How do I import a multi module Maven project from SVN into Eclipse (Indigo) so that child modules can be built independently? - eclipse

I have tried posting this question on the Eclipse Maven forums but it seems very quiet there so here goes...
My setup:
-Eclipse Indigo Java EE bundle
We have a fairly simple multi module maven project on our repo. It has a parent project/pom and 3 child projects/poms.
Steps I am taking to import:
1) I import the project by using "import->import->->Maven->Check out Maven Projects from SCM".
2) On the next dialogue box I select svn as the SCM URL type and enter the rest of the repo URL. I leave the check boxes checked for "Checkout Head Revision" and "Checkout all Projects" and under "advanced" I leave the check box "Resolve Workspace Conflicts" checked too. I do not enter anything under "Profiles" or "Name Template".
3) On the next dialogue box I leave "Use default Workspace location" checked and leave "Add projects(s) to Working set" unchecked and click "finish".
4) I wait a minute or so for the next dialogue box to appear. It asks me to select maven projects and has a file structure as it should be-parent project/pom and 3 child projects/poms with a checkbox beside all 4 items. I have tried to select either just the parent, just the children or all 4 without success.
5) When I select just the parent and uncheck the children above, the project appears to be imported. The parent appears in the project explorer and the three children appear as sub-folders of the parent with each having a pom.
6) If I right click on the parent, I get a Maven item in the context menu and indeed I can "run as->Maven build, install etc.." ON THE PARENT ONLY. The Child projects have no such Maven context menus nor the ability to "run as->Maven x".
If I try to import all 4 projects in step 4 above, it imports with the same structure as outlined in 5 above but with the children appearing additionally as separate "independent" Maven projects (with errors).
Ultimately I just want to import the multi-module Maven project and be able to deploy it on my Eclipse Tomcat installation, so if I change a file in one of the child projects (called frontend) the change will be deployed quickly and I can check the effect out in a browser.
Thank you very much for any and all help with this issue! I am happy to answer any further questions to help trouble shoot the problem.

My projects occasionally also lose this ability (though they have it right after import). Usually it helps to refresh Maven configuration, refresh/clean projects, or restart Eclipse. Note that it should still be possible to run it the long way, so "Run -> Run Configurations -> Maven".
I'm running Helios SR 2, m2e

Pretty sure each module would have to have it's own .project settings that you would need to commit.

Did you install the m2e WTP extension? At least in theory that should be a better option than tinkering with project settings outside of Maven/m2e control.

I probably explained the problem poorly in my initial question. The main problem was that I was not able to deploy the webapp component of the multi-module maven project to Tomcat. I was making a couple of basic errors:
I was importing the parent project without selecting the children, assuming Maven would get them all and that would suffice, but it did not: I had to select the parent and all children when importing as Maven project from svn.
I then failed to convert the webapp part of the project to a faceted type, and further failed to select "dynamic web app". I needed (according to a colleague) to then select version 2.5 to avoid incompatibilities with older servlet containers. (not sure how relevant this is to Tomcat 6, which is what I use).
Once this was done I had the parent project and 3 subfolders and also the 3 child projects in their own right appearing in the project explorer (but on file system they all exist under the parent project, as it should be). I could then right click on the webapp module (the eclipse project explorer project, not the subfolder) and run as Maven project (clean, build etc.).
I could then right click and "run on server". I had an error upon publishing about various files being out of sync. I just refreshed the child projects in eclipse and then they would publish successfully.
Eclipse has so many versions, with so many incompatible plugins etc. that it gets confusing very quickly-lots of the tutorials are highly specific to particular versions etc.
Thanks for helping anyway guys.


