Start my iPhone app on the end of call - iphone

I want to develop an app which records the call-duration etc.. when a call is finished. So is it possible to start my app when the user finishes his call.
App is currently not running and then
User Finishes his Call ---> My app should open up the moment he finishes his call giving me the details about call duration etc.. and then i ask for some comments on that page and exit the app.
I already made such an app in Android,Blackberry.
P.S: Even if it works on a jailbroken iPhone it is good enough for me.

There's no way to do this on a regular iPhone. Apple's APIs don't allow you to interfere with phone calls at all.
Not sure about jailbroken phones though. In theory, you can do anything, it just depends on how much time you're willing to spend on it. Good luck.


Bring my app to the foreground in Objective-C

My app has to run for a long time (also) in the background, due to Location Services.
When a certain condition is met the app has to move to the foreground.
I was able to run my app in the background and bring it to the front manually.
Reading up on this issue I got confused on how to move my app to the foreground by code.
It has to be in an if statement but what to do from here?
No do not think this is possible. You will be able to spawn a UILocalNotification to show application state to the user, but it is my understanding that iOS prevents you from making your app take focus.
you can't do that without user interaction. You can present a UILocalNotification
-- you can't even be sure iOS leaves it running though!
on a jailbroken phone I guess it is possible
This is clearly not possible, as it would be a mess if any app could just take over control at any point in time. As mentioned, you have to post a notification, and then it is up to the user if he or she wants to launch the app. If you notification states a good reason why they should launch your app, they might very well do it :-) And remember, don't mix up the user's needs with your/your app's needs.

Incoming call wakes iOS background App?

is it possible to wake an App in the background up, when a call comes in, and access CoreTelephony to send some infos over the web?
I'm practically a n00b in iOS development right now, but got asked a question if iOS is capable to do this. I searched in the iOS reference too, but with no luck.
It would be great if someone with more experience could answer it. Thanks a lot!
Please, have a look at the document about executing code in the background.
If you go to section "Implementing a VoIP Application", you will see that it is actually possible for your app to be awaken periodically so that it can check if it has anything to do (in your case, if I understand you correctly you would use CTCall to check for calling state).
So, basically, when awaken, your app could check for any incoming call and then use Core Telephony, as you say.
The only trouble about this is that if your app cannot be considered to a a VOIP app, Apple will not let it into the App Store.
It is not possible to have your code run when a call is received.

how to keep getting "accelerometer:didAccelerate:" when app in background

How can my app keep getting a call to its "accelerometer:didAccelerate:" method of UIAccelerometerDelegate IF another app interrupts my app, such as the iPhone user receiving a phone call?
My app measures motion, but stops if suspended by the user, or if interrupted by another app.
I know this has been difficult in the past, but maybe there is something new in iOS.
You can't, apple standards are to block the app when a proccess pops in, It freezes the app at the moment it was interrupted. If finishes the last proccess it started in the background then it freezes the app. If you find a way around it i'd love to know it. Here is something that might help you to find the solution stackoverflow post similar to your question

Possible to hook into the phone calling functions with current iPhone SDK?

I've heard it mentioned elsewhere, one cannot programmatically hook into the phone call area of an iPhone using the current SDK. I'm looking to learn iPhone development and Obj C, with the end goal of creating a call timer app that runs in the background and alerts the user when a call has gone on too long.
Is it even possible to hook into methods liek that?
No. Your app will be interrupted when the user receives a call, and your code will not be allowed to run while the user is on the call. Additionally, there are no background apps allowed for the iphone. The best you can get is push notification, but you can't create a daemon or anything like that.
This information is provided in the iPhone Application Programming Guide
With version 4 you can now multitask to some degree.

Can I run multiple app in iphone simultaneously

I want to run two app simultaneously, I am using jailbroken phone and dont want to upload that app to the app store.
Is there any way so that I can log phone call time, this can only be done if my "logging app" is running in background.
Please suggest me, how can I do this on jailbroken phone.
Some thing like: (its for windows)
Is this actually a programming question, or are you asking for an app that logs call times?
Assuming the former, you would write a iPhone program that hooks into current phone conversations some way (private APIs? Not sure if this is indeed possible, just assuming.) You would then run your app via Backgrounder or some other wrapper that provided an interface for multiple applications to run at the same time. This usually comes at the cost of increase battery life, depending on how much CPU (and maybe memory?) the backgrounded app consumes.
Backgrounder is available via Cydia, I believe.
Need to include CoreTelephony, will solve the issue