Cannot import Appengine modules in Eclipse - eclipse

In my Eclipse project (GWT) I am trying to import the modules below, in order to add some Blobstore code.
I don't get any error or warning from the Eclipse build function. Nevertheless, when I do "GWT compile" from Eclipse, I get the error messages below:
[ERROR] Line 3: The import cannot be resolved
[ERROR] Line 4: The import cannot be resolved
How can I sort it out? Thanks!

You cannot reference non-client code from your GWT client. Remember that your GWT client code will be compiled to Javascript, so any references to actual Java can't be compiled out.
Make sure any reference to the blobstore api is done in server code, not client. Those imports should never be necessary in code that must be compilable to javascript.


Can't import Jena classes

I'm setting up Jena in eclipse. However, when I try to import any class, such as the Model class, I am getting the error "The import com.hp cannot be resolved". I already set up the build path to the Jena library. Below is a picture of my simple setup and as you can see I am getting an error on the import statement.
The package tree starts org.apache.jena for Jena version 3 onwards. Your IDE can help by finding the class Model

import scala.swing._ in eclipse giving an error that it is not a member of package scala

Does anybody have any experience with trying to get swing to work in eclipse, I can import it fine into scala using the command line interface, but when i try and use it in an eclipse scala project I get the following error:
import scala.swing._
"object swing is not a member of package scala"
Any help would be much appreciated.
If you are missing the library (as RĂ¼diger said, it is a separate dependency now), you can find how to add it to your build system here (for Scala 2.11):|org.scala-lang.modules|scala-swing_2.11|1.0.1|bundle
Look under "Dependency Information", e.g. for sbt if you use that.

org.apache.commons.codec Cannot be resolved

I'm trying to import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64.encodeBase64, but Eclipse keeps telling me this import cannot be resolved, even though I've added the apache commons codec jar file to both the lib file of my project and also as an Eclipse plugin. What could be causing this issue?
org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64.encodeBase64 is a method. You import Types, like org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64.

import lift mapper caught an error missing jar file

hi im creating a lift scala application
this is my problem
when i import net.liftweb.mapper._ package the compiler gives me error...
i tried to add lift-mapper_2.9.1-2.4-M4.jar jar file to build path ,but the error exists..!
the compiler shows..
bad symbolic reference. A signature in package.class refers to term db in package net.liftweb which is not available. It may be completely missing from
the current classpath, or the version on the classpath might be incompatible with the version used when compiling package.class.
Try to add the mapper via SBT or maven configuration?
Anyway, Scala-2.9.1 and Lift 2.4-M4 are very-very out of date. Better use something like that for a good start:
It works out of the box, and you'll only have to add 1 line to add the mapper support for it. (After that, all dependencies would be downloaded and added to the project automatically, by SBT.)

Intellij idea unresolved symbol in grails + gwt project

I have a grails project and I use the gwt plugin 0.6.1. GWT version is configured using ivy.
I have a strange unresolved symbol error when I try to use a class in package*. When I use the complete class names inline idea reports that it cannot resolve the web package. If I import the same class no error ocurres.
I already tried to run grails clean and removed the idea system directory as well - nothing works.
Idea usally import the class when I use smart complete but in this case idea insert the complete classname instead of importing the class.
The web package is found in the gwt-users-2.4.0.jar and gwt-servlet-2.4.0.jar. Both jars are in the classpath but this how the grails gwt plugin organizes gwt dependency.
Error when using full inline claasnames:
No error when using same class in import statement:
Does anyone have an idea?
Fixed already
Fix is included in the next IDEA 11.1 EAP
I also had similar issue with IntelliJ IDEA, I solved problem by invalidating the idea cache. After invalidating the cache it will reindex all your library and other files. check this answer as well. Grails and IntelliJ Cache Issues