Broadcast Calendar plugin for Jquery mobile? - plugins

I'm developing an application in Jquery mobile which requires calendar-business format. i.e Broadcast calendar. I searched for it, but got only normal calendar plugin. Is Broadcast calendar plugins available?
Broadcast calendar

I would suggest

I forked jquery-ui datepicker some time ago to do this. It does not have the latest jquery-ui changes, but might get you closer.


how to add events to the Calendar of the mobile device with ionic capacitor

I am working on a mobile application project that will list events. As I mentioned in the title, I am using ionic capacitor for my project. I did a lot of research, but I couldn't find any plugins where I could access the ios and android calendar applications. To put it simply, what I want to do is to save that event on the phone's calendar when a button on the application is clicked.If anyone has an idea about this issue or has done this before with the ionic capacitor and can help, I would appreciate it. Thank you!
I'll share my experience, although I am also new to this topic.
I've migrated from cordova to capacitor and I was, so far, unable to make this happen again (add event to the device calendar). The plugin suggested by #NajamUsSaqib in the documentation doesn't work in this scenario, not for me at least.
What I've done to bypass this issue was to create an ICS with java, which is my backend, and send a mail to the user with this ICS. To trigger this, I've added a share fucntion that will send it to whoever he wants (as in the picture below). Inside the calendar event itself he can send himself a notification to make it easier.
Having this said, you'll have to take care of the kind of invitation to send.
Gmail, Office 365 and Outlook can add the event directly to the calendar from the mail itself, there is an auto-generated link for that but, for other calendars, the user will have to download the ICS itself and then add it.
It is not a neat solution for an APP but, so far, this was the best solution for me.
For more information on the ICS and how to send the link for the e-mail, in case that you are interested, you can check this post at litmus, which is very well written in my opinion.
Best of luck mate
On Ionic >= 5 and Capacitor 3 you need to import the Calendar in your app.module.ts like this:
import {Calendar} from '#ionic-native/calendar/ngx';
And not as it's been written in the documenation from #ionic-native/calendar
Afther this, you can add Calendar to your app.module.ts providers and to inject the calendar in any *.ts file, you need again to import it from #ionic-native/calendar/ngx.
Calendar is now hosted in the following library -> #awesome-cordova-plugins/calendar/ngx

Using Ionic Calendar for PWA's

I'm new to Ionic (and web apps in general) and I'm looking to grab a list of events and display them in a progressive web app (pwa). I looked into Ionic Calendar and some of the other Cordova-Phonegap plugins that allow you to add events to a devices native calendar, but it seems to be unclear whether or not this is for Ionic Native apps or if you can do this with a pwa as well. If this isn't possible with pwa, do I still need to use Calendar to display a list of events and push notifications for upcoming events based on date and time from the app? I appreciate any help in advance. Thanks!
You can use the Ionic Framework to build Hybrid Mobile Apps (requires Cordova/PhoneGap) or PWA's (i.e., Cordova/PhoneGap not required).
N.B. Ionic Native is a suite of TypeScript wrappers for popular Cordova/PhoneGap plugins.
Re "What can a PWA do", see:

About iOS sdk sample example which can sync with facebook event

I want to develop iphone calendar app which can sync with facebook events. Im not able to understand from where should I start. Can you suggest me some ways to start with?
Any help will be appreciated.
First of all develop calender using this link:
This is similar to iPhone in built calendar & then display event using this with in your app.

Creating events on iOS5 calendar from web app

I tried a bit of research, but I don't seem to be getting anywhere.
Is it possible to access the calendar on iPad/iPhone iOS5 from a web app?
My goal would be adding an event to it, is that achievable? Opening a filestream is an option, in case this helps.
Thank you
That's not available through a web app. The only thing you can do is include a date in the text within the web app. iOS will detect it as an event (if formatted correctly) and will give the user an option to create a calendar event when clicked.
Here on this SO question, the OP mentions he had no problems in adding a calendar event on iOS by means of an iCal file created on the fly.

How to Sync Google Calendar, Yahoo Calendar and Toodledo in Iphone native app?

Hi i have googled many websites but have not found any api. i tried but it has some missing files of GData. I also integrated but its window based app.
Can any1 give me an api?
Thanks in advance.
try it..
One way to do this is to sync your Toodledo iPhone app with Then use Toodledo's calendar sync tools to sync the calendar with both Google and Yahoo.