Mongoose: How to model a foreign key/inverse relationship? - mongodb

I am using Mongoose to model Person and Transaction collections, where each Transaction will have references to two different Person instances:
var TransactionSchema = new Schema({
, amount : { type: Number, required: true }
, from : { type: ObjectId, required: true }
, to : { type: ObjectId, required: true }
, date : Date
var PersonSchema = new Schema({
name : { type: String, required: true }
, transactions : [ObjectId]
I'd like each Person to have a collection of all the Transactions that they are either the to or from value for. So far, this is the best way I've been able to figure out how to do it:
TransactionSchema.pre('save', function(next, done) {
var transaction = this;
Person.findById(, function (err, person) {
Person.findById(this.from, function (err, person) {
This seems excessive. Is there a better way to do it, or am I trying to use MongoDB too much like a relational database? Instead of having a collection of Transactions associated with each Person instance, should I just be querying the Translation collection directly?
Thank you.

You've got to think more on the queries you are going to execute on the database when you design the MongoDB schema.
Try to duplicate data for speed and reference it for integrity. What does that mean?
Well, for example when you make a query for a Transaction, I guess you don't need all the user details from the first time no? (do you need the user's email, location when displaying info on a Transaction?)
I think you just probably need the user id and the username, so you should do something like this:
var TransactionSchema = new Schema({
, amount : { type: Number, required: true }
, from : {
user_id: {
type: ObjectId
, required: true
, username: {
type: String
, required: true
, to : {
user_id: {
type: ObjectId
, required: true
, username: {
type: String
, required: true
, date : Date
So instead of doing 3 queries for the page displaying the Transaction details (one for the transaction and 2 additional queries for the usernames), you'll have just one.
This is just an example, you could apply the same logic for the User schema, depending on what you're trying to achieve.
Anyway I don't think your middleware is ok, since you are not checking for errors there (you are always calling next no matter what). This is how I would write the middleware (didn't test, but the idea is important):
TransactionSchema.pre('save', function(next, done) {
var transaction = this;
Person.where('_id').in([, this.from]).run(function (err, people) {
if (people.length != 2) { next(new Error("To or from doesn't exist")); return; }
function save_to() {
function save_from(err) {
if (err) { next(err); return; }
function callback(err) {
In the code above I'm using the Step library for flow control and I'm only using one query instead of two (when searching for "to" and "from").


Sails js should not return password and email

I am trying to create CRUD app in sails js, and i am able to post data to my DB what i noticed is when i insert data on success sails return whole object. But if we don't want certain fields in response then how can we restrict it. Please help thanks.
module.exports = {
attributes : {
username : {
type: 'string',
required: true
password : {
type: 'string',
required: true
email : {
type: 'string',
required: true,
unique: true
toJson: function() {
var obj = this.toObject();
delete obj.password;
return obj;
beforeCreate: function(attribute, callback) {
require('bcrypt').hash(attribute.password, 10, function(err, encryptedPassword) {
attribute.password = encryptedPassword;
#arbuthnott is partly correct above -- you do need toJSON rather than toJson -- but more importantly, the function needs to go inside the attributes dictionary, since it is an instance method:
attributes : {
username : {
type: 'string',
required: true
password : {
type: 'string',
required: true
email : {
type: 'string',
required: true,
unique: true
toJSON: function() {
var obj = this.toObject();
delete obj.password;
return obj;
I think the responses through sails default REST api for models runs them through .toJSON before returning, so you are doing this the right way.
However, you may have a case issue, like you should define .toJSON with uppercase instead of .toJson. Try making that switch and see if it solves your problem.
Sounds like this is not solving your issue. The sails docs from here say:
The real power of toJSON relies on the fact every model instance sent out via res.json is first passed through toJSON. Instead of writing custom code for every controller action that uses a particular model (including the "out of the box" blueprints), you can manipulate outgoing records by simply overriding the default toJSON function in your model. You would use this to keep private data like email addresses and passwords from being sent back to every client.
That sounds pretty explicitly like what we are trying to do, so maybe this is a sails bug. Perhaps it applies to find, but not create. Is that password returned when simply finding an existing user?
If you must, a sure way around this would be to override the default create action in your UserController:
create: function(req, res) {
User.create(req.body).exec(function(err, user) {
if (err) {
return res.json(err);
// explicitly call your own toJSON() to be sure
return res.send(user.toJSON());
This isn't ideal, especially if you have many model properties you want to hide in many api calls. But it will get the job done.
password: { type: 'string', required: true, protected: true }
protected:true is now deprecated on sails v1.0
You can use instead of that customToJSON
customToJSON: function() {
// Return a shallow copy of this record with the password and ssn removed.
return _.omit(this, ['password', 'ssn'])
password: { type: 'string', required: true, protected: true }
You can do this also.

