Zbar is not scanning small barcodes on ipod touch.why? - iphone

I am having trouble reading small QR codes with ZBar using ipod. It seems I cannot get it to scan in 7mm x 7mm codes. Is this a configuration issue or a limitation of the ZBar library? I can scan these codes with other apps like pic2shop.
So,please tell me where i am mistaking.
Thank you.
ZBarReaderViewController *reader = [ZBarReaderViewController new];
reader.readerDelegate = self;
[reader.scanner setSymbology: ZBAR_I25
to: 0];
reader.cameraOverlayView.frame=CGRectMake(0, 0, 320, 460);
reader.readerView.allowsPinchZoom = YES;
reader.readerView.backgroundColor=[UIColor clearColor];
reader.wantsFullScreenLayout = YES;
[reader.readerView setScanCrop:(CGRect){ { 0.125, 0 }, { 0.75, 1} }];
[self.view addSubview:reader.view];
ZBarCaptureReader *cap=[[ZBarCaptureReader alloc]init];
cap.scanCrop=CGRectMake(10, 20, 100, 460);
[self presentModalViewController: reader animated: YES];
[reader release];

2 years later = There are issues with the resulting image size that Z Bar can work with. In particular as per documentation you need a minimum of 3 pixels per module (black or white stripe) so the image size needs to be bigger to scan properly. I had this issue in my iPad 2 which can read the barcode using the front camera but cannot read it with the rear camera (which produces grainy photos as well , this is contrary to the published camera specs for the iPad 2 which list the rear camera as the better of the 2 - I believe the specs were switched at some point in time). With Large QR Codes I need an iPhone 4S or iPhone 5 to scan properly and the videoQuality need to be set to high from the default VGA.
To remedy the problem above:
I would first try to remove the setScancrop line and initially start with the default (full screen) and capture as much of the barcode as possible. In particular CGRect values refer to origin (x,y) and size(width,length). I understand specifying {0,0}, {1.1} defaults to the full screen ((0,0),(320,480)) for iPhone 4GS, 4. 4s and old iTouch gen 3-4.
The next thing I will try is to use the ZBarReaderView class which takes manual still shots with higher resolution than the other class which gets the images from the video feed. the relevant parameters in this case is maxscansize, zoom, max zoom which are active in this mode but not in the other class.


How to put a square bracket on ZBarReaderView?

I am developing a qrcode scanner and I am using ZBarSdk for that. I am able to successfully reading all the qrcode and parsing them into meaningful information. While watching some of the example I found that ZBarReaderViewController can place a image while scanning mimicking the scan area. They are using the cameraOverlay feature for the the same, however I am not finding the same for ZBarReaderView. How can I put an image on the scan surface?
I could have used the ZBarReaderViewController however my app is designed in such a manner that if I use ZBarReaderViewController, I will face issue in modalviewcontroller present so I am badly in need of cameraoverlay with ZBarReaderView. Below is the link where I got to know about the cameraOverlayView feature for ZBarReaderViewController.
Is it possible to put a square bracket for the focus when the camera appears in the ZBar SDK?
I made it with the below code, after initializing the ZBarReaderView:
UIImage *ivg = [UIImage imageNamed:#"green.png"];
UIImageView *bh = [[UIImageView alloc]initWithFrame:CGRectMake(x, y, height, width)];
bh.image = ivg;
[self.view addSubview:bh];

iOS Video: More than 4 simultaneous AVAssetReaders possible?

