Import csv file in Matlab - matlab

I need your help to import some csv files into matlab. They have the following format
2010-04-08,INME,1.0,XXX xxx xxxx
The first line of the file is empty and second line contains the #CONTENT. I would like to have in a matrix all data that are under the line Pressure,O3PartialPressure,Temperature,WindSpeed,WindDirection,LevelCode,Duration,GPHeight,RelativeHumidity,SampleTemperature

Use the csvread() function. From the documentation:
csvread Read a comma separated value file.
M = csvread('FILENAME') reads a comma separated value formatted file
FILENAME. The result is returned in M. The file can only contain
numeric values.
In your case, since you want to exclude all of the content up until the #PROFILE data, you would have to know the line number of the data you're interested in in advance, then use one of the following uses (again from the documentation):
M = csvread('FILENAME',R,C) reads data from the comma separated value
formatted file starting at row R and column C. R and C are zero-
based so that R=0 and C=0 specifies the first value in the file.
M = csvread('FILENAME',R,C,RNG) reads only the range specified
by RNG = [R1 C1 R2 C2] where (R1,C1) is the upper-left corner of
the data to be read and (R2,C2) is the lower-right corner. RNG
can also be specified using spreadsheet notation as in RNG = 'A1..B7'.


OCTAVE data import from PCE-VDL data logger device and conversion of decimal coma to decimal point

I have a measurement device PCE-VDL, which gives me measurements in following CSV format below, which I need to import to OCTAVE for further investigation.
Especially I need to import last 3 columns with xyz acceleration data.
The file is in CSV format with delimiter of semicolon ";".
I have tried:
A_1 = importdata ("file.csv", ";", 3);
but have recieved
error: missing_idx(10): out of bound 9
The CSV file looks like this:
#PCE-VDL X - TableView series
#Date;Time;Duration [s];t [°C];RH [%];p [mbar];aX [g];aY [g];aZ [g];
The numbers in last 3 columns have also decimal coma and not decimal point. So there probably should be done also some conversion.
Thank you very much for any help.
EDIT: 18.11.2020
Thanks for help. I have tried now following:
A_1_str = fileread ("file.csv");
A_1_str_m = strrep (A_1_str, ".", "-");
A_1_str_m = strrep (A_1_str_m, ",", ".");
save "A_1_str_m.csv" A_1_str_m;
A_1 = importdata ("A_1_str_m.csv", ";", 8);
and still receive error: file_content(140): out of bound 139
There is probably some problem with time format in first columns, which I do not want to read. I just need last three columns.
After my conversion, the file looks like this:
# Created by Octave 5.1.0, Wed Nov 18 21:40:52 2020 CET <zdenek#ASUS-F5V>
# name: A_1_str_m
# type: sq_string
# elements: 1
# length: 7849
#PCE-VDL X - TableView series
#Date;Time;Duration [s];t [°C];RH [%];p [mbar];aX [g];aY [g];aZ [g];
Thanks for support!
You can first read the data with fileread, which stores the data as a string. Then you can manipulate the string like this:
new_string = strrep(string, ",", ".");
strrep replaces all occurrences of a pattern within a string. Afterwards you save this data as a separate file or you overwrite the existing file with the manipulated data. When this is done you proceed as you have tried before.
EDIT: 19.11.2020
To avoid the additional heading lines in the new file, you can save it like this:
fid = fopen("A_1_str_m.csv", "w");
fputs(fid, A_1_str_m);
fputs will just write the string to the file.
The you can read the new file with dlmread.
A1_buf = dlmread("A_1_str_m.csv", ";");
A1_buf = real(A1); # get the real value of the complex number
A1_buf(1:3, :) = []; # remove the headlines
A1 = A1_buf(:, end-3:end-1); # get only the the 3 columns you're looking for
This will give you the three columns your looking for. But the date and time data will be ignored.
EDIT 20.11.2020
Replaced abs with real, so the sign of the value will be kept.
Use csv2cell from the io package.

