Scala Returning a void function with 0 parameters, ugly syntax? - scala

Given a method defined as follows
def descendEach(times:Int)(f:()=>Unit) {
for (i <- 1 to times) {
// other code
when I use this method I want to be able to write
but the scala compiler only lets me get away with
gd.descendEach(20){ () =>
which is kind of ugly. Am I missing something here? Is it possible to write it in the first way I presented?

Use the following syntax:
def descendEach[T](times:Int)(f: => T)
This way you can not only pass function without extra () => (this is called pass by name), but also use functions returning any type (not necessarily Unit). It is sometimes convenient when you have an existing function you want to pass but don't really care about its return value:
def g() = 42
Note that with this syntax you are simply using f, not f().


Is it possible in scala to have a generic method taking a method as an argument?

I would like to have:
def myMethod[T < ???](f: T): Unit = {
The rest of the method is not really important but is it possible to replace ??? by somethind which would make sure T is a method
and if possible to go even further and make sure the return type of T is something defined ?
Like [T < (_*) => Int]
Thank you.
Would defining a type, like in the following trivial example, address your need?
type Fcn = String => Int
def myMethod(s: String, f: Fcn): Unit = {
myMethod("hello", (s: String) => s.length)
// 5
You can use function literals:
def myMethod[A, T](f: A => T) {
or if you want functions that take no arguments:
def myMethod[T](f: () => T) {
But judging by your comments, it seems like you specifically want to reference methods, and query the method for information about itself, which is not a feature of basic Scala. You may be able to do some of that with reflection, but reflection is an area best avoided.
Technically, you can't directly pass a method, since a method is not a value that you can instantiate and pass-around. What is usually passed around is a function instance. And when it appears that you're passing a method, the compiler is actually creating a function instance for you (method lifting or eta-expansion).
But that is not going to work if you're looking to inspect meta data about that method (name, deprecation). For that, you're probably looking for reflection. You can have your method take an instance of java.reflect.Method but that will require that you obtain that at call-site.

Call by value with values interpreted as zero-argument functions vs call by name

In this comment, #Ben suggested that call by name is equivalent to call by value where values are zero-argument functions. If I understood correctly,
def callByName(x: => Int) = {
// some code
is equivalent to
def callByValue(x: () => Int) = {
// same code as above, but all occurrences of x replaced with x()
(Edit: I fixed mistake in signature as pointed out by #MichaelZajac, #LukaJacobowitz: originally, it said callByValue(x: Int).)
In other words, the whole "call by name" concept is just syntactic sugar: everything it does can be achieved (with a few extra keystrokes) using "call by value". If true, it makes it very easy to understand call by name; in fact, I've used this technique in python (python has first-class functions).
However, further down in the comments, the discussion became somewhat more confusing, and I was left with the feeling that it's not quite so simple.
So is there something more substantive to "call by name"? Or is it just an automatic creation of zero-argument functions by the compiler?
I'm assuming you meant your callByValue function to take a () => Int instead of just an Int as otherwise it wouldn't make a lot of sense.
It's pretty much exactly what you think. The compiler generates a Function0 instance. You can see this pretty nicely when you decompile Scala code with Javap.
Another thing of note is, that the generated Function0 will be reevaluated every time you use the by-name parameter inside your function, so if you only want it to be computed once you'll want to do something like this:
def callByName(x: => Int) = {
val a = x
// do something with a here
Here is some more information on the whole concept.
Also you can see how Scala compiles by-name parameters quite neatly in this question:
def getX[T <: X](constr: ⇒ T): Unit = {
decompiled in Java is equivalent to:
public <T extends X> void getX(Function0<T> constr) {
Yes, but your example isn't quite right. The signature of callByValue, as written in your question, will evaluate x before callByValue is invoked.
The following would be roughly equivalent to a call-by-name:
def callByValue(x: () => Int) = {
// same code as above, but all occurrences of x replaced with x()
The distinction is important, because your version of callByValue would only accept Ints, not functions that return Ints. It also wouldn't compile if you followed the procedure of replacing x with x().
But yes, a call-by-name parameter of => A is roughly equivalent to () => A, except that the former is simply more convenient to use. I say roughly because they are different types, and their applications are slightly different. You can specify () => A to be the type of something, but not => A. And of course with x: () => A, you must manually call x() instead of x.

