListRewrite(fld, FieldDeclaration.MODIFIERS2_PROPERTY);
lrw.insertLast(autoWiredAnnotate, null);
Document document = new Document(cu.toString());
try {
TextEdit edits = rewriter.rewriteAST(document, null);
} catch (MalformedTreeException | IllegalArgumentException | BadLocationException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
However the expected output is sometimes offset by 1 character.The input and output classes have been given below.
Input Class:
public class SampleClassA {
public SampleClassB classB;
public SampleClassB getClassB() {
return classB;
public void setClassB(SampleClassB classB) {
this.classB = classB;
public void printNameFromSmapleClassB() {
Output Class:
#SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public class SampleClassA {
p #MyAnnot
ublic SampleClassB classB;
public SampleClassB getClassB(){
return classB;
public void setClassB( SampleClassB classB){
#Deprecated public void printNameFromSmapleClassB(){
As you can see in the code above, the Annotation messed with the modifier. I have tried multiple combinations of insertFirst,insertLast.Examples on the net are incomplete. Can somebody point me the mistake/the right resource ?
I just couldn't get it to work with ListRewrite. I don't know what I was doing wrong. So I wrote a visitor to store all the FieldDeclarations in a map.
public boolean visit(FieldDeclaration node) {
for (Object obj : node.fragments()) {
listStringVarMap.put(((VariableDeclarationFragment) obj).getName().toString(), node);
return false;
I looped through the map and inserted the annotation nodes as a modifiers, for the declarations that met my criteria. Please do remember to turn on recormodifications for the compilation unit you are modifying.
CompilationUnit cu = jFileAst.getEquivCompilUnit();
FieldDeclaration fldDecl = lVrblDet.listStringVarMap.get(propName);
importVo = (JavaAnnotImportVo) javaAstNodeCreator
.createASTNode(SpringAnnotationEnum.AutowireAnnotation, ast);
fldDecl.modifiers().add(0, importVo.getAnnotNode());
Finally write to file on disk/save back. Formatting(optional) before saving is a good idea, because the node insertions mess up with the code formatting.

E4 Preference Initializer won´t get called

I´m trying to migrate my e3-rcp-app to a e4-rcp-app.
Therefore I need to define my default Preferences. (Not the Pref.Pages)
And by doing and trying so, I just can´t get my Initializer called. Here Is my initializer-class:
public class MyPreferenceInitializer extends AbstractPreferenceInitializer {
public MyPreferenceInitializer (){}
public void initializeDefaultPreferences() {
Preferences defaults = DefaultScope.INSTANCE.getNode(InspectIT.ID);
// Set defaults using things like:
defaults.put("DUMMY", "DUMMYCONTENT");
try {
} catch (BackingStoreException e) {
//And this other approach to make sure that one of them works
IPreferenceStore store = InspectIT.getDefault().getPreferenceStore();
store.setDefault("DUMMY", "DUMMYCONTENT");
try {
((Preferences) store).flush();
} catch (BackingStoreException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
//Dummy impl
default Preferences....,
I also got an Activator class with the following structure: (Just posting the relevant methods(?))
public class Activator implements BundleActivator {
private static BundleContext context;
static BundleContext getContext() {
return context;
private static Activator plugin;
private volatile ScopedPreferenceStore preferenceStore;
public void start(BundleContext context) throws Exception {
plugin = this;
Activator.context = context;
logListener = new LogListener();
//access to my initializor
String text = getPreferenceStore().getDefaultString("DUMMY");
String text2 = getPreferenceStore().getString("DUMMY");
public void stop(BundleContext context) throws Exception {
Activator.context = null;
plugin = null;
public static <E> E getService(Class<E> clazz) {
ServiceReference<E> reference = context.getServiceReference(clazz);
if (null != reference) {
return context.getService(reference);
throw new RuntimeException("Requested service of the class " + clazz.getName() + " is not registered in the bundle.");
public ScopedPreferenceStore getPreferenceStore() {
if (null == preferenceStore) {
synchronized (this) {
if (null == preferenceStore) {
preferenceStore = new ScopedPreferenceStore(ConfigurationScope.INSTANCE, ID);
return preferenceStore;
The ScopedPreferenceStore I´m using is the one available at:
As well, I declared the plugin.xml Extension like this (I do need this, right?)
<initializer class="MyApplication.rcp.preferences.MyPreferenceInitializer ">
I´m using Eclipse 4.5.1 on a win7 x64
I googled a lot and found a lot of Threads concerning this, but I just can´t find my mistake =/.
Anyone got a suggestion for why my default preferences initializer won´t get called?
Thanks in advance
You must still use the org.eclipse.core.runtime.preferences extension point to define the preferences initializer.
In the initializer use:
public void initializeDefaultPreferences()
Preferences defaults = DefaultScope.INSTANCE.getNode(Activator.ID);
// Set defaults using things like:
defaults.putInt("pref id", 0);
Finally I found a solution for this issue.
Accidentally got over this problem again and the mistake was in the Activator. I wrongly set the ID onto a wrong name. I reset it to my projects name and now it is working!
public ScopedPreferenceStore getPreferenceStore() {
if (null == preferenceStore) {
synchronized (this) {
if (null == preferenceStore)
preferenceStore = new ScopedPreferenceStore(ConfigurationScope.INSTANCE, ID);
return preferenceStore;
ID = Project-Name

