Why does print ($a = a..c) produce: 1E0 - perl

print (a..c) # this prints: abc
print ($a = "abc") # this prints: abc
print ($a = a..c); # this prints: 1E0
I would have thought it would print: abc
use strict;
print ($a = "a".."c"); # this prints 1E0
Why? Is it just my computer?
edit: I've got a partial answer (the range operator .. returns a boolean value in scalar context - thanks) but what I don't understand is:
why does: print ($a = "a"..."c") produce 1 instead of 0
why does: print ($a = "a".."c") produce 1E0 instead of 1 or 0

There are a number of subtle things going on here. The first is that .. is really two completely different operators depending on the context in which it's called. In list context it creates a list of values (incrementing by one) between the given starting and ending points.
#numbers = 1 .. 3; # 1, 2, 3
#letters = 'a' .. 'c'; # a, b, c (Yes, Perl can increment strings)
Because print interprets its arguments in list context
print 'a' .. 'c'; # <-- this
print 'a', 'b', 'c'; # <-- is equivalent to this
In scalar context, .. is flip-flop operator. From Range Operators in perlop:
It is false as long as its left operand is false. Once the left
operand is true, the range operator stays true until the right operand
is true, AFTER which the range operator becomes false again.
Assignment to a scalar value as in $a = ... creates scalar context. That means that the .. in print ($a = 'a' .. 'c') is an instance of the flip-flop operator, not the list creation operator.
The flip-flop operator is designed to be used when filtering lines in a file. e.g.
while (<$fh>) {
print if /first/ .. /last/;
would print all of the lines in a file starting with the one that contained first and ending with the one that contained last.
The flip-flop operator has some additional magic designed to make it easy to filter based on the line number.
while (<$fh>) {
print if 10 .. 20;
will print lines 10 through 20 of a file. It does this by employing special case behavior:
If either operand of scalar .. is a constant expression, that
operand is considered true if it is equal (==) to the current input
line number (the $. variable).
The strings a and c are both constant expressions so they trigger this special case. They aren't numbers, but they're used as numbers (== is a numeric comparison). Perl will convert scalar values between strings and numbers as needed. In this case, both values nummify to 0. Therefore
print ($a = 'a' .. 'c'); # <-- this
print ($a = 0 .. 0); # <-- is effectively this
print ($a = ($. == 0) .. ($. == 0)); # <-- which is really this
We're getting close to the bottom of the mystery. On to the next bit. More from perlop:
The value returned is either the empty string for false, or a sequence
number (beginning with 1) for true. The sequence number is reset for
each range encountered. The final sequence number in a range has the
string "E0" appended to it
If you haven't read any lines from a file yet, $. will be undef which is 0 in a numerical context. 0 == 0 is true, so the .. returns a true value. It's the first true value, so it's 1. Because both the left-hand and right-hand sides are true the first true value is also the last true value and the E0 "this is the last value" suffix is appended to the return value. That is why print ($a = 'a' .. 'c') prints 1E0. If you were to set $. to a non-zero value the .. would be false and return the empty string.
print ($a = 'a' .. 'c'); # prints "1E0"
$. = 1;
print ($a = 'a' .. 'c'); # prints nothing
The very final piece of the puzzle (and I might be going too far now) is that the assignment operator returns a value. In this case that's the value assigned to $a1 -- 1E0. This value is what is ultimately spit out by the print.
1: Technically, the assignment produces a lvalue for the item assigned to. i.e. it returns an lvalue for the variable $a which then evaluates to 1E0.

