Scroll view should not scroll when user interacts with slider in ios - iphone

I have a scroll view which has paging enabled.Its horizontal scrolling so when user scrolled from first page it would land the user in second page and second page has one slider.when the user slides(not touches) on this slider it automatically scrolls to first page because its horizontal scrolling too.Unless its touch on slider user end up in going to first page though user not intended to go to first page.

I had the same kind of problem once but with another control.
Take a look ate this answer to see if it canhelp you :
iPhone - UIScrollView and UIDatePicker scrolling conflict : the one interfer with the second

Does the second view on the scrollView contains any other container like WebView or imageView etc.
If you are showing your data directly on the ScrollView (i.e on second page).I recommend that to add a one more view on your scrollView on second view and render your data on that view the you wil be able to use the main ScrollView and the second view scroll separately.

You could try adding actions for UIControlEventTouchDown, UIControlEventTouchUpInside and UIControlEventTouchUpOutside to your slider. On touch down, do myScrollView.scrollEnabled = NO; and restore scrolling on touch up.


Swift - UIButton as overlay on UIScrollView

I have a scroll view which contains different ui components such as text fields, labels etc.
The scroll view takes almost the full size of the screen. Logically separated, I want to add/display a button which is not a part of the content of the scroll view.
This leads to the problem that my button doesn't react on my touches. In case, I reduce the size of the scroll view so that the frames don't interfere with the ones from the button, everything works as expected.
I tried to bring the button to the front (view.bringSubviewToFront(infoButton)) but it still doesn't work.
I think you want to implement something like 'Gmail app, a plus button is floating at the bottom right of the screen.
add your scroll view to view and add other elements to scroll view:
after you finished adding scrollView's sub views it's time to add your button to -> View (not scroll view)
and everything should work fine as you expected
Issue is solved!
It is a matter of how you ad your sub views to the main view. In my case, I added the info button first to the main view followed by adding the scroll view to the main view.
You need to change the order. First you add the scroll view to the main view and then the button.

How can I animate this custom view transition in my iPhone app?

This is a tricky question to explain, but basically I have an app with a home screen with a bunch of circular icons on it. When the user taps on an icon, it pushes a table view onto the navigation stack. When an icon is tapped on the home screen, I want the tapped icon to stay on top of the table view as it scrolls in, and then drop onto the table view in the cell that represents it. All the other icons, however, should stay below the incoming table view, like normal. Here's a quick diagram I whipped up...
I'm about to begin researching this, I just wanted to quickly post this question in case anyone has some ideas about how I can approach this. Thanks so much for your wisdom!
Oh thats soo easy!!!
I'll try to explain my solution:
You need two sets of icons.
One set lays on Home View, second is exact location, but as a subview on main window (by default - hidden)
Once You select a button, and want to push a list - You un-hide corresponding window subview icon, and with delay - animate / shrink it to tableView corresponding location.
Once animation is finished - hide icon (instant hide will not be noticeable, as this icon will be positioned/scaled to precisely reassemble icon in tableview), and move it to default position/scale (still hidden).
That's it.
This is pretty simple, and can be done without adding second instances of your buttons. You'll use the view hierarchies z-index for this.
When you add the table view as a subview of the main view don't use addSubview, use:
[self.view insertSubview:table belowSubview:button];
Button^ will represent the button that you want to stay on top, and for your other buttons, you just have to make sure that they are lower on the stack. This way, when the table flies in, it can keep going past the button but the button will stay above it.
You can also use:
[self.view insertSubview:table atIndex:5];
On all of these buttons and the table to have total control over each objects z-index.

