Create WebPages like IMDB - content-management-system

I will be building a site for music reviews. Say, i review a album of "Summer Hits 2011". It would contain about 10-15 artists. Now, i have portfolios of all these 10-15 artists. In the review, the artist names should be a hyperlink. Is there any way to automatically make the artist names as hyperlinks, instead of manually making it a hyperlink by linking to the artist's page. I know the question is little bit vague, but i tried my best in putting it the right way.
I though of using What do you guys suggest ? I have heard of CMS solutions like Drupal. If you can point me in the right direction it would be great.
A silly question - Where and how the information is stored. Pick a movie page in IMDB. Do they create a html page for this movie and keep it on the server. Or do they just query from DB and present it in template ?


How to tag the code of a website for structured data recognition by Google SEO?

we're just completing a new site build. With the current theme, we have had issues with structured data (we've highlighted it on Webmasters tools, and weeks later had to re-highlight it, and even then the highlighting prediction is not where we would like it to be).
It seems like Google is not able to find our Title, author, categories, content, featured image, date very easily. I'd expect to be able to communicate this to Google with 100% accuracy, since its so simple and we use the same format for all our articles). So maybe our theme is missing something by way of tags or something in the code to point to and identify this data?
Is that the case? Could someone please tell me what this aspect is called (so I can research it by its term), explain what I need to do with the new build, point me in the direction of an authoritative explanation/tutorial?
The site in question is a WordPress site, but I also am working on some php sites and would like to use this information on all sites, if it can be applied this way.
You can use micro-data to mark-up the structured data. Also Google will really like your site if you show him (with a code) everything about the site - navigation, sidebar (aside), content (article) and so on. I suggest you to read about and micro-formats.
Here is an usefull article about your problem and how to implement micro-formats to your site.

Creating a webpage using forms

Hi i'm creating a webpage for my school's newspaper/journalism club. to be honest i don't know if any of the club members have much html programming ability and when i finally publish this page, i don't want to have to teach them how to update the page themselves (i will still help i just don't want to have to update the homepage my self) so basically my question is: is there a simple way to create an html form(s) that can create an html webpage? and could it be made so it updates to multiple pages at once. Thanks!
oh also if it is not possible with html or html5 i'd appreciate it if you post which programming language it needs to be done in :)
basically what i want is a form for the title, one for the paragraph, maybe a couple for pictures and i want it to turn out in the same format every time.....
I guess you'd have to look at a CMS (content management system) like Drupal, Joomla, WordPress, ... (there are many many more out there)
These CMS let you create and update your pages in just a few clicks even without basic HTML knowledge!

can i use a generic app id for multiple websites' like boxes

I am going insane with this. It used to just work! I'm a programmer but not up to date with all this modern languages stuff and have no desire to learn it - too darn old, just want an easy life.
Okay, so here's the thing... I used to have these "like boxes" on my websites. Then they stopped working. I looked in the dev docs and fixed the absolute URL and they worked ok on IE browsers but not on Chrome.
It looks like I need an App Id.
So I created an App Id on a test website - I have no idea what it is or why I need one. All I want to do is show on the website it has n likes and the button for Facebook lovers to like it too.
But do I need to create an App Id for every single clients website? How do other CMS systems handle it? My sites are not html 5 - I'd be happy with just an iframe solution.
I'm not a fan of Facebook at all, and this is driving me further away. I'm willing to be dragged back but all I see is lots of overly complex code to achieve nothing really useful.
You can do whatever you want with your app ID, but if you use the same one for all your sites, you won't be able to separate those in your "Insights"

Common features of a robust CMS

This is not a direct code question, however, I think it may be useful. After google-ing for a while, I can't find a definitive answer....
A while back, I built a rudimentary CMS for shcool. Image upload, gallery, text, a basic captcha, etc. Basically a blog that you could upload images to. My quesiton is this:
Could any of you clever ducks tell me what features a robust, solid, home-made CMS should contain? I don't want to make a super fancy pants sort of site, but I do want to flesh it out a little. My current job is in Sharepoint design, and I don't want to lose any of the PHP skills that course taught me.
Any input would be greatly appreciated.
Well.. The best product is a product that reaches the requirements of the customer.
But I would say:
Dynamic menu
Dynamic pages
Different type of pages - front page, posts, lists, media, gallery
Secure back end
Dynamic user configuration
A install script
Template editor, where you can define modules
Maybe a offline post editor, with a up-loader (Drag a .doc file in a folder, and the file is automatically added as a post on the page)

Pushing news to my iOS app

What would be the easiest way to set up a way in which my iPhone app can read news data online from my website, for example. I want to be able to push news or updates to the bottom of the app such as "Check out our new app, blah blah" or something along those lines. I thought of one way, but I didn't know if there's better ways.
Keep some html file on my server (my website), and have the iPhone read that html data
Any other ideas? Anyone have experience in this field?
If you already have a blog or are familiar with some popular blogging software, you can likely take advantage of RSS feeds that are automatically generated for you.
For example, you can have Wordpress automatically generate RSS for a post type, a tag, a category, or pretty much anything else that returns a set of posts. Your application could then consume that data without you needing to manually update anything code-laden, just add to the blog and it's available in the feed.