Draw countdown circles - iphone

I would like to draw, in a ViewController, a countdown like in the following image:
Unfortunately, I don't have any idea on how to realize this. I will be please if someone could give me a clue on this.

LOL, I am considering to write one like this these days.
You would definitely like this. :]
Check it out here: Circle-Counter-Down

A quick thought, I would not like to draw it by using any iOS frameworks :), Just use small UIWebView and run javascript(Only works if user enables javascript, but hey I have seen no one yet who doesn't use javascript).
Javascript polar time can be found on internet, open source like,
change and edit a bit and off you go! Awesome time!
If you don't like above approach than you may look into this code,
nicely crafted however to achieve same look as yours you may have to tweak a bit!
Beware of this line in code,
[self performSelector:#selector(cancelPie:) withObject:timer afterDelay:sliderIntervalDelay.value];
just change to,
[self performSelector:#selector(cancelPie:) withObject:timer afterDelay:60.0];
Credit : Goes to a developer who posted their code on http://www.herbert-siojo.com/2011/04/19/drawing-a-countdown-timer-ios/.


Replicating Cardex View of Roambi App

I am interested in replicating the Cardex View that is seen in the Roambi App.
By Cardex I mean
Please help.
I Have not tried this because I dont know how to go about it. It would be very kind if I could get some help.
You can use Nick Lockwood's iCarousel, which can be downloaded here.
With iCarousel, you can create effects like this:
well i repicated the same using cover flow, where i had to change the matrix co-ordinates. you might find the cover flow code in github
i think this link might help.

Where can I find some beautiful iPhone buttons?

Don't need image background, just good-looking color is enough.
Jeff LaMarche has some very iOS-looking and simple-to-use programmatic gradient buttons here.
You just need to add a .h and .m file to your project and you are good to go.
These may not be of any use but check them out. There are some really well designed apps and u'll get a good idea of what colours work. Your question is slightly vague to provide an exact answer IMO.
You can get the RBB values of the colours using a number of tools.
Check this
Fun With UIButtons and Core Animation Layers

Nice looking UIButton

I'm trying to make a nice looking UIButton. I'm not exactly sure what I mean by that, but something nicer than just a plain white looking rounded corner button with blue font. I can't seem to find anything online, so can anyone help? I want to do it all by programming (no XIB) and I am not an artist so I can't draw any custom images or anything like that.
Back in May of last year, Jeff LaMarche (of iPhone dev shop Martian Craft and co-author of several iPhone development books) put out a suite called GradientButtons that makes it easy to implement pretty, shiny, colorful buttons. I've used it in several projects and it's quite nice.
Here is a tutorial on how to make a shhiny button all in code, no image needed!
Tutorial on gradients at CocoaWithLove
I ran into the above link when I was searching for a similar resource. Did the job
The Apple UI guidelines would suggest I think that you use the standard button unless you have good reason not to.

iPad flip-clock with Core Animation

I'm trying to make the flip-clock animation, I find this tutorial very interesting
but I still can't make it work.
If someone did it and could share is experience or even the code source that will be really nice.
P.S: if you have other tutorial link please share them.
What, exactly, do you need help on?
At the moment, there is some sample code available at Google Code:
Referenced from:
check this out:
Flip Transform
I actually made a small framework out of the tutorial. Check:
It contains two main classes:
JDFlipNumberView (animated digits)
JDDateCountdownFlipView (a date countdown, just init with a date, set a frame and there you go.)
In any case, you just need to do three steps:
Init the class
Set a target value (or a date)
Start the animation
I don't know if you can use this but who knows. There's a HTC hero theme for the iPhone, installable on jailbroken iPhones. This is not at all interesting, except for one feature of the theme. It has the flipclock. This theme shows the time on the homescreen exactly like you want. You can download the sourcecode of the theme here. You might have to dig into the code but the flipclock is there somewhere!
Good luck and I hope you'll be able to make your application work like a charm!

Text Editor like Pages iPad App

I want to implement a functionality similar to found in Pages app..i.e. text floating around images, image zooming etc.. I have been struggling with this part of my application but no success yet. Would be grateful if someone provides me with some pointers in this regard , like 'Which UIControl should I use?','Help in thinking logic' etc..
Thanx in advance.
Sounds like a fun app to develop.
Some Pointers:
Immediately off the bat, I would say look into creating your own Controls for the floating objects.
I would suggest tackling a smaller project, or maybe a few small to medium size projects. p
Try making a few apps with WinForms or WPF. Also look into XSL:FO.
Immediately off the bat, I would say look into creating your own Controls.
There was a WWDC session that talked about iOS text. I don't think it's violating NDA to say this is going to be a very hard project. No, make that very, very, very hard.
You will probably need to do all UI yourself, and use Core Text for rendering of the text. (But I believe you need to draw selection, etc.) And do the layout yourself.