Generating crystal report in VS2010 - crystal-reports

I am getting an error while generating crystal report in vs2010. Error
The type 'CrystalDecisions.Web.CrystalReportViewer' exists in both 'c:\Windows\assembly\GAC_MSIL\CrystalDecisions.Web\13.0.2000.0__692fbea5521e1304\CrystalDecisions.Web.dll' and c:\Windows\assembly\GAC_MSIL\CrystalDecisions.Web\10.5.3700.0__692fbea5521e1304\CrystalDecisions.Web.dll

Open web.config and the static page of your aspx document. Both of them are containing different versions of assemblies. From web.config copy '13.0.2000.0' (version of assembly) and paste it in your aspx document's static page. The error has been removed.


JasperSoft Studio 5.6.1 Excel Macro Merge Template

I am attempting to merge an excel exported file from Jaspersoft Studio 5.6.1 with a macro-enabled excel file. However, when I use the "Add JasperReports Server Resource", other file types are not permitted. What is the proper procedure for uploading macro.xls?
Is the macro file needed in the local studio folder structure and get compiled together with the .jrxml OR does it exist on the JasperServer as a resource that is retrieved when the report is executed? This is a requirement for us in order to produce a file with grouped/collapsed columns which is not supported by the native API's.
When I place the macro file on the JasperReports Server and provide the path in the properties of the report, I receive an error message:
net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException: Input stream not found at : /Folder/Resources/macro.xlt

The viewer was unable to find the resources required to render the report

I am developing J2EE application with crystal report. When deploying in tomcat server working fine but when am deploying in weblogic getting following error. I don't know how to fix. Any advice?
The viewer was unable to find the resources required to render the
report. Please check the following to resolve the issue.
Verify that ../../crystalreportviewers120/ is accessible to your WebApp and is the correct path to the viewer resources.
You may customize this location by altering the crystal_image_uri and crystal_image_use_relative properties in the web.xml.
Validate that the file crv.js exists at ../../crystalreportviewers120/js/crviewer/crv.js.
When using The Report Viewer JSP Wizard to create a JSP to call the report viewer, automatically a folder named cristalreportviewers is created under WebContent, which contains all resources required to publish the rpt file. It is required to declare its location to the web.xml file. The Developer Guide for Report Viewer declares how to setup both crystal_image_uri and crystal_image_use_relative properties: You need to declare the relative path to that folder (and its right name) for the first property, and set the interpretation of the crystal_image_uri to be relative to the web page, application, or server, for the second property. The name of folder changed from a version to another: While message refers to cristalreportviewers120, in CR 2011 it is named whitout the "120" suffix. Put the right name in the crystal_image_uri parameter.
Copy the crystalreportviewers120 directory (found in C:\Program Files\Common
Files\Business Objects\3.0) to a subdirectory of the same name directly
underneath the Project directory (as a peer to WEB-INF). Ensure that all
contents, both files and subdirectories, are copied—there should be about 150
files in all.
Crystal Reports XI for J2EE Startup Guide.pdf

how to create duplicate report on a same server

My manager asked me to update the .rdl file from prod to dev. But before doing that I have to keep that old report as it is and have to create a duplicate report on same server and that too be I am working on browser.
I have downloaded the the .rdl file and renamed the report as *_old also. But I am not able to understand how to create another same report with same datasources and everything.
I can see an option update next to edit button. I am assuming that if I get a duplicate report on the same server I can update the .rdl file with that update button.
Please help me with this problem.
- Download the report RDL file from the report manager.
- Rename the rdl file eg. MyReport1_old.rdl
- Upload the report rdl file from the report manager.
Now you will have the original report (MyReport1) and the copy of it(MyReport1_old).

Can't correct deploy infopath 2010 form with formcode

I'm new in Infopath developing, please help. :(
So I'm developing work-flow with custom task edit form.
I designed infopath form CustomApprovalForm.xsn in Infopath Designer 2010 and then I published this form to Workflow project in Module folder which named Form(ApproveWF/Form/).
Then I configured all needed properties for correct deploying. After deploying all works ok and form appears as it should be.
But when I come back to Infopath designer 2010 and add some formcode to CustomApproval.xsn and then I press quick publish to Module folder which I use above and then I deploy the workflow to SP server.
After this the form doesn't appear.
In logs I saw exception:
"Solution deserialization failed with unhandled exception
System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly
'file:///C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server
or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file
I suppose, that I'm not correct making publishing infopath form with code behind.
How to correct do publishing infopath 2010 form with code behind to my ApproveWF project which then deploy to SP server?
Where should I place the CustomApproval.dll?
Please help me!!!!
I believe, but I'll have to double-check, that what happened is that you did a full publish first with no code behind the form - this registered the manifest, which did not include a reference to a .dll, since there wasn't one.
You then added code, which gets compiled into a dll, listed in the manifest for the form.
I think when you do a quick-publish, the form files are copied up to the server, but the manifest isn't re-registered. So the form xml/xsl will have calls to the dll, but the manifest won't know where to find it, since it wasn't updated.
tl;dr: when you publish a form then add code to it, you have to run a full publishing cycle again to update the installed manifest.
Post a follow-up if this doesn't work.
I've found the solution.
I have to add new item to Workflow project which named Empty Element. And then I've added dll of xsn CustomForm to it. And then I've deployed this dll with xsn form like feature to sharepoint.

IIS7 with MVC2 cannot load static resources

my situation is:
visual studio 2010 (with mvc2)
mvc2 web application compiled with .NET 3.5
I install IIS7 with StaticModule but when I try to load a css or an image I receive a blank page. Only html is loaded.
Help me please.
did you open the page in firebug and is the file path, check if the file exists, and if your application does not ingore the path.
if you are using areas than you need to get full path to the files or create mapping.
or provide please more info..
oh yes , other problem is path in css file to image is not corect...
should solve