MATLAB reading CSV file with timestamp and values

I have the following sample from a CSV file. Structure is:
Date ,Time(Hr:Min:S:mS), Value
2015:08:20,08:20:19:123 , 0.05234
2015:08:20,08:20:19:456 , 0.06234
I then would like to read this into a matrix in MATLAB.
Attempt :
Matrix = csvread('file_name.csv');
Also tried an attempt formatting the string.
fmt = %u:%u:%u %u:%u:%u:%u %f
Matrix = csvread('file_name.csv',fmt);
The problem is when the file is read the format is wrong and displays it differently.
Any help or advice given would be greatly appreciated!
When using #Adriaan answer the result is
2015 -11 -9
8 -17 -1
So it seems that MATLAB thinks the '-' is the delimiter(separator)
Matrix = csvread('file_name.csv',1,0);
csread does not support a format specifier. Just enter the number of header rows (I took it to be one, as per example), and number of header columns, 0.
You file, however, contains non-numeric data. Thus import it with importdata:
data = importdata('file_name.csv')
This will get you a structure, data with two fields: contains the numeric data, i.e. a vector containing your value. data.textdata is a cell containing the rest of the data, you need the first two column and extract the numerics from it, i.e.
for ii = 2:size(data.textdata,1)
tmp1 = data.textdata{ii,1};
Date(ii,1) = datenum(tmp1,'YYYY:MM:DD');
tmp2 = data.textdata{ii,2};
Date(ii,2) = datenum(tmp2,'HH:MM:SS:FFF');
Thanks to #Excaza it turns out milliseconds are supported.