Scala by name versus function parameters [duplicate]

What is still unclear for is what's the advantage by-name parameters over anonymous functions in terms of lazy evaluation and other benefits if any:
def func1(a: => Int)
def func2(a: () => Int)
When should I use the first and when the second one?
This is not the copy of What's the difference between => , ()=>, and Unit=>
Laziness is the same in the both cases, but there are slight differences. Consider:
def generateInt(): Int = { ... }
def byFunc(a: () => Int) { ... }
def byName(a: => Int) { ... }
// you can pass method without
// generating additional anonymous function
// but both of the below are the same
// i.e. additional anonymous function is generated
byName(() => generateInt())
Functions with call-by-name however is useful for making DSLs. For instance:
def measured(block: ⇒ Unit): Long = {
val startTime = System.currentTimeMillis()
System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime
Long timeTaken = measured {
// any code here you like to measure
// written just as there were no "measured" around
def func1(a: => Int) {
val b = a // b is of type Int, and it`s value is the result of evaluation of a
def func2(a: () => Int) {
val b = a // b is of type Function0 (is a reference to function a)
An example might give a pretty thorough tour of the differences.
Consider that you wanted to write your own version of the veritable while loop in Scala. I know, I know... using while in Scala? But this isn't about functional programming, this is an example that demonstrates the topic well. So hang with me. We'll call our own version whyle. Furthermore, we want to implement it without using Scala's builtin while. To pull that off we can make our whyle construct recursive. Also, we'll add the #tailrec annotation to make sure that our implementation can be used as a real-world substitute for the built-in while. Here's a first go at it:
def whyle(predicate: () => Boolean)(block: () => Unit): Unit = {
if (predicate()) {
Let's see how this works. We can pass in parameterized code blocks to whyle. The first is the predicate parameterized function. The second is the block parameterized function. How would we use this?
What we want is for our end user to use the whyle just like you would the while control structure:
// Using the vanilla 'while'
var i = 0
while(i < args.length) {
i += 1
But since our code blocks are parameterized, the end-user of our whyle loop must add some ugly syntactic sugar to get it to work:
// Ouch, our whyle is hideous
var i = 0
whyle( () => i < args.length) { () =>
i += 1
So. It appears that if we want the end-user to be able to call our whyle loop in a more familiar, native looking style, we'll need to use parameterless functions. But then we have a really big problem. As soon as you use parameterless functions, you can no longer have your cake and eat it too. You can only eat your cake. Behold:
def whyle(predicate: => Boolean)(block: => Unit): Unit = {
if (predicate) {
whyle(predicate)(block) // !!! THIS DOESN'T WORK LIKE YOU THINK !!!
Wow. Now the user can call our whyle loop the way they expect... but our implementation doesn't make any sense. You have no way of both calling a parameterless function and passing the function itself around as a value. You can only call it. That's what I mean by only eating your cake. You can't have it, too. And therefore our recursive implementation now goes out the window. It only works with the parameterized functions which is unfortunately pretty ugly.
We might be tempted at this point to cheat. We could rewrite our whyle loop to use Scala's built-in while:
def whyle(pred: => Boolean)(block: => Unit): Unit = while(pred)(block)
Now we can use our whyle exactly like while, because we only needed to be able to eat our cake... we didn't need to have it, too.
var i = 0
whyle(i < args.length) {
i += 1
But we cheated! Actually, here's a way to have our very own tail-optimized version of the while loop:
def whyle(predicate: => Boolean)(block: => Unit): Unit = {
def whyle_internal(predicate2: () => Boolean)(block2: () => Unit): Unit = {
if (predicate2()) {
whyle_internal(predicate _)(block _)
Can you figure out what we just did?? We have our original (but ugly) parameterized functions in the inner function here. We have it wrapped with a function that takes as arguments parameterless functions. It then calls the inner function and converts the parameterless functions into parameterized functions (by turning them into partially applied functions).
Let's try it out and see if it works:
var i = 0
whyle(i < args.length) {
i += 1
And it does!
Thankfully, since in Scala we have closures we can clean this up big time:
def whyle(predicate: => Boolean)(block: => Unit): Unit = {
def whyle_internal: Unit = {
if (predicate) {
Cool. Anyways, those are some really big differences between parameterless and parameterized functions. I hope this gives you some ideas!
The two formats are used interchangeably, but there are some cases where we can use only one of theme.
let's explain by example, suppose that we need to define a case class with two parameters :
type Action = () => Unit;
case class WorkItem(time : Int, action : Action);
as we can see, the second parametre of the WorkItem class has a type Action.
if we try to replace this parameter with the other format =>,
case class WorkItem1(time : Int, s : => Unit) the compiler will show a message error :
Multiple markers at this line:
`val' parameters may not be call-by-name Call-by-name parameter
creation: () ⇒
so as we have see the format ()=> is more generic and we can use it to define Type, as class field or method parameter, in the other side => format can used as method parameter but not as class field.
A by-name type, in which the empty parameter list, (), is left out, is only
allowed for parameters. There is no such thing as a by-name variable or a
by-name field.
You should use the first function definition if you want to pass as the argument an Int by name.
Use the second definition if you want the argument to be a parameterless function returning an Int.