I would like to render multiple H264 mp4 videos on multiple views at the same time. Target is to read about 8 short videos, each at a size of 100x100 pixels and let them display their content on multiple positions on the screen, simultaneously.
Imagine 24 squares on the screen, each showing one video out of pool of 8 videos.
MoviePlayer doesn't work, for it's only showing one fullscreen video. An AVPlayer with multiple AVPlayerLayers is limited, because only the most-recently-created Layer will show it's content on screen (according to the documentation and my testing).
So, i wrote a short video class and created an instance for every .mp4 file in my package, using AVAssetReader to read it's content. On update, every videoframe is retreived converted to an UIImage and displayed, according to the video's framerate. Furthermore, these images are cached for a fast access on looping.
- (id) initWithAsset:(AVURLAsset*)asset withTrack:(AVAssetTrack*)track
self = [super init];
if (self)
NSDictionary* settings = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:[NSNumber numberWithInt:kCVPixelFormatType_32BGRA], (NSString*)kCVPixelBufferPixelFormatTypeKey, nil];
mOutput = [[AVAssetReaderTrackOutput alloc] initWithTrack:track outputSettings:settings];
mReader = [[AVAssetReader alloc] initWithAsset:asset error:nil];
[mReader addOutput:mOutput];
BOOL status = [mReader startReading];
return self;
- (void) update:(double)elapsed
CMSampleBufferRef buffer = [mOutput copyNextSampleBuffer];
if (buffer)
UIImage* image = [self imageFromSampleBuffer:sampleBuffer];
Actually this works pretty well, but only for 4 videos. The fifth one never shows up. First I thought of memory issues, but I tested it on the following devices:
iPhone 3GS
iPhone 4
iPad 2
I had the same behaviour on each device: 4 videos playing in a smooth loop, no differences.
If it would have been a memory issue, I would have expect at least either the iPad 2 to show 5 or 6 videos (due to it's better hardware) or the 3GS to show only 1 or a crash somewhere.
The simulator shows all videos, though.
Debugging on the device shows, that
BOOL status = [mReader startReading];
returns false for video 5,6,7 and 8.
So, is there some kind of hardware setting (or restriction) that doesn't allow more than 4 simultaneous AVAssetReaders? Because, I can't really explain this behaviour. I don't think that all devices have the exact same amount of video memory.
Yes, iOS has an upper limit on the number of videos that can be decoded at one time. While your approach is good, I don't know of any way to work around this upper limit as far as having that many h.264 decoders active at once. If you are interested, please have a look at my solution to this problem, this is an xcode project called Fireworks. Basically, this demo shows decoding a bunch of alpha channel videos to disk, then each one is played by mapping a portion of the video files into memory. This approach makes it possible to decode more than 4 movies at the same time without using up all the system memory and without running into the hard limit of the number of h.264 decoder objects.
Have you tried creating separate AVPlayerItems based on the same AVAsset for each AVPlayerLayer?
Here's my latest iteration of a perfectly smooth-scrolling collection view with real-time video previews (up to 16 at a time):
It even uses a cover flow custom layout and "reflection" view that mirrors the video preview perfectly. The source code is here:

iphone OS 4.0- issues in displaying higher resolution images

I am using the new Retina display feature of ios 4.0 in my iphone application.
I added the images for higher resolution with the naming convention as image#2x.png to my existing image folder.
eg. I am adding the image in the following way:
UIImageView *toolBarBg=[[UIImageView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0,0,320,88) ];
NSString *toolBarBgImgPath=[[[NSBundle mainBundle]resourcePath]stringByAppendingPathComponent:#"bg_btm_bar.png"];
[toolBarBg setImage:[UIImage imageWithContentsOfFile:toolBarBgImgPath]];
I am having the image named "bg_btm_bar#2x.png" in my image folder as well.
But when I am running my application it is not taking the higher res image.
I am not understanding that how to make the application use the higher res image.
Please help me out!
Use imageNamed: instead of imageWithContentsOfFile:

How do I test a camera in the iPhone simulator?

Is there any way to test the iPhone camera in the simulator without having to deploy on a device? This seems awfully tedious.
There are a number of device specific features that you have to test on the device, but it's no harder than using the simulator. Just build a debug target for the device and leave it attached to the computer.
List of actions that require an actual device:
the actual phone
the camera
the accelerometer
real GPS data
the compass
push notifications...
I needed to test some custom overlays for photos. The overlays needed to be adjusted based on the size/resolution of the image.
I approached this in a way that was similar to the suggestion from Stefan, I decided to code up a "dummy" camera response.
When the simulator is running I execute this dummy code instead of the standard "captureStillImageAsynchronouslyFromConnection".
In this dummy code, I build up a "black photo" of the necessary resolution and then send it through the pipelined to be treated like a normal photo. Essentially providing the feel of a very fast camera.
CGSize sz = UIDeviceOrientationIsPortrait([[UIDevice currentDevice] orientation]) ? CGSizeMake(2448, 3264) : CGSizeMake(3264, 2448);
UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions(sz, YES, 1);
[[UIColor blackColor] setFill];
UIRectFill(CGRectMake(0, 0, sz.width, sz.height));
UIImage *image = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext();
NSData *imageData = UIImageJPEGRepresentation(image, 1.0);
The image above is equivalent to a 8MP photos that most of the current day devices send out. Obviously to test other resolutions you would change the size.
I never tried it, but you can give it a try!
Nope (unless they've added a way to do it in 3.2, haven't checked yet).
I wrote a replacement view to use in debug mode. It implements the same API and makes the same delegate callbacks. In my case I made it return a random image from my test set. Pretty trivial to write.
A common reason for the need of accessing the camera is to make screenshots for the AppStore.
Since the camera is not available in the simulator, a good trick ( the only one I know ) is to resize your view at the size you need, just the time to take the screenshots. You will crop them later.
Sure, you need to have the device with the bigger screen available.
The iPad is perfect to test layouts and make snapshots for all devices.
Screenshots for iPhone6+ will have to be stretched a little ( scaled by 1,078125 - Not a big deal… )
Good link to a iOS Devices resolutions quick ref : http://www.iosres.com/
Edit : In a recent project, where a custom camera view controller is used, I have replaced the AVPreview by an UIImageView in a target that I only use to run in the simulator. This way I can automate screenshots for iTunesConnect upload. Note that camera control buttons are not in an overlay, but in a view over the camera preview.
The #Craig answer below describes another method that I found quite smart - It also works with camera overlay, contrarily to mine.
Just found a repo on git that helps Simulate camera functions on iOS Simulator with images, videos, or your MacBook Camera.

