GRAILS + ECLIPSE - eclipse

I wanna add Grails plugin for my SDK Eclipse 3.5.2. I try Install New Software using this repo; but it gives an error. How can I do that?

In the window where you have chosen what you want to install and it begins the install it checks dependencies and other things. In your case you have chosen two conflicting Java installs.
Java Development Tools Core 3.5.2.v_981_R35x
Java Development Tools Core 3.5.1.v_972_R35x
uncheck the v_972 and go with the higher release.


spring development - with or without eclipse + checking eclipse version

Several tutorials mention that you can download spring in a tarball
and install it on your computer but when I go to the springsource
site all I can see is that you can download Spring Tool Suite
which is an eclipse plugin. So my questions are:
What if I wanted to work from the command line or an IDE other than eclipse?
The packages are available for Juno 3.8.2 or Juno 3.4.2, but how can I find
out my eclipse version? I've downloaded the most frequently downloaded version
of eclipse which is the one for Java EE developers but when I click on the Help
-> About entry I get:
Version: Juno Service Release 2
Build id: 20130225-0426
which does not match the eclipse versions on the springsource site 3.8.2 or 3.4.2,
so how do I know which plugin I need?
You can find out your Eclipse version by going to Help -> About Eclipse...
In the dialog that pops up, you will see something like:
Version 4.2.2
Version 3.8.2
If you downloaded the most commonly downloaded version, then you most likely have 4.2.2. The "Juno" release actually has distributions built for both 3.8.x and 4.2.x (a little complicated and confusing, I know). So, you should be able to install the Juno version of STS and be fine no matter what which version of Juno Eclipse you have.
Your question is not very clear. I thought you were asking about how to install STS, but maybe you are asking about whether or not Eclipse is necessary at all. The answer is that of course, Eclipse is not necessary for Spring development, but it really is the easiest way to develop your spring apps (disclaimer, I am on the STS dev team).
There is no single way to just "downlaod the SpringFramework" because the framework is really just a very large set of jar files and their dependencies. Any single project typically only requires a subset of them as well as requiring other third party dependencies. For this reason, most people prefer working with a build tool like gradle or maven.
Probably the easiest way to get started w/o STS is to clone one of the sample projects from github. A list of the templates are available here: which is obvioulsy meant to be consumed from inside of STS. But, you can use the file to grab links to the various github projects.
The Springsource Tool Suite (STS) is not required for developing with Spring. If the question is how you would install the STS, that's actually very easy. In Eclipse 3.7 (Indigo) or 3.8, 4.2 (Juno), click on the Help menu and select Eclipse Marketplace. If its not in the inital screen, use the find box type spring and click go which should bring up the the STS with the version of eclipse it is for in the title. Click install and the correct version and its dependencies will be installed for you. Try to use the eclipse marketplace for all the plugins you install, if possible. It makes things much simpler

How can I upgrade from Eclipse Java SE version to Eclipse for Java EE via Eclipse?

I downloaded Eclipse plain Java version and now I realize that I need of Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers distribution.
I'm new in Eclipse world and I would to know if it is possible (and how) to install Java EE plugins via Eclipse.
There is a thread in ServerFault that shows how to install the Java EE pluggins for Eclipse Java EE plugin for Eclipse IDE
Additionally you can:
Help -> Install new software.
Pick the Mars (or the version you have downloaded such as Luna, Kepler, etc) repository
At the bottom there are install options Java EE Development
To get all of the features of the Java EE edition of Eclipse, there are several packages that need to be installed. This page lists all of the packages that are included in the current Java EE version of Eclipse. If you want all of the features of the Eclipse for Java EE developers, go to Help --> Install New Software..., select the update site for your version (e.g. Kepler) from the dropdown menu, and select the checkbox for each item listed on the above page that is not already installed.
You'll probably find the 'getting started guides' here helpful.
You probably will need to download the plug-in. The easiest way to do this would be to:
go to Help -> Install new software.
Pick the Galileo(Change accordingly) repository
All the way at the bottom there are install options for 'Web, XML, and JaveEE Development
... also this is better suited for SO
follow this
Eclipse 3.3 or earlier, it is NOT possible to upgrade the Eclipse platform itself, only its features. So, you could for example upgrade the CVS feature or the PDE feature from 3.2.0 to 3.2.1, but not eclipse.exe itself.
Upgrading other features (like CDT, PDT, WTP...) can be done without the need to download a new platform binary, but because many projects align very closely (eg., the Eclipse 3.2 / Callisto or Eclipse 3.3 / Europa release trains) you will likely need to upgrade the Eclipse platform as well.

How do I determine the update site/source of an installed Eclipse plugin?

How do I determine the update site/source of an installed Eclipse plugin?
For example, in one of my development versions of Eclipse I have the plugin org.hamcrest.library. From Help - About Eclipse - Installation Details - Plug-ins I can determine that the provider is, but is it possible to determine the feature or update site from where it came so I can install this in a separate version of Eclipse I have?
All third-party open source bundles that are used by Eclipse are managed by Orbit project. You can install them from Orbit Repository.

how to move the eclipse development platforms into one on ubuntu

i have eclipse
Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers
Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Developers
Eclipse for PHP Developers
Pulsar for Mobile Java Developers
but how can i merge them and have a single interface just by changing perspective rather as if i have installed them from the update site as a plug-in can i just move all the files from each of them and put them in the plugins folder that is found in
a#a $ ~/.eclipse/org .../plugins
I think the best solution is to start from a clean installation and install components from the UI of this install. You can for example install first
Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers
and then install the 2 other ones using the Help -> Install new Software menu.
The main goal of this solution is about dependencies. The install software action (using P2 internally) will manage dependencies for you. The copy solution you mentioned should result in dependencies not resolved and difficult to identify.

Developing on Eclipse 3.4, running on Eclipse 3.3

I'm developing an Eclipse plug-in, based on a bunch of core Eclipse plug-ins like SWT, JDT, GEF and others.
I need my plug-in to be compatible with Eclipse 3.3, since many potential customers are still using it. However, personally I like the new features in Eclipse 3.4 and would like to use it for my development. This means I need PDE to reference 3.3 code and, when debug, execute a 3.3 instance.
Any tips on how this can be achieved?
You can change the 'Target platform' setting to point to the location of an existing set of eclipse 3.3 plugins. This will compile your code against the 3.3 plugins, making sure that they stay compatible no matter which version of eclipse you are using to develop the application.
The setting is under Window->Preferences->Plug-in development->Target Platform
What Barak said. See also this topic on Eclipse help:
Note also:
the default target platform is your Eclipse install
your dev environment should be at least as recent as the target platform (i.e. you cannot use 3.3 as dev environment and target 3.4)
this also allows you to develop against plug-ins you don't have in your development Eclipse install.
And is it no way how to develop plugin for newer palfrom? Eg.: develop new plugin for 3.5 into 3.4...