Restricting a UISCrollView to scroll up

I have a custom view covering entire screen in iPod touch. I need to put add another view in this which will initially be hidden but will come on screen when view is scrolled down. I hav achieved this but not I can scroll my view to upside also. I so not want user to pull up the custom view. I just want a pull down feature and no pull up.
When someone pull down I am bringing the view to original position programatically. So, when user pull down they can see some information for 5 secs and then view is back to original position.
Hoe can I restrict my UIScrollView from being scrolled towards up on manual interaction?
I did this by following code. Its working now.
(void)scrollViewDidScroll:(UIScrollView *)iScrollView {
// Refrain the view from scrolling up
if (iScrollView.contentOffset.y > 0.0) {
iScrollView.contentOffset = CGPointZero;

UITableView horizontal scroll indicator

I have a table view inside a navigation controller, which is one view for a tab bar.
Everytime I launch the app, the horizontal scroll indicator flashes briefly when i select this tab.
Could this be related to the initial tab selected, which does contain a scrollview?
I was under the impression that table views couldn't scroll horizontally?
It doesnt seem to affect the app, just annoying thats all.
Do you do programmatic scrolling in your view?
We did this flashing on purpose in one of our apps, using some code to set a new scroll position (0) with animation enabled.
EDIT: There is also the method: flashScrollIndicators in UIScrollView (a UITableView also being a UIScrollView).

Unwanted automatic scrolling with UIScrollView and UITextFields as subviews

The "too long; didn't read" version: Is there any way to disable the automatic scrolling behaviour of UIScrollView when telling a UITextField to becomeFirstResponder?
I have a scroll view with paging enabled and several views as subviews, each subview being controlled by its own view controller. Each subview has a UITextField.
The requirement is that when a page is scrolled into view, it's text field should become first responder.
This is fine when using finger swipes to scroll -- I use the scroll view delegate method scrollViewDidEndDecelerating: to know when scrolling stops and a page is in view, I can tell the text field to become first responder.
However, when the scroll view is "autoscrolled", as in when telling the scrollview to scrollRectToVisible:animated:, the scroll view delegate method for deceleration isn't called. I use this method when scrolling newly created pages into view without the user's interation, or when the user taps the UIPageControl.
My solution was to simply set the first responder status of the text field before telling it to scroll into view - but it seems that telling a text field that is in a scroll view to become first responder causes the scroll view to automatically scroll it into view.
I assume this is behaviour used when putting text fields in table view cells (since table views are scroll view subclasses). If you set up a small test app, with a table view, and a text field within a table cell, if the keyboard would obscure the table view cell when it becomes first responder, the table view will automatically scroll it to be visible.
I don't understand, though, why this behaviour occurs in my example, where I'm not using a table view - just a plain scroll view.
I should also mention that my scroll view has vertical scrolling disabled and only scrolls horizontally.
I have tested in another test app that puts text fields as direct subviews of a scrollview (no view controllers or container views) and the same happens. If you tell a text field that is offscreen to become first responder, the scroll view with automatically scroll it for you.
This wouldn't normally be a problem, but it seems to screw up the paging of the scroll view. When I scroll with my finger, each view bounces and is centred properly. But when I scroll a rect to be visible with animation and tell a text field to become first responder, scroll view seems to become conflicted with itself and the view is only scrolled part of the way into view, and isn't centred.
Then, if I touch a view using my finger (not swipe, or even move), the scroll view jumps back to the first page.
My current work around for all this silly auto scrolling behaviour is to use an NSTimer to determine when to update the first responder.
I do the manual scrolling in code using scrollRectToVisible:animated and then after 0.3 seconds, call my method to update the text field to be first responder. (0.3 seconds was trial and error, trying to see which seemed to be the smallest amount of time to allow for the animation but still be long enough not to cause the conflict with the scrollview.
As you can see, this isn't elegant, and is likely to break.
Is there any way to disable the automatic scrolling behaviour of UIScrollView when telling a UITextField to becomeFirstResponder?
Call becomeFirstResponder, then right away, set the contentOffset of the scrollview to its current position..
[textField becomeFirstResponder];
[scrollview setContentOffset:scrollview.contentOffset animated:NO];
Not an answer to your question, but it should fix the problem:
- (void)scrollViewDidEndScrollingAnimation:(UIScrollView *)scrollView
// Make the text field first responder...