Scala no argument string function vs typed String parameter

I ran across a function that looks like this:
def doSomethingQuestionable(config: someConfig, value: String)(default: => String) : String
What is interesting is the parameterless function that gets passed in as second argument group. In the code base, the method is only ever called with a config and two strings, the latter being some default value, but as a String, not a function. Within the code body of the method, default is passed on to a method that takes 3 string arguments. So the function "default" only resolves down to a string within the body of this method.
Is there any benefit, apart from a currying usage which does not happen with this method in the code base I am going through, of defining the method this way? Why not just define it with 3 string arguments in a single argument group?
What am I missing? Some compiler advantage here? Keep in mind, I am assuming that no currying will ever be done with this, since it is a large code base, and it is not currently done with this method.
The point is to have a potentially expensive default string that is only created when you need it. You write the code as if you're creating the string to pass in, but because it's a by-name parameter ('=> String') it will actually be turned into a function that will be transparently called whenever default is referenced in the doSomethingQuestionable method.
The reason to keep it separate is in case you do want a big block of code to create that string. If you never do and never will, it may as well be
def doSomethingQuestionable(config: someConfig, value: String, default: => String): String
If you do, however,
def doSomethingQuestionable(cfg, v){
// Oh boy, something went wrong
// First we need to check if we have a database accessible
// (Much pain ensues)
is way better than embedding the code block as one argument in a multi-argument parameter list.
This is a parameterless function returning a String:
() => String
Which is not what you have. This,
is a parameter being passed by-name instead of by-value. For example:
=> String // A string being passed by-name
=> () => String // A parameterless function returning string being passed by-name
The difference between these modes is that, on by-value, the parameter is evaluated and the resulting value is passed, whereas on by-name, the parameter is passed "as is", and evaluated each time it is used.
For example:
var x = 0
def printValue(y: Int) = println(s"I got $y. Repeating: $y.")
def printName(y: => Int) = println(s"I got $y. Repeating: $y.")
printValue { x += 1; x } // I got 1. Repeating: 1.
printName { x += 1; x } // I got 2. Repeating: 3.
Now, as to why the method splits that into a second parameter, it's just a matter of syntactic pleasantness. Take the method foldLeft, for example, which is similarly defined. You can write something like this:
(1 to 10).foldLeft(0) { (acc, x) =>
println(s"Accumulator: $acc\tx: $x\tacc+x: ${acc+x}")
If foldLeft was defined as a single parameter list, it would look like this:
(1 to 10).foldLeft(0, { (acc, x) =>
println(s"Accumulator: $acc\tx: $x\tacc+x: ${acc+x}")
Not much different, granted, but worse looking. I mean, you don't write this thing below, do you?
if (x == y, {
println("Same thing")
}, {
println("Different thing"

In Scala how to curry existing function with single argument and pass to a higher order function?

I have a function
def myInnerFunc(a: Int): Int = a
now I want to pass it to a higher order function and I want it to be passed to the higher order function preinitialized with argument so need to first call my inner function with the proper parameter and only then I can pass it to the higher order function which would make up something like:
def myHigherOrderFunction(func: Int => Int): Int = {
So I need to complete following code
myInnerFunc(1) // hmm fix this will actually call my innner function I just want to preinitialize it with one.
func() // didn't work for me how do i run my preinitialized with argument func Int => Int
How do I preinitialize myInnerFunc with argument 1 without running it?
How do I run func() from within the higher order function?
I'm not sure how to do that and couldn't really find relevant docs, can anyone please provide an example? (all examples I saw were with multiple arguments I have a single one)
If you just want to somehow delay the evaluation of f by wrapping it inside another function you can use anonymous functions:
val outer = { () => f(1) }
The reason single parameter currying is not that frequent is because this, given there are no side effects, yields a constant, which is not that exciting or useful.
Let's take your questions in reverse order:
How do I run func() from within the higher order function?
If the argument has already been provided, it isn't needed again, so the myHigherOrderFunction should look something like this:
def myHigherOrderFunction(func: Unit => Int): Int = { func() }
How do I preinitialize myInnerFunc with argument 1 without running it?
So you need something of type Unit => Int.
val thunk: Unit => Int = { _ => myInnerFunc(argument) }