take multiple pictures and edit them forming video [closed] - iphone

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Closed 11 years ago.
Can you auto take multiple pictures and then edit them in real time for an iphone app? Like say u want to make a video of a man and add a beard to him can you do it while streaming? the mustach moves according to where his face is detected and say take about 5-15 frames per second?

I guess you can.
It would involve tracking some facial features or markers added for the purpose at the least. However this is such a vast and complex field, you'll hardly get a single advice here that will get you going.
If you really mean it, I'd suggest looking for Augmented Reality libraries, there's a few out there. Most of them work by tracking a special pattern and not arbitrary features though, so be prepared for a big load of work.
Check this SO question for a first few hints, you'll find more information on the topic easily through the search engine of your choice.


A client has just dropped like 20,000 lines of ObjC (iPhone) source code on me, the previous coder has split, where to start? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
20,000 lines of spaghetti code (iPhone ObjC) was just dropped in my lap. QUESTION: where to begin, is there a tool to just profile it all? It's a mess, not even sure where to start. Suggestions welcome.
What you're looking for is something called Unified Markup Language (UML). This is a critically overlooked part of the development process and is used to layout "class names, methods, links, etc".
Luckily for you, your problem has been faced by many a programmer in the past and there are a few different Magic Bullet solutions available. Since I've never worked backwards from code to UML (normally you build the UML first) I had to do a quick search to find some solutions:
This one looks promising: doxygen
or this one: AutoGraf
And I'm sure with a few minutes on Google you can find everything you need if these don't work out for you; now that you're aware of UML.

apps like talking tom and using external library for manipulating recorded sound [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
hello i m new in iphone i just want to know how and which libraries can be used to change the pitch of the recorded audio in iphone.Now i m using dirac library to do this if there is any other way to implement this then please help me,...thanks in advance:)
As Sebastian said, use search. People will be unwilling to help if it seems like you have asked a question without doing much research yourself thus wanting the community to provide a complete solution.
That being said I actually had the same problem a while back, check out my question, it should provide you with enough general information in how to implement the particular solution I chose to take so that you can roll your own implementation.
Basically I recorded the audio with AVRecorder and changed the pitch, etc. with openAL. Best of luck.
I just remembered this link. They are some tutorials for what you wish to achieve, I just wish I found them before I started doing my own implementation as it would have saved me a good bit of time. Best of luck!
check out this library: http://www.surina.net/soundtouch/
or this question: How to set pitch of an audio file or recorded audio file in iphone sdk?
also note: there is a search function here, AND on google :-) i just entered
objective-c change pitch of audio and those where the two topmost hits.

What's the technology behind Skype's anit-shake video recording? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
Skype added an anti-shake feature in it's video conference app on iPhone. How can that be done?
This is quite a complicated thing to pull off, but it's probably a combination of some powerful blur detection/removal algorithms, and the gyroscope. I would start by looking into how to detect motion with the iPhone, and see what kind of results you can get with that. If it's not enough, start looking into shift/blur direction detection algorithms. This is not a trivial problem, but is something that you could probably accomplish given enough time. Hope that Helps!

spin the pin game - iphone sdk [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
I need to create a game for a spinner. Just like attached image.
User can spin the pin and it will keep on spinning according to swipe velocity.
Please let me know how can i achieve this functionality?
Please read http://www.raywenderlich.com
He has taken a lot of care in creating a great valuable resource for learning iPhone development, animation in particular. You'll be ready in no time :D
In a nutshell, there are three ways you can do this.
use Cocos2D
Use CoreAnimation
Use UIView's animation methods, but I'd favor the other two solutions, especially Cocos2D since I like it :D

how to use accelerometer to change voice (auto tune) [closed]

It's difficult to tell what is being asked here. This question is ambiguous, vague, incomplete, overly broad, or rhetorical and cannot be reasonably answered in its current form. For help clarifying this question so that it can be reopened, visit the help center.
Closed 11 years ago.
I am interested in creating an auto tune app and did a bit of research and apparently thats now possible by using accelerometer that apple provides but I have no idea how to do that. can someone help out by giving me a link to a tutorial or give me an example code to change the voice inserted into the function.
Thanks in advance.
The accelerometer reports back physical acceleration of the device. This has absolutely nothing to do with digital signal processing of a recorded waveform, and as others said, there will be no easy way to do this. You can browse the audacity source (plugins specifically) to see algorithms having to do with time-stretching and will see that this is very complex. Not only is the science of the signal processing complicated, the art of getting it to sound good (at all) is incredible.