Powershell remove quotes when start process - powershell

Let's look at the code below
$SBK="0x1682CCD8 0x8A1A43EA 0xA532EEB6 0xECFE1D98"
./windows/nvflash/nvflash.exe --sbk 0x1682CCD8 0x8A1A43EA 0xA532EEB6 0xECFE1D98
./windows/nvflash/nvflash.exe --sbk "0x1682CCD8 0x8A1A43EA 0xA532EEB6 0xECFE1D98"
./windows/nvflash/nvflash.exe --sbk $SBK
I have define a string var $SBK and then I'm going to pass it for some app. The first process call is working properly. The second one fails and therefore application doesn't accepts quotes. But the third call is failed too with the same error. It seems that powershell passes quotes, those are causing errors. But how to eliminate them? Thanks beforehand.

Try doing
iex "./windows/nvflash/nvflash.exe --sbk $SBK"
Also, get echoargs.exe from PowerShell Community Extensions to see how args are passed from Powershell to commands etc.

You should probably not use Invoke-Expression (see This Post from the PowerShell Team)
Instead, you can create an array of arguments, and then pass them using the call operator. See this post of mine on the subject for more details.
In your case, it would look something like this:
$SBKArgs="--sbk", "0x1682CCD8", "0x8A1A43EA", "0xA532EEB6", "0xECFE1D98"
$cmd = Get-Command ./windows/nvflash/nvflash.exe
& $cmd $sbkargs
Hope this Helps


Always append arguments to command in Powershell

There's a few commands I need to run repetitively in Powershell, with some variable arguments in content and length, but some arguments must always be there. I don't want to forget those arguments, so is there a way to create a function that does this?
I have tried using things like Invoke-Expression, but when I use brackets in a command, Powershell thinks it's a type and tells me my cast is not valid. If I escape the argument list and provide an argument in the form Key=Value, PowerShell parses it into a System.Object[] and the command fails. I figured it might be better not to ask about how to fix that, but how to solve my root problem.
You can consider this a somewhat duplicate of How to always append an ampersand for certain commands? (MacOS / bash) but for PowerShell.
Just write your own version of the command as a Function with mandatory parameters:
Function RunMyCommand {
# Amend this according to the syntax and string manipulation required for your command
ThisIsMyCommand $Argument1 $Argument2 $Argument3
RunMyCommand -Argument1 ThisString -Argument2 ThisNumber -Argument3 ThisAnything

Is it possible to dot source a string variable in PowerShell?

I know I can dot source a file:
. .\MyFunctions.ps1
But, I would like to dot source the commands in a string variable:
. $myFuctions
I see that this is possible:
And $x equals 2 after the script block is sourced.
But... .{$myFunctions} does not work.
I tried $myFunctions | Invoke-Expression, but it doesn't keep the source function in the current scope. The closest I have been able to come up with is to write the variable to a temporary file, dot source the file, and then remove the file.
Inevitably, someone will ask: "What are you trying to do?" So here is my use case:
I want to obfuscate some functions I intend to call from another script. I don't want to obfuscate the master script, just my additional functions. I have a user base that will need to adjust the master script to their network, directory structure and other local factors, but I don't want certain functions modified. I would also like to protect the source code. So, an alternate question would be: What are some good ways to protect PowerShell script code?
I started with the idea that PowerShell will execute a Base64-encoded string, but only when passed on the command line with -EncodedCommand.
I first wanted to dot source an encoded command, but I couldn't figure that out. I then decided that it would be "obfuscated" enough for my purposes if I converted by Base64 file into a decode string and dot sourced the value of the string variable. However, without writing the decoded source to a file, I cannot figure out how to dot source it.
It would satisfy my needs if I could Import-Module -EncodedCommand .\MyEncodedFile.dat
Actually, there is a way to achieve that and you were almost there.
First, as you already stated, the source or dot operator works either by providing a path (as string) or a script block. See also: . (source or dot operator).
So, when trying to dot-source a string variable, PowerShell thinks it is a path. But, thanks to the possibility of dot-sourcing script blocks, you could do the following:
# Make sure everything is properly escaped.
$MyFunctions = "function Test-DotSourcing { Write-Host `"Worked`" }"
. { Invoke-Expression $MyFunctions }
And you successfully dot-sourced your functions from a string variable!
With Invoke-Expression the string is evaluated and run in the child scope (script block).
Then with . the evaluated expressions are added to the current scope.
See also:
About scopes
While #dwettstein's answer is a viable approach using Invoke-Expression to handle the fact that the function is stored as a string, there are other approaches that seem to achieve the same result below.
One thing I'm not crystal clear on is the scoping itself, Invoke-Expression doesn't create a new scope so there isn't exactly a need to dot source at that point...
#Define your function as a string
PS> $MyUselessFunction = "function Test-WriteSomething { 'It works!' }"
#Invoke-Expression would let you use the function
PS> Invoke-Expression $MyUselessFunction
PS> Test-WriteSomething
It works!
#Dot sourcing works fine if you use a script block
PS> $ScriptBlock = [ScriptBlock]::Create($MyUselessFunction)
PS> . $ScriptBlock
PS> Test-WriteSomething
It works!
#Or just create the function as a script block initially
PS> $MyUselessFunction = {function Test-WriteSomething { 'It works!' }}
PS> . $MyUselessFunction
PS> Test-WriteSomething
It works!
In other words, there are probably a myriad of ways to get something similar to what you want - some of them documented, and some of them divined from the existing documentation. If your functions are defined as strings, then Invoke-Expression might be needed, or you can convert them into script blocks and dot source them.
At this time it is not possible to dot source a string variable.
I stand corrected! . { Invoke-Expression $MyFunctions } definitely works!

