How to query Organizational Units from a given DN in Perl - perl

I need to retrieve all Organizational Units from a given DN stringh, I am using Net::LDAP module and this little script:
my $msg = $ldap->search(
foreach $entry ($msg->entries) {
$dn = $entry->dn;
#how can i retrieve OUs?
For example if dn returns that string:
CN=Sample Sample,OU=One,OU=Two,DC=sample1,DC=sample2
I want to retrieve One and Two.

Issue a one level search request using the base object dc=example1,dc=sample2 and a presence filter of (ou=*). Given those results, issue a one level search using each returned ou with a presence filter of (ou=*). For each of these searches, specify a size limit and a time limit. For more information on search requests, see "LDAP: Using ldapsearch" and "LDAP: programming practices".

Most detailed "(&(ou=*)(objectClass=organizationalunit))"


ADSI Search for DistinguishedName of the primary group based on primarygroupid

Because we don't have the active directory module available on all our systems we're using ADSI instead. The following code retrieves a user object from AD by using the AdsiSearcher:
$ADUser = ([AdsiSearcher]"(samaccountname=$SamAccountName)").FindOne()
This results in finding the property primarygroupid which represents the domain primary group for user, usually number 513. When we have this number we would like to find the distinguishedName of the group. However, the code below does that just fine I was wondering if there is a better filter that can be used instead of filtering after the FindAll() method?
$searcher = [adsisearcher]'objectclass=group'
$searcher.FindAll() |
Where-Object { $_.Properties.primarygrouptoken -eq 513}
Something like this would be great but it's not possible:
The primaryGroupToken is a constructed attribute, meaning that it's not actually materialized in the database, and can't be filtered using LDAP.
In order to build an equivalent filter we'll need to look at how it is constructed - and the primary group token in Active Directory is always the same as the group's RID part (the relative identifier) of the objectSid attribute.
So, if we want to search by it, we can simply filter by objectSid instead:
# Obtain domain SID
$dncDN = ([adsi]"LDAP://RootDSE").defaultNamingContext
$dnc = [adsi]"LDAP://$dncDN"
$domainSID = [System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier]::new($dnc.objectSid.Value, 0)
# Set the group ID we're looking for
$RID = 513
# Search for group by objectSid value:

python 3.7 and ldap3 reading group membership

I am using Python 3.7 and ldap3. I can make a connection and retrieve a list of the groups in which I am interested. I am having trouble getting group members though.
server = Server('', use_ssl=True, get_info=ALL)
with Connection(server, 'mydomain\\ldapUser', '******', auto_bind=True) as conn:
base = "OU=AccountGroups,OU=UsersAndGroups,OU=WidgetDepartment," \
+ "OU=LocalLocation,DC=ad,DC=company,DC=com"
criteria = """(
attributes = ['sAMAccountName', 'distinguishedName'], criteria, attributes=attributes)
groups = conn.entries
At this point groups contains all the groups I want. I want to itterate over the groups to collect the members.
for group in groups:
# print(cn)
criteria = f"""
# criteria = f"""
# (&
# (objectClass=person)
# (memberof={group.distinguishedName})
# )
# """
attributes = ['displayName', 'sAMAccountName', 'mail'], criteria, attributes=attributes)
people = conn.entries
I know there are people in the groups but people is always an empty list. It doesn't matter if I do a recirsive search or not.
What am I missing?
There is a longer backstory to this question that is too long to go into. I have a theory about this particular issue though. I was running out of time and switched to a different python LDAP library -- which is working. I think the issue with this question might be that I "formated" the query over multiple lines. The new ldap lib (python-ldap) complained and I stripped out the newlines and it just worked. I have not had time to go back and test that theory with ldap3.
people is overwritten in each iteration of your loop over groups.
Maybe the search result for the last group entry in groups is just empty.
You should initialise an empty list outside of your loop and extend it with your results:
people = []
for group in groups:
Another note about your code snippet above. When combining objectClass definitions with attribute definitions in your search filter you may consider using the Reader class which will combine those internally.
Furthermore I would like to point out that I've created an object relational mapper where you can simply define your queries using declarative python syntax, e.g.:
from ldap3_orm import ObjectDef, Reader
from ldap3_orm.config import config
from ldap3_orm.connection import conn
PersonDef = ObjectDef("person", conn)
r = Reader(conn, PersonDef, config.base_dn, PersonDef.memberof == group.distinguishedName)
ldap3-orm documentation can be found at

