Can I access the App Store from within the iOS Simulator? - iphone

Within the iOS Simulator, is it possible to access the App Store?
That is, can I install the App Store application within the Simulator and download applications through it to the iOS Simulator? If so, how?

It's a simulator not an emulator. Even if there was an App Store in the Simulator, none of the apps in the store would work since they are compiled for ARM CPUs while the Simulator runs x86 code.

Sorry it is not available! The simulator will only allow you to install programs from xCode. I am not sure why they restrict this - but I am also not sure why you would want to use the Simulator for this purpose.

Interacting with iOS Simulator:
Note: You cannot install apps from the App Store in simulation environments.

You can put application in your simulator. But you cannot run it. They have restricted users to run applications. I found where the .app files are.
Machintosh HD - Application - Xcode - Contents - Developer - Platforms - iPhoneSimulator.platform - Developer - SDKs - iPhoneSimulator.sdk - Applications
All applications are in there but, I can't run them. However, I succeeded to install .app files.
In .ipa file, there is 'payload' folder, and .app file is in there.
All you need is just copy it and paste it in Applications folder. Then you can see the icon on your simulator.
But, it will not work.

Probably wont work, but if you have an IOS device and copy an app onto your computer, you might be able to run it on IOS simulator, as you can run your own apps.


ios: Ad Hoc app installs to iPads but not iPhones

I built an app, and I'm distributing it for testing OTA. It is targeted for iOS 5.0 and above and is configured to be universal (so should work on both phones and tablets). It has been running just fine on both kinds of devices. Today I put out a new version. It installs just fine on tablets. However it won't install on phones running any version of the os from 5.0 up. They just get the message 'This app cannot be downloaded.' All of these users are verified provisioned. I'm not sure what I could have done between versions to keep this app from being installed on phones now. What should I be looking for as a possible issue?
It runs fine in the iPhone simulator
If you have access to any of the iPhones the app won't install on, you can connect it to xcode and view the device logs for why the installation failed.
That'll give you the most definitive answer.
If you can't access the iPhones, I would say you should regenerate your IPA file and make sure the target you're building the IPA for has the right configs (universal app, iOS version, provisioning profile assignments etc.)
Not sure why this helped, but I decided to export the ipa with a new file name this time. I didn't modify any settings in the package anywhere other than giving the .ipa file a new name. Doing that fixed it. Now everyone can download it again.

simulating app upgrade in iOS

I am trying to simulate an upgrade from version 2.0 to 2.1. I have version 2.0 hosted in testflight, so I did install it in my device. Then I tried running the app from xcode. However what happened is that the app did not get overlapped, instead it created two apps with the same name. How can I make it such that when I run the app from xcode it overlays the old version?
I've made sure that the bundle identifier is the same.
Well the info you can get while updating can be found # this link here.
when user updates an app, Documents folder is stored as is, including
NSUserDefaults (but, sometimes user download app via iTunes and
replace the whole application, crying 'OMG! update killed all my
levels progress!'); Application bundle is erased and replaced by new
one (anyway, it is readonly for user); Re-deployment of new build
version will be enough;
You can't access the appstore inside the simulator because: # link here
It's a simulator not an emulator. Even if there was an App Store in
the Simulator, none of the apps in the store would work since they are
compiled for ARM CPUs while the Simulator runs x86 code.
Another stack overflow # link here states:
Build and install your old version, generate some data, and then
install the new version on top of it.
For testing before submitting to the Appstore I generally download
from the AppStore again the old version, and then install with Xcode
the newer version - for your next update... ;-)
And another stack overflow (that I lost the link for) states:
No, the simulator runs i386 binaries and iPhone appstore apps are ARM
binaries apps.
iOS apps are compiled to machine code, Android apps are run in a
Virtual Machine using byte code and are translated to machine code at
the time they are run.
So no, I don't believe you can run it in the simulator, how ever you can have older projects saved on the iPhone and test both out. And the apple documentation is # this link here.
Read this:
You cannot simulate update in XCode (neither in simulator or connected device). You have to create IPA file and simulate update process via iTunes.

Is it possible to install .app files onto the iPhone simulator without source

Is it possible to download and install raw .app files onto the iPhone simulator. I like the functionality of some apps but simply do not have an iPhone. Would it be possible to download the app files and install them onto the simulator?
No. Release builds target ARM processors. The simulator doesn't emulate the CPU, that's why you have to build for it specifically - simulator builds are x86.
Do you mean with the IPA file? Unfortunately with Ad Hoc releases you need to install the provisioning profile that AFAIK won't allow you to install. There may be a hack but without hacking it there is no way to do so.
If the developer is built for simulator arch, then you can run it. By placing the .app file in the following location.
Note: make sure your restarting the simulator to take effect.

iPhone app in simulator works on one mac but not another mac

I hired 2 developers to work on an App and both developers have no problem loading the App in the Simulator. However, on my iMac, it won't load the App at all in Simulator and only gives me the icon screen of the App.
I got paranoid and did a clean install of OS X and upgraded to 10.6.6
I even erased the hard drive completely before install
running Xcode 3.2.5
developers are also running Xcode 3.2.5 iOS SDK 4.2
I did Clean Targets
I did reset in the Simulator
Maybe something in the Xcode Preference Settings?
Has this happen to anyone before?
Have you see them load the app?
Here are few suggestions/options:
Try to load a test app and just
see if it is actually your computer.
Have the developers use TeamViewer
to load the app in your phone for
You have to sign your app through
apple dev store, are you on the list
of developers that can open/edit the app?

How to check my app on client's simulator

Is there any way that client can check my app on his simulator what should i do for that...I do not want to send code of my application to him.....
I know adhoc is required to test on device but here i want to run on his simulator...
Build your app for the iPhone Simulator (iOS 4.2 on this example) and run it from Xcode.
The app should now be stored in a coded subfolder under
~/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/4.2/Applications/ (e.g. ~/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/4.2/Applications/E5548CB9-0A50-49EF-92AB-39F10820D9D6/)
Send your client the whole subfolder (E5548CB9-0A50-49EF-92AB-39F10820D9D6) and tell him to copy it over to /Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/4.2/Applications/, then run the iPhone simulator. He should be able to see the app on the simulator and run it. Note that the app will probably appear on the second 'page' of the simulator, so you client may need to scroll to the right.
You can test this between different machines at your own office prior to sending it to your client. He'll have to have Mac OS X 10.6 with the latest iOS SDK installed of course.
Go: Macintosh HD\Users\ YourUserName\Library\Application Support\iPhone Simulator\ iPhoneVersionNumber\Applications:
Then you have to look through each "AJ2783FO29ZO38-WSOHF93" weirdly named folder and find the one that is your app folder. Copy it and put it in the same place on your clients computer.
I have not personally tried this myself. Let me know if you need any other information!
There is no Apple supported method. However if you quit your Simulator after installing your app, zip up your entire Library Applications Support directory for the iPhone Simulator, send it to the client and have the client replaces theirs (after a backup of their Library, or maybe running in another Mac User account). Then when they start their Simulator (has to be from the exact same Xcode/SDK installer as yours), they will see a clone of your Simulator, with your app installed.
Trying to copy just the app bundle may or may not work, as some versions of the Simulator depend on metadata elsewhere within the App Support dir.