How do I tell a GWT cell widget data has changed via the Event Bus?

I have a GWT Cell Tree that I use to display a file structure from a CMS. I am using a AsyncDataProvider that loads data from a custom RPC class I created. I also have a Web Socket system that will broadcast events (File create, renamed, moved, deleted etc) from other clients also working in the system.
What I am trying to wrap my head around is when I recieve one of these events, how I correctly update my Cell Tree?
I suppose this problem would be analogus to having two instances of my Cell Tree on the page, which are presenting the same server-side data and wanting to ensure that when the user updated one, that the other updated as well, via using the EventBus.
I feel this should be pretty simple but I have spent about 6 hours on it now with no headway. My code is included below:
NOTE: I am not using RequestFactory even though it may look like I am it is my custom RPC framework. Also, FileEntity is just a simple representation of a file which has a name accessible by getName().
private void drawTree() {
// fileService is injected earlier on and is my own custom rpc service
TreeViewModel model = new CustomTreeModel(new FileDataProvider(fileService));
CellTree tree = new CellTree(model, "Root");
private static class CustomTreeModel implements TreeViewModel {
// I am trying to use a single AsyncDataProvider so I have a single point of loading data which I can manipulate (Not sure if this is the correct way to go)
public CustomTreeModel(FileDataProvider dataProvider) {
this.provider = provider;
public <T> NodeInfo<?> getNodeInfo(final T value) {
if (!(value instanceof FileEntity)) {
// I already have the root File loaded in my presenter, if we are at the root of the tree, I just add it via a list here
ListDataProvider<FileEntity> dataProvider = new ListDataProvider<FileEntity>();
return new DefaultNodeInfo<FileEntity>(dataProvider,
new FileCell());
} else {
// Otherwise I know that we are loading some tree child data, and I invoke the AsyncProvider to load it from the server
return new DefaultNodeInfo<FileEntity>(provider,
new FileCell());
public boolean isLeaf(Object value) {
if(value == null || value instanceof Folder)
return false;
return true;
public class FileDataProvider extends AsyncDataProvider<FileEntity> {
private FileEntity focusFile;
private FileService service;
public FileDataProvider(FileService service){
this.service = service;
public void setFocusFile(FileEntity focusFile){
this.focusFile = focusFile;
protected void onRangeChanged(HasData<FileEntity> display) {
service.getChildren(((Folder) focusFile),
new Reciever<List<FileEntity>>() {
public void onSuccess(List<FileEntity> files) {
updateRowData(0, files);
public void onFailure(Throwable error) {
* The cell used to render Files.
public static class FileCell extends AbstractCell<FileEntity> {
private FileEntity file;
public FileEntity getFile() {
return file;
public void render(Context context, FileEntity file, SafeHtmlBuilder sb) {
if (file != null) {
this.file = file;
Currently there is no direct support for individual tree item refresh even in the latest gwt version.
But there is a workaround for this. Each tree item is associated with an value. Using this value you can get the corresponding tree item.
In your case, i assume, you know which item to update/refresh ie you know which File Entity has changed. Use this file entity to search for the corresponding tree item. Once you get the tree item you just need to expand and collapse or collapse and expand its parent item. This makes parent item to re-render its children. Your changed file entity is one among the children. So it get refreshed.
public void refreshFileEntity(FileEntity fileEntity)
TreeNode fileEntityNode = getFileEntityNode(fileEntity, cellTree.getRootTreeNode()
// For expnad and collapse run this for loop
for ( int i = 0; i < fileEntityNode.getParent().getChildCount(); i++ )
if ( !fileEntityNode.getParent().isChildLeaf( i ) )
fileEntityNode.getParent().setChildOpen( i, true );
public TreeNode getFileEntityNode(FileEntity fileEntity, TreeNode treeNode)
if(treeNode.getChildren == null)
return null;
for(TreeNode node : treeNode.getChildren())
if(fileEntity.getId().equals( node.getValue.getId() ))
return node;
getEntityNode(fileEntity, node);
You can use the dataprovider to update the celltree.
You can update the complete cell tree with:
If you want to update only a special cell you can get the listwrapper from the dataprovider and only set one element.
provider.getList().set(12, element);

