Best way to handle constraint violations when using EJB 3.0 and CMP - jpa

I have a web service (built using jaxb/jaxws) that invokes a stateless EJB to store some data in the database. The data is being stored as an entity bean. The entity bean has a unique constraint applied to it via the #Column(unique = true) annotation.
When the web service attempts to save data, the transaction fails, and rightfully so. The problem is that since I am using CMP, the transaction is not committed until after the call to the stateless EJB. The end result is that I am not able to trap the exception and it is getting funneled up to the WS stack and results in an ambiguous fault containing the string: Error committing transaction:;nested exception is: weblogic.transaction.internal.AppSetRollbackOnlyException.
Is there a way to catch the exception being thrown so I can provide more information to the caller? Thank you.
Version information:
Application Server: Oracle Weblogic 10.3
Persistence Provider: Hibernate (JPA 1.0)
JDK/JRE: 1.6_0_05 (provided by Weblogic install)
I tried to implement an EJB 3 interceptor around the method invocation and this does not appear to work.
public class TestInterceptor {
public Object logCall(InvocationContext context) throws Exception {
System.out.println("Invoking method: " + context.getMethod().getName());
try {
return context.proceed();
} catch (Throwable t) {
System.out.println("I caught an exception: " + t.getMessage());
throw new Exception(t);
The reason I think this doesn't work is because the processing chain is such that the actual persist happens outside of the method (of course).

You could try using Bean Validation. It's nicely connected with the JPA (invoked during pre-persist, pre-update and pre-remove phases and can be used in different layers of your application.
Unfortunately, as far as I know, if a validation constraint violation occurs, the transaction is marked for rollback... I don't know how you could cope with that but one (seems nasty and untested) way I could think of is to inject a ValidatorFactory and validate the object by yourself. Perhaps then you could catch the ValidationException.
EDIT: I'm not sure if the Bean Validation was available in Java EE 5.
EDIT 2: You can create an interceptor which will catch the exception thrown by the JPA (or more precisely by the database). As the interceptor is invoked as a part of the same transaction as the EJB method you might need to explicitly invoke EntityManager#flush(-) to synchronise changes with the database.


How to deal with the FinderException while migrating EJB 2 CMP entity beans to EJB 3 JPA entity?

I'm migrating an EJB2 application and I don't know how to deal with the FinderException thrown by EJB2 CMP entity beans because in some business methods there was logic code implemented in catch clause of FinderException.
public void myMethod(){
try {
File file = fileHome.findFile(inFile);
} catch (FinderException e) {
// Other logic
Now File is an EJB 3 JPA entity and there is no need to throw the FinderException on the findFile(...) method
Is there any replacement of the FinderException so I can keep the business logic of myMethod?
I've been dealing with this for a while.
The answer is yes, javax.persistence.NoResultException is what you are looking for.
In case of my migration to ejb3 I have substituted FinderException with NoResultException on every occurence. It does not change logic as long as your code in try block is going to call entity manager through named queries eg. entityManager.createNamedQuery("YourEntity.findById").setParameter(1, id).getSingleResult() since EntityManager::find won't throw NoResultException.
Hope that helps.

EclipseLink-Moxy Unable to load custom DomHandler class while instantiating JAXB context