iPhone Dev: big png sequences cause crash?

I'm building an app which includes a number of image sequences (5 sequences with about 80 images each). It runs nicely in the iPhone simulator, but causes my iPhone to reboot when I test it. By the way, each png image is about 8k in size.
Has anyone successfully built a similar app?
Am I using too many resources for the iPhone to handle?
Thanks to all for you answers! I've modified my code to use [UIImage imageWithContentsOfFile:] instead of [UIImage imageNamed:]
However I'm still unable to prevent the app from crashing my iPhone.
(please note that my pngs are not that big about 400x400px / 8k)
Does anyone have any suggestions?
Here's my code:
// code snippet:
myFrames = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:maxFrames];
NSMutableString *curFrame;
num = 0;
// loop (maxframes = 80)
for(int f = 1; f < maxFrames+1; f++)
curFrame = [NSMutableString stringWithString:tName];
if(f < 10) [curFrame appendString:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"00%i",f]];
else if(f>9 && f<100) [curFrame appendString:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"0%i",f]];
else [curFrame appendString:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%i",f]];
UIImage *img = [UIImage imageWithContentsOfFile: [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:curFrame ofType:#"png"]];
if(img) [myFrames addObject:img];
[img release];
// animate the images!
self.animationImages = myFrames;
self.animationDuration = (maxFrames * .05); // Seconds
[self startAnimating];
The best way to find out is to run the application under Instruments using Leaks or Object Alloc. If you see an upward trend that keeps rising, you might have a leak.
If you're using [UIImage imageNamed:], you should be aware that it pre-caches an optimized version which takes up more memory when compared with [UIImage imageWithContentsOfFile:]. Additionally, until iPhone 3.0, the cache created by [UIImage imageNamed:] doesn't get released when there's a memory warning.
The current-gen iPhone only has 128MB of ram, some of which is used by the OS itself. A 320x480 image fully uncompressed with an alpha channel can take 614k. If you have 400 unique images that are full screen, that's well over 128MB of ram, assuming it is loaded up and cached uncompressed.
The number one reason why an app would not crash on the simulator but on the phone would be memory
On the iphone simulator AFAIK the memory is not limited to 128Mb while on the iphone once it reaches 128Mb it restarts. So check your memory usage on the simulator. You have to change the way you are loading the images and or check for leaks. Also check if your getting low memory warnings by implementing the methods (I forgot what they are called :()
I've seen apps run in the simulator and not on the phone because of improper PNG formatting (even a single improperly formatted image can cause this crash). Check to make sure that the format of your images matches those of PNG files provided by apple in their example apps.
That being said 400 full screen images would easily cause it to run out of memory as in memory they will occupy far more than the 8kb. Not sure how big those images are, but if they're all in memory they will need to be very, very small on the iPhone.
The first answer to your question states that while your PNGs may take up only 8K on disk, that is the compressed on-disk form. When it is loaded into memory, it is decompressed and is much larger than 8K. At 32-bits per pixel, a 400x400 image will be 640K.
Even without the alpha channel, you're looking at 480K. 480K x 80 frames, that is 38.4MB, which is definitely creeping into using more memory than the iphone has available to give your app at once. Here is an article about some of the troubles with obtaining a substantial about of memory from the iPhone OS.