Clean up dead references with Mongoose populate()

If a user has an array called "tags":
var User = new Schema({
email: {
type: String,
unique: true,
required: true
tags: [{
type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId,
required: true
created: {
type: Date,
and I do a populate('tags') on a query:
.exec(function(err, user) { ... });
If one of the tags in the list has actually been deleted, is there a way to remove this dead reference in "tags"?
Currently, the returned user object IS returning the desired result -- ie. only tags that actually exist are in the tags array... however, if I look at the underlying document in mongodb, it still contains the dead tag id in the array.
Ideally, I would like to clean these references up lazily. Does anyone know of a good strategy to do this?
I've tried to find some built-in way to do that but seems that mongoose doesn't provide such functionality.
So I did something like this
.exec((err, user) => {
user.tags = user.tags.filter(tag => tag != null);
res.send(user); // Return result as soon as you can; // Save user without dead refs to database
This way every time you fetch user you also delete dead refs from the document. Also, you can create isUpdated boolean variable to not call if there was no deleted refs.
const lengthBeforeFilter = user.tags.length;
let isUpdated = user.tags.length;
user.tags = user.tags.filter(tag => tag != null);
isUpdated = lengthBeforeFilter > user.tags.length;
if (isUpdated) {;
Assuming you delete these tags via mongoose, you can use the post middleware.
This will be executed after you've deleted a tag.'remove', function(doc) {
//find all users with referenced tag
//remove doc._id from array
its sample retainNullValues: true
path: "tag",
options: {
retainNullValues: true

sailsjs / waterline query "where" not empty

Hy there,
Before going to the hacky / cutom way i wanted to know if there is a built in query way to check for an empty / non empty many to many relationship as i was not successfull neither on google nor the doc.
If i take the example in the doc let's imagine i want to retrive a user only if he has a a Pet or Retrive a Pet without any Owner through a query.
// A user may have many pets
var User = Waterline.Collection.extend({
identity: 'user',
connection: 'local-postgresql',
attributes: {
firstName: 'string',
lastName: 'string',
// Add a reference to Pet
pets: {
collection: 'pet',
via: 'owners',
dominant: true
// A pet may have many owners
var Pet = Waterline.Collection.extend({
identity: 'pet',
connection: 'local-postgresql',
attributes: {
breed: 'string',
type: 'string',
name: 'string',
// Add a reference to User
owners: {
collection: 'user',
via: 'pets'
P.s. i know how to filter results after query execution that's not what i'm asking :)
There is nothing built in (aka User.hasPet() ) or something like that., so the simple answer is NO
If I know of these issues before hand I tend to write my DB in such a way that the queries are fast. IE: the User schema would have a hasPets column. Whenever a pet is added/removed a callbacks hits the user table to mark that field if it has an owner or not. So then I can query User.findAll({hasPet:true}).
Its a little much, but it depends on where you speed is needed.
This is a bit late, but I wanted to let you know it's pretty easy to do this with the Waterline ORM lifecycle functions. I've done it in a few of my projects. Basically, use the beforeCreate and beforeUpdate functions to set your flags. For your user, it might look like...
var User = Waterline.Collection.extend({
identity: 'user',
connection: 'local-postgresql',
beforeCreate: function(values, next) {
if (values.pets) {
values.has_pet = true;
} else {
values.has_pet = false;
beforeUpdate: function(values, next) {
if (values.pets) {
values.has_pet = true;
} else {
values.has_pet = false;
attributes: {
firstName: 'string',
lastName: 'string',
// Add a reference to Pet
pets: {
collection: 'pet',
via: 'owners',
dominant: true
has_pet: {
type: 'boolean'
Then you can query based on the has_pet attribute

