SWT plotting large data on a canvas - swt

Hi I have to plot large amount of data inside the canvas. But this eats up the jvm memory allocated when i directly plot it on the canvas.So I want to plot few data at a time and clear the non user visible data from the canvas. Can I resize or remove the part of canvas such that area which is not visible to user will be removed and new dta should be plotted at the bottom of the canvas and upper part should be removed while scrolling.
pardon my english and sorry I dint know how to put this problem in better words.

The canvas ignores everything that is painted outside its visible area. So there is no need for you to clear anything. Whenever a previously invisible part of the canvas becomes visible (e.g. by scrolling), it is repainted; and the parts that become invisible will be "forgotten". The paint event contains the rectangle that needs to be painted. So you could optimize your code by only painting data that lies within that rectangle. In any case, it's not the canvas that is eating up your memory.


Text becomes invisible behind background canvas Unity

I just added 3D Text on my scene and it is invisible on the background of Canvas, that is "Render Mode: Screen Space - Camera". How i can make it visible on background of my canvas?
There are 2 ways to fix this:
Change the Sorting Layer of the obstructing object to be one behind that of the text, or change the Order in layer of the obstructing object to be lower than that of the canvas.
Create a new canvas with a higher Sorting Layer (you may need to create a new one) or Order in Canvas and place the text in the new canvas.
As an example, here I have my normal text in a lower canvas, but I created an overlay canvas for text that absolutely must go above everything else.
I find that the second solution is a better general solution for the issue, as in the first solution you have to change the layers for every object in the scene that might obstruct your text.

While adding a canvas and then text into a gameobject, Canvas and text size problem

I am working on a 2d project with unity engine. (I am a newbie)
As you can see in image I already have a canvas for UI elements but also I have gameobjects under player element. I want to add text inside "govde" element. but when I add it;
at left bottom you can see my game. but canvas and text size is HUGE.
I dont know what is wrong with my game or canvas but I could not solve this.
By the way my gun works well so there are no errors in game. here is a photo of game scene;
Thank you for any kind of help. Have a nice day:)
EDIT : I Wanted to show the text box I wanted; please consider the numbers are so small. What I am asking is when width:2 and height:1 ok my textbox fits inside that car but since it is so small, i cannot show even 1 characters inside text box even if I make font size : 1. My english is not perfect sorry if I make any mistake. Here is picture;
and IF I Make bigger to everything, They don't fit to my game screen. I tried to move camera to far away but that did not changed to my Game Screen.
LASTLY: When I add my a text inside my UI CANVAS, it perfectly fits. But when I add same textbox to game object called Player as I needed, it is TOO BIG
SOLUTION : For anybody who deals with same problem try to create a text object inside a UI CANVAS, after that create another canvas inside game object. And lastly, drag textbox into second canvas . That solved all my problems. My second canvas is still huge and when I make it smaller my textbox gets smaller and smaller so I cannot use it again but I let canvas to be huge, no problem for me at all. Thanks for helps.
The text you created is the tiny black ‘New Text’ above the word basla. The canvas isn't actually viewable, you can add a ‘Panel’ underneath to confirm its size.
edit set font size and change width and height of text
keep scale at 1,1,1, track all the parent scale of each parent object, they do multiply in scale as you go down, so if one parent has scale 2,2,2 and its parent has scale 3,3,3 by the time you get to the text at 1,1,1 its scaled to 6,6,6 so keep this in mind and reorganize you hierarchy as needed

Unity: Positioning an element on canvas

I need to move an image down through canvas so that its central point would be where is now its top edge. It makes some 50 points, but if I decrease y by 50, it moves to different part of the screen on devices with different screen size. I guess, it's because my main canvas is set to scale with the screen size. So I suppose I need to manually divide the number 50 by my screen height and then code to multiply by Screen.height? Isn't there a more convenient way to move UI objects?
Allow me a second question: Do you think it is even wise to make a game purely on canvas? My game is simple 2D, only slightly animated and contains many layout elements, so I decided to go for it, but I have hard time to grasp the UI position rules.
you may have the problem of the anchoring.
Unity UI totally depends on the Anchoring, if you have got right anchoring there is no issue.
For example. if you anchored something at the Center than changing left and right value moves them according to the center anchor.
for clear visualization, you can paste a screenshot of the behavior.

Dragging images from a scrollable region in Raphael?

I'm investigating the feasibility of using Raphael for a user-research project. One of the features allows for users to drag images onto a canvas and we record where they placed it. The pool of images is potentially quite large and we'll have them in a scrollable box in the tool.
I put together a quick wireframe of the issue I'm looking into since it'll probably be clearer than my explanation.
Please see the wireframe:
I'd stick with straight HTML/CSS and use jQueryUI draggables, as you mention in your comment.
You don't appear to need any of the drawing/display features SVG offers, yet if you went that route, you'd have to build your own custom scrolling behavior (instead of setting a CSS overflow-y rule) and picture layout algorithms (again instead of using CSS floats or something).
You can create a scrollable region using Raphael.
Create the viewport with fixed
dimensions (say 800x600)
Draw the images with increasing y value. After few images, the y value will go beyond 600. It will be drawn but will not be visible in the viewport.
Create a scrollbar using raphael rects. Attach drag events to the scrollbar handle rect.
When the handle is moved, translate all the images accordingly.
For e.g. lets assume in step 2, you had drawn all the images and the bottom most point of the end image is having y value 2000. Assuming the scrollbar has length 500, each dx movement of the handle will have to translate 2000/500 = 4dx. You can calculate the handle length similarly using ratios.
Since everything inside a single Raphael paper the dragging of images will work seamlessly. You will have to maintain the positions of each images.
You might find this demo similar
Remember you can always use getBBox when you drop. In this case it's rects but images would be the same..

Cocos2D changes the colours in the last row of pixles in a sprite?

I have never seen this issue before, its very strange. Just wondering if anyone else has come across this too.
I have added a sprite to my game, its supposed to be the top left corner of a box to put text on to. I want to make it scalable without loosing anything so i have it broken up into sections. In the image above the one on top is the image itself, and then the one on the bottom is the image when its being drawn in the iPhone simulator.
Any idea why the last column of pixels on the right are altered? I have not scaled the image at all.
I don't know about Cocos2D, but in general terms what you've done here is to draw the image at a position that isn't an exact multiple of one pixel.
Consequently even without scaling you have resampled the image across a grid that doesn't coincide with the original image data, causing all pixels to be a bit off. It's just the right-hand edge is the most obvious case, since the resampling leaves you with a partial transparency here. But look at eg the two rows of purple pixels in the border: they're not the same, because your vertical alignment is off as well, causing a small amount of colour from the grey border below it to bleed into the lower row of purple.
Ok I actually figured it out this time. Cocos2D adds a bit of antialiasing to CCTextures. To stop it from doing this you need to call this:
[[mySprite texture] setAliasTexParameters];
to turn it back on you call this:
[[mySprite texture] setAntiAliasTexParameters];