What will happen if I rename a file in XCODE? - iphone

If I rename files,in my XCode[3.2.5] project,
Will its imports and connections with xib's automatically be updated or I will have to make changes everywhere manually.
I was learning iphone development and I didnt give proper names to my controllers according to standard conventions.
Now I am making the changes.

Use the refactoring tools. I can't remember what these were like in 3.2.5 but they'll do the job in 4.2, and you should be on the newest version anyway.


How to create a framework for a swift project with iOS 7+ support?

I have a requirement to create a framework for a shared set of common utilities that we plan to use in multiple iOS projects in our organization. The utility classes are written in swift and the framework needs to support projects in iOS 7 and above. I'm using Xcode 6.1.1.
I tried creating both a 'Cocoa Touch Framework' and a 'Cocoa Touch Static Library' and can't seem to get it working for iOS 7 builds.
With 'Cocoa Touch Framework', I get a warning that 'Embedded dylibs/frameworks only run on iOS 8 or later' and though I can get it to run, it fails during the iTunesconnect step with an error that the project's deployment target must not be less than 8.0 (mine is 7.0).
I tried with 'Cocoa Touch Static Library' as well using the steps given in http://www.raywenderlich.com/65964/create-a-framework-for-ios, but it just does not build with swift files. When I remove all swift files and add Obj-C files, it works properly.
Any help is greatly appreciated. How do I create a framework for a swift project with iOS 7+ support?
Unfortunately, you cannot. It's one of the more disappointing factors about Swift.
As shown in the documentation, you cannot make a static framework/library with swift and dynamic libraries are only supported in iOS 8+.
The only option I recommend is that you develop an Objective-C static framework for iOS 7 and then begin to use swift when you wish to drop iOS 7 support. It's not the most ideal situation, but because you are able to have mixed languages in a dynamic framework, it means you won't have to waste time rewriting code (unless, of course, you want to).
Apple not supporting pure Swift frameworks before iOS 8 is somewhat hurting Swift adoption rate.
I'm not advocating the following solution as best practice. Honestly, it's a very flawed hack. We have a large pure Swift framework that does most of the heavy lifting for things here at work. And, we needed that framework in a product that ran on iOS 7.1+.
Here is the hack - Directory hierarchy is important. In an ideal situation, the project and the framework are siblings in the directory tree. Create a group in the project. In Finder, shift/command select all of the source files from the framework, and drop them into the newly created group. Make sure not to copy the files. Your telling Xcode to simply add the files to the project file, creating relative path links to them.
The framework should now compile directly into your project. I can't emphasize enough how fragile this solution is. As files are added to your framework, they also have to be added/linked into any project that you've "link embedded" the framework.
This "solution" should only be used as a last resort. Having to repeat framework parity across multiple projects is dumb. If time goes by with the project staying static, and the framework evolves, dump the framework in the project, and re-add it. It takes less than a minute to dump/re-add the framework, and reduces the chance of error.
Apple, please help us, so we can maintain best practices. I'm embarrassed to share this solution, as it's just a horrible way to get around something Apple is not supporting.

iPhone: Completely different project for Lite version of my app?

I've run into a bit of a dilemma.
I'm considering making a lite version of my app that will be for free but will run on iAds. The Lite version will therefore have different .xib files because I have to make room for those iAds.
So what's better, should I just make some more .xib files in my project and then somehow programmatically load them. Or should I just create a completely new project (copy & paste
my old directory) and create the lite version?
Definitely don't fork it. You will regret it big time down the road as you'll have to merge virtually every commit across projects. (And XIB files can't be merged...)
I don't even know if you necessarily need to create additional XIB files. You could probably just conditionally resize/hide the necessary views in code. But even if you have to create additional XIB files, it doesn't compare to the pain you'll go through from forking.
Just create a different target within the same project. You can include different combinations of xib and source files within each target, and use some #ifdef's in your source code to limit features or functionality in the Lite version of the target by using a preprocessor define in the Lite target Build settings.