How can I pass unbound arguments from one script as parameters to another?

I have little experience with PowerShell in particular.
I'm trying to refactor some very commonly re-used code into a single script that can be sourced where it's needed, instead of copying and pasting this same code into n different scripts.
The scenario I'm trying to get looks (I think) like this:
# Sure'd be great if clients didn't need to know about these
function Common-Func-Uses-Params {
# foo/bar/bat.ps1:
# sure would love not to have to redefine all the common params() here...
. common.ps1 <pass-the-arguments>
Common-Func-Uses-Params $specific_Foo/Bar/Bat_Data
As the pseudo-comments above indicate, I've only been able to do this so far by capturing the params in the calling script as well.
I want to be in a situation where I can update the common code (say with a -Debug or -DryRun or -Url or whatever parameter) and not have to worry about updating all of the client code to match.
Is this possible?
You're missing two key things:
args - which captures all of (and only) the unbound arguments to the script
splatting (#) - which is used to pass arrays or hashtables to a command rather than flattening them like you'd get with $
When you combine these, you can easily pass all arguments onto another script, like so:
# foo.ps1
. common.ps1 #args
With a sourced file like this:
param ([string]$foo = "foo")
echo "`$foo is $foo"
You get these output:
> foo.ps1 returns $foo is foo
> foo.ps1 -Foo bar returns $foo is bar
Note that, if you're trying to use the PowerShell ISE it might take you a while to figure this out or debug any of it. When you're in the debugger, both $args nor $MyInvocation.UnboundArguments will do their best to hide that information from you. They'll appear to be completely empty.
You can print the args with >> echo "$(#args)", but that also provides the very weird side effect of telling the Debugger to continue. I think the splatting is adding an extra newline and that's ending up in the Command Window.
The best workaround I have for that is to add $theargs = $args at the top of your script and remember to use $theargs in the debugger.

calls to cmd from powershell not parsing correctly?