It's a matter of list context vs. scalar context, as explained in perldoc perlop:
In scalar context, ".." returns a boolean value. The operator is
bistable, like a flip-flop, and emulates the line-range (comma)
operator of sed, awk, and various editors. Each ".." operator
maintains its own boolean state, even across calls to a subroutine
that contains it. It is false as long as its left operand is false.
Once the left operand is true, the range operator stays true until the
right operand is true, AFTER which the range operator becomes false
again. It doesn't become false till the next time the range operator
is evaluated. It can test the right operand and become false on the
same evaluation it became true (as in awk), but it still returns true
once. If you don't want it to test the right operand until the next
evaluation, as in sed, just use three dots ("...") instead of two. In
all other regards, "..." behaves just like ".." does.
The final sequence number in a range has the string "E0" appended to
it, which doesn't affect its numeric value, but gives you something to
search for if you want to exclude the endpoint.
EDIT in response to DanD man's comment:
I find it a bit hard to digest too; frankly, I rarely use the .. operator, and even more rarely in scalar context. But for example, the expression 5..10 in an input loop implicitly compares to the current value of $. (that's part of the description that I didn't quote; see the manual). On lines 5 through 9, it yields a true value (experiment shows that it's a number, but the documentation doesn't say so). On line 10, it yields a number with "E0" appended to it -- i.e., it's in exponential notation, but with the same value it would have without the "E0".
The point of the "E0" tweak is to let you detect whether you're in a specified range and to flag the last line in the range for special treatment. Without the "E0", you wouldn't be able to treat the final match specially.
An example:
use strict;
use warnings;
while (<>) {
my $dotdot = 2..4;
print "On line $., 2..4 yields \"$dotdot\"\n";
Given 5 lines of input, this prints:
On line 1, 2..4 yields ""
On line 2, 2..4 yields "1"
On line 3, 2..4 yields "2"
On line 4, 2..4 yields "3E0"
On line 5, 2..4 yields ""
This lets you detect whether a line is inside or outside the range and when it's the last line in the range.
But scalar .. is probably more commonly used just for its boolean result, often in one-liners; for example, perl -ne 'print if 2..4' will print lines 2, 3, and 4 of whatever input you give it. It's deliberately similar to sed -n '2,4p'.

The answer can be found by consulting perldoc's perlop page:
Binary ".." is the range operator, which is really two different operators depending on the context. In list context, it returns a list of values counting (up by ones) from the left value to the right value...
This is the familiar usage, which is invoked by print "a" .. "c"; because arguments to functions are evaluated in list context. (If they were evaluated in scalar context, then print #list would print the size of #list, which is almost definitely not what people usually want.)
In scalar context, ".." returns a boolean value. The operator is bistable, like a flip-flop, and emulates the line-range (comma) operator of sed, awk, and various editors. Each ".." operator maintains its own boolean state, even across calls to a subroutine that contains it. It is false as long as its left operand is false. Once the left operand is true, the range operator stays true until the right operand is true, AFTER which the range operator becomes false again. It doesn't become false till the next time the range operator is evaluated. It can test the right operand and become false on the same evaluation it became true (as in awk), but it still returns true once. If you don't want it to test the right operand until the next evaluation, as in sed, just use three dots ("...") instead of two. In all other regards, "..." behaves just like ".." does.
It goes into further detail, but the bolded sections are the important parts to understanding how the operator works. Scalar context is forced by $a =, i.e. assignment to a scalar lvalue. If you did #a =, it would print what you expect.
Note that "a" .. "b" doesn't produce the string "abc", it produces the list ("a", "b", "c"). You will get similar results if you used the list (though the value printed when the list is forced into scalar context will differ).


What is the Perl context with range operator?

