How to select the last lines of a uitableview with many items - iphone

I'm confused about a question on uitableview. As u know, uitableview is a subclass of scrollview and can contain may items. However, I'm not able to select the last lines of a uitableview with many items. For example, I initialize a uitableview with 100 items and only 20 items appears once. So if I want to choose the 90th or 100th item I have to scroll the uitableview. However, the uitableview always stop at the 75 item. Although I can scroll the view to the 90th item, I cannot select it, that is, everytime I want to click this line, the uitableview jump to the 75 item again.
It is very confusing. Anyone have ideas about this question? Waiting for your ideas and help. Thank you very much.

Please check the height of your tableview in nib. If the height is defined greater than the view size in which it is loading, this situation might occur.

Try adjusting the height of the table view in its frame. Try reducing the height of the table view.


I Have Scrolling In Section in UITable

There is a table with 2 sections and each with 10 rows.
What i am trying is initially on view loading, table shows 5 rows in each section, and there is scrolling in each section individually to scroll in each section..
so not getting any idea ....
Pls help..
You can put a UIScrollView inside your UITableView and add subviews to it, however, the scrollView and tableView might not register your touches properly all the time.

UITableView add row at top

I have a Uitableview with loading mode like that,
When user scroll to item 5 it'll auto load 10 item and add in the top of label.
My problem is when add like that, current cell move down 10 item, it's bad look.
Can we add cell at top UITableView but current cell not move up or down until user scroll.
What you could do is insert your rows, then use scrollToRowAtIndexPath:atScrollPosition:animated: method to scroll to the row you would like to display. More info here.
Just posted an answer with code snippets here
Keep uitableview static when inserting rows at the top
Save the scroll offset where you would have called beginUpdate:.
In place of calls to InsertCell you add the cell's height to the saved offset.
Where you would have called endUpdate:, call reloadData, then scroll by the saved offset with NO animation.

Let tableview's last cell scroll to half way up the screen

I have a tableview with custom cells. Each cell has a UITextfield. When the last cell's textfield is clicked, the keyboard pops up and covers it and the table view won't scroll up any further. Is there a property of UITableview that can be set so that the last cell can scroll to half way up the screen?
Thanks in advance
There are a two ways to approach this (that I can think about off the top of my head):
You can use the tableFooterView property of UITableView to set an arbitrary, empty view to be about half the size of your table.
You can add empty cells to the bottom of your table
Both of these approaches will accomplish roughly the same thing, but using the tableFooterView property is probably your best bet.
see Making a UITableView scroll when text field is selected for a list of solution..
Also basing your view controller from UITableViewController (since you say its a table) will provide all this functionality automatically!

Show selected row always while scrolling UITableView?

Let's say we have a UITableView with some 100 rows, we select a row and after that we scroll the UITableView. The selected row is also scrolled top or bottom direction but I want the selected row to be always visible to the user while scrolling the table. Is it possible ?? please help me out which sample code..(it is same like twitter scrolling)
If you want this, you'll have to write a completely custom tableview from scratch (which I believe was done for There's no way to do that with the built-in tableview.

Problem in UITableView and UIScrollView

My table has more than 10 rows with 50 row i can't select my last i have set UIScrollView and add this table into UIScrollView.
Table display perfectly but which rows are displayed in UIScrollView, these are not selectable.
How can i get this row selecablt in UIScrollView. If anyone body know then pls tell me wha to do?
Putting a UITableView inside a UIScrollView won't work, beause UITableView is a UIScrollView. You're going to have to work out why UITableView won't scroll properly for you on its own.
Check how you initialize it and look at some of Apple's example UITableView code to see what is different.
It may be that your navigation bar, toolbar or some other control is hiding that last row. Check to make sure the tableview partly under another control.