How to make a horizontal scrollable UITabBar in iOS? - iphone

The UITabBar in my app consists of 10+ items, but the width is enough to put all 10+ items.
How to make a horizontal scrollable UITabBar in iOS ?

You'll have to roll your own to at least some extent.
What might work, would be to create a UITabBar view (not the controller) and embedded it in a UIScrollView. You could then use that in place of your regular Tab Bar control by adding it to your TabBarController.view/tabBarView or something. Of course you'd have to play around to get it to look right, and I'm not sure if just setting the view to something wider will actually make it display more items or not.
Of course, for best results you'd probably want to do something entirely custom.

From Apple's Developer Portal:
If you add more than five items to the viewControllers property, the tab bar controller automatically inserts a special view controller (called the More view controller) to handle the display of the additional items.
Seems like you will need to make a custom tab bar.
They also said this in the next paragraph:
Although the tab bar view is a key part of your tab bar interface, you do not modify that view directly.
You might be breaking Apple's design guidelines by doing this.

You can certainly go and create a custom class of the UITabBar (embedding it into a scrollview etc.)..but why re-invent the wheel? After searching around I found several third-party classes already created that work well and are easy to use and highly customizable..In order of personal preference:
M13InfiniteTabBar -
JSScrollableTabBar -
InfiniTabBar -


Set array of TabBar items dynamically with scroll view

How can I add a TabBar on top of the iPhone? Also I need to set an array of TabBar items dynamically with scroll view.
For more details refer to this url
I need to create tabs like Top News, City, India, World, etc.
UITabBar generally is placed at the bottom of the screen and there usually only one per app. It may be possible to sidestep this, though Apple probably won't like it.
You do not directly manipulate a UITabBar. Instead, you add navigationControllers to the UITabBarController. Tabs can then be manipulated by setting the tabBarItem property on the NavigationController.
All that said having reviewed the screenshot, I am almost certain that a UITabBar is the wrong choice for this. You'd be better off rolling your own control or perhaps using UISegmentedControl.

Replacing UINavigationControllers NavigationBar with UIView

I am developing app that has multiple skins and I have a dilemma on how to implement this.
One of the solutions would be to have separate nib files for every skin, and load it depending on which skin is currently selected. Problem with this is that I can't edit navigation bar of navigation controller (which my app uses), and I have to change it's background image and back button image etc.. I came up with an idea to hide this navigation bar on every screen and replace it with custom UIView in Interface Builder which will act as navigation bar and custom back button with IBAction for popping current View Controller, so that user won't see any difference.
Is this approach acceptable and if I make it this way, will I have problems with rejection in App Store?
If you choose to hide & replace the UINavigationBar with your own UIView it's no problem as far as Apple goes.
However, I can tell you that you will have to spend some time trying to replicate some visual effects that come naturally with UINavigationBar.
For example, when you push/pop a new controller, you will see that the navigation bar title will slide & fade beautifully. The same applies for left and right bar items.
Personally I would not completely hide the UINavigationBar, but customize it. In the end it all depends on what you want, but by default the UINavigationBar is pretty customizable.
You can add your own buttons or even entire UIViews as left and right bar items. Also, you can add your own UIView as the title (with your own label, custom font or whatever) or change the background.
To easily customize the looks in your entire application, you can subclass UINavigationController and create your own CustomUINavigationController. Then, in viewDidLoad method you can change whatever you want to the navigation bar and this will be accessible in the entire application.
No way, what you are doing is perfect. This will work & no way it will get rejected from app store (just based on this approach). I too have explored several ways to provide skins & what you wrote seemed to be the least hassle-some. Plus its way more easier to create UI elements in Interface Builder hence the separate nib files for different skins.
I am saying this so confidently 'coz I have done the same thing & app store approved.
Best of luck.

Creating custom menu at top like Real Simple Recipes does

I want to create tabbar controller placed at the top like Real Simple Recipes in iPad has done. I suspect that it is not UITabBarController as I have tried so many ways to place tab bar on the top by setting its view frame as
self.tabBarController.tabBar.view.frame = CGRectMake (0,0,768,self.tabBarController.tabBar.view.frame.height);
But it is not working.
Is it custom tabbar controller created or it is managed manually ? Any sample code or direction would be appriciated.
You want to make a custom view switcher of your own. This blog post has a nice tutorial for doing so. It uses a segmented control to do the switching, but you could adapt it to use a row of buttons if you needed a custom look.
(If you are OK requiring iOS 5, this gets easier with the view controller containment APIs, and it'd be a completely different implementation to the one suggested in that article.)

Cocoa Touch drop down box on iPad

I am implementing an iPad app that needs to make use of a drop down box or something to filter items in a tableview.
Can anyone suggest a control? I can't use the picker view (because you can't adjust height) and the segment view can't hold enough items.
In this instance, I'd be tempted to use a UIPicker view in an UIActionSheet. (Or other similar modal dialog.)
That said, it might be more appropriate to use a Search Controller to filter the UITableView. (Really depends on the application.)
Sounds like you could just use a Search Controller to me, is your data categorisable? You could be better off just creating a hierarchy and navigating through it using a Navigation Controller to move between tableviews.

UITabBarController UINavigationController Design Advice

This is more of a philosophical question than anything, so give me your thoughts.
The iPhone SDK documentation specifies that you may have a tab bar controller contain a navigation controller, but you can't have a navigation controller contain a tab bar controller. It seems that there are times when you might want to organize views within a view that is part of a navigation controller stack in a tabular fashion. Is this unreasonable?
I accept what Apple dictates in these areas as gospel as the HIG does provide best practices that seem to reveal the path of least resistance (I'm sure there are exceptions to that). In the tab bar case, however, I'm not sure the design reasoning behind it. Maybe it's obvious to others, but I can't think of a good reason why you wouldn't allow tabs as anything but a root level view controller.
What do you all think/know? What design flaw would this create? How would you solve this problem of wanting a tabular presentation of views within a view? Do I need to re-think the entire design?
I can see where they are coming from, from a design perspective. Tabbars feel anchored, constant, where navbars feel dynamic and mutable. So a tab containing dynamic content makes sense, whereas a single spot in the dynamic hierarchy of a navigation stack containing a tab bar, anchored to the bottom of the screen doesn't feel as right. The Three20 implementation does handle this in a way that makes more sense, anchoring the tabs underneath the nav bar, so that they feel more like they are part of that spot in the navigation stack.
Having said that, Tweetie rolls it's own tab bar, if I remember correctly, without a UITabbarController to circumvent this detail in the UI guidelines, and it totally works from an interaction perspective.
The short answer is it would be confusing to the user to allow UITabBars inside a nav controller. The app would certainly not behave as most users would expect. But, that's just UITabBar, not the design concept of tabs in general. Tabs inside a nav controller, should, in my design opinion, go at the top, not the bottom, as does a UITabBar.
There are a few different ways to do this.
I've done "tabs" inside a navigator view controller by having the first row in a table view have a segmented picker. (See the HangTime app on the app store). I think it works pretty well, but they aren't really "tabs".
Joe Hewitt, the guy who wrote the Facebook app, solved this problem by creating his own "tab bar" view and controller, although it's rendered quite differently than a UITabBar. That element is available through the Three20 framework, and open source library. Check it out:
I think the tab bar controller is intended to be the main point of navigation around an app if it's used. If a nav controller contains a tab controller, then the tabs will switch whenever you navigate elsewhere, which may be confusing to users who are used to using them the regular way in other apps. I think its a cool idea however, but apple may not feel the same way.