How to get the popover when we touch on the view - iphone

I whant to display the popover on the calenderview like ical application.can any one suggest that one how to do that?please give me the answer.
In ical app that is popover or any touch events.
Is it possible when we touch on the calender view i whant to get the popover?

Take a look at
I asume you are on an iPad. This calss cannot be used on iPhone devices.

You can use UITapGestureRecognizer to recognize touch on calendar view.


PopUp view in another view

I've searched on the web with no succsess. I actually just found some popups with html or just text. I would like to make a view that pops up. In the view, should be some content, a button and maybe an imageview. I've found some apps, which are using this popup views so far. The popup displaying is animated. Here I've some pictures:
and then it grown up till it fits:
does anybody know how to do this? It would be awesome if someone has a code snipped for me to present this view in portrait mode.
CocoaControls has some things like this. Take a look at these:
KGModal for iOS
MJPopupViewController for iOS
UAModalPanel for iOS
RNBlurModalView for iOS
You can do this by presenting a modalView with Presentation Style UIModalPresentationFormSheet.
It'll look like:
You need to change the height and width according to your need also you can customize the appearance.
Please refer.
If you need it in iPhone use FPPopover or Modal View in Iphone

UIPickerView with UIButtons?

I can't seem to find it anywhere, I don't know if its a pre-built object apple offer or if people custom build them.
When in an iPhone app you tap a button and then up it slides, a view which looks like a UIPickerView in visual style but has a list of buttons on it.
What is this, how could I make one? Also, on iPad, similarly, the popover view with a list of buttons. Thanks.
Are you looking for UIActionSheet ?

Iphone/ipad custom controls by touch event

I want to create segmented control when the user tap the specific portion of the screen just like the OliveTree bible software application makes it.
When the user tap the verses the app, it automatically shows the segmented controls right above the tap portion or like the copy,select,paste segmented control in iphone.
How to do this?
Thanks in advance.
You want to use the UIMenuController class. You can use a UILongPressGestureRecognizer to trigger this, and make your class the first responder and setup the UIMenuController accordingly.
Here is one example: UIMenuController Custom Items
And here is apple docs:

UIView Receive Touch And Slide Action

I am a newbee in iOS development; and i want to develop a simple application.
In my application there is a view that is a member of xib. I want to receive user's touch and slide actions on my view to run some sliding animations.
I found some codes about this animation but i couldn't find how can i receive sliding action in UIView.
At least, i wanna explain why i used view. This view will contains two or more labes. So i couldn't be sure to choose Rect Button or UIView.
I hope you can help me.
You need to look at Gesture Recognizers. There are tonnes of resources and examples online. For example, here's an example on how to use swipe (slide) gesture recognizers.

How do I add a touch event to a subview of UIView?

I'm trying to build by very first app so excuse my ignorance. I love the sample code that Apple put together here called ViewTransitions:
I want the transition to occur after a user taps the screen once instead of the button like the code does.
Change the inherited class of your xib to be UIControl.
Implement the touch events in your view.