GWT Celltable : Custom DatePickerCell - gwt

I want to use customDatePickerCell in CellTable.
Current GWT2.3 Datepicker cell is as follows
I am using GWT 2.3. DatePicker cell showing Navigation only for month not for year
also there is no seprate navigation for month and Year.
Is there any way to create CustomDatePickercell as follows or close to this
Separate navigation for year and month
Sequence of days like S M T W T F S
Any one developed such datepicker cell. if yes then share sample code else provide hint for the same.
Any help or guidance in this matter would be appreciated

I'll copy/paste here the answer I made on the GWT Google Group:
I haven't tried it but theoretically you should be able to implement your own MonthSelector with separate navigation for month and year.
As for the first day of week, it depends on the locale (see CalendarUtil#getStartingDayOfWeek() and DateTimeFormatInfo#firstDayOfTheWeek())


In Flutter how to create a list of months in a dropdown list

I am very new to Flutter Development. I am Creating a calendar using table_calendar 3.0.0 package from I want to create a list of months using a dropdown button in the header part. The selected month should show the corresponding dates in the calendar. will it be possible? if it possible please help me any experts. Thank u and cheers.
Yes, you can create a list of months using a dropdown button in the header part but if you want to custom any package, make sure that you understand code inside !

how to make calendar that apple made as default in swift?

I just wonder that in the calendar that apple made as default if you click day in month than view' space are split
this space change can be made by just segue??
am I have to make segue and then do the detail about height and width??
I want to get idea about this problem
you can see my project in

ngx-bootstrap: date input with modal datepicker

I'm trying to implement an input for date that has the datepicker in a modal.
The docs cover datepicker and modal - but not the combination.
I am sort of following this, but do I need to create a whole component for the modal? I'm not really sure how to build this.
An example would be very helpful.
As far as I can determine, while it is certainly a very popular request, it is currently not possible.

Need help to enter date from date picker

I have been trying to automate booking a flight on using Selenium webdriver in java. The issue I am having is that I am unable to enter date into the departing date and arrival date boxes, mainly because when you click in the date box, it displays a popup calendar or date picker. My many attempts to identify the xpath for the date picker itself and the date elements have not been successful as whenever I try to click on the date element in the picker, it changes focus. So, unless I can identify them somehow, I can't enter any data into them. I am sure there has to be someone out there who can help me with this dilemma. Thanks.
If you're using firebug to grab the xpath, you should see a dropdown menu right below the inspect element button. You're probably dealing with an iframe and you will need to switch focus to that frame. It should be easy to check which iframe you want if there are multiple (because the blue dotted frames will display) by passing this xpath: //*
You can do this several ways:
1) driver.switchTo().frame(name_or_id)
2) driver.switchTo().frame(index)
If you're still having troubles, you can always guess and check by starting with 0 and increasing it, so driver.switchTo().frame(0)

Customizing the Cells in the DatePicker in GWT

I was looking to customize the cells in the GWT DatePicker widget. By that I mean instead of showing only the date such as: "1" for the first day of the month, I want to display "1 (My Birthday)" or any other information in the parentheses. (I want the info to be rendered dynamically).
I tried creating my own CalendarView to do so but that was extremely complicated. Is there any other way that you know to do so?
So I didn't receive a response for a while and assumed that there is no other way to do so. In order to implement what I needed, I created my own custom CalendarView that closely resembled the DefaulCalendarView class. After doing so I added functionality to it and can now display anything on the cells.