Use ClientBundle in a large Enterprise Application? - gwt

We're building a large enterprise application (dozens of modules) with GWT and need to decide whether to use ClientBundle or not. I was curious what pros/cons the StackOverflow GWT community view as deal makers and deal breakers for such a use case.
As far as we see it currently:
All images/css files that take up server resources to download are eliminated
Client loads faster because of the above (i.e. inlined image urls)
CSS names are obfuscated, so namespace collisions are eliminated
CSS is automatically optimized / verified
Unused CSS classes are eliminated (above)
Java reference to class names are replaced with refactorable css interfaces
UiBinder reference to class names are replaced with refactorable css interfaces
No more big "main.css" fails as resources are module bundle specific
For maintenance CSS becomes either unreadable in obfuscated mode, or extremely verbose in debug mode
More steps needed for basic CSS work (like adding class)
All devs must know Java,CSS,HTML nuances
CSS3 and other at-rules (i.e. #font-face) are not supported by GWT natively
Increased compilation times

I have been using client bundle heavily in m-gwt.
One thing that was bothering me was styling for devices that did not have dev mode. So styling could mean recompiling the complete app.
Mostly all CSS3 Rules can be used in ClientBundle by using the literal function, so that should be okay. It gets a little tricker with #media queries. You can inject the css as a simple textresource as a workaround, but its kind of ugly.
When you are talking about several gwt modules, consider using multiple clientbundles so you can still use split points to keep the download file size under control (Depending on how big your .js files get)
I have used clientbundles in several big gwt apps and for me compile time checking and refactoring support beats the little quirks that are still in client bundles.

Just two additional notes:
There is a utility available in GWT which allows to automatically create the interfaces for your CSSResources
It's true that debugging styles can be a little bit cumbersome because of the obfuscated names. I had good success by using Firebug to change styles in dev-mode directly in the browser and when I am satisfied I change them in my GWT app.


LESS css or SCSS in GWT

Has anyone been able to integrate the wonderful shorthanded syntax of LESS with the awesomely module, re-factor friendly and type-safe CSS of GWT UiBinder?
<ui:style with="com.lesscss.gwt">
/* Can I haz LESS in here? */
Naturally, you can use LESS with GWT -- You just have to use non-compiled css. I want my css to go through the LESS compiler, and then the GWT compiler.
There are no direct libraries for that, no.
LESS doesn't even have a java compiler, so I really don't think it's ever going to happen.
Suppose you could write a pre-compile routine that will go through your ui.xml files, compile contents of ui:style nodes and put the compiled versions back. Then you will run into continuous problems with your IDE complaining about improper CSS code.
As said before, there was no libraries to do that directly. But there is now ;) !
I recently wrote and published a library (HexaCss for GWT) which allows to bind a GWT application to external CSS files, while keeping type-safety and optimizations like pruning and css name obfuscation.
You use it like the traditionnal CssResource (so typesafely), but instead of binding to a CSS file Inside your GWT project, it binds to any external CSS file that you want (you can even bind multiple CSS files to the same application which gives you themes for your GWT application).
So in your case, the external CSS file would have been generated with HexaCss. That's what I do on many projects.
You can even use Sass, GSS and so on. You can also use the already written bindings for Bootstrap and Skeleton.
A sample which resembles to your question is this one, where the CSS is generated with Less, and used in GWT with HexaCss, which is then usable from UiBinder or Java directly.
Link to the sample : - This is a very ugly demo showing only the idea. You can switch between themes with the listbox on the top.
Hope this helps !

UIBinder: how to structure CSS layout for designers

Our webapp is implemented in GWT 2.2, with heavy use of UIBinder. I really like UIBinder's ability to define styles either inline with the HTML, or at least in a <ui:style> section. As a programmer, this modularity really appeals to me, as it puts the styling right where it's used.
And for styles that are used in more than one place, I refactor them to a CommonStyles.css/, and refer to that in my *.ui.xml files.
This has worked great so far, but now the company has contracted an HTML/CSS designer to re-work the design. We spent a few days trying to get him up to speed on Eclipse & GWT, without much success. To meet a deadline, we ended up having him just deliver an old-school giant CSS file to us, which we then painstakingly refactored back into the various ui.xml modules.
My question: Is it better to maintain a single, old-fashioned giant CSS file for a UIBinder app, so that designers can work with it? It pains me as a programmer to do things this way, but it seems like it's the only practical way to have non-programmers work on the design.
Is it unreasonable to expect designers to know an IDE such as Eclipse or Intellij?
From the perspective of the programmer of a company with one programmer and one designer:
The designer on my team never used eclipse or Java before our current project. We started using UiBinder stuff heavily about two months ago and, with maybe a couple of hours of help from me, he's managed to become quite proficient. He's now checking finished & laid out widgets into the source himself, with perfect CssResource etc modularization. I still set up the corresponding .css and .java files for him, but then I throw the setup at him, he writes 90% of the ui.xml & .css bit himself, and I come back and implement his ui in java afterwards. Occasionally I have to change a <div> to a <g:Panel> or whatever. He has not complained about it being too hard. Now he's starting to explore the extensions to css that gwt provides, like constants and expressions.
I'd say you shouldn't have to give up the benefits of UiBinder for the sake of your designers. In my own project, I expect to have to set up all of the code and generate templates for all of the Java interfaces, but I expect my partner to be able to add his own styles, separate css intelligently (e.g. vs., and understand what's happening when his style names turn into GVDWK.

