Running an Eclipse plugin/update mirror - eclipse

I'm trying to run a full Eclipse mirror for all the plugins / updates our development team might want or need. This is because our network is impeded by a WebSense proxy filter, which very often blocks plugins from downloading.
This has been exceptionally frustrating for all the devs concerned.
I finally got approval to run an Eclipse mirror on a dedicated server, which has unfettered access to the internet, and which all internal machines can access.
I've done a lot of reading up and learning about the Equinox P2 update mechanism, and about update site publishing.
I selected a test plugin to act as a touchstone, to see if it all works. It appears to, except for one thing:
The plugin itself has dependencies, which Eclipse then tries to get from the internet, and I cannot find anyway to override this so that it comes back to our own mirror instead.
How can I force Eclipse to always use our mirror, or how can I publish / chain dependencies so that Eclipse gets them from the mirror?

I'm not sure 100% understanding your question.
I think you can add your mirror server as a repository when installing plug-ins from Eclipse's wizard. And disable all the built-in servers that have problem to be accessed in your Intranet.
If you don't modify it on GUI, you can modify the prefs files of p2.
<your eclipse>/p2/org.eclipse.equinox.p2.engine/.settings/org.eclipse.equinox.p2.artifact.repository.prefs
<your eclipse>/p2/org.eclipse.equinox.p2.engine/.settings/org.eclipse.equinox.p2.metadata.repository.prefs


How can we make SonarLint startup faster in Eclipse with lots of projects?

In our case we had a parent project (trunk) where all plug-ins where sub-projects and we want all the sub projects to have the same rules. In order to make maintenance easier we thought we could bind all plug-in projects in eclipse to trunk (so we can just batch update them etc.).
The problem here is that for some reason it always loads all sub projects for each project. 1) they are always the same 2) there is not more information in the call of the sub-project that the former call did not get.
If we bind each project to the real correct project in SonarLint that is a lot of effort. (we have hundreds of plug-ins.)
Still, for our 100+ plug-in projects that we have in Eclipse SonarLint takes some minutes to get all the info from the server.
How can we make SonarLint faster? Is there a recommended way? Can we help to improve the logic for this scenario?
I think the title of your question is confusing. This is not about SonarLint startup, but about SonarLint "update all bindings" feature.
I have created a ticket that we will try to fix in the next version:
Note that not binding Eclipse project to the correct SonarQube project/module will prevent correct match between local and remote issues. It means issues flagged as "won't fix" or "false positive" on SonarQube side will not be muted in Eclipse.
You said mapping many projects is tedious. What about the auto-bind feature? If it is failing to correctly guess binding between local and remote projects, I encourage you to open a thread on the SonarLint Google group to so that we can investigate the reason.

Moving my GWT, GAE installation into my project for source control

I use the google plugin for eclipse with GWT and Appengine libraries. Every so often I upgrade one of the libraries, which currently involves:
I install the update somewhere on my HD
I add the update as an alternative SDK in eclipse, with a generic name
I update the project settings to point to the new generic name
I commit the changed settings files (which do NOT include the upgraded library) to our source control
The problem here are in unfortunate steps 5-7:
5 Everyone else's builds stop working past the change,
6 I go from machine to machine, repeating steps 1 and 2, and
7 I think for the nth time, "I should really find a way to automate this."
I'm here for the elusive step 8: Actually automating this. I want to include the SDK in my source control, so when I switch between versions or set up shop on a new machine, the relevant SDKs are automatically installed and downloaded. I don't want to have to configure eclipse settings at all. In my ideal situation, I am willing to install Eclipse and the GPE on each machine, but after that I just want to clone my repository and go.
I've tried doing this by removing the GWT library from my build settings, copying the entire GWT installation folder into the root of my project, and adding gwt-user.jar and gwt-dev.jar to the build path from there. This almost works, but eclipse complains that it can't find gwt-servlet.jar (even though it exists precisely where it claims to be looking for it!). There also seem to be other magical settings I don't understand.
Finally, the question: If this is the right track, what settings do I need to manually control? If this is the wrong track, what's the right one?
+1 good question. This may or may not answer your question, but I can share with you what I do. I also work with GAE and GWT.
I just include the SDK .tar/.zip files in my repository, remove the version numbers from the filename, and update it when I want to move to a new version. If that version migration fails, I can easily revert to the old SDKs. I also use GXT and a bunch of other GWT extensions, so my problem is even worse than yours. I don't use eclipse for GAE nor GWT, so I can't relate to the problems you are having there. If you don't want to have to configure eclipse every time, then don't use eclipse.
Disclaimer: I hate eclipse.

Programatically installing an Eclipse plugin from within Eclipse?