I am trying to run cURL.exe from powershell as part of a larger script to create various user accounts as new individuals are onboarded.
(I cannot use invoke-method or invoke-webrequest because the header parameter wont accept a string)
The issue is that I can run it from a cmd window perfectly but I cannot seem to make the same thing run from powershell:
curl.exe -H "Authorization: {\"apiKey\":\"ResetAPIKey,\"username\":\"admin\"}" -d "username=someUserName&email=somebody#domain.com&firstName=Joe&lastName=Friday" "http://URL:8080/v1/users/create"
This runs just fine from cmd but when attempting to run from powershell, I get errors like 'url not found' or 'That path/method is not supported'
Additional format attempts:
encasing the whole thing in single quotes
replacing each /" (forward slash + double quote) with `" (backtick + double quote)
adding all the arguments to a here-string variable
variations of above
I would assume I can write it to a .bat file and then run that from powershell but I'd rather not be forced to do that if possible
The stop parsing parameter is a good choice for this type of thing.
The stop-parsing symbol (--%), introduced in Windows PowerShell 3.0,
directs Windows PowerShell to refrain from interpreting input as
Windows PowerShell commands or expressions.
In your case though you need something a little different as you want variables in the mix that need to be resolved.
I figured there would be a dupe for this. Most of those answer are about converting curl.exe to something like Invoke-WebRequest which is something you should look into. In this case, if you have dynamic content use the call operator like this.
$arguments = "-H ""Authorization: {\""apiKey\"":\""ResetAPIKey,\""username\"":\""admin\""}"" -d ""username=someUserName&email=somebody#domain.com&firstName=Joe&lastName=Friday"" ""http://URL:8080/v1/users/create"""
&"curl.exe" $arguments
Noticed I doubled up the inner quotes on the string. If you look at the variable after it would display properly. Now you should be able to make changes.
Passing complex command line to native application from PowerShell can be tricky. PowerShell can add extra quotes in some cases. Although, rules for this are not that complex, but them are not well (if at all) documented, and also there is some substantial changes in that rules in v2-v4 vs v5. IMHO, using stop parsing operator --%, as #Matt offered, is the best approach, in case you targeting on v3+.
Stop parsing operator does not limit you to use literal strings only. You still can use variables with it. That operator expand environment variables in CMD syntax: %VariableName%. So you can assign required values to some environment variables and use them in command line:
curl.exe --% -H "Authorization: {\"apiKey\":\"ResetAPIKey,\"username\":\"admin\"}" -d "username=%Env_UserName%&email=%Env_Email%&firstName=%Env_FirstName%&lastName=%Env_LastName%" "http://URL:8080/v1/users/create"
Other variant will be to generate full arguments line, you want to pass to native application, and than pass it in single environment variable:
curl.exe --% %Env_Arguments%
Matt's answer with the call operator looks like it should work, but if it's not there's a similar alternative I've had good luck with before. Instead of passing your arguments as a string, you can pass them as an array and PowerShell will handle them correctly. In your case, it'd look something like this:
$arguments = #("-H", 'Authorization: {\"apiKey\":\"ResetAPIKey,\"username\":\"admin\"}', "-d", '"username=someUserName&email=somebody#domain.com&firstName=Joe&lastName=Friday"', 'http://URL:8080/v1/users/create')
& "curl.exe" $arguments

Build up a string to be passed to call operator

I need to build a string that is actually a command-line, and then execute the contents of that command-line. I'd hoped the call operator (&) would help, but it appears not. Here is a simple contrived example. The following works as expected, it pings a website:
$command = "ping"
$website = "www.bbc.co.uk"
& $command $website
however if I change it to this:
$command = "ping"
$website = "www.bbc.co.uk"
$cmd = "$command $website"
& $cmd
I get an error:
The term 'ping www.bbc.co.uk' is not recognized as the name of a
cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program.
Is there a way to dynamically build up a command-line as a string, and then execute it?
Yes, but you need to use Invoke-Expression (which is just like eval), instead of the call operator. Note that you also need to ensure that all your quoting is correct in that case. E.g.
$cmd = "'$command' '$website'"
would work in your trivial example, unless $command or $website contained single quotes. The problem here is essentially that everything you put into the string is subject to the usual parsing rules of PowerShell.
Generally, if you can, stay as far away from Invoke-Expression as you can. There are a few problems that need it, but invoking external programs ... not so much.
A much better alternative, especially if you have an arbitrary number of arguments, is to just collect the arguments in an array and use the splat operator (note the # in the code example below):
$command = 'ping'
$arguments = '-t','www.bbc.co.uk'
&$command #arguments
This ensures that arguments are properly quoted when necessary and generally avoids a lot of headaches you're going to get with Invoke-Expression.
(Side note: Whenever you have a problem in PowerShell and think »Oh, I'm just going to use a string«, it's often time to rethink that. This includes handling file names, or command lines. PowerShell has objects, reducing it to the capabilities of earlier shells just yields the same pain you have elsewhere too, e.g. multiple levels of escaping, sometimes with different syntaxes, etc. And most of the time there are better ways of solving the problem.)