I'm a Perl newbie. I want to understand Perl context in conjunction with range operator. This is my code.
use strict;
use warnings;
my $asc = ( 10 .. 50 );
print "$asc\n";
I have two doubts.
If the expression ( 10 .. 50 ) returns an array, then, as it's a scalar context, "asc" variable should be assigned the length of the array, that is, 41.
If expression ( 10 ..50 ) returns a list, then, as it's a scalar context, "asc" variable should be assigned the last item from the list, that is, 50.
But, I get the following shout ..
Use of uninitialized value in range (or flip) at main.pl line ..
Appreciate and welcome any guide.
You're working with the Range Operator .. in an scalar context, which is otherwise known as the flip-flop operator.
You should read the entire documentation, but the following excerpts are relevant to your situation:
In scalar context, ".." returns a boolean value. The operator is bistable, like a flip-flop, and emulates the line-range (comma) operator of sed, awk, and various editors.
If either operand of scalar ".." is a constant expression, that operand is considered true if it is equal (==) to the current input line number (the $. variable).
The “exact“ error message explains what's going on:
Use of uninitialized value $. in range (or flip)
Basically, Perl interprets this usage as a flip/flop test.
It's testing if the current line number $. is equal to the integer values you specified:
my $asc = ( $. == 10 .. $. == 50 );
However, because you haven't read from a file handle, the $. variable is uninitialized and throws a warning.
Achieving a List Context
It is possible to get the list context behavior that you described, but you'll need to adjust the code to make your intent more explicit:
my $count = () = (10..50); # Forces a list context
my $last_element = (10..50)[-1]; # Also forces a list context
print "$count\n";
print "$last_element\n";
If the expression ( 10 .. 50 ) returns an array, then, as it's a scalar context, ...
If expression ( 10 ..50 ) returns a list, then, as it's a scalar context, ...
You're operating on some very incorrect misconceptions.
It's impossible to return an array[1]. The only thing that can be returned is zero or more scalars. In scalar context, that list must be exactly one scalar long.
Scalar context causes the operator to change what it returns; it doesn't cause the returned value to be coerced into a scalar.
Each operator decides what it returns in each context. Some, like the range operator (..), even change behaviour based on context. In fact, the behaviour of the range operator in scalar context is significantly different than its behaviour in list context. So much so, that's it's usually called by a different name when it's in scalar context: the flip-flop operator.
This question isn't really about the flip-flop operator, so I'm not going to go into too much detail. (The documentation for it is here.) Suffice it to say it can be used to selectively print lines by number with very little code.
For example,
while (<DATA>) {
print if 2..3;
Part of the "magic" involve comparing the numbers provided against $., the line number of the last line read. That means that
my $ac = 10..50;
is short for
my $ac = ($. == 10) .. ($. == 50);
Since you never read from a file, $. is undefined.
When you do return #array;, you either return the elements of the array ($array[0], $array[1], ...) or its length depending on context.

- - not working properly on char in perl

Following code is showing different output than expected. 'i' should be the ans.
$var = 'i';
print $var;
print " * ",$var;
j ***** -1
Can anyone please explain behavior? I know i am missing a very silly thing.
The auto-increment operator ++ is "magical", in that it can also increment non-numerical strings. So i becomes j. The auto-decrement operator -- does not have this "magic" feature. Therefore the string j is converted to a number, which will be 0, then decremented to -1.
This is documented in perldoc perlop:
The auto-increment operator has a little extra builtin magic to it. If
you increment a variable that is numeric, or that has ever been used
in a numeric context, you get a normal increment. If, however, the
variable has been used in only string contexts since it was set, and
has a value that is not the empty string and matches the pattern
/^[a-zA-Z][0-9]\z/ , the increment is done as a string, preserving
each character within its range, with carry:
print ++($foo = "99"); # prints "100"
print ++($foo = "a0"); # prints "a1"
print ++($foo = "Az"); # prints "Ba"
print ++($foo = "zz"); # prints "aaa"
undef is always treated as numeric, and in particular is changed to 0
before incrementing (so that a post-increment of an undef value will
return 0 rather than undef).
The auto-decrement operator is not magical.
There is no type char in perl. 'i' is the same string as "i". The question is why ++ does increase the value of the char. This question has been discussed here: Increment (++) and decrement (--) strings in Perl

How exactly does Perl handle operator chaining?

