Paypal does not Call IPN Script when payment is made from - paypal-ipn

I have developed one regular paypal form along with IPN script(in PHP).
When I make the payment using sandbox, everything works fine and flawlessly !
But when the form goes live, it doesn't even call the IPN.
Please note that the live payment is made through and Form submits data to
So, I think this is happening due to
Is it so ?
Is there any solution for this ?

No. Your IPN script is likely still configured to verify the IPN data at instead of, which will cause it to fail, which in turn will cause the script not to get executed.
You can review individual IPN messages to were sent for your account in History > IPN History on your PayPal account overview as well.


Paypal IPN not firing?

I have a question about Paypal IPN, I was wondering when does the IPN activate and send it's message to my website.
I currently have my website that has a buy button. When the client buy the service, he is directed to paypal. Once he pay the service, nothing happen. In order for me to receive the IPN notification, the user has to click "Return to merchant website" or whatever the link is, then I receive the IPN notification.
Is it normal, does it work like that for everyone?
Cause right now, most people when they are done with the payment, just close the website and I don't receive any notification.
Thanks for any help !
Your question leaves a lot of missing information so I will go through each option for you:
Read here about how to setup a sandbox account if you don't already have one:
Bare in mind that your sandbox account is entirely separate in every way from your live paypal account. All settings will need to be checked and customised as needed.
Set up your IPN URL on your sandbox account Here:
Once set up, you then need to download and set your code (PHP or something else) to the listener (referenced in the above sandbox profile link). You can find IPN code examples here:
When that's all set you need to set your listener to using the sandbox mode and then log in to your live account and then run the IPN simulator from here:
Paypal will send messages to your IPN listener and you need to do something with the messages, typically output them into some sort of log file. Any issues, you can read Paypals feedback and IPN data/delivery information here [Found from History->ipnHistory on the Paypal menu] and it should list them out. You can resend any failed or queued or undelivered messages.
Paypal is a terribly documented and terribly structured system for coding with. I hate it. Use Stripe.
I love bullet points.
Paypal claims they will try and resend failed/queued IPNs 16 times over 5 days. I have yet to see this, you need to resend them manually (at least, sandbox ones)
Please remember all the settings and changes you have made to your Sandbox account will need to be also made to your live account before you make your payment system live!
My return_URL is the location of my IPN.php file which take care of the data sent and received. My problem is that the IPN is only firing when I click the "Return to merchant website" and not when the payment is actually completed
What you have done, from reading your comments, is set your IPN page to being your return from paypal page, this is NOT the way IPN is supposed to work, the IPN page should never be visited by the customer, only ever by Paypal.
Read through my anwser (points 2,3,4) and set up your IPN web link as I have described above, your return_url value should be a basic page to say to the customer "transaction complete". The IPN page is defined on your paypal accounts (sandbox and live) as I stated above.
This will fix your problem.

Ipn simulator Echeck completion response for not sending 'subscr_id' for recurring payments

I have created response for recurring payments using ipnsimulator. ipnsimulator send transaction details without subscr_id. How can I get subscr_id for recurring payments using ipnsimulator?
Unfortunately, the IPN Simulator is not yet setup to include subscriptions or recurring payments. You'll need to find a sample of what IPN's look like for a given transaction (which you can find with Google, of course) and then you can create your own simulator. Samples are provided at in the docs, but they're kind of buried so Google really is faster.
You can build your own simulator by creating a basic HTML form with the action set to your IPN URL. Include hidden fields in the form with names/values that you would expect to get from an actual PayPal IPN based on samples you find. Then you can load this in a browser and submit it manually to trigger the simulated IPN. This can help with troubleshooting script problems, too, because you can see the result on screen.
Keep in mind that when testing this way the IPN data is not coming from PayPal's server. Therefore, the verification will come back as INVALID. Just make sure you remember that if you're building logic around VERIFIED or INVALID IPN results, and adjust accordingly.

Paypal IPN not working on another paypal account

We have this website that was running since September 2013 and relying on paypal IPN for user registration. However, this week we got a report from the client where 3 users was able to pay through paypal but was not registered into the site.
We temporary changed the paypal email('business' field) from the client's to another paypal account. Went through the process of registration and the IPN was successfully delivered. The user was created in the system, the IPN transaction was logged into our system. When we tried to changed it back to the client's paypal email account, but unfortunately the IPN did not reached through our system.
Here are some questions that I have in mind
Does the type of paypal account (ie. business or personal account) matter when sending and receiving IPNs? Could this be a possibility? (even though last year it was working perfectly fine with the client's paypal account)
We've been receiving this paypal email (below) for the past months. That email was appearing after a few months when we opened the site and we didn't even changed a single code from our IPN listener. Could this be the reason why the IPN was not sent when we use the client's paypal account? However, we always use the notify_url field since we have multiple IPN listeners.
>Please check your server that handles PayPal Instant Payment
>Notifications (IPN). IPNs sent to the following URL(s) are failing:
>If you do not recognize this URL, you may be using a service provider
>that is using IPN on your behalf. Please contact your service provider
>with the above information. If this problem continues, IPNs may be
>disabled for your account.
Your IPN script is not completing successfully, so PayPal's server is not getting a 200 result back, which causes it to send repeat IPN's and will eventually disable itself as the message says.
Your web server logs should provide the info you need. Check there to see the history of the IPN script getting hit and you'll probably find some 500 results. Those should also provide the actual error that happened so you can get it resolved.
It's possible that some IPN's are working just fine but others are failing based on certain characters in payer information or other similar issues. You need to get all of that worked out in your IPN script so it can handle anything thrown at it.

Not receiving any IPN post for sandbox account

I'm using sandbox accounts to test SetExpressCheckout and DoExpressCheckout methods. However, I'm not receiving any IPN notifications.
My PC has public IP and firewall is off, so I'm expecting IPN posts but none are coming. Is there anything I should do (e.g. any profile settings) to start receiving IPN? (I'm using the Java SDK and passing the notify_url as parameter)
I'm also checking the "IPN History Page" from and I do not find any data there. Am I supposed to find IPN data in this page even if I use the sandbox accounts?
Thanks for your help
EDIT: I solved the problem by transfering my code to another server. something must have been wrong with my public IP.
Make sure you have IPN enabled in your test Sandbox PayPal account. Also, you will not see IPN messages in your PayPal account if you are going to This would only be for live IPN messages sent through your live account. If you are wanting to see the IPN messages for your sandbox transactions, you would need to log into the sandbox seller account and view the IPN messages from there.

How to recreate the IPN from PayPal?

We had an error in one of our scripts and even if the notify_url from PayPal was called properly, our system was not able to record it since it had errors.
Therefore we have several transactions in PayPal that were not added to our Data Base, is there any way to recreate PayPal's IPN or re-execute the notify_url for each transaction?
FYI: we are using Website Payments Standard.
Go into your PayPal profile, then into Instant Payment Notification Preferences. You'll see a link there for IPN history. You can see all of the IPN's that have been sent by PayPal to your system and their status. You can select IPN's from this history list resend them as needed so your system can process them accordingly.