I am using Eclipselink Moxy Implementation of JAXB in my project to map complex XML to String Object using XmlAnyElement.
For this I have implemented DomHandler named as LayoutHandler.
I am using JAXB for resteasy web services deployed in JBoss 6.
I am facing Below issue intermittently -
Exception [EclipseLink-50033] (Eclipse Persistence Services - 2.5.0.v20130507-3faac2b):
Exception Description: The DomHandlerConverter for DomHandler
[com.**.LayoutHandler] set on property [layoutXml] could not be
Internal Exception: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
com.**.LayoutHandler from
While EclipseLink Moxy is instantiating JAXBContext using JAXBContext.newInstance(classes, properties)
After spending some time in debugging and analyzing the issue I could figure out that ClassLoader of resteasy is getting used to load LayoutHandler class instead of my application class loader(vfs://///jboss-server/server/all/deploy/app_name.ear/app_name.war/) which is causing the issue as its unable to find the LayoutHandler class.
When I bounce the server, issue is getting resolved so I am unable to find out the exact root cause. Any help will be appreciated.
Further debugging into org.eclipse.persistence.jaxb.JAXBContextFactory revealed that below two classes are getting passed to createContext() method of JAXBContextFactory -
public static javax.xml.bind.JAXBContext createContext(Class[] classesToBeBound, Map properties) throws JAXBException {
ClassLoader loader = null;
if (classesToBeBound.length > 0) {
loader = classesToBeBound[0].getClassLoader();
return createContext(classesToBeBound, properties, loader);
In above method classloader of first class is getting used to load the custom DomHandler later on.
When first element in array is model class at that time code is working fine as application context class loader is getting used but when the first element in array is JaxbCollection rest easy context class loader is getting used and its throwing mentioned exception.
This issue is occurring intermittently as order of elements in array is varying which might be due to the use of HashSet to hold the elements of type Class by caller of this method which is passing the classesToBeBound array
Note: I have replaced actual package names with *.
I'm surprised it works on a bounce... all of your JAXB bits need to line up, you should be using the moxy jaxb provider at all times. If it's failing after initial deploy, then working after a bounce, I suspect that you want to specify the moxy jaxb provider in your system properties ( -Djavax.xml.bind.context.factory=org.eclipse.persistence.jaxb.JAXBContextFactory ) and ensure that they're available to jboss when your app is not deployed.

JAX-RS exception handling

I'm relatively new to REST services in Java. I've created one and everything works fine except error handling. If I make a request with incorrectly formed JSON in it, Jackson JSON processor throws an exception which I unable to catch and I get error 500 in client. Exception follows: Can not deserialize instance of java.util.HashSet out of VALUE_STRING token
I have no idea how to handle exceptions raised outside my code.
Google suggests using Exception Mappers or Phase Inteceptors. Though I could miss something in search results.
What is the proper way to handle such situations?
Please, advise something. I'm stuck with this problem...
A JAX-RS ExceptionMapper should do the job. Just add a class like below to your code and if you have the exception type right, then you should get the hook to customize the handling.
public class MyExceptionMapper implements ExceptionMapper<MyException> {
public Response toResponse(MyException ex) {
return Response.status(Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST).build();

Entity framework context in using block

I am writing a service layer application, which interacts with database using Entity framework.
I am enclosing my individual "unit-of-work" in a using block, where I initialise my data context.
However I need to throw some exceptions, to convey database errors to applications, which are using my service application. So I am doing something like this:
using (dbcontext = new DbContext())
throw new Exception("Error while Saving data");
Can anyone confirm if this is Ok? Will Entity framework data context be disposed off correctly even after an exception is thrown?
Yes. A using block is converted to a try/finally block when compiling with disposing logic inside the finally block.
However your exception will not be thrown outside if the Dispose method throws an exception.
Yes this is correct. From MSDN:
A using statement can be exited either when the end of the using
statement is reached or if an exception is thrown and control leaves
the statement block before the end of the statement.
That being said, I would throw a more specific exception than the Exception one.

REQUIRES_NEW annotated method is executed without a transaction?

I have a stateless bean resposible for persisting entities to a database. This stateless bean is called by a message bean's onMessage method. The wired thing is that on the first message everything works fine, but on the next message the method responsible for persisting is invoked outside a transaction, even though the method is annotated with REQUIRES_NEW.
public StateChange persistChange(long deviceId, ...) {
StateChange change = new StateChange(...);
em.refresh(change); // To provoke the error
return change;
Calling refresh triggers the following exception:
Caused by: javax.persistence.TransactionRequiredException: no transaction is in progress
Any ideas? I'm fairly new to JTA so I might have missed something important?
I tried a lot to solve it and after about 16 hours or so it seems to be working. I'm not sure exactly what did the trick, but it might be the upgrade to Glassfish 2.1.
Finally able to sleep at night again!