Is it possible to programmatically get the speech synthesizer manufacturer's identity? - basic4android

My application needs to know the speech synthesizer manufacturer's identity. The "Default Engine" which is set in Android's TTS settings. Knowing this piece of information would allow me to custom tailor my app to take advantage of individual synthesizer capabilities.
Hope there's a way

I think I found the answer...
Dim P as Phone : msgbox(P.GetSettings("tts_default_synth"),"")


Is there possible to add gps vocal navigation into my app?

with the arrival of the vocal indication on IOS 6.
I want to know if is it possible to add this functionality to my app
Cloudmade has some tools that could help you.
They provide a service that returns a XML representation of the route with turn by turn information included. You could feed this texts into a text to speech engine.

Text reader API for iOS

Does it exist an API that would take a string of text, then read it? It would have be a cool feature to offer to people with reading problems. Then they just could tap a button and have it read for them.
Actually, iOS has a feature called VoiceOver that can be enabled in Settings (under Accessibility) that speaks items on the screen. VoiceOver will work (to varying degrees) with any app; you can use the Accessibility API to add more information so VoiceOver does a better job of describing the interface.
More information on VoiceOver
iPhone Accessibility Programming Guide section on VoiceOver
Check out OpenEars, I've used it before, it's a breeze to set up (not sure if it's ARC compatible though). It also has voice recognition too.

Accessing existing voice notes from iPhone App

I want my current iPhone App to access the iPhone for existing voice notes.
Two questions on that:
Where by default the voice notes on iPhone gets stored.
Do I have access to Audio Recorder (Voice Momos) App from my iPhone App.
Do I have access to those voice note from my iPhone App. (If no, then is there any reference which provides proof for the same, that I don't have that access?)
Apple does not provide any API for voice notes, so there is no way to access them.
You want prove that you can't access them, which I can't not give. But since the developers documentation does not provide API for voice memos you should accept that is is not allowed by apple.

Voice Synthesis for the iPhone

I know that Apple hasn't given access to voice recognition, but do we have access to voice synthesis. If they haven't given us an API, would it be possible to hack the accessibility APIs to work even for people with VoiceOver turned off?
The last time i checked, the API's required for voice synthesis (NSSynthesis) are only available on Mac OS. The API's have not yet been ported to iphone.
I have heard a lot from this company:
Their product is supposed to work quite well, although their licensing scheme is a bit steep.
The license is a bit steep, but the text-to-speech is excellent. At the end of the day, unless you can write your own tts engine, you are over a barrel if you app requires that feature. I have looked at some of the free implementations and they are just not ready for prime time. I guess question is "Is the profit left after that percentage worth writing the application?"

APIs for converting Voice/Audio data in to text

I am working on a iphone apps in which i am storing the voice of users as audio file and want to display in text.
How it will be ...any idea about APIs ??
Have you seen CMU Sphinx ?
Particularly, pocket sphinx (written in C)
While more recognition oriented, it's been used for transcription before, so it will depend on what exactly you need:
Further, have you considered a non-native/local API, i.e. a web service you could call with your voice data, or are you adamant about a native library/API ?
For example, Ribbit has a platform for these sorts of things, and does support transcribing voice to text
"How do I enable voice-to-text transcriptions?
Available as a paid service, voice-to-text transcriptions are automatically available through the Ribbit API. Please use the $25 Free signup credit to try the service."
There is one app that does this already: Jott. The way they do it is to send the file to transcribers in India! (source)
You will have to develop the voice recognition engine yourself I'm afraid. No library that I know of can do this. Apart form that, the iPhone CPU would probably not be powerful enough.