I want to create an automated installer for an Eclipse plugin (i.e. not through the "Update Manager"). My scenario is simple: the user closes Eclipse, drops a downloaded JAR into the dropins folder, starts Eclipse and the rest of the process is automated.
In older Eclipse versions, before the era of P2, Eclipse had (still has) a class called InstallCommand which could be used to install pluings into the currently running platform.
While this still works in Eclipse 3.4 & 3.5, it is not behaving properly: most noticeably, plugins installed that way cannot be automatically uninstalled (it is dimmed).
The JavaDoc claims the InstallCommand is deprecated and should be replaced by a P2 alternative. However, I couldn't find the right tool for the job. There is the P2 director, but it is built for running as a separate application from the command line. It is possible to invoke it from within Eclipse but it is really not cut out for that. For example, progress monitoring and error reporting are not working well.
Does anybody know of a good alternative for that?
Dropins seems very close to what you want, especially if they are just downloading jars without the associated metadata (ie the metadata will need to be auto-generated).
You could consider defining a second dropins area to manage yourself. Take a look at ProfileSynchronizer in org.eclipse.equinox.p2.reconciler.dropins, in particular the method createProfileChangeRequest. I expect the uninstall behaviour you don't like is a result of the IInstallableUnit.PROP_PROFILE_LOCKED_IU property being added.
The dropins are reconciled at startup, see the p2.reconciler.dropins Activator.watchDropins(), you can likely do the same from your own bundle to watch another folder.
I suggest to deploy your plugin as an executable JAR. The installer in the JAR should ask for the Eclipse install directory and unpack the plugin in the right place (plus some more checks as needed).
Optionally include a little "watchdog" plugin which doesn't depend on much and just checks that your main plugin loads correctly and displays a useful error message which the user can email to you for support.
According to information in bug 311590 1 which is referenced in the deprecation comment of InstallCommand an alternative is possibly to use P2 operations 2, 3.

Specifying a target folder for Eclipse 3.4+ plugins when installing via Software Updates

After searching around I see that eclipse 3.4/3.5 now allow you to use their 'dropin' folder to manually install plugins.
This works well in a situation where you have already downloaded the feature and plugin files, however in cases where you use the Software Updates feature to simply point to a URL and download a plugin, you don't appear to have control over what folder the plugin is installed into.
Is it possible to force plugins to be installed to an arbitrary dropin folder, or otherwise export a plugin to a location so that it can be shared with other people's eclipse installations?
I'd prefer not to have to comb through the plugin info and manually determine which plugin jars to copy into a dropin folder :P
I think the answer in this thread and the mentioned blog post of Michael Scharf can be useful for you, although the procedure is not as simple as it should be :(
The new p2 system in 3.4 is supposed to have a feature called bundle pooling that allows for shared plugins. However, I haven't used it, so I'm not sure about the particulars. I hope this at least points you in the right direction.
When using 3.4.1 you can still enable the "old" update manager in Preferences/ General/ Capabilities. Then you can use the extension points again. But it has been removed in 3.4.2 completely.
You have to remove P2 to get the old update manager.
Note: The P2 team managed to broke everything backward compatible. This tricks does not work with 3.5.

Good Ways to Use Source Control and an IDE for Plugin Code?

What are good ways of dealing with the issues surrounding plugin code that interacts with outside system?
To give a concrete and representative example, suppose I would like to use Subversion and Eclipse to develop plugins for WordPress. The main code body of WordPress is installed on the webserver, and the plugin code needs to be available in a subdirectory of that server.
I could see how you could simply checkout a copy of your code directly under the web directory on a development machine, but how would you also then integrate this with the IDE?
I am making the assumption here that all the code for the plugin is located under a single directory.
Do most people just add the plugin as a project in an IDE and then place the working folder for the project wherever the 'main' software system wants it to be? Or do people use some kind of symlinks to their home directory?
Short answer - I do have my development and production servers check out the appropriate directories directly from SVN.
For your example:
Develop on the IDE as you would normally, then, when you're ready to test, check in to your local repository. Your development webserver can then have that directory checked out and you can easily test.
Once you're ready for production, merge the change into the production branch, and do an svn update on the production webserver.
Where I work some folks like to use the FileSync Plugin for Eclipse for this purpose, though I have seen some oddities with that plugin where files in the target directory occasionally go missing. The whole structure is:
Ant task to create target directory at desired location (via copy commands, mostly)
FileSync Plugin configured to keep files in sync between development location and target location as you code (sync the Eclipse output folder to a location in the Web server's classpath, etc.)
Of course, symlinks may work better on systems that have good support for symlinks :-)
To me, adding a symlink pointing to your development folder seems like a tidy solution to the problem.
If the main project is on a different machine/webserver, you could use something like sshfs to mount your development directory into the right place on the webserver.