Import Mixed CSV that has quotes around text

I am importing a CSV file that is comma delimited into MATLAB. Each column has quotes around anything I want to consider as text and then a comma.
I am using read_mixed_csv function from the answer to this question to read in the data as a cell: Import CSV file with mixed data types
thisdata = read_mixed_csv(fname, ','); % Reads in the CSV file
thisdata = regexprep(thisdata, '^"|"$','');
However, since a few of my columns look like this:
"FAIRHOPE, Alabama"
"Daphne-Fairhope-Foley, AL"
MATLAB places everything after a comma into a new column. So
"Daphne-Fairhope-Foley, AL"
Becomes two columns
How can I get MATLAB to read in a mixed csv file and not only consider a comma as a delimiter, but also consider the quotation marks? Is there a more automated way of doing it than textscan? If textscan is an option, what would that look like?
Here is a sample of the data I'm trying to read in with the header included:
"State Code","County Code","Site Num","Parameter Code","POC","Latitude","Longitude","Datum","Parameter Name","Sample Duration","Pollutant Standard","Date Local","Units of Measure","Event Type","Observation Count","Observation Percent","Arithmetic Mean","1st Max Value","1st Max Hour","AQI","Method Name","Local Site Name","Address","State Name","County Name","City Name","CBSA Name","Date of Last Change"
"01","003","0010","88101",1,30.498001,-87.881412,"NAD83","PM2.5 - Local Conditions","24 HOUR","PM25 24-hour 2006","2013-01-01","Micrograms/cubic meter (LC)","None",1,100.0,7.3,7.3,0,30,"R & P Model 2025 PM2.5 Sequential w/WINS - GRAVIMETRIC","FAIRHOPE, Alabama","FAIRHOPE HIGH SCHOOL, FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA","Alabama","Baldwin","Fairhope","Daphne-Fairhope-Foley, AL","2014-02-11"
"01","003","0010","88101",1,30.498001,-87.881412,"NAD83","PM2.5 - Local Conditions","24 HOUR","PM25 24-hour 2006","2013-01-04","Micrograms/cubic meter (LC)","None",1,100.0,7.6,7.6,0,32,"R & P Model 2025 PM2.5 Sequential w/WINS - GRAVIMETRIC","FAIRHOPE, Alabama","FAIRHOPE HIGH SCHOOL, FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA","Alabama","Baldwin","Fairhope","Daphne-Fairhope-Foley, AL","2014-02-11"
"01","003","0010","88101",1,30.498001,-87.881412,"NAD83","PM2.5 - Local Conditions","24 HOUR","PM25 24-hour 2006","2013-01-07","Micrograms/cubic meter (LC)","None",1,100.0,8.6,8.6,0,36,"R & P Model 2025 PM2.5 Sequential w/WINS - GRAVIMETRIC","FAIRHOPE, Alabama","FAIRHOPE HIGH SCHOOL, FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA","Alabama","Baldwin","Fairhope","Daphne-Fairhope-Foley, AL","2014-02-11"
"01","003","0010","88101",1,30.498001,-87.881412,"NAD83","PM2.5 - Local Conditions","24 HOUR","PM25 24-hour 2006","2013-01-10","Micrograms/cubic meter (LC)","None",1,100.0,7,7,0,29,"R & P Model 2025 PM2.5 Sequential w/WINS - GRAVIMETRIC","FAIRHOPE, Alabama","FAIRHOPE HIGH SCHOOL, FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA","Alabama","Baldwin","Fairhope","Daphne-Fairhope-Foley, AL","2014-02-11"
*Note: Converting the CSV file to a tab delimited file makes it easier for MATLAB to deal with and circumvents this problem.
Having a text qualifier (like ") is a little tricky, but the following might work if you ensure that each row of your table will have the same number of columns (and probably no empty ones).
Anything not within the text qualifier must be convertible to a number.
function C = csvmixed(eachLine,delim,textQualifier)
% Outputs cell containing mixed string and numeric data given a delimiter (',')
% and a text qualifier ('"'). Each line of the delimited file must be loaded into
% the cell array eachLine, and each line must have the same number of columns.
% Example:
% fid = fopen('testcsv.txt','r');
% eachLine = textscan(fid,'%s','Delimiter','\n'); fclose(fid);
% C = csvmixed(eachLine{1},',','"')
assert(ischar(delim) && numel(delim)==1);
assert(ischar(textQualifier) && numel(textQualifier)==1);
% find strings, as specified by the input qualifier
patternStr = sprintf('"([^"]*)"%c?',delim);
patternStr = strrep(patternStr,'"',textQualifier);
Cstr = regexp(eachLine,patternStr,'tokens');
% find numeric data
patternNum = sprintf('(?<=(,|^))[^%c,a-zA-Z]*(?=(,|$))',textQualifier);
patternNum = strrep(patternNum,',',delim);
Cnum = regexp(eachLine,patternNum,'match','emptymatch');
numCols = cellfun(#numel,Cstr) + cellfun(#numel,Cnum);
assert(nnz(diff(numCols))==0,'Number of columns not consistent.')
% get string extents (begin, start) indexes for each string
strExtents = regexp(eachLine,patternStr,'tokenExtents');
% deal out parsed data for each line
C = cell(numel(eachLine),numCols(1));
for ii = 1:numel(eachLine),
strBounds = vertcat(strExtents{ii}{:});
delimLocs = getDelimLocs(eachLine{ii},strBounds,delim);
strCellMap = getCellMap(strBounds,delimLocs);
C(ii,strCellMap) = [Cstr{ii}{:}]; % TODO: preallocate
C(ii,~strCellMap) = num2cell(str2double(Cnum{ii})); % all else must be numeric
function delimLocs = getDelimLocs(lineText,solidBounds,delim)
delimCharLocs = strfind(lineText,delim);
delimLocs = delimCharLocs(~any(bsxfun(#ge,delimCharLocs,solidBounds(:,1)) & ...
function cellMap = getCellMap(typeBounds,delimLocs)
cellMap = any(bsxfun(#gt,typeBounds(:,1),[0 delimLocs]) & ...
bsxfun(#lt,typeBounds(:,1),[delimLocs Inf]), 1);
UPDATE: Fix small typos in getDelimLocs. Add preallocation of cell array.
Use the file exchange code replaceinfile to replace the strings that have commas in them with a period instead.
Use read_mixed_csv from Import CSV file with mixed data types to read in the file.
Remove the extra quotes from the strings that are still left.
replaceinfile(', ', '. ', fname); % Replace commas that was inside quotes and not meant to be separated as periods so they don't show up as a new column
thisdata = read_mixed_csv(fname, ','); % Reads in the CSV file (\t for tab)
thisdata = regexprep(thisdata, '^"|"$',''); % Remove quotes from file and only keep the first 28 columns (last two columns are empty)
For replaceinfile.m function:
For running the code on Linux, change the first line of the section on Perl to
perlCmd = sprintf('"%s"', '/usr/bin/perl');