Mongoose: Populate a populated field

I'm using MongoDB as a log keeper for my app to then sync mobile clients. I have this models set up in NodeJS:
var UserArticle = new Schema({
date: { type: Number, default: Math.round((new Date()).getTime() / 1000) }, //Timestamp!
user: [{type: Schema.ObjectId, ref: "User"}],
article: [{type: Schema.ObjectId, ref: "Article"}],
place: Number,
read: Number,
starred: Number,
source: String
var Log = new Schema({
user: [{type: Schema.ObjectId, ref: "User"}],
action: Number, // O => Insert, 1 => Update, 2 => Delete
uarticle: [{type: Schema.ObjectId, ref: "UserArticle"}],
timestamp: { type: Number, default: Math.round((new Date()).getTime() / 1000) }
When I want to retrive the log I use the follwing code:
var log = mongoose.model('Log');
.where("user", req.session.user)
.run(function (err, articles) {
if (err) {
As you can see, I want mongoose to populate the "uarticle" field from the Log collection and, then, I want to populate the "article" field of the UserArticle ("uarticle").
But, using this code, Mongoose only populates "uarticle" using the UserArticle Model, but not the article field inside of uarticle.
Is it possible to accomplish it using Mongoose and populate() or I should do something else?
Thank you,
From what I've checked in the documentation and from what I hear from you, this cannot be achieved, but you can populate the "uarticle.article" documents yourself in the callback function.
However I want to point out another aspect which I consider more important. You have documents in collection A which reference collection B, and in collection B's documents you have another reference to documents in collection C.
You are either doing this wrong (I'm referring to the database structure), or you should be using a relational database such as MySQL here. MongoDB's power relies in the fact you can embed more information in documents, thus having to make lesser queries (having your data in a single collection). While referencing something is ok, having a reference and then another reference doesn't seem like you're taking the full advantage of MongoDB here.
Perhaps you would like to share your situation and the database structure so we could help you out more.
You can use the mongoose-deep-populate plugin to do this. Usage:
User.find({}, function (err, users) {
User.deepPopulate(users, 'uarticle.article', function (err, users) {
// now each user document includes uarticle and each uarticle includes article
Disclaimer: I'm the author of the plugin.
I faced the same problem,but after hours of efforts i find the solution.It can be without using any external plugin:)
applicantListToExport: function (query, callback) {
.find(query).select({'advtId': 0})
path: 'influId',
model: 'influencer',
select: { '_id': 1,'user':1},
populate: {
path: 'userid',
model: 'User'
Mongoose v5.5.5 seems to allow populate on a populated document.
You can even provide an array of multiple fields to populate on the populated document
var batch = await mstsBatchModel.findOne({_id: req.body.batchId})
.populate({path: 'loggedInUser', select: 'fname lname', model: 'userModel'})
.populate({path: 'invoiceIdArray', model: 'invoiceModel',
populate: [
{path: 'updatedBy', select: 'fname lname', model: 'userModel'},
{path: 'createdBy', select: 'fname lname', model: 'userModel'},
{path: 'aircraftId', select: 'tailNum', model: 'aircraftModel'}
how about something like:
populate_deep = function(type, instance, complete, seen)
if (!seen)
seen = {};
if (seen[instance._id])
seen[instance._id] = true;
// use meta util to get all "references" from the schema
var refs = meta.get_references(meta.schema(type));
if (!refs)
var opts = [];
for (var i=0; i<refs.length; i++)
opts.push({path: refs[i].name, model: refs[i].ref});
mongoose.model(type).populate(instance, opts, function(err,o){
utils.forEach(refs, function (ref, next) {
if (ref.is_array)
utils.forEach(o[], function (v, lnext) {
populate_deep(ref.ref_type, v, lnext, seen);
}, next);
populate_deep(ref.ref_type, o[], next, seen);
}, complete);
meta utils is rough... want the src?
or you can simply pass an obj to the populate as:
const myFilterObj = {};
const populateObj = {
path: "parentFileds",
populate: {
path: "childFileds",
select: "childFiledsToSelect"
select: "parentFiledsToSelect"
.populate(populateObj).exec((err, data) => console.log(data) );

Is it possible to extract only embedded documents from a Model in Mongoose?

I'd like to run a query on a Model, but only return embedded documents where the query matches. Consider the following...
var EventSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
typ : { type: String },
meta : { type: String }
var DaySchema = new mongoose.Schema({
uid: mongoose.Schema.ObjectId,
events: [EventSchema],
dateR: { type: Date, 'default': }
function getem() {
DayModel.find({events.typ : 'magic'}, function(err, days) {
// magic. ideally this would return a list of events rather then days
That find operation will return a list of DayModel documents. But what I'd really like is a list of EventSchemas alone. Is this possible?
It's not possible to fetch the Event objects directly, but you can restrict which fields your query returns like this:
DayModel.find({events.typ : 'magic'}, ['events'], function(err, days) {
You will still need to loop through the results to extract the actual embedded fields from the documents returned by the query, however.