Best practices for MacOS/iPhone library cross compiling

I've build a static library working nice in a Cocoa Touch environment. Now I'd like to compile it also for Cocoa.. Can I have a single XCode project with different sdk targets? Is there some resource out there able to give hints about best the practices in this (and other) sense?
This last two months I have been working on exactly this task ( cross compiling static library for iPhone/Android/Mac OS/Linux/Windows...
It is certainly possible, a nice way, is adding an external xcode project as a target to your first xcode project. So you create a new "Active Configuration" for Mac OS X, iPhone and other platforms that you want to support.
Here, you can find a good tutorial about how to use a secondary Xcode project as a target of your main project to build a static library. It's a cool way because if you debug for example you still have all the symbols of the library, etc.
It can be done but it requires some manual tweaking of the build.
Start with the Xcode Build System Guide.
As an informal way of accomplishing this, you can create two separate projects and add references for exact same set of library source files to each project. Set one project to compile for Cocoa-Touch and the other for Cocoa. If both projects reference the same files, changes made in one project will be automatically reflected in the other. (If you have both projects open, Xcode will complain that the file has been changed by another app but otherwise it won't notice.)
I have a utility class that I continually dump new methods in. I add it to every project and just park methods as I need it. The new methods show up in old projects because the source files are shared across all the projects.

How to share code & xib files between iPhone apps?

I'm in the process of creating an app. I'd like to have a pared down free version and a full paid version. Obviously, they will share a lot of code and some xib files. How to I share these without just duplicating them?
Create a second target (duplicate the main one) for the light version. You can then remove any files as necessary and define a preprocessor macro if necessary to distinguish between code for the lite vs paid version within a given code file.
How about making it one project with some sort of key or switch or something like that which will distinguish with version of the code to run.

Best way to share iphone and mac code between projects

I realise that the view/controller stuff will be different between Mac and IPhone apps but the model code may well be similar/the same. So whats the best way to organise a project(s) so that the model code is/can be shared?
Copy/paste - just duplicate it and manually keep it in sync
Have 2 xcode projects point at the same workarea - one for Mac and one for IPhone and share the code.
Common library - presumably you can't do this (or can you)
Thanks for any tips.
There are a few ways to do this. The first thing you can do is is create a project that builds as a framework on Mac OS X. Since you cannot use frameworks on iPhone, you can make static library target that contains the same code files. That basically works, but the header paths will be different. If you want the header paths to be the the same (i.e. <Myframework/MyFramework.h>) you will need to modify the the install path of the static library headers so that they are copied into "$SDK_ROOT/usr/local/include/MyFramework", and make sure /usr/local/include is an included header search path. You will then need to install the library and headers into each SDK_ROOT.
I started out doing the above, but I found it to be a royal pain. So I ended up doing something that is a variant of #2. Basically, I get the header paths to be equivalent by making a directory named "Externals" in my iPhone project root, then a directory named with the appropriate name ("MyFramework") in the externals folder. That is the folder I copy I drag the framework files into.Findally I add the Externals folder as a system header path (which is admittedly sort of a gross hack). You need to manually add new files to the iPhone project, but I have found that to be less of a pain the installing static libs into my build root.
I'm not sure if the suggestion from the previous answer would work. If you look at my previous question, you'll see that I've failed to load a custom framework on the iPhone even though the framework works fine on Mac.
I would go with method 2.
You could develop your application in JavaScript, CSS, and HTML. You would use the WebView and UIWebView objects on the Mac and the iPhone respectively. You can do pretty much anything you want in the WebView objects, even make calls down to Objective-C.
The QuickConnectiPhone installer, found here https://sourceforge.net/projects/quickconnect/, installs QuickConnectMac and QuickConnectiPhone templates into Xcode.
This way you can quickly create an application in one environment and then migrate the view to the other. In fact the QuickConnect framework is highly modular.
If you don't want to develop in JavaScript the same modular framework is found on the Objective-C side of the templates installed.
It should make it much easier for you to do what you are attempting.