Extract variables from a textfile in matlab

I have a large text file (~3500 lines) which contains output data from an instrument. This consists of repeated entries from different measurements which are all formatted as follows:
* LogFrame Start *
variablename1: value
variablename2: value
variablename35: value
* LogFrame End *
Each logframe contains 35 variables. From these I would like to extract two, 'VName' and 'EMGMARKER' and put the associated values in columns in a matlab array, (i.e. the array should be (VName,EMGMARKER) which I can then associate with data from another output file which I already have in a matlab array. I have no idea where to start with this in order to extract the variables from this file, so hence my searches on the internet so far have been unsuccessful. Any advice on this would be much appreciated.
You could use textscan:
C = textscan(file_id,'%s %f');
Then you extract the variables of interest like this:
VName_indices = strcmp(C{1},'VName:');
VName = C{2}(VName_indices);
If the variable names, so 'VName' and 'EMGMARKER' , are always the same you can just read through the file and search for lines containing them and extract data from there. I don't know what values they contain so you might have to use cells instead of arrays when extracting them.
fileID = fopen([target_path fname]); % open .txt file
% read the first line of the specified .txt file
current_line = fgetl(fileID);
counter = 1;
% go through the whole file
if ~isempty(strfind(current_line, VName))
% now you find the location of the white space delimiter between name and value
d_loc = strfind(current_line,char(9));% if it's tab separated - so \t
d_loc = strfind(current_line,' ');% if it's a simple white space
variable_name{counter} = strtok(current_line);% strtok returns everything up until the first white space
variable_value{counter} = str2double(strtok(current_line(d_loc(1):end)));% returns everything form first to second white space and converts it into a double
% same block for EMGMARKER
counter = counter+1;
current_line = fgetl(fileID);% next line
You do the same for EMGMARKER and you have cells containing the data you need.

Matlab: finding/writing data from mutliple files by column header text

I have an array which I read into Matlab with importdata. It has 5 header lines
file = 'aoao.csv';
s = importdata(file,',', 5);
Matlab automatically treats the last line as the column header. I can then call up the column number that I want with,n); %n is desired column number
I want to be able to load up many similar files at once, and then call up the columns in the different files which have the same column header name (which are not necessarily the same column number). I want to be able to write and export all of these columns together into a new matrix, preferably with each column labelled with its file name,
what should I do?
samp = 'len-c.mp3'; %# define desired sample/column header name
file = dir('*.csv');
have the directory ready in main screen current folder. This creates a detailed description of file,
for i=1:length(file)
set(i) = importdata(file(i).name,',', 5);
this imports the data from each of the files (comma delimited, 5 header lines) and transports it to a cell array called 'set'
for k = 1:14;
for i=1:length(set(k).colheaders)
TF = strcmp(set(k).colheaders(i),samp); %compares strings for match
if TF == 1; %if match is true
group(:,k) = set(k).data(:,i); %save matching column# to 'group'
this retrieves the data from the named colheader within each file