Partial import or the Maven existing project in Eclipse Version 2021-03 (4.19.0)

I don't understand the behaviour of Eclipse and Maven.
I'm studiyng Vert.x and I'm analyzing this project in marcorotondi github.
I run git clone in my workspace by Git shell.
In the filesystem, there are 4 dir and every dir has his pom.xml.
I run Eclipse.
I run File>Import>Maven>Existing Maven Project.
I check all the 4 Projects and click the "Finish" button.
What I expect to find
I expect to find all the 4 project in my workspace
What I find
I see only 2 projects, the first and last project in alphabetic order (I attach the screen)
If I try to import again the other project, the dialog window shows me the message (I attach the screen)
Project DemoVertx already exists, add a version of custom suffix using
"Name Template" in "Advanced" settings".
Furthermore, I see that in first screenshot the project DemoVertX has the strings
[Vertx master], that is linked to current GIT branch after a clone
(in first), where first is a name of a subdir of the project, but I don't see any parent pom of the project, then the project is not multi-module.
Please, can you give me some explications (or some references) about this?
How I can to import all the 4 projects in the same time?
Thank you a lot

Maven multimodule projects linking in eclipse

I have a maven multi module project which has 5 modules. Some of my modules depend on one or more other modules, I am successfully able build the project and in eclipse also I am not getting any errors. However there is one problem which is bothering me, when i ctrl + click in my code and the class is defined on some other project eclipse does not open the file in the editor. I know i can attach the source code using maven but still i wont be able to make changes to that file.
Is there any way to be able to link projects in eclipse through maven?
Is there any way to be able to link projects in eclipse through maven?
That behaviour is the default. To check if for some reason that default is not in effect for your project, right click your project (the project you want to jump from) and go to "Maven". If there is an option "Disable Workspace Resolution" the workspace resolution is switched on, meaning you can theoretically jump from that project.
If you still cannot jump, then the project you want to jump to is not in your workspace. Take into account that for eclipse to identfy one project as dependency of another, everything including version must match.
Also check what rest_day said. You must have the projects importet as maven projects, but running eclipse:eclipse is not required anymore with current (up to ca 2 year old) eclipse.
Did you import the projects as Maven projects?
Also, could you go to the root of the project and run mvn eclipse:eclipse
Full name:
Generates the following eclipse configuration files:
.project and .classpath files
.setting/org.eclipse.jdt.core.prefs with project specific compiler settings various configuration files for WTP (Web Tools Project), if the parameter wtpversion is set to a valid version (WTP configuration is not generated by default)
If this goal is run on
a multiproject root, dependencies between modules will be configured
as direct project dependencies in Eclipse (unless useProjectReferences
is set to false).
Instead of Ctrl+Click, click on the identifier and press F3. If you now see a red text reading "Current text selection cannot be opened in an editor", you've been hit by this bug.
See this question for a solution: How do I get rid of "Current text selection cannot be opened in an editor" in Eclipse?

How to use SVN to build a library

I am trying to follow a tutorial, and I am told to:
1- Get the source code for the Java EMV Reader library from and build it.
2- Drop the resulting jar file in lib/.
3- Import the project in Eclipse and build it.
I right click the java files, and choose run as but don't get an option to run as Java Application. I also can not export the files as a JAR file. I have enclosed an image of what I have
After the first comment, I right clicked on my project, and under Maven, chose the option "configure as Maven" project. ( Thank you so much; this must be one of the fastest resolutions in the world )And I can now run the project. I get the window in my pic2, which I have attached. I don't however know what step 2 of the above instructions means. I don't see a lib/ folder. And the project he is refering to in step 3 is on git. Any ideas on what he means? ![pic2]!1
Eclipse projects have a "type" and that controls what tools are available. You probably created a "Basic Project" which means there are no compilers or other Java tools associated with it. You would want to create a Java Project in Eclipse.
That project does not seem to have Eclipse .project and .classpath files checked into the repository. It does look to be a Maven project however. So you would either want the m2eclipse plugins installed, and check this out as a Maven project, which would handle configuring everything else, or you want to use the Checkout As ... option and use the wizard to create a new Java project to checkout.
These are more Eclipse IDE questions than SVN or Subclipse questions.

