Uploading large files to server. FTP or WCF? - iphone

i am working on an iphone project that i need to upload relatively large files (about 4-10mb's).
The problem is i am not sure which way is better?
Available options are:
1- Setting up an FTP server and upload files to the server
2- Writing down a WCF that lets me upload files by streaming to the server.
i am wondering which one is more reliable and which one is faster, less demanding on the client device (iphone/ipad)
Thank you for helping

Check out this sample: SimpleFTPSample on developer.apple.com.
I downloaded it and its very simple and useful.

Definetely FTP, since WCF in "compatibility mode" (i.e. basicHttp / wsHttp) will add a huge amount of overhead since you can't send binary content or use MTOM.


Using my own server for uploading files in Outsystem

I am currently working in outsystems. I have an interface there which allows end users to upload files. But its getting uploaded to the Outsystem server, is there a way I can upload files to my own file server
I couldn't find any setting where I can change the server
It all depends on your file server I guess. Personally I upload files to a OneDrive using Microsoft's graph API. With this I am able to send binary data that I've uploaded via the OutSystems widget to this specific OneDrive. This works in traditional, reactive and mobile for as far as my experience goes.
Also, as mentioned before, the FileSystem extension from the forge is generally pretty useful for this kind of stuff.

Google Cloud Storage vs SFTP

We have a new ThirdParty File Based Integration coming for one of our projects. Its a different company that puts a file and we would need to grab the file and continue processing. We need this file needs to be transfered securely. So First Option that comes is SFTP however we are thinking of doing a research on SFTP vs Google Cloud Storage. Can Google Cloud Storage be used instead of SFTP ? what are the pros and cons of the same. Thanks!
These are two different sorts of things. Google Cloud Storage is a service that stores files. SFTP is a protocol for transferring files between two computers.
If your only goal is to transfer a file from computer A to computer B, and both can speak to each other via SFTP, then that's a perfectly good solution.
That said, services like GCS are commonly used as a drop box for large files as part of a distributed workflow. For instance, one service might record video and upload that video to GCS, and then another service might later transcode that video or take some other action on it. That's also perfectly reasonable.
So, I guess the answer is that it depends on what you want to do.

Free web servers to publish csv files or other types of data

I am writing an App that requires some kind of outside input which I want the user to be able to update sporadically.
Are there any free web services where one can upload a file e.g. CSV and update it at any stage and then access it via iOS?
What about dropbox? Its free for small amounts and has a desktop and IOS client. It also has a fairly decent API.

Implementing data encryption in iPhone applications

I need to implement data encryption in my app locally, as well as transfer data over the network, after encrypting it.
Can anyone help me by guiding me to good documentation or resources to acheive this? I have looked upon Apple's cryptoClient application but it's too cryptic(contains Bonjour sharing etc. which I don't need).
Use ZipArchive to encrypt the files (check the documentation, there is a way to zip the data with a password) and since you are gonna transfer the data over the network you should make it as small as possible by zipping it.
This is a great tutorial on using ZipArchive:
You can have a look at SQLCipher to encrypt sqlite database, which can store your data locally and to transfer over internet you can simply use HTTPS.

build a tcp server to test asihttp

I am working on iphone networking application.. I am using asihttp , a wrapper of the CFnetwork framework. http://allseeing-i.com/ASIHTTPRequest/
I want to build a server that sends some data on request from the client... I want this for the sole purpose of testing the application i write and understanding the networking more deeply..
Any help is appreciated
Thank you
Seems like the most straight forward solution is to setup an Apache HTTPD server and just put a static document at the location you want your data to come from.
The two most simple approaches that come to mind:
Enable Web Sharing on your Mac. You can then access the documents in your Sites directory inside your home directory. The Sharing preference pane will tell you the exact URL.
If static content is not enough, write a little Python web server to serve content. Python comes with standard HTTP Server modules. You can get stuff going with like half a dozen of lines of code.