O365 Powershell | Breaking up a long list into two sets of 100

I am looking to create a rule in Office 365 applied to all of the members in our org.
I would like this rule to append a warning on all incoming email from outside the organization with the same Display Names as our users.
When I attempt to apply it to all of the users in our org I get an error stating that the rule is too long.
In order to solve that I pulled a group, but I am still about 1000 characters over the limit.
I would like to make two variables, that each hold one half of the list, created by this command:
(Get-DistibutionGroupMember -Identity -ResultSize Unlimited).DisplayName
I have attempted to modify the ResultSize parameter, but what I would need is result 1-100 and then 100-200 from the same list.
Another caveat to this problem is that the list cannot be static. It is something that the script will have to update every time it is run.
There is a sub-string command that you can use on a particular username that I have utilized when I made something for AD, but I am not aware of any way to break up a list like this.
If anyone has any other ways to solve this issue I would be more than open to any suggestion.
Thanks for taking the time to read this!
There are many ways of doing it. I found it very readable.
My favorite one is this one:
$ObjectList = 1..1000
$Step = 100
$counter = [pscustomobject] #{ Value = 0 }
$ObjectListSplitted = $ObjectList | Group-Object -Property { math]::Floor($counter.Value++ / $step) }
Then if you want to show the third subset just use this format :
Have a look to this solution already explained.
As a note other languages are capable of slicing an array of object with a start, stop and a step, have a look here if you're curious.

Powershell: Checking for duplicate email in AD

I'm trying to make a script that will see if a new users email ($email) is the same as one already existing (which would cause an error). I have a very remedial understanding of objects so this is what I have so far (yes it is ugly):
$email = ""
$mailcheck = Get-ADUser -filter * -Properties * | ForEach-Object {$_.mail}
$mailcheck | ForEach-Object {if ($email -eq $_.mail){"$email = $($_.mail) - Matching email"}else{"$email = $($_.mail) - No duplicate email"}}
Problem 1:
The script doesn't match emails. When I have a matching email in AD it doesn't recognize it.
Problem 2: When executing just the 2nd line, indexing doesn't work properly. While it looks like a consecutive list of emails, if a user doesn't have an email at all (blank) really it could be something like this:
So $mailcheck[0] returns while $mailcheck[1] returns blank despite the list actually looking like this:
Conclusion: I really just need problem 1 solved but problem 2 peaked my curiosity. Thanks.
The way you are doing it above is really inefficient. -Properties * will return every property on the user, some properties are expensive in terms of processing power to return. Only use the properties you need. The properties returned by default without specifying that parameters do not need to be specified with -Properties, only additional nondefault properties. -Filter * will also match on literally any value for any field, effectively returning every ADUser, further increasing the resources required for your script to execute as you will now have to process every user to find any accounts matching that email.
Now that that's out of the way, here is a more efficient method to implement what you're asking:
# Set the email address to search for
$emailAddress = 'box#domain.tld'
# Get all users where the email address matches what is set above
# Force it as an array so you can treat it like one even if only
# one or zero users are returned
$adUsers = #( Get-ADUser -Filter "EmailAddress -eq '${emailAddress}'" )
# Make sure no accounts were returned
# If there are, throw an error with the number of users and who they are
if( $adUsers ) {
throw "Found $($adUsers.Count) users matching EmailAddress ${emailAddress}: $($adUsers.SamAccountName -join ', ')"
By using the filter to only match the specific email address, Powershell does not need to collect every single AD user in the system, or iterate over all of them to find a specific email address. This will take a long time to check, especially in larger environments, whereas filtering the returned objects based on email address (or on any other property) results in a faster operation and less data to sift through.
You can then check whether $adUsers contains anything (an array count of anything but 0 evaluates to $True, you could also use if( $adUsers.Count -gt 0 ) as the condition), and if so, throw an error with more information as I do above.
Update for comment question:
To answer your other question in the comment, "I didn't know what object to compare $email to", EmailAddress and Mail both look to be valid properties, but I don't know the difference between them. In my environment, both Mail and EmailAddress are populated with my email address, but have always used EmailAddress and haven't run into issues using that. Maybe one is deprecated and the other is new or something, but I'm not really sure.
There is also yet another property called proxyAddresses as well, which preliminary research shows that both EmailAddress and Mail are related to it, but I don't know much about it. It's not populated on my ADUser objects, so I can't poke around with it.

Get specific data form Xapian database with Perl

I'm writing a perl script to retrieve search results from a Xapian database.
I uses the Search::Xapian module and tried the basic Xapian Query Example. This basic program allow to make a query and get a array of results sorted by relevancy. My problem is that the get_data() method return the whole datas from the document (url, filname, abstract, author, ...) mixed together as a string.
I searched in the CPAN module for a method to get each data one by one but I didn't find it.
Is it possible to get the filename, url, author, ... one by one to put them in a specific variable ?
You've not posted the code to produce this, or details of your setup. See the example, rather than print it out, assign what you want to a variable:
# Display the results.
printf "%i results found.\n", $mset->get_matches_estimated();
printf "Results 1-%i:\n", $mset->size();
foreach my $m ($mset->items()) {
printf "%i: %i%% docid=%i [%s]\n", $m->get_rank() + 1, $m->get_percent(), $m->get_docid(), $m->get_document()->get_data();