maven integration in eclipse new project checked out but can't navigate

I am struggling with maven in Eclipse even though I have m2e.
I checked out a maven project from CVS and cannot navigate anywhere. If I try References > Project, I get a pop up saying:
"Problems opening an editor Reason: services does not exist".
services is the name of the main project, which has sub projects within it. It all builds successfully so I am not sure why Eclipse does not work.
I suspect something related to classpath but have no idea how to edit it since it is not available from the project's properties. I actually tried to manually create a .classpath file but it did not help.
I also converted the project to a maven project but that did not help either.
Any ideas? I am using Eclipse JUNO.
I figured out my issue. I had to check out the project from CVS. Then (that's the important part), perform a maven import of an existing project within eclipse. That created maven "ready" projects where I could use all of the IDE's functionality.
Yes, you're right. If you import directly from a repository, hovering, linking and opening declarations isn't gonna work. Your solution is right, although another one more direct is use the "File->New->Other->Maven->Checkout Maven Projects from SCM". If then, you have problems because you can't select any SCM type, check Checkout Maven project from SCM - no connectors. If with connectors installed you still have problems:
If you have checked out project from svn, project checked out is not generally a eclipse project thats why general functionality of eclipse does not work for the same.
To achieve the same functionality of eclipse like eclipse reader and all other shortcuts,we have to convert the checked out project to eclipse project.
Steps to Convert checked out project to eclipse project:
Right Click on Checked-out Project.
Point to Configure.
Click on Convert to Maven Project.(if checked out project is maven project)
These steps will convert the project to Maven project.
All the eclipse functionality will work for the same.
In addition to ensuring that the projects are configured as Maven projects, you may also go to Project Properties (right-click on the project in Package explorer) > Project References, and add projects in the workspace that the selected project may have references to.
I had this problem, too.
It looks like after a search-in-workspace Eclipse opened a wrong file.
I pressed Strl+Shift+H (Open Type in Hierarchy), typed in the class name, and opened it. The file opened in a new tab, and everything was navigable again.
The difference in icons is:

multi module maven project structure in eclipse

I have two modules under a main project
I created it using eclipse->new ->Maven project, eclipse->new->maven module.
The structure in the file system looks correct. But in eclipse, it shows module-a, module-b as two new projects in the package explorer.
My main project looks like this.
I have seen few multi module projects where, the modules are present within the main project in package explorer. The main project had
How do I convert my project to look like this ?
Starting from Eclipse 4.5.M5 (that you can already download at ), the Project Explorer view has a parameter to show projects hierarchically, to better handle such case. See for details.
You will find if you navigate the actual file system (oe use the 'navigator' view in eclipse) that the sub modules do in fact exist underneath the main parent project folder.
Eclipse is nice enough (clever enough or whatever) to pull them out when you use the 'package explorer' view. I guess this makes it easier to find and navigate your way aournd a highly modular project.
However if you set up your Parent POM correctly you can have a flat structure to your modular project if you so desire (I haven't as yet been able to get this to work, so far I think it is related to the sub module classpaths or something?).
I solved this problem as follows:
Under the "Project Explorer" click on the "View Menu" (little triangle) and select "Filters and Customization..."
Under the "Content" tab tick "Nested Projects"
Finally, Under the "Pre-set filters" tab tick "Nested Projects: hide folders when projects is shown as nested" and "Nested Projects: hide-top-level project if shown as nested".
By doing that I come up with the following structure.
I used a Spring Tool Suite 3: Version: 3.9.11
Basically, Eclipse does not support the Maven way of structuring projects.
By using the M2E it is possible to execute Maven as part of the build, but that way you lose the project management and incremental build capabilities of Eclipse.
You can also simply use the Eclipse layout in the IDE, and build with Maven in the build server, but that way you have to make sure the two build are identical.
I have seen few multi module projects where, the modules are present
within the main project in package explorer.
Thats what do maven eclipse plugin. It just create single project with multiple source directories for each module of maven multimodule project.
If you want to see some hierarchical structure in eclipse - use working sets. Create working set with name of parent, add module-a and module-b to it and visually it will be separated from other projects in eclipse workspace.
You can do this in earlier versions of eclipse as well. Close and Remove the sub-module projects (as they are already present in the parent folder). Now click on Properties on the main project -> Project Facets -> Convert to faceted form. This will detect Java automatically, Click on Apply, OK. Now you can see that these modules are created with Source folders