AWS Java S3-Upload Error while Runing Applet in HTML - applet

I solved the problem upto certain extent by using the following command
$applettviewer MyApplet.html
it does not show any error like before.
I came to know that my Applet has to be signed even im running in my Local System.
This is my test.html
File Name : test.HTML
<applet code="*MyApplet.class*" archive="aws-java-sdk-1.2.12.jar,commons-codec-1.3.jar,commons-logging-1.1.1.jar,httpclient-4.1.1.jar,httpcore-4.1.jar,jackson-core-asl-1.4.3.jar,mail-1.4.3.jar,stax-1.2.0.jar,stax-api-1.0.1.jar" width="500" height="500"></applet>
my Folder structure is as follows:
|----------------- MyApplet.class
|----------------- mime.types
|----------------- required Jar Files
|----------------- java.policy.applet
|----------------- test.html ( HTML file to Load the Applet)
I dont know how to sign the Class file.
Please guide me.

I dont know how to sign the Class file.
See Steps for the Code Signer in the Java tutorial.

You need to build your project as jar file. Then using keytool and jarsigner located in bin folder of jdk you need to sign your applet
and change your html as
<applet code="MyApplet.class" archive="MyApplet.jar,aws-java-sdk-1.2.12.jar,commons-codec-1.3.jar,commons-logging-1.1.1.jar,httpclient-4.1.1.jar,httpcore-4.1.jar,jackson-core-asl-1.4.3.jar,mail-1.4.3.jar,stax-1.2.0.jar,stax-api-1.0.1.jar" width="500" height="500"></applet>


What is the physical path of Odoo webserver?

I'm building a custom odoo module that will be using several Javascript libraries.
I need to add references to those libraries (local references) but I don't know exactly where to place those libraries and how to refer to their location.
What I tried:
- I created the new module and placed the libraries inside the module directory but it didn't work.
- I also placed the libraries in the home directory of odoo.
As I understand, the problem would be solved if I could get the default directory of the webserver that odoo runs on.
If module is using js files, then you must put these files inside your module. And still if you cant reach these files from your module its your technical error and you have to fix it yourself, also note that odoo has its js libraries already
I found this page: how to add css and js files in Openerp 7 / Odoo module maybe can help you.
Below is the content.
Store files correctly:
CSS and JS files should be reside under 'static' directory in the module(the rest of subdirectory tree under 'static' is an optional convention):
Add files in manifest (v7.0) or in XML(v8.0)
Openerp v7.0 way is to add following entries in manifest (in
'css': ['static/src/css/your_file.css'],
'js': [static/src/js/your_file.js'],
Odoo v8.0 way is to add corresponding record in the XML:
Add XML to the manifest (
'data': [ 'your_file.xml'],
Then add following record in 'your_file.xml':
<template id="assets_backend" name="your_module_name assets" inherit_id="web.assets_backend">
<xpath expr="." position="inside">
<link rel='stylesheet' href="/your_module_name/static/src/css/your_file.css"/>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/your_module_name/static/src/js/your_file.js"></script>

how to include a local javascript im ember-cli application

I have a local javascript in my application that i want to include in my ember-cli application.
it is called carrotsearch.foamtree.js
In order that it will be included i put it under vendor\foamtree\carrotsearch.foamtree
and in the app.js i write
import CarrotSearchFoamTree from 'foamtree/carrotsearch.foamtree'
the problem is that i get an error
===== 1 JSHint Error
Build failed. ENOENT, no such file or directory
File: foamtree/carrotsearch.foamtree.js Error: ENOENT, no such file or directory C:\Users\davidga\Desktop\ember\nextgen\tmp\tree_merger-tmp_dest_dir-37cYqLzL.tmp\foamtree\carrotsearch.foamtree.js'
at Object.fs.statSync (fs.js:689:18) at addModule
de_modules\broccoli-es6-concatenator\index.js:83:46) at addModule
de_modules\broccoli-es6-concatenator\index.js:126:9) at
broccoli-es6-concatenator\index.js:59:7 at tryCatch
e_modules\rsvp\dist\commonjs\rsvp-internal.js:163:16) at
li\node_modules\rsvp\dist\commonjs\rsvp-internal.js:172:17) at
_modules\rsvp\dist\commonjs\rsvp-internal.js:150:13) at flush (C:\Users\davidga\Desktop\ember\nextgen\node_modules\ember-cli\node_m
odules\rsvp\dist\commonjs\rsvp\asap.js:51:9) at
process._tickCallback (node.js:419:13)
I thought that the problem is maybe bower related so i followed the following post how to include a private local file in javascript project using bower
The problem is that neither
"foamtree": "foamtree/carrotsearch.foamtree.js"
"foamtree": "vendor/foamtree/carrotsearch.foamtree.js"
What may i do?
I found an answer.
In brocfile.js we can add the line
I don't know if this is an optimal anser but it works
This solution is stated in the ember-cli documentation
If you don't need them to minified in your vendor.js file you can put them in the public/js and then include it as a normal script file in app/index.html. I use this method for some libraries like moment.js.
The public folder gets directly copied to your site root during the build.

cant compile ast parser code in java

I have some ast parser code in eclipse but I am unable to import the
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.AST;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.ASTParser;
could some body tell me which jar file to download and where to add same that jar file in eclipse folder.
You probably have those files downloaded already in eclipse\plugins folder i.e. in windows C:\Program Files\eclipse\plugins\org.eclipse.jdt.core_3.9.1.v20130905-0837.jar
Of course you can download from internet as well
Note that in order to run it as a stand alone application you will have to import such librariers (where xx stands for version and again they can be found in eclipse\plugins folder):
Usually people add other libraries in folder called lib but still you will have to set it in eclipse. In order to do that right click on your project then build path -> configure build path -> libraries and select add JAR.

MANIFEST.MF issue with jhall.jar

i have created a jar-file (DicoDB.jar) with Eclipse in the folder called 'program-jar'. Inside a subdirectory 'javahelp' are the following jar-files: jhall.jar, hsviewer.jar, jh.jar and dicoDBHelp.jar (this is my jar-file which contents my help-application).
In the top directory 'program-jar' are also the following jars: jgraph.jar, gnujpdf.jar.
This is my MANIFEST.MF: (The file is manually created)
Manifest-Version: 1.0
Main-Class: gui.DicoDB
Class-Path: jgraph.jar
At the end of the file is an empty line.
Now I execute the DicoDB.jar in my terminal. Everything works fine until I want to open my help-file (dicoDBHelp.jar).
I get the following exception:
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/help/JHelp
The JHelp class is contained by jhall.jar.
Now I don't undertand why the program does not find the class.
So i hope somebody can help me.
Just a thought: try to put all jars in the same line as Class-Path: .... separated by spaces.

PDFlib works only if the library is in /usr/lib not in a custom path

we are using PDFlib for personalizing PDFs.
The pdflib.jar library and the file are both in the folder:
I start the server with this argument:
java -Djava.library.path=/home/user/my/custom/library/path/
like it is mentioned in the pdflib tutorial
After deploying on my jBoss5 Server i got this error message:
ERROR [STDERR] Cannot load the PDFlib shared library/DLL for Java.
Make sure to properly install the native PDFlib library. For your
information, the current value of java.library.path is:
So, the path ist correct (i tried it with and without the / at the end)
If I put the jar and the lib in my /usr/lib folder, everything works fine, but not with my custom folders.
I use it on a linux 64bit, if that matters!
The custom folder and the files got chmod 755 - so this shouldn't be the problem
Looking forward to your hints!