So I have this bit of code that does not work:
print $userInput."\n" x $userInput2; #$userInput = string & $userInput2 is a integer
It prints it out once fine if the number is over 0 of course, but it doesn't print out the rest if the number is greater than 1. I come from a java background and I assume that it does the concatenation first, then the result will be what will multiply itself with the x operator. But of course that does not happen. Now it works when I do the following:
$userInput .= "\n";
print $userInput x $userInput2;
I am new to Perl so I'd like to understand exactly what goes on with chaining, and if I can even do so.
You're asking about operator precedence. ("Chaining" usually refers to chaining of method calls, e.g. $obj->foo->bar->baz.)
The Perl documentation page perlop starts off with a list of all the operators in order of precedence level. x has the same precedence as other multiplication operators, and . has the same precedence as other addition operators, so of course x is evaluated first. (i.e., it "has higher precedence" or "binds more tightly".)
As in Java you can resolve this with parentheses:
print(($userInput . "\n") x $userInput2);
Note that you need two pairs of parentheses here. If you'd only used the inner parentheses, Perl would treat them as indicating the arguments to print, like this:
print($userInput . "\n") x $userInput2;
This would print the string once, then duplicate print's return value some number of times. Putting space before the ( doesn't help since whitespace is generally optional and ignored. In a way, this is another form of operator precedence: function calls bind more tightly than anything else.
If you really hate having more parentheses than strictly necessary, you can defeat Perl with the unary + operator:
print +($userInput . "\n") x $userInput2;
This separates the print from the (, so Perl knows the rest of the line is a single expression. Unary + has no effect whatsoever; its primary use is exactly this sort of situation.
This is due to precedence of . (concatenation) operator being less than the x operator. So it ends up with:
use strict;
use warnings;
my $userInput = "line";
my $userInput2 = 2;
print $userInput.("\n" x $userInput2);
And outputs:
This is what you want:
print (($userInput."\n") x $userInput2);
This prints out:
As has already been mentioned, this is a precedence issue, in that the repetition operator x has higher precedence than the concatenation operator .. However, that is not all that's going on here, and also, the issue itself comes from a bad solution.
First off, when you say
print (($foo . "\n") x $count);
What you are doing is changing the context of the repetition operator to list context.
(LIST) x $count
The above statement really means this (if $count == 3):
print ( $foo . "\n", $foo . "\n", $foo . "\n" ); # list with 3 elements
From perldoc perlop:
Binary "x" is the repetition operator. In scalar context or if the left operand is not enclosed in parentheses, it returns a string consisting of the left operand repeated the number of times specified by the right operand. In list context, if the left operand is enclosed in parentheses or is a list formed by qw/STRING/, it repeats the list. If the right operand is zero or negative, it returns an empty string or an empty list, depending on the context.
The solution works as intended because print takes list arguments. However, if you had something else that takes scalar arguments, such as a subroutine:
foo(("text" . "\n") x 3);
sub foo {
# #_ is now the list ("text\n", "text\n", "text\n");
my ($string) = #_; # error enters here
# $string is now "text\n"
This is a subtle difference which might not always give the desired result.
A better solution for this particular case is to not use the concatenation operator at all, because it is redundant:
print "$foo\n" x $count;
Or even use more mundane methods:
for (0 .. $count) {
print "$foo\n";
use feature 'say'
say $foo for 0 .. $count;