How do I manage console output in a long running Eclipse plug-in?

I have written an Eclipse plugin that works. What happens, though, is that during the run, no console output is displayed. Only when the process is finished does the output show up in the console. Below is my handler, which appears as an extension point of type org.eclipse.ui.commands:
public class MyHandler extends AbstractHandler {
public Object execute(ExecutionEvent event) throws ExecutionException {
MessageConsoleStream out = myConsole.newMessageStream();
IConsoleView view = (IConsoleView) page.showView(id);
out.println("output that only shows up at the end");
// Slow process
out.println("everything is done");
return null;
So while the process runs, nothing in the console. Then at the end, both output lines pop into view.
I'm obviously doing the console thing incorrectly, but I haven't found any good examples, nor has my experimentation proven very fruitful. Please advise.
You could consider using a ProgressMonitor (possibly with cancelation in case the user wants to abort), so that the user can see that there is something going on.
This worked:
public class Merge extends AbstractHandler {
private static MessageConsole myConsole = null;
private static ExecutionEvent event = null;
public Object execute(ExecutionEvent event) throws ExecutionException {
Merge.event = event;
//same idea as original post and other examples where it makes new or finds existing
myConsole = makeConsole(Merge.event);
Job job = new Job("My Job Name"){
protected IStatus run(IProgressMonitor monitor){
if (blah) {
MessageConsoleStream out = myConsole.newMessageStream();
out.println("output show up right away");
// Slow process
out.println("everything is done");
} else {
MessageDialog.openInformation(HandlerUtil.getActiveShell(Merge.event), "Information", "Please select valid file");
return Status.OK_STATUS;
return null;
Maybe you can call out.flush() after every out.print...

How to implement content assist's documentation popup in Eclipse RCP

I have implemented my own editor and added a code completion functionality to it. My content assistant is registered in source viewer configuration like this:
public IContentAssistant getContentAssistant(ISourceViewer sourceViewer) {
if (assistant == null) {
assistant = new ContentAssistant();
return assistant;
When I press Ctrl + SPACE inside the desired partition, the completion popup appears and works as expected.
And here's my question.. How do I implement/register a documentation popup that appears next to completion popup? (For example in java editor)
I'll answear the question myself ;-)
You have to add this line
to the configuration above. Then when creating CompletionProposals, the eighth (last) parameter called additionalProposalInfo of the constructor is the text, which will be shown in the documentation popup.
new CompletionProposal(replacementString,
More information about can be found here.
Easy, isn't it.. if you know how to do it ;)
For the styled information box (just like in JDT).
The DefaultInformationControl instance need to received a HTMLTextPresenter.
import org.eclipse.jface.internal.text.html.HTMLTextPresenter;
public class MyConfiguration extends SourceViewerConfiguration {
public IContentAssistant getContentAssistant(ISourceViewer sourceViewer) {
if (assistant == null) {
return assistant;
public IInformationControlCreator getInformationControlCreator(ISourceViewer sourceViewer) {
return new IInformationControlCreator() {
public IInformationControl createInformationControl(Shell parent) {
return new DefaultInformationControl(parent,new HTMLTextPresenter(false));
Proposals can then use basic HTML tags in the string from method getAdditionalProposalInfo().
public class MyProposal implements ICompletionProposal {
public String getAdditionalProposalInfo() {
return "<b>Hello</b> <i>World</i>!";