Large scale application with GWT

I'm using GWT (2.0.x) to develop a large scale and modularized application, but some modules have a lot of classes.
I'm facing a problem with GWT in development, because the DevMode it's taking a long time (processing) when I change every client-side class and refreshing at the browser.
My last option is to split more that modules, but I'm thinking to edit the GWT-DEV source code and "tell him" to do hotdeploy only on selected classes.
I have another option rather than edit GWT-DEV source code ?
Try using GWT.runAsync() to lazy load your code. If you can load only those modules that you need. You can make fairly complex web apps using GWT which run very fast. Hope you are following the MVP architecture recommended by google. Any extra information regarding the number of your classes etc will be helpful if figuring out if you need to reconsider your architecture or not.

GWT Special Features compared to other Frameworks

I am on searching special features of GWT which are present only in GWT and not in other web framework. I am a student and I am not well acquainted to the many web frameworks on the market, so if u can help me increasing my list of special GWT features, it would be a great help. Some which i know are:
1. GWT allows using java to program
web. (only, it also allows merging
javascript through JSNI of course)
2. The developer does not have to be a guru in browser incompatibilities
to develop web sites which works on
a variety of browsers because
incompatibilities are handled by GWT
through differed bindind
3. GWT allows easy integration of popular Java Tools such as ,
hibernate through gilead
4. GWT enables server implementation not only in java but also other
languages such as php
5. GWT enables code splitting which improves application interactivity
by allowing javaScript file to
download only when required
6. In essence GWT is toolkit, it does not force a way to program,
other layers can be placed on top of
it to program such as placing MVP or
MVC framework on top of GWT and then
develop app
7. GWT MVP is great because first it allows collaborative working, faster
testing with JUnit and the event bus
allows many updates in client side
application by placing event on the
event bus
8. GWT compiled java files to obfuscated mode which is first small
and make the application safer
because bots fails on the javascript
generated during the obfuscated mode
In case in the 8 points, i've mention something which not special to GWT, then let me know.
There's also 'perfect caching', which is the term used to describe the way that GWT optimises JavaScript for each browser.
Instead of building a large JavaScript file, with code that can handle all of the various browsers, GWT builds multiple JavaScript files at compile time, and downloads only the one that is relevant to the browser type that is being used.
EDIT: Every time you make a change to your Java code, GWT changes the name of the corresponding JavaScript file. Web servers can turn on caching for the JavaScript files (so that browsers won't re-download the same file), assured that the name will change when the Java code changes, and the browser will then download the latest version.
EDIT: I also really like the CssResource feature. By creating obfuscated CSS style names, GWT effectively gives each widget its own namespace for CSS styles; for example, I could define a 'pretty' style name on two different widgets, and have those styles using different CSS rules. Of course, it is possible to share CSS styles between widgets too.
Image resources are cool too. They optimise the way that images are downloaded and accessed.
Don't forget internationalization.
I think you pulled together a pretty decent list of differentiators there already. I think that one point worth adding is the RequestFactory feature in the most recent release, which, if you will, is simplistically speaking and RPC for data and makes it quite easy to develop Create, Read, Update and Delete - type (CRUD) of applications.
There are other, more important/wider accepted GUI-Frameworks that are based on Java.
There are for example Struts and JSF. That's why some of your points don't fit only for GWT, but for all GUI java frameworks in general, e.g. bullet point 1, 2 & 3.
But to add another one:
I think GWT is an easy way to code an AJAX-application, because it hides the AJAX stuff quite well. Wouldn't you agree?
Furthermore, GWT is a proprietary framework (which is somehow a unique property). JSF is standardized and Struts is lead by Apache.

What is the best approach towards styling GWT applications?

General approach in GWT is to use Panels and then apply custom CSS themes to get a customized look. While I can achieve a certain extent of personalization of my GWT app through CSS tinkering, I was wondering how others generally approach styling.
Some of the suggestions I came across the web were to manage layout with plain HTML, through use of HTMLPanel's. This way one can straightaway use the HTML mock-up within the application without having to code all the layout.
So what in your opinion is the best and least painful way to approach layout and custom styling of GWT application?
So far, the best approach I found:
get rid of any default GWT theme
use UiBinder as much as possible
place your CSS in ui.xml that describes the widget
have one public Common CssResource with rules reused by many widgets
that way you don't need to maintain one global stylesheet which always is a pain (common problem: where is this rule used?)
It all depends - on you, your experience, your team, etc:
The usual/older approach of Panels, Widgets and Compositing will be easier to work with/more familiar:
If you are a Java programmer experienced with frameworks like Swing, etc. (I think that was the point of the GWT team),
Or if you come from the "desktop world" in general.
The UiBinder approach is the newer one:
Recommended if you are just starting your experience with GWT (it seems UiBinder is here to stay, and it allows more flexibility than the above approach),
Recommended if you have experience with web development (or desktop frameworks that use markup, like .NET's XAML, etc), since you'll be working in the familiar world of HTML/XML,
If you are working in a larger team, where you have designated designers in charge of the look of the web application (and they don't know/care about GWT). Cutting up the layout into HTML code should be pretty straightforward for them and you can, with little work, convert those templates into UiBinder's XML templates.
None of the above approaches is perfect - that's why it's worth to know their strong and weak points - but the end decision should be yours alone, since you know your/your team's capabilities best :)