= and , operators in Perl

Please explain this apparently inconsistent behaviour:
$a = b, c;
print $a; # this prints: b
$a = (b, c);
print $a; # this prints: c
The = operator has higher precedence than ,.
And the comma operator throws away its left argument and returns the right one.
Note that the comma operator behaves differently depending on context. From perldoc perlop:
Binary "," is the comma operator. In
scalar context it evaluates its left
argument, throws that value away, then
evaluates its right argument and
returns that value. This is just like
C's comma operator.
In list context, it's just the list
argument separator, and inserts both
its arguments into the list. These
arguments are also evaluated from left
to right.
As eugene's answer seems to leave some questions by OP i try to explain based on that:
$a = "b", "c";
print $a;
Here the left argument is $a = "b" because = has a higher precedence than , it will be evaluated first. After that $a contains "b".
The right argument is "c" and will be returned as i show soon.
At that point when you print $a it is obviously printing b to your screen.
$a = ("b", "c");
print $a;
Here the term ("b","c") will be evaluated first because of the higher precedence of parentheses. It returns "c" and this will be assigned to $a.
So here you print "c".
$var = ($a = "b","c");
print $var;
print $a;
Here $a contains "b" and $var contains "c".
Once you get the precedence rules this is perfectly consistent
Since eugene and mugen have answered this question nicely with good examples already, I am going to setup some concepts then ask some conceptual questions of the OP to see if it helps to illuminate some Perl concepts.
The first concept is what the sigils $ and # mean (we wont descuss % here). # means multiple items (said "these things"). $ means one item (said "this thing"). To get first element of an array #a you can do $first = $a[0], get the last element: $last = $a[-1]. N.B. not #a[0] or #a[-1]. You can slice by doing #shorter = #longer[1,2].
The second concept is the difference between void, scalar and list context. Perl has the concept of the context in which your containers (scalars, arrays etc.) are used. An easy way to see this is that if you store a list (we will get to this) as an array #array = ("cow", "sheep", "llama") then we store the array as a scalar $size = #array we get the length of the array. We can also force this behavior by using the scalar operator such as print scalar #array. I will say it one more time for clarity: An array (not a list) in scalar context will return, not an element (as a list does) but rather the length of the array.
Remember from before you use the $ sigil when you only expect one item, i.e. $first = $a[0]. In this way you know you are in scalar context. Now when you call $length = #array you can see clearly that you are calling the array in scalar context, and thus you trigger the special property of an array in list context, you get its length.
This has another nice feature for testing if there are element in the array. print '#array contains items' if #array; print '#array is empty' unless #array. The if/unless tests force scalar context on the array, thus the if sees the length of the array not elements of it. Since all numerical values are 'truthy' except zero, if the array has non-zero length, the statement if #array evaluates to true and you get the print statement.
Void context means that the return value of some operation is ignored. A useful operation in void context could be something like incrementing. $n = 1; $n++; print $n; In this example $n++ (increment after returning) was in void context in that its return value "1" wasn't used (stored, printed etc).
The third concept is the difference between a list and an array. A list is an ordered set of values, an array is a container that holds an ordered set of values. You can see the difference for example in the gymnastics one must do to get particular element after using sort without storing the result first (try pop sort { $a cmp $b } #array for example, which doesn't work because pop does not act on a list, only an array).
Now we can ask, when you attempt your examples, what would you want Perl to do in these cases? As others have said, this depends on precedence.
In your first example, since the = operator has higher precedence than the ,, you haven't actually assigned a list to the variable, you have done something more like ($a = "b"), ("c") which effectively does nothing with the string "c". In fact it was called in void context. With warnings enabled, since this operation does not accomplish anything, Perl attempts to warn you that you probably didn't mean to do that with the message: Useless use of a constant in void context.
Now, what would you want Perl to do when you attempt to store a list to a scalar (or use a list in a scalar context)? It will not store the length of the list, this is only a behavior of an array. Therefore it must store one of the values in the list. While I know it is not canonically true, this example is very close to what happens.
my #animals = ("cow", "sheep", "llama");
my $return;
foreach my $animal (#animals) {
$return = $animal;
print $return;
And therefore you get the last element of the list (the canonical difference is that the preceding values were never stored then overwritten, however the logic is similar).
There are ways to store a something that looks like a list in a scalar, but this involves references. Read more about that in perldoc perlreftut.
Hopefully this makes things a little more clear. Finally I will say, until you get the hang of Perl's precedence rules, it never hurts to put in explicit parentheses for lists and function's arguments.
There is an easy way to see how Perl handles both of the examples, just run them through with:
perl -MO=Deparse,-p -e'...'
As you can see, the difference is because the order of operations is slightly different than you might suspect.
perl -MO=Deparse,-p -e'$a = a, b;print $a'
(($a = 'a'), '???');
perl -MO=Deparse,-p -e'$a = (a, b);print $a'
($a = ('???', 'b'));
Note: you see '???', because the original value got optimized away.

Why does !1 give me nothing in Perl?

This is strange.
The following:
$sum = !0;
print $sum;
prints out 1 as you would expect. But this
$sum = !1;
print $sum;
prints out nothing. Why?
Be careful: what you've written isn't doing what you think it's doing. Remember, perl has no real boolean datatype. It's got scalars, hashes, lists, and references. The way it handles true/false values, then, is contextual. Everything evaluates to "true" in perl except for undefined variables, the empty list, the empty string, and the number 0.
What your code is doing, then, is taking the inverse of a value that evaluates to "false", which can be anything which is not in the list above. By convention and for simplicity's sake, perl returns 1 (though you should not rely on that; it could very well return a list containing a series of random numbers, because that will evaluate to "true" as well.)
A similar thing happens when you ask for the inverse of a value that evaluates to "true." What's actually being printed out is not "nothing," it's the empty string (''), which, as I mentioned, evaluates to "false" in boolean expressions. You can check this:
print "This evaluates to false\n" if( (!1) eq '');
If you're asking for why perl spits out the empty string instead of one of the other "false" values, well, it's probably because perl is made to handle strings and that's a perfectly reasonable string to hand back.
The operators that only return a boolean result will always return 1 for true and a special false value that's "" in string contexts but 0 in numeric contexts.
Here's an addendum to the other great answers you've already gotten.
Not's Not Not
Consider the following code that tests each of Perl's 'not' operators:
use strict;
use warnings;
for( '!1', 'not 1', '~0' ) {
my $value = eval;
my $zero_plus = 0 + $value;
print join "\n",
"\nExpression: $_",
"Value: '$value'",
"Defined: " . defined $value,
"Length: " . length($value),
"Plus: " . +$value,
"Plus Zero: '$zero_plus'",
print "\nTest addition for a literal null string: ";
print 0+'', "\n";
use Scalar::Util qw(dualvar);
{ # Test a dualvar
my $value = dualvar 0, '';
my $zero_plus = 0+$value;
print join "\n",
"\nExpression: dualvar",
"Value: '$value'",
"Defined: " . defined $value,
"Length: " . length($value),
"Plus: " . +$value,
"Plus Zero: '$zero_plus'",
Executing it results in the following. Notice the warning message:
Argument "" isn't numeric in addition (+) at test.pl line 21.
Expression: !1
Value: ''
Defined: 1
Length: 0
Plus Zero: '0'
Expression: not 1
Value: ''
Defined: 1
Length: 0
Plus Zero: '0'
Expression: ~0
Value: '4294967295'
Defined: 1
Length: 10
Plus: 4294967295
Plus Zero: '4294967295'
Test addition for a literal null string: 0
Expression: dualvar
Value: ''
Defined: 1
Length: 0
Plus Zero: '0'
From this we learn several things.
The first two items are not all that exciting:
!1 and not 1 behave in basically the same way.
Unsurpisingly, ~1 is different (it's the bitwise not).
Now, the interesting item:
While we do get a warning for line 21 (0+''), there is no warning generated when we add 0+!1.
It Takes Two to Tangle
Something fishy is happening, and that fishiness has to do with special scalar contexts in Perl. In this case, the distinction between numeric and string contexts. And the ability to create a variable that has different values in each context, aka a dual variable.
It looks like !1 returns a dual variable that returns 0 in numeric context and the null string in string context.
The dualvar test at the end shows that a homemade dualvar works the same way as !1.
But It's A Good Thing
Like many Perl features, dual variables seem at first to defy expectations, and can be confusing. However, like those other features, used appropriately they make life much easier.
As far as I know, a dualvar of 0 and '' is the only defined value that will return false in all scalar contexts. So it is a very sensible return value for !1. One could argue that undef is a good false result, but then an uninitialized variable is not distinguishable from a false value. Also, attempts to print or add the results of booleans would then be plagued with unnecessary warnings.
Another famous dualvar is $! or $OS_ERROR if you use English. In numeric form, you get the error code, in string form, the error code is translated for you.
It's Not Nothing, It's Empty, But It's Nought
So in summary, you aren't getting nothing, you aren't getting an empty string, and you aren't getting zero.
You are getting a variable that is both an empty string and 0 at the same time.
The ! operator does boolean operations. "" (The empty string) is just as false as 0 is. 1 is a convenient true value. ! shouldn't be relied on to do anything other than produce some true/false value. Relying on the exact value beyond that is dangerous and may change between versions of Perl.
See perldoc perlsyn:
Truth and Falsehood
The number 0, the strings '0' and '' ,
the empty list () , and undef are all
false in a boolean context. All other
values are true. Negation of a true
value by ! or not returns a special
false value. When evaluated as a
string it is treated as '' , but as a
number, it is treated as 0.
There, if you print the value as a number, you will get 0 rather than the empty string:
printf "%d\n", $_ for map { !$_ } (1, 0);
print 0 + $_, "\n" for map { !$_ } (1, 0);
Compare those to
printf "%s\n", $_ for map { !$_ } (1, 0);
print $_, "\n" for map { !$_ } (1, 0);